I'd like to be put down as a supporter. Midna is the single most beloved partner Link has ever had, her fanbase is huge and she is liked the most out of Navi, Tatl, King of Red Lions, and Fi. Since the side characters that don't stick around are a big part of what give each Zelda game its identity, I would like Smash to include at least one one-off character that isn't a form of Link, Zelda, or Ganon. I know Sheik was only in one game, but since Sheik is a form of Zelda, I would like to see someone else.
I am aware of Twilight Princess' divisive reputation. I simply think the appeal of Midna transcends her game and people would be happy to see Midna join the battle regardless of their opinion of TP.
Also, if Midna rides Wolf Link, then technically we would then have a form of every Link that has ever been playable in Smash, haha.
Well first, thank you very much for reviving this thread ! I didn't really give up on it, but I couldn't keep it alive all by myself either haha, so I'm always glad to see fellow Midna fans that did not forget about her, and still want to support her here ! I'll be more than happy to add you on the list !
And yup, she definitly is the most loved Partner of any Zelda games, it's kinda crazy how much she stretched her role, by almost stealing the spot light during the story, and being the main focus of everything that happened in this game haha
As I always said when the "One Off" Argument got out, Zelda is a series with a rotating cast, so the best way to represent it, is with it's recuring roles, the companion one see Midna as the most loved character, so that would be the perfect way to represent it !
TP isn't as divisive as you may think, a few days ago for exemple, I organized a pool on another board that was Smash related, and well 85/100 Love TP, with 60/100 total that also wanted Midna in Smash, but yeah I get your point that Midna love transcend that kind of thing haha
I'm personally not a strong advocate for Midna riding Wolf Link, but I wouldn't mind it, just that I much prefer the solo Imp Midna haha, but yup that's true ! Or I guess we would be missing Bunny Link from ALTTP haha
Hey, can I be added to the list of suporters? I would love to have Midna in Smash, under any form, as she's my favorite Zelda companion, and from one of my favorite Zelda game.
You sure can ! We share similar tastes on that hehe, lemme add you both to the list !