A good Bowser beats you pretty easily.
I've had a lot of trouble with Link. If he spaces you out appropriately and uses those filthy tilts you'll probably just get bopped.
Pikachu is really irritating if they have a good knowledge of quick attack and stay under you.
Spacies are pretty much free. Resetting with F-tilt and F-Air is too easy.
- Only super good one I've fought is Odds and it seemed heavily in Bowser's favor if he uses armor properly. Then again, Odds was also the superior player. 60/40 Bowser
- Never had any trouble with Falcon. He's very easy to combo due to his weight. I'm also an old Falcon main so there's not a trick I haven't seen yet so maybe a little biased. 60/40 MK
- I'd say even. I don't feel overwhelmingly powerful or underwhelmingly weak. 50/50
- The only D3 I've had trouble with is Big D but again, he was the superior player. Feels 50/50 to me. Just be patient and space out F-tilt and give him the platform if he's on the edge. 50/50
- Never fought a super good one yet so no idea. I'd say in MK's favor though. Banana shenanigans hard to use on a guy with wings. 55/45 MK
- Really irritating match-up. Due to our surprisingly fat weight we're easily combo'd by ape. The new D-Air in 3.6 is REALLY nice for edge-guarding him though. 55/45 DK
- Really depends. I've fought some good Falco (and very laser heavy ones). I'd say if the MK is playing at the top of his game it's free though. He's very heavy and once you get at about mid-range he really has no option that beats F-tilt. 60/40 MK
- The only really good Fox I've fought is SW and even then I've not even played him in PM. Honestly no idea. 50/50 until further analysis
- Due to our weight we're very easily to combo by the Big Bad himself. However our blinding speed and the lovely F-tilt makes this match-up very nice. If he's on a platform he's meat. If he gets a grab though it doesn't look too good for us. 50/50
- Fairly irritating but not enough data to really know.
- Never really had trouble with any Ikes so far. Our neutral game easily outpaces his and Quickdraw really has never been a problem for me at least. I haven't fought an Ike at the level of say... Just or Ally but I almost always win this match-up. 60/40 MK
- Honestly never had trouble with an Ivysaur. Razor Leaf is really easy to deal with with multiple jumps. Mid-range game is about even I'd say. I personally think MK barely ekes ahead here. 55/45 MK
- Really easy to out-poke. Gimping MK isn't really an option and the only real option she has is Rest. If she misses Rest it's free. 60/40 MK
- Kirby has a ton of stuff that punishes MK quite handily and vice-versa, I have however only fought one decent Kirby. Pending for further analysis.
- The only decent Link I've fought bopped me quite handily. I really had no answer to any of his projectiles and when he spaced out his tilts I couldn't contest with anything. Up-B also VERY deadly against our recovery.
60/40 Link
- No data.
- No data.
- Irritating with Misfire's but that's about it. Our ground and air-game is superior and as Luigi always wants to be in the air it's easy pickings. 60/40 MK
- No data.
- Straight fifty fifty, everyone knows Marths tools so not going to elaborate. 50/50
- MK OP, please nerf. 100/0 MK
- I used to have a lot of trouble in this match-up. It seemed anything he threw out just completely bopped me. It still does. HOWEVER after learning a bit of patience this match-up is a breeze. Just dash dance and wait for him to do anything. Anything he does has extreme landing lag even with an L-cancel. Space out F-Air and it''s free. If he goes for key shenanigans just Up-tilt until he learns respect. Up smash is deadly but it's godlike against everyone so... eh. 55/45 MK
- Despise Ness. Everything he does easily combos MK due to our weight. If he hits Side-B expect to eat at least 35%. Back throw and Up throw both lethal against us. No real answer to Side-B. 70/30 Ness
- No data.
- No data.