Banned via Administration
i found myself in a few brawl threads because of thisA crude, but easy and decently effective way of doing something like that is to copy the currently active users page from the forum index. For example,
Fly_Amanita, (Lux), *JuriHan*, -Darc-, -Doom-, -Ice-, -Joey-, -Vocal-, 2-DJeff, 2fast, 2link121, 4nace, A Pimp Named Slickback, A1lion835, ACCELERATE, Afropony, AGFanProduction, Alex Strife, Almo, Alphicans, Angbad, anivernage, Anomic_Punk, Asa, asianaussie, Atlus8, Atomic Yoshi, Atomsk_92, battousai555, BEHR, BetaBahamut, Bigleo55, bliu12, Bloodcross, BlueSamsara, booshk, BRLNK88, Brown., BunBun, bushidobrown, C.R.Z, CABC, Camonsters, canvasch, capncone, CaptainNanD0, CAPTAIN_FALCON23, ch33s3, Chef Fox, ChKn, Chronodiver Lokii, Chuee, CloudChaser071, Col. Stauffenberg, Cook, crawlshots, Croissant, Crusayer, Cryptic C62, DarkChris126, Darkmusician, Darkshadow96, Delta-cod, DelxDoom, Depster, Devil Ray, Dewp, dextasmurf, Diakonos, DiamondbodySharpshooter, Die !, DJayS, DJRome, DLA, DMG, Dr Peepee, DRDN, DrillbitSammy, dskank, DVC4011, Dwoobie, Eagleye893, Echo, Elletrico, ElNoNombreHombre, EnigmaticCam, Eor, ESAM, etecoon, Eternal Yoshi, Eval, Exalted, Excel_Zero, e_alert, F8AL, Faithkeeper, felipe_9595, FightAdamantEevee, finalark, Flawless Fan, Flayl, Forlorn., Fox_Rocks, Fuelbi, Gamegenie222, GameStation aka C4?!, GeneralWoodman, GERTY, Gichan, Gifts, GKInfinity, global-wolf, God-is-my-Rock, Gordito, Gordo Michael, Gova, Greene Archer, Grill, GrimFandango, Grump, GwJumpman, Hammabro, Havokbringer, Heartz, HollaAtchaBoy, Hotdog, Hot_ArmS, House, Huggles828, huMps, hungrybox, Hybrid Speed, IceArrow, iceman48, ihavespaceballs, iKiLLOTz, ILM, Impersonator, InferiorityComplex, ipitydatfu, iRJi, Itsnotmyfault, JBM falcon08, JCaesar, JCav, JediKnightTemplar, Jewjitsu24, Jimbo Slice, Jimmyfosho, Jon?, Jtails, jugfingers, kackamee, KageMurphy, Kappy, Karibola, Kawaii Poyo, KazeKira, KBizzle, Keep~, Kewkky, KillLock, kingosuper, Kirbyoshi, Kirikou Rung, Knubs., KORNNNNN~, Koru Barton, kr3wman, Kuares, Kuro~, KZEZ, Laijin, landogriffen, Leaf., Lee Martin, Light', Lobos, LooksLikePit, Lovage, Luigitoilet, L__, M, M3D, Maaaaaaaaaan, Majority, Mariabattleaxe, mariomariofan, MarsFool!, Master Xanthan, MasterWarlord, MattDotZeb, Maverick-Pro, MechWarriorNY, mentosman8, Merkuri, Metameme, MissingNo., Mister Eric, moogle, Mooo, Moozle, mr.fizwidget, Mr.Freeman, MrEh, MrsSaturnandWatch, Muhsoce, Muro, Nakamaru, Ndayday, nDie, Nicks, Nicole, Nike., Nitrix, NovaSmash, NyTeStRiDeR, Oath., Ocho(*8*), Oh So Steezy, OniTheWolf, Padô, Patriotic Zero (PTZR), Peach Masta, Pengie, Pikachugirl, Pink_Kirby, pPp Suspect, ProdigyA.K.A MVD, Pythag, Quill, R.T.K.O. (Rob-Totes-Kush-Often), R00R, R4VEN, Radium88, Ragnar0k, Rajam, Rave Remix, Redact, Reioumu, Rekneslon, Reyney, Rici, Ripple, Rizk18, RjPunch, Robfox, Rob_Gambino, RockCrock, Rockettrainer, Rockstar, rokimomi, Roller, Roo525, rPSI, Rumikun, s2j, sam007, san3711, Sanuzi, Sariku, sauc3, Seagull Man, Segtendo, Seifersythe, Sethlon, SETK15, Shade_, Shadic, Shinn`, Shoopman, Shroomed, skaterbaj, SkylerOcon, Sleek Media, slimjim, SlimNasty, smasher32, smasher4roy, Sold2, Sonic Storm, Sonic the Baron, sonicrocks44, SoniKupo, Spelt, SqLeon, StarLight, stealth3654, Steam, stek55, Stevo, stickman, SuPeRBLaCK, Supermodel From Paris, Surreal, Suuwo, Sworddancer., Sync., T-block, Takeover1806, tarextherex, Tcll, TCRhade, Tearbear, Technical_Chase, Technodeath, TeeVee, TehSqueeMistro, Tewx2, Th3 Frown, Th3 Sasuke, TKila, TOPIX, Trent, Turazrok, Underload, unknown522, urdailywater, Ussi, UsurperKingZant, VibeSlyph, ViciousEnd, victra, Vigilante, Viperdev, vVv ChiboSempai, vVv Rapture, vZakat, W.A.S.T.E., WassupJB, Wave⁂, WIGI, Wobot, WoodyWiggins, Wrath the Furious, WuP, wwwilliam0024, X1-12, Xatic, Xavier Rythos, xIblisx, XLR8TION, Yami 2b, Youko, Zatch., ZeldaRox!, zer0., Zero, Zero_Gamer, Zigsta, ZodiakLucien, Zone, _GrapE_, ~Infinity~, ~N9NE~, ~Nasty~, ~The Savage Nymph~, ~Twitch~
only works if they search their user name or if their user name is what everyone types/calls them
ie, i can't just name search macd anymore if someone did this or quotes my post in some other thread