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Mesprit- A Lesson in Appeasing the Mewtwo Haters


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
Now, I know you all despise Mewtwo. Fine. He’s at the bottom of this so-called “tier list,” which is pointless in my opinion, because that’s just it! An opinion. But this thread isn’t about Mewtwo. It’s about Mesprit. I wanted to put in a picture, but I didn’t feel like going through all that trouble for one lousy picture.
Beware of spoilers…
Don’t keep going if you don’t wanna know…
For those of you who haven’t played Diamond or Pearl, Mesprit makes up one-third of the psychic-type legendary trio. It has a far more prominent part in the storyline, compared to the other two, and is the only one of the three that runs away when you meet up with it after you beat Team Galactic. It is also the most balanced, stat-wise.

In Brawl terms, Mesprit would be a floater, like Mewtwo. However, having not been sheltered within a cave for years and years makes Mesprit slightly more agile. It gains a bit of speed and traction, in return for losing a little size, weight, and power. (Yes, Mewtwo was quite powerful, at least according to me).

So here’s my potential moveset:

B: Future Sight- In the DS game, this move is shared by all of the legendaries. It is an attack which damages the opponent two turns later. I figure for Brawl, a small ball of energy, resembling Zelda’s B->, would be released and move forward just a little bit and disappear. Next time you hit B, the attack would explode, dealing medium damage. Otherwise, the attack would take effect about 3 seconds later, slightly more powerful.
Max damage: 10%(press to explode) 16%(wait)
B->: Confusion- Also shared by the three legendaries. Stolen from Mewtwo. However, the animation and range are slightly different. A tendril of energy is sent about half the length of Shiek’s chain. If it connects with an enemy, a purple spiral appears and flips the opponent onto its back.
Max damage: I believe it was 17%
B^: Double Team- Alright, I couldn’t think of anything else. In the DS games, an attack which makes your opponent less likely to hit you. Mesprit flies upward, leaving images of itself behind. It can be controlled with the C-stick, and deals a small amount of damage upon impact.
Max damage: 5%
Height: Medium-far (a little farther than Mewtwo’s Teleport)
Bv: Imprison- In the DS game, an attack which prevents the opponent from using any attacks the user knows. For Brawl, a large red X could appear on Mesprit, covering a distance that reaches quite a ways past it (this is slightly farther than Jiggs’ Sing). The opponent is stunned for about a second and a half, and then regains movement. However, it is glowing with a strange purple light. It cannot use special attacks while glowing, which lasts for about 10 seconds if not disturbed. By disturbed, I mean that getting hit by a medium-powerful attack will knock it out of its plight. It doesn’t deal damage, but can be relatively effective.
Taunt: It faces the crowd, and a strange purple light comes up from the ground, accompanied by an uncanny wind. The wind blows Mesprit’s ?hair? up in the air and Mesprit stares darkly at you.
Brawl Smash: Extrasensory Trio- Uxie and Azelf appear. The three form a triangle, Mesprit on top, Uxie on bottom left, and Azelf on bottom right. They begin to glow, and a purple light shines in the three of them. Any opponents caught in the middle are skewed (directly referring to the Microsoft Paint term), and drop to the ground after taking damage. Those of you who are familiar with the attack animation from D/P know what I’m talking about.

I’m not going to bother with A moves, as they are incredibly tedious and not relevant to this thread. If someone else wants to do them, that’s fine with me.

Overall stats:
A-move power: 3/5
B-move power: 2/5
Jump height: 4/5
Speed: 3/5
Weight: 2/5
Size: 2/5

Not quite nerfed, and not quite buffed, this Mewtwo v.2 would be played in about the same way as I play Mewtwo. A close combat against close combatants, like Ganondorf, and a more defensive hit-and-run to hit-and-runners, like Shiek. It lacks a defensive move, but Double Team is good in a pickle. This moveset, and as a matter of fact, this whole idea, could be a piece of crap, but I think it would be a slightly better alternative to Mewtwo, whom everyone around here seems to despise mortally. Also, please don’t start in on that, “There are three legendaries, so you’d have to include all three,” s*** like you did for the starters. Unlike the starters, there is a plot difference with the three legendaries, and Mesprit, as I’ve explained, takes on the role of the most important. Also, in the Anime, I believe it was sighting Mesprit that inspired Dawn to become a trainer, but I could be wrong. So, yay, or nay, people? Shower me with discussion. Please.

Be honest. Am I a load of crap?
Or a god? (All right, that’s a little too far.)


Smash Cadet
Feb 4, 2007
that's pretty coo. I like the blue one better, I named mine Josiah, but I see why you choose her instead. It just seems unlikely but still pretty coo.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007

Nice idea, but... Mewtwo is just Mewtwo. He's awesome. This thing is kinda cute, but it's one of three, and... well, on the other hand I don't know whether he has any special superawesome backstory and personality. Mewtwo is just awesome. Best thing to do would be to give him a comeback and make him actually powerful.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
*looks at pic*

...what a random design.

Regardless of whatever new pokemon make it in, I hope it's not at the expense of kicking Mewtwo out. The new pokemon designs just don't match up well compared to the old ones, IMHO.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007

These are the other two, by the way. Just in case that it matters.
Skimming through Mesprit's Wikipedia article revealed nothing of great interest except that it's a being of emotion or so. Yeah.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Azelf is best,but i doubt any of them will be playible,let alone take over m2's spot.

mabey as pokeball pokemon.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2006
that's probably right. they at least should not REPLACE mewtwo. no one should be replaced.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
You know, I don't really want to let Mewtwo go either... but quite a lot of people do. By the way, thanks for getting the pictures, guys. And for those of you who haven't played the game (it seems like most of you haven't but I could be wrong), then, like I said, Mesprit IS the most prominent of the three starters when it comes to the storyline.
@ The wrath- Azelf is the best offensively, but its defense leaves quite a bit to be desired. Conversely, Uxie (the yellow), is the best defensively, but lacks quite a bit in the offense department. Mesprit is the most balanced and has quite good stats. Go to serebii.net and check out their D/P Pokedex if you don't believe me.
@ Tiamat- HOW can you say the new designs don't match up!!? (cries in corner). Anyway, so you've got my opinion on the topics presented so far.
And no, I don't think it's likely, either. Just a passing (but intriguing) thought.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
@ RVD fan- Can you HONESTLY see the Regis in Brawl? The three I've presented (well, I'm really only presenting Mesprit), are much more versatile when it comes to moving around.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 29, 2007
A 3 person team? Of giant characters? Um... that really wouldn't work ...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
You know, I don't really want to let Mewtwo go either... but quite a lot of people do.
People have bad taste if you ask me. Sure, the other designs are newer, but they're so... blech compared to Mewtwo's design. Look how stubby those things are!


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
@ RVD fan- Can you HONESTLY see the Regis in Brawl? The three I've presented (well, I'm really only presenting Mesprit), are much more versatile when it comes to moving around.

Dude we can have opinions on who we like without you get literate and saying what i know statwise.Azelf owns.

Also regigi's are just as bad of a choice for brawl as these peeps.



Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
@ The wrath- Regigigas is actually genderless- so REGIGIGAS IS THE NON-MAN-WOMAN!!!
woot. When it comes to Azelf over the other, I really don't know who owns because I've never had a battle with the three against eachother. But I do stand for Mesprit as the most balanced of the three. By the way, if we actually talk D/P battling for a second, Azelf can be KO'd in about two seconds. Trust me, I've tried.
Anyway, back on topic. So I still think Mesprit owns the regis any day. They're just not versatile at all. It's not a question of power, it's a question of feasibility. The regis are just too clunky to work. Movement is a large part of the Smash game, and having something that can barely go STOMP..... STOMP..... STOMP..... seriously is going to have trouble working. And I really hope no one here is suggesting a three-regi team.


Shower me with more discussion.

EDIT: @ Tiamat- STUBBY!!!? I think the word you're looking for is....
Awwwww.... Look at those cute little fellabottoms....


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2006
kk....Mewtwo WILL NOT be replaced by those.....things.... He just can't be.
the regi's, and the ....elves ....are nothing more than just a random bunch of "legendary trio" pokemon, and are NOWHERE NEAR as important as Mewtwo.

Mewtwo is THEE origional legendary pokemon
, and WAYYY more popular......many people don't know what the heck a "regi" is....

Mewtwo, on the other hand, is well known. #1 back when pokemon was in it's prime, and still standing tall. And don't forget, Mewtwo was THEE star, of THEE FIRST pokemon movie.

Trust me...alot of people want Mewtwo back, they just want him to be improved......and ALOT more want him over "regi's & elves"


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
The tier list is not an opinion, by the way.

Mewtwo shouldn't be replaced, and if he is taken out, none of these three will be put in the game, I can basically guarantee that.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
EDIT: @ Tiamat- STUBBY!!!? I think the word you're looking for is....
Awwwww.... Look at those cute little fellabottoms....
If you're going to take out one of the few pokemon designed to look badass and replace him with another pokemon, then you should replace him with another pokemon designed to look badass. Not one designed to look cute. We already HAVE two other cute pokemon (Pikachu and Jigglypuff), so either add in a new one or replace one of those two (which is unlikely) with another cute pokemon, but don't take out the only "badass" pokemon in the game to do it.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2007
No TRIO pokemon should be playable characters at all. It is stupid to say one deserves to be in Brawl more than the other 2 AND we really can't think about Mewtwo being replaced until we all agree on a replacement for PICHU.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
@DainBramaged: I never said I was one of the Mewtwo haters. Frankly I couldn't care less either way.
@ McFox: I've never seen this so-called "tier list," only heard about it, and I can definitely say I think what I've heard it says is a load of crap. And I doubt these could ever replace Mewtwo by the way, just using my imaginative powers like everyone else.
@ Tiamat: Why do all these pokemon have to be "badass." As far as I know, it's the trainer, not the Pokemon, who makes it "badass" (anime reference). No, but seriously, I think we've got enough "badass" people in the game anyway. Why not use Pokemeon representation to represent what it was really designed to be, something out of the ordinary, imaginative. It's not designed to be the coolest-looking thing on the planet, you know. It's the game that matters, not the look. (all right, I could go on for quite a while about this particular subject, so I won't).
@Deathcarter: Yes, I agree, something needs to replace Pichu, and something good. (Although Pichu was my main for quite some time, actually). And, like I said, I really don't believe in this "but there are three of them so they all have to be in there or they can't 'cuz they're all equally important." Yes, I agree with this argument when it comes to the starters. The one you choose makes no difference in the plot whatsoever. But in the case of these three, at least, there is a plot difference which is naturally part of the game's storyline, as I've already explained.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2007
Arcadia, California
I hope mewtwo stays in brawl, Im praying that they keep every character from SSBM (Even Mewtwo) And give them a new look and feel to the character. As well as adding in a whole other group of chracaters


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
@DainBramaged: I never said I was one of the Mewtwo haters. Frankly I couldn't care less either way.
Then why feature Mewtwo so heavily in your posts?
@ McFox: I've never seen this so-called "tier list," only heard about it, and I can definitely say I think what I've heard it says is a load of crap. The tier list is not a load of crap. Sure it's not perfect, but it's accurate in showing how "good" characters are. Sure, I think Mewtwo should be higher, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
And I doubt these could ever replace Mewtwo by the way, just using my imaginative powers like everyone else.
@ Tiamat: Why do all these pokemon have to be "badass." As far as I know, it's the trainer, not the Pokemon, who makes it "badass" (anime reference). No, but seriously, I think we've got enough "badass" people in the game anyway.Ganon, Link, Zelda/Shiek, Marth, Roy, Mewtwo, and Bowser. Have I missed any? Why not use Pokemeon representation to represent what it was really designed to be, something out of the ordinary, imaginative. Mewtwo is out of the ordinary and imaginative. He just does it while looking awesome. It's not designed to be the coolest-looking thing on the planet, you know. It's the game that matters, not the look. So if all the companies went back to the classic 8-bit system, you'd be OK with that as long as the games where good? Graphics and the look do matter, it's just that gameplay is first. Frankly if it wasn't for Halo's graphics I wouldn't notice it. It was the polish the graphics had that drew me to it's gameplay.(all right, I could go on for quite a while about this particular subject, so I won't).
@Deathcarter: Yes, I agree, something needs to replace Pichu, and something good. (Although Pichu was my main for quite some time, actually). And, like I said, I really don't believe in this "but there are three of them so they all have to be in there or they can't 'cuz they're all equally important." Yes, I agree with this argument when it comes to the starters. The one you choose makes no difference in the plot whatsoever. But in the case of these three, at least, there is a plot difference which is naturally part of the game's storyline, as I've already explained. Mesprit has no more plot relevance than the other three. It just runs away making it a pain to catch.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 29, 2007
I hope mewtwo stays in brawl, Im praying that they keep every character from SSBM (Even Mewtwo) And give them a new look and feel to the character. As well as adding in a whole other group of chracaters
What about Dr. Mario?


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Pichu_815 said:
@ McFox: I've never seen this so-called "tier list," only heard about it, and I can definitely say I think what I've heard it says is a load of crap. And I doubt these could ever replace Mewtwo by the way, just using my imaginative powers like everyone else.
So, what you mean to say is

Pichu_815 said:
Look, I don't know anything about the tier list, but I've decided that it's completely inaccurate because I say so. This is very scientific.
The tier list is fairly accurate, and not based much on opinion at all, but rather what strengths and weaknesses characters do or do not possess. When a character is found to have a strength or weakness that's been hidden until someone discovers it, that character is moved accordingly.

But yeah, if you've never seen it and don't have any idea what it is (and you don't), why are you arguing about it in the first place?


Smash Rookie
May 6, 2007
I can't see them in Brawl because
1) This far in development, I doubt they want to bring in characters who came out a week ago
2) The pokemon that are in Brawl are there because they're more notable. Mesprit could appear in a pokeball, but Metwo's in there because he was the basis of the first movie, and Pikachu and Jigglypuff both played large parts in the anime.
3) If they're putting any more pokemon in there, I'm pretty sure they'd want to make sure there's a strong backing from players. Blaziken, for example, looks like he'd fit in a fighting game, and there's a lot of people wanting him in. Plus, a starter's a lot more prominent than an obscure legendary whose only notability is that there's only one per game.
4) Nintendo's stated that they want to gear Wii games away from the kiddy light people have held the company in, so they probably don't want too much cuteness in there.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
No,the 4th gen mew/celebii/Jiraichi is some grass type.

This is a Legendary Trio, like Zapdos, Suicune, and the Regis.

Keep Mewtwo, and add Lucario!


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Actually, THE Cute 4th Generation Legendary(TM) is a water type.
And Sheimi's there, too.
Among the, what, 9 other legendaries?

The Pokemon series is developing a little like an American action series: just throw in as much cool stuff as possible to keep them interested.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
No,the 4th gen mew/celebii/Jiraichi is some grass type.

This is a Legendary Trio, like Zapdos, Suicune, and the Regis.

Keep Mewtwo, and add Lucario!
*Hugs Kaid* Yeah, I think that's all that they are going to do to the Pokemon roster anyway. Oh, and it's Manaphy - a water type - not the grass hedgehog.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
also phione the other blue one,

lucario might be added and will probably be,but skura will probably not leav out 3rd gen,so blaze on co. still have a chance.

theses three pokemon that the topic is about is a best left at pokeball if that


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
@ Micahc (concerning graphics over game)- Frankly, I'm not going to go out and buy Halo EVER. And I could care less about its realistic graphics. Yeah, if Nintendo decided to go back to 8-bit graphics (okay, maybe not THAT outmoded, maybe 64-bit), but still made awesome games, I would take Nintendo over ANY XBOX GAME anyday.
Back on topic. I would like to reiterate that Mesprit does have a prominence over the other two, and not just because it's annoying to catch. As far as Azelf goes, I still hold true that it can't compare when on the defensive. Sure, it's fast and powerful, but it would get knocked out like Jigglypuff (absolutely nothing against Jiggs, just a fact). When it comes to pokeballs, my guess is that these elves will probably end up within one.
Just one more slightly off topic fact for those of you who defend the fact that there are three legendaries (same argument as with the starters and other trios), the Totodile line was not included in Melee. But there were three starters. So shouldn't each have its own pokeball, or not be included at all? Guess not. So why couldn't one of these get in over the other? Or one of the other starters/legedaries get in over the other two. Chew on that while you all continue to chew me out.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
@ Micahc (concerning graphics over game)- Frankly, I'm not going to go out and buy Halo EVER. And I could care less about its realistic graphics. Yeah, if Nintendo decided to go back to 8-bit graphics (okay, maybe not THAT outmoded, maybe 64-bit), but still made awesome games, I would take Nintendo over ANY XBOX GAME anyday.
Back on topic. I would like to reiterate that Mesprit does have a prominence over the other two, and not just because it's annoying to catch. As far as Azelf goes, I still hold true that it can't compare when on the defensive. Sure, it's fast and powerful, but it would get knocked out like Jigglypuff (absolutely nothing against Jiggs, just a fact). When it comes to pokeballs, my guess is that these elves will probably end up within one.
Just one more slightly off topic fact for those of you who defend the fact that there are three legendaries (same argument as with the starters and other trios), the Totodile line was not included in Melee. But there were three starters. So shouldn't each have its own pokeball, or not be included at all? Guess not. So why couldn't one of these get in over the other? Or one of the other starters/legedaries get in over the other two. Chew on that while you all continue to chew me out.

Hmm? What's that? I didn't hear you,all I heard was 'fanboy' being shouted over and over again.

You wouldn't mind reiterating that would you?


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
@ Micahc (concerning graphics over game)- Frankly, I'm not going to go out and buy Halo EVER. And I could care less about its realistic graphics. Yeah, if Nintendo decided to go back to 8-bit graphics (okay, maybe not THAT outmoded, maybe 64-bit), but still made awesome games, I would take Nintendo over ANY XBOX GAME anyday. Fanboy claim.
Back on topic. I would like to reiterate that Mesprit does have a prominence over the other two, and not just because it's annoying to catch. As far as Azelf goes, I still hold true that it can't compare when on the defensive. Sure, it's fast and powerful, but it would get knocked out like Jigglypuff (absolutely nothing against Jiggs, just a fact).Uh... why? For all we know, if azelf was in the game, it could be Bowzer-like in weight, like Mewtwo should've been When it comes to pokeballs, my guess is that these elves will probably end up within one.
Just one more slightly off topic fact for those of you who defend the fact that there are three legendaries (same argument as with the starters and other trios), the Totodile line was not included in Melee. But there were three starters. So shouldn't each have its own pokeball, or not be included at all? Guess not. So why couldn't one of these get in over the other? Or one of the other starters/legedaries get in over the other two. Chew on that while you all continue to chew me out.Hah? I have NO idea what that was supposed to mean.
Oh, and just to say it, not many people want Mewtwo out. Actually, in a past thread (called "Mewtwo, in or stuck in SSBM?") most people said he just needed a statiscal reworking. Like more weight etc...
EDIT: W00t! 100th post! Why do I care?!
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