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Monty Python's Flying Mafia - SCUM VICTORY, Vult/Doop win the game!

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Dinsdale Piranha, town FBI Agent. My role explicitly says that Spiny Norman is "after me". This lines up with the skit I got. I can check one player each night and find out whether they are Spiny Norman. Investigated Ran N1, and didn't get anything back. I inquired, and eventually got confirmation that I got "no results". Checked Nabe N2, no result.

role doesn't explicitly say the Spiny Norman is indy... it's just that my role name implies it. I assumed I was roleblocked N1 but honestly given that no one claimed this character, he is either anti-town or not in this game. Also I doubt a 9-player game has an indy. So my guess is my entire role is a red herring.

what i find interesting is that Nabe's role (according to him) gave him wacky results... whereas I got none at all. Which means that he's either lying or I am a fake and I've been rb'd both nights.

fon't buy it
^ crumb

going to reiterate that I would prefer Ran or Ryu claiming next

also i'm going to mention that I find it interesting that some players we given skits as flavor names and others were given specific characters. probably means nothing though....

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
oh because someone will ask. I picked ran N1 because I figured he would survive the night and and mafia would more likely target someone more town (like... me <___<), and because I figured he would make it far if he were indy.

Picked Nabe n2 because I figured a vig would have shot him n1 if there were one so he probably wasn't going anywhere. But I already figured my role was fake at that point because of Spak's flip so I wasn't expecting anything.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Dooplissity Dooplissity I will respond to you when I claim my role, reads and all. I want you going next. I will claim after you.


Jul 15, 2011
Twilight Town
1-shot vig, I can whack people with my chicken.

Fired at Nabe N1, because he was suspicious and him hinting at vigilante didn't sit right with me for obvious reasons. I didn't figure out I was probably fake until Spak flipped, so I fired again at Nabe last night to confirm and he's still here. According to the mod, I still have my shot.

Given that A: vigilante in a 9p is weird as is and B: i haven't been able to kill anyone, I think I'm probably not a real vigilante.

Ran, you better have damn good reasoning for why we're letting RR claim last.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I am Lancelot, 1 shot Vigilante. I think I'm also Fake. N1, I targetted Fandango, but it seems I went out on an adventure and accidentally killed people in a barmitzah. My shot was returned to me, and I tried again N2, targeting Vult. This time, I stabbed the wrong person. The scene depicted in my role pm is the one where Sir Lancelot comes to save the prince who he thought was a princess asking for help. He stabs over 20 people in that scene. So, D2 I openly stated I was confused, but I did not say it was because of my action. Spak fed me the line about Gheb and I went with that at the time. Although, I was surprised Gheb flipped town after not fighting that hard for his lynch. Yet, time passed by and my reaction was more at the recent absence of a dead Fandango. This failure N1 was the reason why I wanted to massclaim, and also because Gheb flipped as a real role cop, which would helped us and the setup immensely. I tried again to see if it would work the second time, and of course, Vult is still alive. I noticed Nabe saying he'd shoot me, but from that moment I knew he was not telling the truth, but I could not glean what his agenda was there. I did not target him because I hoped he was a vt trying to draw a night kill, yet nothing both nights. I also feel that it was only a ploy to make his 'push' on me seem stronger when it was all hot air.

Now on my thoughts on D2. D2 I was pushing Spak, but as he was L-2, he was executed. Obviously, it seems the execute was scumsided, and I feel it's pretty powerful without any knowledge of the other PR that we may have in town. It didn't allow me to continue to develop my read on Spak and others. I would expect a townie to be more transparent with their kill. Plus, why not let the wagon continue? It was only Me, Ryu, and Vult on Spak. (Ryu in spirit) Doop was still pushing Nabe, and I think he was going to discuss Nabe even further. Spak also said he could possibly clear someone else, and scum possibly wanted to prevent that from happening. Since Spak seemed to have a majority of support, I would assume scum may have acted defensively and optimally (to avoid a clear being stated) yet Spak was fake, so he didn't have anyone to actually find. This is only speculation, as I don't really know why it happened, but it's my thoughts on it at the moment.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

Ryu, his beginning was good. His questioning was good, I was only concerned with him not really giving reads as soon as he could. It seemed like I hit him out of no where with the question for reads, as if he wasn't actually looking for conclusions. He was busy, and it seemed to me as if he was lurking due to pressure and not knowing what to say. Yet, I was wrong, as his reaction didn't seem like scum to me. I did not like the hop on Gheb, though. (Which was only a gut read) He supported a wagon on Spak, my scum read on D2, so I could see where he was going that day before it was pre-maturely ended. I read him as slightly townie, especially because of his question to me about why I wanted to massclaim. That doesn't seem like something that'd come from scum.

Nabe - Scum-lean. His D1 consists of making distractions from actual meaningful things. He isn't doing anything, and blows things out of proportion to seem like he is doing something, which only serves to make him null. He's playing to being null. He has not given reads, instead he's been lending his vote to others, like Vult and myself. His argument with me shows he isn't actually listening, and is only trying to force an issue out of thin air. Has a problem with me not responding after saying I'm done with the distracting discussion, when he likes my #163 and does not talk to me about reads, something more meaningful then what we were talking about. I dislike his questioning to Spak while I have yet to make a conclusion on Fandango. I also dislike him devaluing the legitimate discussion I had as 'semantics'.

Vult - Scumlean. His early game is omgusing me (he said he had a townlean on me and then backtracks because of reaching) I dislike that he stated he town reads me but might scumread me the next day due to remembering something scummy (???) that I did. Just feels like trying to force a back and forth read on me when he has no ammo to use on me. His #171 is the start of his Gheb push, which is actually just agreeing with Fandango. Yet, Gheb presents good reasoning, and Vult does not deliver a convincing case on Gheb scum after that fact. Yet, he states he has a really good feeling Gheb is scum in his #312. I just don't see where his confidence was stemming from, when Gheb seemed to had done better. His D2 he just voted Nabe as a morning place holder (that is what it seems to me) and swung to Spak when I asked him to join. Afterwards the day was prematurely ended so I could not glean much else from him or others D2. So, I do not think he tried hard enough to find scum, and did not try to convince others of a Gheb lynch. The Gheb lynch wasn't really one that anyone argued for, only a few posts about his reactions, but not outlining his whole play.

Doopless, again, is still pretty townie to me. My only concern was the Fandango read, but overall, I like his play and his pushes. I disagree with his decrease in his Ryu Town read, simply for Ryu giving a town read on him. (I think that's just null, can't expect him to push you to show it's a genuine read) Again, his D1 play makes sense from a town perspective, lookin for scum, re-evaluates his reads, and pushing Nabe with a genuine interest to nab scum. I don't know his read on Vult at the moment, but I'd like to discuss that with him.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

His first insistence of Doop being town. I don't think it's strong enough reasoning to keep a strong, unwavering town read on Doop.

jic anyone asks the only player i really like atm is doopliss and i need him to come back so we can turn up the heat on somebody.

i mildly dislike gheb, fand, RR, and spak. i liked Nabes until he reduced an (imo) legit argument into "semantics". i like Ran today but tomorrow i will probably remember something scummy that he did and dislike him again. Kouse hasn't given me enough to work with.
I dislike the red, seems like Vult trying to force a back and forth read on me without any actual evidence to what he is saying.


His #171 is the start of his Gheb push, which is actually just agreeing with Fandango.

he's a scumbag who made up a read to appease the town and we caught him being unable to back it up
This post seems fake, it seems as though he has a scum read on Ryu but yet he doesn't support it anymore, and then goes against this.

gheb's play reminds me a lot of Earthbound Mafia where we had each other as mutually town.

i should clarify that i think gheb has given okay responses to most things i've brought up. for example, it's true that "well he's new, so we shouldn't look his Kouse's behavior at the same level as the other players" is really the only argument for keeping Kouse (at best he is dead weight). However, it's a really good reason (imo) in this case. Gheb really looking at specifics/facts rather than the big picture... which I'm not convinced is what I should expect from town!gheb.
Tries to use meta which Gheb states is reaching. Underlined and red, he states Gheb had ok-ish responses, and tries to shoe horn that Gheb isn't looking at the big picture, which he 'doesn't expect from town gheb'... Gheb was wrong, but was town. I don't see how bringing up meta is convincing at all. This does not sound like Vult is confident in a gheb scum read to me.

ranmaru ranmaru i haven't fully read RR but i did see that he and I are/were on the same page regarding gheb. I also made the post yesterday partly to scarepressure gheb and partly to test if RR was going to follow through on a read that he posted... which he did. for those reasons i like him atm
I feel this is fake. He gives me his support by saying RR is a scumbag but now goes back on it saying he didn't fully read Ryu, and also tested RR with the post. I really can't accept that as a response to that.

i haven't caught up fully because you guys post too much (lookin at you Nabe) but i'm 90% sure I'm on board with a gheb wagon.
Shows he isn't involved and doesn't really try to interact and blames Nabe for the reason he won't post, and concludes Gheb is the wagon (when I'm pushing for Ryu).

but... i think ryu is town. unlike gheb's, his recent posts actually make sense.
I don't see why he says this, when above, he says that Gheb's responses were ok'ish. How does that compare with 'not making sense'? I feel this is only to make Gheb look worse while staying off Ryu.

vote: red ryu

tentative; more productive than my other vote gheb is giving me weird vibes which makes me not want to jump on the Fand wagon.
This seemed legit the time, but then gave reasoning, and seemed fine, and I stated as such. Yet Vult had nothing to press with.

on the other hand i have a really good feeling about gheb and his response to my last post makes me feel more confident
I don't get where this confidence is coming from, especially when he sees that Gheb responds alright, and only has 'Gheb isn't looking at the big picture and I don't expect that from TownGheb", which does not translate to a confident read on Gheb. This translates to fakeness to me. Especially saying *I have a really good feeling about gheb*. There is nothing that Gheb has shown that would give someone a really confident scum read.

Kousband (2) -
Spak, Gheb
Volt Redux (1) - Kousband
Gheb (5)- Fandandox, Red Ryu, Vult Redux, Dooplissity, Ranmaru

the NOT VOTING Vote Count
Let us take a look at this vote count. Now, I still think it's one scum on and one scum off. I'll put those I believe to be scum in red. I town read Doop and Red Ryu, and I don't think scum would both jump on the same wagon. I would expect that coming from aggressive players, and this town is a bit passive.

My lynch order:

Vult > Nabe. I am fine with going in reverse, but I feel this is the more optimal route to go. I urge people to look through my reasoning and quotes on Vult.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Dooplissity, I don't get why you have a problem with Ryu going last. You never suspected him?


Jul 15, 2011
Twilight Town
Dooplissity, I don't get why you have a problem with Ryu going last. You never suspected him?
No, but all of his townpoints came from early D1 - his late D1 play was scummy imo and D2 was too short to judge. I wasn't vehemently opposed to him claiming last, which is why I relented and claimed, but I had you as a strong townread and vult as a weak townread, so I saw no reason to have him go last. Didn't /you/ suspect him?

Vult's been a townread for me pretty much all game, albeit not strongly. Your #494 makes some very good points, esp wrt to his back-and-forth on Gheb's posts. Thinking back on it, a lot of Vult's townpoints came from him being on the same page as me reg. Gheb and Spak, but now that we know they're town, that really isn't worth the same.

I can't re-read in detail now because 4th, so expect that tomorrowish.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I remember for sure that "because ryu is a scumbag" post was a joke... I won't hold that against you though because there was another instance in this have iirc where my sarcasm didn't translate well to you.

Also I'm 99% sure there was a gheb post between "he has okay posts" and "gheb doesn't make sense" that explains why ny opinion shifted. I most likely referring to a more recent gheb post in my second post.

I'm on mobile so I can respond to more things tonight or tomorrow but those things jumped out in particular.

Dooplissity Dooplissity thoughts that Ran allegedly has the same role as you?

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Your #494 makes some very good points, esp wrt to his back-and-forth on Gheb's posts.

I can't re-read in detail now because 4th, so expect that tomorrowish.
uuuuuuh yeah you should reread that. I was definitely referring to different gheb posts at different times. <___<


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
#HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu can you go into reads and why you had the claim order you did?

Vult Redux Vult Redux I would not rely roles when most of them are fake. Why do you side with Doop over me? What did you think of my mindset with D2?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Dooplissity Dooplissity I did suspect him D1 but it was when he was pretty absent and not giving content. Once seeing Gheb flip I re-evaluated my reads, simple is all. Now I expect to see him give more reads.

I will say this execution seems OP and I wonder what we have to counter that.


Jul 15, 2011
Twilight Town
In retrospect I asked this too nicely. :V

Why the heck are you townreading each other
because this entire set-up is bull**** anyway

also, it makes sense flavor-wise - we're both knights from the monty python universe, but I'm from the skits and he's from the movie

@RR: Why would you jail him twice? There were far more opportune protection targets like myself and Ran.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I want to move this along fast and don't care to reveal that part.
I don't get why you wanted to get this moving fast if you did not really do anything after claiming. We are done massclaiming so we can move on, we are just waiting on Vult and you.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
because this entire set-up is bull**** anyway

also, it makes sense flavor-wise - we're both knights from the monty python universe, but I'm from the skits and he's from the movie

@RR: Why would you jail him twice? There were far more opportune protection targets like myself and Ran.
This is a load of crap.

Flavor shouldn't mean you are for sure town with each other. This is the kind of thing I would super punish players trying to use this mentality.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Also jailed Vult because I didn't care of Ran died n1, switched my target multiple times n2 trying to figure out where to go and Vult made the most sense to me.

At this rate I do know he didn't send out a night kill either night.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
My claim order had to do with the two I questioned more, Doop and Nabe, to actually claim so I could piece it together.

Vult I wanted to claim before me to see if it lined up with me jailing him twice, it did. Could he just be faking it? Maybe but it lines up and I more so second guess the double Vig claims.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Vult also was lower than ran because I thought he might be an executioner. Slightly but he has more to back it up so I find it to be less likely now.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Why did you question Doop and Nabe?
What is your read on me?
Why do you like Vult?

I have been patient. I was waiting for this massclaim to finish so we can talk reads. Nice that Doop is discussing my reads but you have yet to mention it.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Vult is basically a town clear at this point, unless he has Night communication with Ryu e.g. they're both scum. I don't think that's the case. I prompted Vult to respond since a fresh reaction would be nice, but it's not really relevant since his being town is the much stronger bet in a probable LyLo situation.

There hasn't been an SK reaction either, or anyone talking about the possibility as such, so at the very least no one feels threatened enough as scum to bring it up as a possibility, or (if there were an SK) voice opposition to the possibility. There's no scramble whatsoever, and the Kouse/ZV kill N1 suggests that scum is concerned about interactions and the maintenance of the social web, so all in all we can be pretty assured that it's two mafia, rather than 1+SK or 1+traitor.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
At this rate I do know he didn't send out a night kill either night.
that's what happens when you're town.

I'm still not clear on why you jailed me though. Your explanation is vague and Town Jailer is a great claim for a Mafia Roleblocker. Tell me more about that.

Vult Redux Vult Redux What implications does this have on the setup, for you?
it means I can't use "my role didn't work that way" logic to know that you're lying... I may very well have gotten strange results if I got to actually use my ability.

On the other hand, this doesn't confirm you town... I wouldn't be surprised if mafia were handed fake roles too.

it also means one of you could be mafia!Spiny Norman I guess.

Vult Redux Vult Redux I would not rely roles when most of them are fake. Why do you side with Doop over me?
I'm not really siding with him... especially not because of your claims which are on equal level imo. I just directly my question at him because I figured you would volunteer your opinion.

I'll be honest I was hoping that you and RR had actual real investigative information - the only good reason to insist on claiming last. I was willing to cooperate for that reason and now I feel duped.

I mean I guess RR confirms I'm not lying which is something. In your case though... it doesn't make sense
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