Sr. Community Manager, Smashboards Editor / Social
Miiverse Daily Pic Thread: 2nd Edition
Welcome to the 2nd edition of the Miiverse thread. This thread is for bringing up discussions relating to the many screenshots that Masahiro Sakurai posts on Miiverse every weekday. The discussions can involve speculation, predictions, and friendly debates.
- All posts and topics must stay within the Global Rules.
- Please stay on topic even while waiting for the next update. Instead take your discussions to the Smash 4 Social thread or, if it's specific character talk, to the Character Discussion thread.
- Please do not make Troll Updates.
Please enjoy the new Miiverse thread. For a summary of what is currently known about the new games check out the Officially Confirmed Thread.
Sakurai's Newest Screenshot

Daily Pic Notice: The image above uses the daily pic link ( Because the image for that link changes with every update, you should not use the daily pic link when posting the newest screenshot. Instead, you should either get a permanent link, via, Miiverse, or create one with an image hosting site, such as imgur. The reasoning for this is because if any users miss any of the screenshots, they could get very confused on what the image poster is talking about if a permanent link is not used.
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