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Miiverse Daily Pic Thread: 2nd Edition (Updated 9/19)

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Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Considering the Silver Bow is a recolored Palutena's Bow, it wouldn't be hard to have a Dark Pit alt color to wield it. The projectiles could also change color. Of course, Dark Pit using Palutena's Bow wouldn't be far fetched since he can use it in Uprising, but the Silver Bow is more iconic to him.

As for the Final Smash, well, many characters use moves they never used in the original games... Plus, considering Dark Pit's fight skills are the same as Pit's, who says he can't use the Three Sacred Treasures?
The only problem is that the Silver Bow's abilities are different. Iirc, its projectiles do more damage the closer you are to the opponent as opposed to the Palutena Bow, as well as something else that I've forgotten.

I'm aware of it. It just still seems weird. I guess it may happen. *shrug*


Smash Cadet
May 16, 2014
Well, I was going to ask, "Has anybody mentioned that this could be related to Dark Pit," but I have my answer.

I really hope Dark Pit is not his own character... only an alt costume.


The Kingpin of the Outer Rim
Jun 16, 2013
the total lack of DK, Kirby, and Star Fox stages after more than a year is kind of suspicious too.
TBH, since Gematsu is debunked, Im thinking the trailer reveal for K Rool (he's hotly debated but I think he's a lock. he's been a top requested character since melee!), as well as POTD reveals for Meta Knight and Falco will unveil new stages for their respective series. It is very suspicious
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Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2012
Dark pit would probably be like Fukua of smash if I made a comparison to something in terms of clones.
So entirely different specials but the exact same normals except for exactly 1 normal that is different?
And I hated him for all that as well! 15 year, and he still got away with this?
Ness should have used his own PSI moves and became physical!
Zelda should have not been playable at all!
...Greninja could have used water swords in his source material.
Really, I... ANYONE can created a moveset more unique and creative than Sakurai without botching the character.
Oh wait are you actually being serious? I would not have guessed that.

Ness using the PK abilities lets the PK moves from Earthbound get represented without randomly throwing in Paula or Poo in as a playable character. It made for an interesting moveset too.
Robin having dark magic represents the dark magic and fire emblem without having a random blackk mage(Tarja I guess?) as their own character and lets him match the 4 magic types of awakening with the 4 special moves. It fits really well.
The Godess spells make perfect sense for Zelda even if she doesn't use them in her own game, and why shouldn't Zelda be playable?
Also, Greninja could have used water swords in his source material? And there's also no reason in canon why Ness can't learn every PK/PSI spell, why Zelda can't learn the goddess spells, and why Tactician Robin can't learn dark magic(in fact, he can in canon! Several support conversations in Fire emlblem involve characters learning magic/weapons that their class can't learn. They just can't use them in gameplay) . They just never do in gameplay.
More accurate to character=/More creative, better, or more inspired moveset. Like you said, ANYONE could come up with a movelist for say Ness or Robin that stays very strictly confined to their in game abilities. You could make one, I could make one, a 5 year old with a crayon could make one, Sakurai could make one. Doesn't mean they want to, or that it's better. Even a lot of people who hate Sakurai are all for borrowed moves.

Sorry, got into a bit of a rant there.
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Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
So entirely different specials but the exact same normals except for exactly 1 normal that is different?

Oh wait are you actually being serious? I would not have guessed that.

Ness using the PK abilities lets the PK moves from Earthbound get represented without randomly throwing in Paula or Poo in as a playable character. It made for an interesting moveset too.
Robin having dark magic represents the dark magic and fire emblem without having a random blackk mage(Tarja I guess?) as their own character and lets him match the 4 magic types of awakening with the 4 special moves. It fits really well.
The Godess spells make perfect sense for Zelda even if she doesn't use them in her own game, and why shouldn't Zelda be playable?
Also, Greninja could have used water swords in his source material? And there's also no reason in canon why Ness can't learn every PK/PSI spell, why Zelda can't learn the goddess spells, and why Tactician Robin can't learn dark magic(in fact, he can in canon! Several support conversations in Fire emlblem involve characters learning magic/weapons that their class can't learn. They just can't use them in gameplay) . They just never do in gameplay.
More accurate to character=/More creative, better, or more inspired moveset. Like you said, ANYONE could come up with a movelist for say Ness or Robin that stays very strictly confined to their in game abilities. You could make one, I could make one, a 5 year old with a crayon could make one, Sakurai could make one. Doesn't mean they want to, or that it's better. Even a lot of people who hate Sakurai are all for borrowed moves.

Sorry, got into a bit of a rant there.
The funny part is, it seems as though he hasn't even played their respective games. How on Earth could you care if someone gets a move they don't ever use if you haven't played the game? You can reclass Robin to any class (but Lord), so she can learn Dark magic.

I'm pretty sure Sakurai has done this for every character in the game ever.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2014

I feel like my last three favorite veterans are locks (:popo::ness2::wario:) and I only genuinely care about one potential newcomer (Takamaru) at this point so now I'm mostly just interested in seeing the new stages. It's kind of weird how few we've seen in the grand scheme of things and how little we know about a good number of ones that have been revealed. I feel like there's more to Pyrosphere, Mario Galaxy, Kalos Pokemon League, and Palutena's temple than Sakurai lets on and the total lack of DK, Kirby, and Star Fox stages after more than a year is kind of suspicious too.
I guarantee Sakurai is saving the majority of WiiU stages for AFTER the 3ds release. I mean what else would he really be able to show off inbetween the releases. This is also why we haven't seen the WiiU version of Smash Run. Because he has to save WiiU content for after release. So looks like you have a long wait :p

So get ready for more character announcements/info,filler and 3ds stages.


Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
The smasher comes from the bottom of the arena
I guarantee Sakurai is saving the majority of WiiU stages for AFTER the 3ds release. I mean what else would he really be able to show off inbetween the releases. This is also why we haven't seen the WiiU version of Smash Run. Because he has to save WiiU content for after release. So looks like you have a long wait :p

So get ready for more character announcements/info,filler and 3ds stages.
Sakurai said that Smash Run was 3ds exclusive, but the console version will probably will have extra modes to make up for it.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 29, 2014
Robin seems to have a lot of new mechanics, continuing the trend of a bunch of really fresh newcomers. I hope a few unconfirmed veterans got revamped with little mechanic changes too to help keep them interesting as well.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2014
Sakurai said that Smash Run was 3ds exclusive, but the console version will probably will have extra modes to make up for it.
That's why I said the WiiU VERSION of Smash Run. Not that Wii U would get Smash Run. I should have clarified better though :)


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2012
The funny part is, it seems as though he hasn't even played their respective games. How on Earth could you care if someone gets a move they don't ever use if you haven't played the game? You can reclass Robin to any class (but Lord), so she can learn Dark magic.

I'm pretty sure Sakurai has done this for every character in the game ever.
Actually, Sakurai specifically said in the latest famitsu article that he played Awakening from start to finish, and he seems to be a big fire emblem fan in general, and he seems to play every Nintendo game he can possibly find time for. I'm pretty sure the he can't use this statement was referring specifically to the fact that he's a tactician in this game.

Oh wait, now that I look at your post again, were you referring to Sakurai or to Asian_catdog_blue in your post? I think I might have gotten confused. @_@


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Actually, Sakurai specifically said in the latest famitsu article that he played Awakening from start to finish, and he seems to be a big fire emblem fan in general, and he seems to play every Nintendo game he can possibly find time for. I'm pretty sure the he can't use this statement was referring specifically to the fact that he's a tactician in this game.

Oh wait, now that I look at your post again, were you referring to Sakurai or to Asian_catdog_blue in your post? I think I might have gotten confused. @_@
Yeah, Catdog.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
If you're trying to analyze and speculate that Sakurai is hinting at an alternate Dark Pit costume, you are delusional. Plain and simple.

Stop trying to look at tiny little details and make assumptions, people. You know what they say about assuming, right? Makes an a** out of "u" and "me".

Deleted member

I'm predicting M. Bison trophy tonight.

Or something to do with Captain Falcon.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
@ aldelaro5 aldelaro5 I seriously hope you get something Paper Mario related with the POTD. Best of luck to you, and anyone else hoping for Paper Mario stuff.
Thanks! I appreciate it :)

Though, I'm being f***** by Window now. I haven't used it since months and I hate it already.

I'm fine with Linux :)

For that reason, I think we would see green, blue, red and yellow on the same image. You could get that stage and my prediction anyway so it's a win win to predict that lol.

So, I know I post this a lot, but enjoy it while we still can:



Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
I predict Falcon Grabbing Rosalina while female Robin is Nosferatu'ing Palutena. Mmmm tasty.
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Great King of Evil
Feb 18, 2013
The Valley
We haven't had.... any....pics related to C.Falcon since his reveal pic. Gonna say that.
And I feel like we won't unless Falcon has something Sakurai views worthy to single out.

As for what I'd like to see...an Assist Trophy or a stage would be nice for a change.
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Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2013
Can we get a closer look at the Tomodachi Life stage already? Or even the Elite 4 stage? That tomodachi update is ollld, back in March I think! I don't want a re-confirmation like a "Oh hey, remember this?" update, I kinda want a new alternate costume or color or even a new or custom move, with a new view of the stage so we can piece together how it might work ourselves.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
This thread should be more active now due to how early he seems to post the pic recently.
That's still nearly an hour early.

Pic came early today. I'm impressed.

You suck, Scatman! My heart skipped a beat! :laugh:

I don't know how a picture I've seen like, five times got me, but there it is.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Pic came early today. I'm impressed.

I honestly don't know how it would sound believable at all. Though, this is ironically the most credible leak of him now :troll:

No really, I was sad on the old leak thread :(

EDIT: Don;t worry about my heart for this one I saw this 2 times and I just played too much of this game to tell you how fake it look and it's so obvious.

Though credits for that pickachu design.
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Swift Fox

Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2010
Pokémon Center
My predictions for PotDs of this week:
July 22 - New Disconfirmation: Paper Mario for Paper Mario TTYD's 10th anniversary
July 23 - New alt: Dedede's mask for the release of DeDeDe's Drum Dash Z in Japan through eShop

July 24 - New stage: Yoshi's stage for the release of Yoshi's New Island in Japan (at last...)
July 25 - New character: R.O.B., Lucas, Dr. Mario, and/or new-comer(s) for San Diego Comic-Con
Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
My predictions for PotDs of this week:
July 22 - New Disconfirmation: Paper Mario for Paper Mario TTYD's 10th anniversary
July 23 - New alt: Dedede's mask for the release of DeDeDe's Drum Dash Z in Japan through eShop

July 24 - New stage: Yoshi's stage for the release of Yoshi's New Island in Japan (at last...)
July 25 - New character: R.O.B., Lucas, Dr. Mario, and/or new-comer(s) for San Diego Comic-Con
I think the Masked Dedede will be his Final Smash, along with his Mechanized Hammer. :3
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