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Miiverse Daily Pic Thread: 2nd Edition (Updated 9/19)

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Smash Journeyman
Jan 14, 2014
That's 3 more than Palutena. Probably 2 more if not 3 more than Pac Man.

There is a total case of favoritism in terms of information towards them. We've gotten so much information about them. Hell we didn't get any information detailing Palutena until YESTERDAY.

So please don't even. Yes, as a supporter of the Miis being here, I will say I feel as if they're getting far more attention than the other 2 newcomers at E3.
The thing is though, Miis themselves count as 3 newcomers (9 if you count their custom moves) and they have the most customizable features out of any character in the game. Sakurai's probably scrounging around for stuff to talk about without revealing too much about the games. Pac-Man and Palutena will get their spotlight some time soon.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
Am I the only one slightly creeped out by the Villager pantsu shot?
I think "creeped out" is far from what I'd feel since it's a pretty common thing in AC anyways. We're talking about a character from a game where hardly anyone wears anything below the belt. Belt included.

Anywho, like the way the Mii looks.

And folks, there may be 3 types of Miis but they still only take up a single slot. It's one character. Different playstyles, but still one character.

There's a reason why they only take up a single spot on the website. You're thinking too hard on this.
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Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I think "creeped out" is far from what I'd feel since it's a pretty common thing in AC anyways. We're talking about a character from a game where hardly anyone wears anything below the belt. Belt included.

Anywho, like the way the Mii looks.

And folks, there may be 3 types of Miis but they still only take up a single slot. It's one character. Different playstyles, but still one character.

There's a reason why they only take up a single spot on the website. You're thinking too hard on this.
Wasn't sure how to get that thought out, myself.
It's late and I should be sleeping, ahaha.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
I think "creeped out" is far from what I'd feel since it's a pretty common thing in AC anyways. We're talking about a character from a game where hardly anyone wears anything below the belt. Belt included.

Anywho, like the way the Mii looks.

And folks, there may be 3 types of Miis but they still only take up a single slot. It's one character. Different playstyles, but still one character.

There's a reason why they only take up a single spot on the website. You're thinking too hard on this.
What does being one character have to do with it? The fact is that Mii is still several different movesets and is whoring both plenty of development time and pics of the day. Being salty about it is anything but overthinking it.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
It seems as though people are not entirely excited about the update? It honestly was not that bad compared to some other updates, in my opinion, of course. It seems different enough to interest me at the very least.


Smash Cadet
May 6, 2014
What I don't get is that people are surprised that the Miis are getting a good deal of customizable options. Like, customization is sort of the point of Miis?

I also don't understand why people are so annoyed that Sakurai is willing to put this level of detail into making sure the Miis are not just a bland fighter option. Would you rather play as a Mii with only one move set, one outfit, and one height, and no customization whatsoever?

Sure, they most likely won't be usable in tournaments and you can't play with them in With Anyone mode online and I get that some people don't like the idea of Miis in general, but they're clearly putting effort into making sure the spirit of Mii Customization is alive in the Mii Fighter. At least they're doing them justice. I think most people who are salty about so much Mii info are the ones who are unhappy with their inclusion in the first place.

Yeesh, we'll have just about every detail on the game in just a few months. A couple Pic-of-the-Days with Mii Fighter info isn't going to kill us.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
What does being one character have to do with it? The fact is that Mii is still several different movesets and is whoring both plenty of development time and pics of the day. Being salty about it is anything but overthinking it.
...Clearly, I wasn't talking to you. I'm talking to everyone saying that Miis take up 3 slots or are considered 3 characters when they don't and are not. They take up one slot and are one single character.

The collective whining of yours and few others which really just amounts to "WAAAAH, WHY WON'T SAKURAI SHOW ONLY WHAT I WANNA SEE!? I HATE THIS ****!" is completely irrelevant and the least of my concern.

Especially since you'd all be whining just as much, if not more, if the Miis ended up being bland and bare-bones with hardly anything to "justify" them being around.

There is no pleasing this fanbase, I swear.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
"Playstyle" and "character" are synonyms. Your "character" in a competitive fighting game is a core set of attack properties and physical attributes. Things like how they look or what game they're originally from are just window dressing; in all the ways that matter, Mii Brawler, Mii Swordsman, and Mii Gunner are as unique of characters from each other as Mario, Link, and Pikachu. Even if you did care about aesthetics, they're pretty different anyway. Mii Gunner is missing his forearm and instead has a large gun while Mii Swordsman has his full arm but also has a huge sword. That's a bigger aesthetic difference to me than Link and Toon Link have or than Fox and Falco have for that matter. Given the obvious that Link, Toon Link, Fox, and Falco are four different characters, how is it not equally obvious that Mii Brawler, Mii Swordsman, and Mii Gunner are three unique characters? I hope the character select screen, which has in the past also tied together Samus and Zero Suit Samus, is not considered important here...

That being said, I totally don't get why people are bothered by these three getting focus. E3 revealed five newcomers. We've actually received about an equal amount of information on all of them with Mii Brawler actually probably being the loser from the five. All five E3 newcomers look pretty interesting to me, and given that the five of them are collectively unknowns at this point far moreso than any other revealed characters, I don't see how posts about any of them are unwelcome. Today's picture in particular was a stage picture about a stage we previously knew very little about with the Mii being a largely tangential inclusion to it (probably because, you know, it's his stage) so I don't even know why dissatisfaction over Mii pictures is the topic tonight.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
What I don't get is that people are surprised that the Miis are getting a good deal of customizable options. Like, customization is sort of the point of Miis?

I also don't understand why people are so annoyed that Sakurai is willing to put this level of detail into making sure the Miis are not just a bland fighter option. Would you rather play as a Mii with only one move set, one outfit, and one height, and no customization whatsoever?

Sure, they most likely won't be usable in tournaments and you can't play with them in With Anyone mode online and I get that some people don't like the idea of Miis in general, but they're clearly putting effort into making sure the spirit of Mii Customization is alive in the Mii Fighter. At least they're doing them justice. I think most people who are salty about so much Mii info are the ones who are unhappy with their inclusion in the first place.

Yeesh, we'll have just about every detail on the game in just a few months. A couple Pic-of-the-Days with Mii Fighter info isn't going to kill us.
If you would like, I could probably offer a subjective reason as to why I am not entirely fond of the Miis being the exception to every rule. The most overt reason that it bothers me is that one characters is taking priority over every other character. I am an adamant believer that time and effort should be dispersed equally amongst the cast. It just bothers me to an extent that Mii Fighters are not available to everyone, yet they spend the most time on them. Idealistically, Mii Fighters are actually 3 different characters, so it is not surprising that they receive 3 times the amount of effort; however, that is precisely what bothers me because technically speaking, Mii Fighters are one entity.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
I'm over my Mii salt. I just hope we find a way to make them competitively viable.

Otherwise they won't seem as "real" to me as the rest. Just by nature of them being excluded from something.

More on topic: Man, these stages are neat, but soooo gimmicky.

I just don't like gimmicky stages and prefer cool visuals and competitive design. I'll play them for fun but...eh. FD versions are fine I guess, though.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
"Playstyle" and "character" are synonyms. Your "character" in a competitive fighting game is a core set of attack properties and physical attributes. Things like how they look or what game they're originally from are just window dressing; in all the ways that matter, Mii Brawler, Mii Swordsman, and Mii Gunner are as unique of characters from each other as Mario, Link, and Pikachu. Even if you did care about aesthetics, they're pretty different anyway. Mii Gunner is missing his forearm and instead has a large gun while Mii Swordsman has his full arm but also has a huge sword. That's a bigger aesthetic difference to me than Link and Toon Link have or than Fox and Falco have for that matter. Given the obvious that Link, Toon Link, Fox, and Falco are four different characters, how is it not equally obvious that Mii Brawler, Mii Swordsman, and Mii Gunner are three unique characters? I hope the character select screen, which has in the past also tied together Samus and Zero Suit Samus, is not considered important here...

That being said, I totally don't get why people are bothered by these three getting focus. E3 revealed five newcomers. We've actually received about an equal amount of information on all of them with Mii Brawler actually probably being the loser from the five. All five E3 newcomers look pretty interesting to me, and given that the five of them are collectively unknowns at this point far moreso than any other revealed characters, I don't see how posts about any of them are unwelcome. Today's picture in particular was a stage picture about a stage we previously knew very little about with the Mii being a largely tangential inclusion to it (probably because, you know, it's his stage) so I don't even know why dissatisfaction over Mii pictures is the topic tonight.
Incorrect. "Play-style" and "character" are most certainly not synonymous, not even in a fighting game context. The play-style is the style that you play your character (hence the name, I suppose). For instance, let us use a prevalent and easy to understand example... Fox. An individual could play a zoning Fox and predominantly spam lasers and avoid the opponent while another, using the SAME character, might opt to use Fox's rush-down to their advantage and never use one of his prominent tools (the blaster). Those are different play-styles being utilized by the same character. Furthermore, Falco has the capacity to do the very same as Fox despite the notion that they are both different characters. Falco could also space with lasers or d-air to his hearts content. Every player makes each play-style their own after that. I am sure that if one wanted, they could play a defensive Captain Falcon (lol). Perhaps you meant to assert "move-set as opposed to play-style"?

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Incorrect. "Play-style" and "character" are most certainly not synonymous, not even in a fighting game context. The play-style is the style that you play your character (hence the name, I suppose). For instance, let us use a prevalent and easy to understand example... Fox. An individual could play a zoning Fox and predominantly spam lasers and avoid the opponent while another, using the SAME character, might opt to use Fox's rush-down to their advantage and never use one of his prominent tools (the blaster). Those are different play-styles being utilized by the same character. Furthermore, Falco has the capacity to do the very same as Fox despite the notion that they are both different characters. Falco could also space with lasers or d-air to his hearts content. Every player makes each play-style their own after that. I am sure that if one wanted, they could play a defensive Captain Falcon (lol). Perhaps you meant to assert "move-set as opposed to play-style"?
The word playstyle can be used in multiple ways, a synonym for "moveset" is one way though not the most common, the style character can be played. What you refer to is another and the more common, the style a player chooses to adapt upon having chosen a character. English is a silly language like that especially when it comes to things that are only kinda words like moveset and playstyle (they are probably not in any dictionary). The post of Wave's I was responding to, which I very thoroughly was disagreeing with, used the term playstyle to refer to the fact that the three of them have different gameplay dynamics and suggested that this was not a major point in deciding whether they were the same character. The point I wanted to make was that having different gameplay dynamics is in fact the only defining attribute of different characters and that there is really no meaningful way at all in which Mii Brawler, Mii Swordfighter, and Mii Gunner are the same character. I'm not sure we're likely to agree on the semantics, but I hope the concept I wanted to convey is at least clear.

I also don't think there exist good Foxes who always or never run away and use the blaster and that good Fox players dynamically use both depending on match-up and match context, but I get what you are going for and this would be going down a whole new rabbit hole.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
The word playstyle can be used in multiple ways, a synonym for "moveset" is one way though not the most common, the style character can be played. What you refer to is another and the more common, the style a player chooses to adapt upon having chosen a character. English is a silly language like that especially when it comes to things that are only kinda words like moveset and playstyle (they are probably not in any dictionary). The post of Wave's I was responding to, which I very thoroughly was disagreeing with, used the term playstyle to refer to the fact that the three of them have different gameplay dynamics and suggested that this was not a major point in deciding whether they were the same character. The point I wanted to make was that having different gameplay dynamics is in fact the only defining attribute of different characters and that there is really no meaningful way at all in which Mii Brawler, Mii Swordfighter, and Mii Gunner are the same character. I'm not sure we're likely to agree on the semantics, but I hope the concept I wanted to convey is at least clear.

I also don't think there exist good Foxes who always or never run away and use the blaster and that good Fox players dynamically use both depending on match-up and match context, but I get what you are going for and this would be going down a whole new rabbit hole.
Ah, yes, thank you for the clarification. I was not aware of the context, so I take responsibility for misconstruing that sentiment.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Anyway, back to the context of this thread.

Opinion on the Miis aside (for the record, I love them despite my comments), out of all the StreetPass Plaza games to pull out, I must say the choice of Find Mii is interesting, and perhaps the best pick with what is available. The Dark Emperor was a given, but I'm surprised they didn't bring in some of the other monsters. Maybe we'll see shield-bearing Ghosts appear, and if the shield matches your player colour, you crack it and bypass their defences. Then again, if the game already legitimately uses the Mii colour, I suppose it might make things too complicated.

I mean, we'll have to accept this is a gimmick stage and roll with it. May as well go for the most unique and interesting play experience possible.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2014
Lurking Smashboards
That Mii Force hat is pretty interesting...
Maybe This game will have all the streetpass hats like,
Wario's cap
Meta-night's mask
Falco hat
wolf hat
Captain falcon helmet
ice climber's hood
and the R.O.B hat...
Yeah I think we don't have to worry about some characters if we get all the hats.:troll:
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The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
That Mii Force hat is pretty interesting...
Maybe This game will have all the streetpass hats like,
Wario's cap
Meta-night's mask
Falco hat
wolf hat
Captain falcon helmet
ice climber's hood
and the R.O.B hat...
Yeah I think we don't have to worry about some characters if we get all the hats.
Oh, you seduce me! My Mii sports the Lacy Headband. I hope that will be an option.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011

I wonder if we can use all the Mii Plaza hats then (this video is from last year, more hats have been added since then.) It would be good news for people that plan on making Mii's of characters like Daisy, Waluigi, or Barbara the Bat. Personally, if i can use the Samus helmet, and recolor it to black, I might actually use the Gunner Mii. A lot.

EDIT: This video has ALL the hats. Actually like the cow skull one a lot! Interesting note, Fox, Falco, and Wolf were chosen as the Star Fox hats.

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Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2014
I do like how they pulled an outfit from Mii Force and how they are showing some love towards the street pass games. For those who do not know Mii Force it's an action space shooter (or shump) where you and crew of people you street pass fight a crew of space pirates. The game is one of my favorites out of the others and one of the more dynamic games to offer. The helmet specifically comes game (as seen in the bottom left screenshot) but the grey color pallet comes from the Mii plaza hat variation as people pointed out before. Also, although the idea of having all the Mii plaza hats is favorable, I just don't think this will be the case and and the helmet used is more for representing one of the Mii's games rather than hinting for the full collection of hats.

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Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2014
Lurking Smashboards
I do like how they pulled an outfit from Mii Force and how they are showing some love towards the street pass games. For those who do not know Mii Force it's an action space shooter (or shump) where you and crew of people you street pass fight a crew of space pirates. The game is one of my favorites out of the others and one of the more dynamic games to offer. The helmet specifically comes game (as seen in the bottom left screenshot) but the grey color pallet comes from the Mii plaza hat variation as people pointed out before. Also, although the idea of having all the Mii plaza hats is favorable, I just don't think this will be the case and and the helmet used is more for representing one of the Mii's games rather than hinting for the full collection of hats.

But it would be really great if they actually pulled off 172 hats right?:)


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
I'm over my Mii salt. I just hope we find a way to make them competitively viable.

Otherwise they won't seem as "real" to me as the rest. Just by nature of them being excluded from something.

More on topic: Man, these stages are neat, but soooo gimmicky.

I just don't like gimmicky stages and prefer cool visuals and competitive design. I'll play them for fun but...eh. FD versions are fine I guess, though.
I don't see why Miis couldn't be used competitively. I would imagine that they would have a default move list for each Mii Fighter type (as in the specials that would be set when you first go in to customize them), and Miis have a default appearance and size (middle of the "size" slider.)

You know there are two pics of mii fighter that have two hats that are not in streetpass mii plaza.
There are different Top hat and Cowboy hats...
That a little weird.
Screen Shot 7 looks like several different variations of the Plaza hats. The Top Hat looks more like a color swap then anything else, which brings me one step closer to playing as Dark Samus.

I do agree that the Miis are getting a bit too much spot light, but the pics are doing their job for me at least. I am a bit of a Mii hater, but despite my still being salty over all the development time put into three different versions of a generic avatar, all of these pics have made me genuinely interested in playing with all of their customization options. I'd like to see who I can make... but then again I have always been a sucker for any game that allows for user created content.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Actually, not a fan of all these gimmicky stages.

Though Final Destination versions are available on 3DS too, I would imagine.

Giga Man

Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2012
I think you're misinterpreting it. Find Mii had him change your color, which I assume is the case here based on the "just like the original game" comment.
I have never seen the Dark Emperor change a Mii's color, and I've played through Find Mii 2's Secret Quest too many times to count (currently on my last run because I finally got all the hats). All it does is use level-down gas which lowers heroes' levels by one, and it's not color-specific.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014
I just wish that all the stages were a boring, flat line and that all the characters played exactly the same with no fun quirks or twists to their moveset. Wouldn't it be so much better if everything were exactly the same and there was no creativity whatsoever? Forget this game, I'm not buying it; I'm gonna go back to Divekick, now THAT'S a game with no gimmicks. Much better than this filth.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I just wish that all the stages were a boring, flat line and that all the characters played exactly the same with no fun quirks or twists to their moveset. Wouldn't it be so much better if everything were exactly the same and there was no creativity whatsoever? Forget this game, I'm not buying it; I'm gonna go back to Divekick, now THAT'S a game with no gimmicks. Much better than this filth.
I'm buying the freaking game no matter what.

I just want to play some straightforward matches of Smash without being interrupted by a stage hazard or power up system.

Final Destination versions of these stages will probably be where I play the most.
I'm a competitive player, I like fair matches with nothing in the way.

Excuse me for wanting that.


Mii-Based Fighter
Jan 16, 2014
Waiting for the Switch 2
I'm buying the freaking game no matter what.

I just want to play some straightforward matches of Smash without being interrupted by a stage hazard or power up system.

Final Destination versions of these stages will probably be where I play the most.
I'm a competitive player, I like fair matches with nothing in the way.

Excuse me for wanting that.
And thats totally fine, but please dont be hating on the gimmicky stages, because those can be tons of fun and call for disaster at the most random times. Thats what adds to the fun factor of this game. The casuals play for fun and the competitives play to show off the amount of skill they have, and that isnt a problem.


Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
For Fun

For Glory

For Friends

I only play for Friends. Now I just need friends. Also, let's see Wario confirm Ridley tomorrow!

Deleted member

Nice 15,000th post, Golden.
....I didn't even notice that I was on 15,000.....
Kind of sad then that WarioWednesday didn't happen....

View attachment 17785
This one, correct?
Yeah, I personally have no clue on this one either. Maybe one of his altered specials is to throw ghosts? I doubt it, though.
So, they are stage hazards, Assists, and summons by Pac?
Ridley confir-

Though on a serious note, this could be an example of the Assists/Pokémon being "just roughly" the same amount between games. Since the Pac-Maze won't be in the Wii U game, the Ghosts could be a Wii U exclusive Assist.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
And thats totally fine, but please dont be hating on the gimmicky stages, because those can be tons of fun and call for disaster at the most random times. Thats what adds to the fun factor of this game. The casuals play for fun and the competitives play to show off the amount of skill they have, and that isnt a problem.
Implying that competitive players don't have fun.

I'm not hating on the gimmicky stages, I'm just annoyed that that seems to be all the 3DS has.

I like playing on gimmicky stages every once in a while (Warioware happens to be one of my personal favorites), but I love a good balance between gimmicky stages and straightforward ones. And I'm not seeing any straightforward ones on 3DS aside from Battlefield and probably Final Destination.

Deleted member

Implying that competitive players don't have fun.

I'm not hating on the gimmicky stages, I'm just annoyed that that seems to be all the 3DS has.

I like playing on gimmicky stages every once in a while (Warioware happens to be one of my personal favorites), but I love a good balance between gimmicky stages and straightforward ones. And I'm not seeing any straightforward ones on 3DS aside from Battlefield and probably Final Destination.
Arena Ferox* (To the best of my knowledge)

Carry on.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Yeah, this converstation isn't going to go anywhere pleasant.

Regardless, given the weird wording on the update I am curious to see what exactly comes about from it.


Mii-Based Fighter
Jan 16, 2014
Waiting for the Switch 2
Implying that competitive players don't have fun.

I'm not hating on the gimmicky stages, I'm just annoyed that that seems to be all the 3DS has.

I like playing on gimmicky stages every once in a while (Warioware happens to be one of my personal favorites), but I love a good balance between gimmicky stages and straightforward ones. And I'm not seeing any straightforward ones on 3DS aside from Battlefield and probably Final Destination.
Sorry, I meant its more fun for the casuals than for the competitive players :p

Hmm; Boxing Ring, Arena Ferox, Prism Tower, Rainbow Road and Tortimer's Island dont seem to be too gimmicky.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Hmm; Boxing Ring, Arena Ferox, Prism Tower, Rainbow Road and Tortimer's Island dont seem to be too gimmicky.
Boxing Ring - Walk-offs and falling lights
Arena Ferox - Probably a good one
Prism Tower - Yeah, also probably a good one
Rainbow Road - Shy Guys in karts
Tortimer's Island - Dat Shark tho.

I may sound picky but there are some cheap kills that can happen on some of these stages.

I like winning because of skill, not winning because oh no he got eaten by a shark.

It's fun sometimes, I just prefer playing on straightforward stages.


Mii-Based Fighter
Jan 16, 2014
Waiting for the Switch 2
Boxing Ring - Walk-offs and falling lights
Arena Ferox - Probably a good one
Prism Tower - Yeah, also probably a good one
Rainbow Road - Shy Guys in karts
Tortimer's Island - Dat Shark tho.

I may sound picky but there are some cheap kills that can happen on some of these stages.

I like winning because of skill, not winning because oh no he got eaten by a shark.

It's fun sometimes, I just prefer playing on straightforward stages.
Sometimes I will purposely throw my friends into those gimmicky parts, just to mess with them :p

Its cool. I can see what the problem is, and I hope there will be more stages with less gimmicky features. Wily Castle would have been a great Competitive stage, but the everything changed when the Yellow Devil appeared.....


Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
I'm sure there will be many more calm stages on the 3DS version. The gimmiky ones are just more fun to reveal and show stuff from. I expect a calm Yoshi and Kirby stage(s), for example. May be why they've not shown them yet. Since they don't really do anything, thus all you'd get from it is "Here's a new Yoshi stage! It's... well... a Yoshi stage."
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