So, since the DH is effectively dead and I can't post in there anyways, we'll have this here.
Possibly the most profound question we ask ourselves is that old favorite-
"What is the purpose of life?"
Some would give a religious answer; they're covered. Some would say that there is no point; why would they even be reading this? Many, however, say (or would say, if they could articulate it) that the point of life is to maximize one's felicity. This is the view that I take. With this in mind- why do we follow ethical and moral codes? The answer, in my mind, is that doing so makes no sense.
Certainly society would cease to function if everyone took this view, but I'm not interested in the whole of society except inasmuch as it contributes to my felicity, and while attitudes like mine would cause it to break down, it's impossible that that would happen in my lifetime, so I'm covered. Obviously, I don't tell this to people I know IRL, because they'd call me a douchebag (and be right) and then shun me/harm me. Felicity lowered. However, it increases my felicity to divulge the details of my evil (literally) plot to INTERNET PEOPLE.
So; if one keeps up all pretenses of respectability, but is not afraid to lie, cheat, steal, and generally do harm to others in intelligent ways, the rewards of which outweigh the risks substantially, would one not be happier? Unless some "conscience" is inherent in being human, I doubt it. I have worked hard to eradicate my own conscience in the interests of pursuing MAXIMUM FELICITY, and it's worked out well so far. I've never heard this position articulated before, but I suspect that a less-fancy version of it lies within the brain of the common crook, and that others who don't let on what they're doing take this view as well; they're my fellow cancers on society. What do you guys think? Is it the way to go?
Possibly the most profound question we ask ourselves is that old favorite-
"What is the purpose of life?"
Some would give a religious answer; they're covered. Some would say that there is no point; why would they even be reading this? Many, however, say (or would say, if they could articulate it) that the point of life is to maximize one's felicity. This is the view that I take. With this in mind- why do we follow ethical and moral codes? The answer, in my mind, is that doing so makes no sense.
Certainly society would cease to function if everyone took this view, but I'm not interested in the whole of society except inasmuch as it contributes to my felicity, and while attitudes like mine would cause it to break down, it's impossible that that would happen in my lifetime, so I'm covered. Obviously, I don't tell this to people I know IRL, because they'd call me a douchebag (and be right) and then shun me/harm me. Felicity lowered. However, it increases my felicity to divulge the details of my evil (literally) plot to INTERNET PEOPLE.
So; if one keeps up all pretenses of respectability, but is not afraid to lie, cheat, steal, and generally do harm to others in intelligent ways, the rewards of which outweigh the risks substantially, would one not be happier? Unless some "conscience" is inherent in being human, I doubt it. I have worked hard to eradicate my own conscience in the interests of pursuing MAXIMUM FELICITY, and it's worked out well so far. I've never heard this position articulated before, but I suspect that a less-fancy version of it lies within the brain of the common crook, and that others who don't let on what they're doing take this view as well; they're my fellow cancers on society. What do you guys think? Is it the way to go?
Am I trolling? Now, why would I tell you that? Your uncertainty brings me greater felicity yet. Muahahahaha.