I'm not at Pokey just yet. I'm at the lab before the Pokey games and NK Cyborg.
I really didn't like Tomato changing Fassad's name. I really liked Youkuba myself (and New Youk City...).
Anyways, back on topic, the volcano was really easy, though I was really a bit wastefull with PP. Almost every battle I used a beta PSI or Lifeup. Having some red charms (like wool sweaters and rubber coats, but better defencive capabilities) really helped there. I never buy food items, but save it up for better equipment. By Miracle Youkuba (I will never call him Fassad by my choice), I had a good amount of HP left and enough PP to make it by.
Don't know why I strugled with the other two. Barrier trio was due to low HP and PP and Steel Gorila was due to bad equipment. MM was also due to a lack of HP (didn't know Ionia would restore my stuff).