The final point breakdown is as follows (total of 50):
Adherence to Prompt - 10 pts
Spelling and Grammar - 5 pts
Characterization - 10 pts
Style - 15 pts
Plot - 5 pts:
Theme - 5 pts:
The competition ends tomorrow at midnight, at which all the Mini topics will be closed. And because there are only six entrees, I'd expect that the judges should take no longer than a week with these. After the results of this contest are in, WWYP4 will begin!
Admittably, it would help the judge's understanding to actually hear the songs, but the final word is that I am not requiring the entrants to submit the song to the judges, not through links to youtube or otherwise. Most important is the lyrics and how closely those are followed. Sometimes the music is misleading. Ever hear the original "Mad World" (not the remake for Donny Darko)? The instrumentals are way too upbeat for the depressing lyrics. That can work for comedy or humor's sake (see: Of Montreal or Belle & Sebastian), but I'm more concerned with how you guys interpret the lyrics, how they speak to you. All I really ask for is consistency.
Scav, could you talk with bluezaft about the next prompt?