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Melee/PM: GameClucks (Washington): August 3rd!


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2007
Spokane, WA
on the PR arguement - PR should only reflect tournment results, not so much head to head matchups, but generaly who wins the most tournment/generaly does the best in them, whatever, i think updateing the list every month is kind of usless, beter for the lower numbers on the list maybe.

thats my thoughts on the list anyway.

great tournment! not happy about the 3 bucks that was ***** from me! but oh well. I hardly remember being there i was sleeping in the car during most of it.. canada kept me up all night, or i kept them up? thanks again shane for housing (more detailed post in eastern boards). uhm and gj KA,

Luigi Ka-master

Smash Lord
Sep 8, 2005
Laie, HI
Great tourney n' stuff. Tiep your Samus is too cool. and our 2v2 Falcon teams were really cool lol.

eWA was fun to play at Shane's.

uhh, I didn't get to play Adam or Jarc T_T. uhh, Dieslow cool matches we had.

fun matches also with Teddy. playing really good Peaches is too fun/hard.

Vish: GG in tourney, I need as much Jiggz practice as I can get..

ryan: you were doin' way good against me in our matches, gj.

annnd, finally, last match of 2v2 finals were pretty much cool lol.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2006
Seattle, WA
umm yeahh. cool tourney. lol. i actually did not realize who placed where till i read post on forum. O.o;; but i had a feeling ka-master took it.
gj to eggz, i saw that match with patooty. he stepped it up after 2nd match n what not.

fate - lol, i pwnz you. i earned that dollar mm. now ima buy me a chicken sandwich. lol your really good on battlefield tho for some reason, or perhaps i suck on it. or something

ka-master- lol, i need luigi practice i think.. i wonder how my falcon would've done... i was afraid to try it out. xD since u have lots of that practice. haha. but yeah. ggz.

nate - lol 2 friendlys. >.> probably same amount at tourney b4 that. haha. when u having smash fest. i should go to one of those.

deva- fun friendlys. we played more than usual which is a good thing. mm next time?

bladewise - i think this is first tourney i actually got ot play you. it was close friendlys but man your peach is really aggressive off the edge. O.O;

lol. i always end up not playing not playing the canadians. though i played dieslow couple friendlys he was pretty good. though i am suprised he took out nate. O.o cause my friendlies with him were kinda close. 1-2 stocks. and i played noobking once. lolz. people should bring recording equipment xD

haha also i was supposed to mm Chip, i was about ot ask him at the end, then aftermath comes out of nowhere and is like MM? and then directly followed by sw. XD but he had to leave so didnt get to play with any of us. <.<

PK Gay should've won. what happened..


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
There should be a smashfest at nate's this friday, so we can both actually play other ppl more before we go to CT. thx
I'll make that for sure. Idk if I can bring Ammon though, cuz I'm going to Orego
n the next day. Ammon, you should come if you can get a ride home the next day.

Shoutout time

Eggz - You are amazing at teams. Especially with your marth downsmashes. Will you date me?

Ammon - you're ****.

Nate - You're **** too.

Otto - You're alright...jk you're **** too. Thanks for the Samus tips you gave me during my set. If I did them better, I might have won the set earlier. You're too great and smart of a fox. Also your technical makes me wet, especially after not seeing you play as often as before.

Danny - Our set was soooooooo fun. Only set I enjoyed more was the one with Tiep. Great games.

Teddy - Rawr good times talking at the tourney. Didn't play, but who cares? We like never do. Cept in tourney. xD

James - Your shirt was amazing LOL Sorry about the goldfish crackers.

Jamie - Thanks a lot for the ride, sorry I wasn't talkative during the ride though, I was exhausted.

BC as a whole, particularly DieSlow - You have all improved a ton. And Tiep is a lot more **** than I thought he was. Idk why I underrated him in my head. =o

Tiep - Man, intense set. That was my most clutch win in a while. Going Marth may not have been a good idea, I have a really hard time vs Samus. My favorite set of the day for sure.

Dieslow - You have improved so much. I think you're as good as Manuel now, for sure.

Ryan - We didn't really play except in friendlies, but those were really fun. and fun times at my house haha. can't wait to see you again.

Adam - I was worried during our set. D= I was like "No losing to ganon as fox plz" Great matches, you're ****.

Jarc - Too bad we didn't get to play. I wanted experience vs jiggz for when mango came up, but owell. Good mario you have, btw.

Brendan - good times hangin out haha you're too cool

Deva - good times...watching you sleep unnecessary amounts. >_>;

Casey - We didn't get to play as much as I wanted, but good seeing you.

Icraq - Nice meeting you, you're a cool cat with a big beard.

Kamaji - You should smash more when you travel.

Vish - we still havent played wtf

Jamie's friends - Sorry I made you leave. =[

My view on the BC power rankings

I had more trouble against Adam than Dieslow. I'd like to think I'm really good at Marth vs Fox, so that could be why. But Ganon vs Fox is also a horrible, horrible matchup for Ganon, so that john applies as well. DieSlow accomplished more this tourney, as far as I know though. Good **** Tony.

I think Tiep should tie with Ryan.

My view on the WA power rankings

1-4 no move with no points/notes to be mentioned
5 still dan (if he loses/gets outplaced by teddy again, move dan up)
6 still teddy
7 mike (One more GC/no smashfest and remove him again. He doesn't get rusty, and he catches back up to skill pretty quickly. He's a quick learner, so I think he should stay here)
8 james
9 emo$ (Andrew has definitely improved a lot. I have more trouble vs his ganon than any of the players below him is my reason for this.)
10 chip (chip and deva are a tough call, as they are nearly even, but chip gives me a little more trouble.)
11 deva
12 vish (I've never played vish, but this is the common consensus, so i'll agree)
13 fate (removed loop for inactivity)
14 fear (hes aight)
15 jamo - Jamie has a problem with improving and learning, but I think hes better than everyone else who might be put here. He's been slowly getting better.

I removed jem and loop since jem quit and loop almost never attends.
I didn't post this in the PR discussion forum because I don't care. Too lazy. I'll discuss it in there if any panelists care enough to complain. I didn't post it in the PR thread because it wasn't on the first page.


Smash Cadet
Jun 24, 2006
Bellingham (Bellevue in summer)
My presence is not known.
Just so everybody knows, I beat VISH and JAMO in tourney games. I don't think i have ever lost to fear in a friendly, I usually beat fate too. Obviously friendlies don't mean sh** but I didn't play them in the tourney.

wow, i do need to post more, my posting skills are too bad, and it's dragging down my smash skills!!!

omg, I'm miserable

everyone i played: fun games, except for that tund/chade dude, he's a who**


Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Surrey, BC

ka-ma: i dont know how u do it with luigi, but good ****. ur falcon also ***** from what ive seen

eggz: impressed me with ur marth beating. u beat me to the toilet too, also impressive

tiep: gj taking money for canada. did so good with no sleep.. insomnia?

ryan: idk what to say but i cant leave ur name out if i put tieps lol

nate: gj on takin the initiative to basically run the tourney. gg in our set too-sorry to hear u werent playing at ur best though, i believe u when u say that.

teddy: im glad i didnt play u in tourney ~~

otto: never got to play u, hopefully we'll play next time

jarc: same thing here, and u came all the way from EC o_O

adam: lol @ me saying i'd go sheik against u and then u going fox in our first match. gg's though, should have came to shanes instead of drinking.. u would have been warmed up mad. gj on giving eggz a hard time.

deva: hands down the best link i've ever played. had fun in our friendlies. me letting u use my blanket + pillow + air bed was a mind game cause i knew u'd wake up sore.. im kidding LOL.

chip: hands down the best ylink i've ever played. was a lot of fun playing u @ shanes.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2005
Des Moines/Renton, WA
It's kinda funny.
Fox had been a big weakness of mine for a long time.
But now, I dont mind it too much. Playing against Dan yesterday was way too fun.
I had at least 2 f-smash kills. lol.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2006
Marysville, WA
Good job Ammon on defending your 1st place PR Spot I guess you can say.. Good job on the win.
Good job getting 2nd in Singles Shane.. And throwing a ****ing kitten on me when in an intense Double Team match with pros >_>

Not sure how all the results went, so good job to.. uhh.. Everyone who placed 5th or higher.

-Jem on Jamo's account


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
Sorry all for the confusion on the entry fee... Seemed real clear to me when I posted it, but I posted it...so ...

Next Tournament - Back to normal set up.

This Tournament - I did not think I was going to make it to GC until 3pm, so I had to have an alternate way to deal with the cash, and I do not like changing rules last second, thus I posted the night before (maybe even more then that) and then when I did make it to GC shortly after the first 10 or so people, I did not want to add to the confusion and change things back to normal...

When I get back from vacation (Oct 22nd), I will try and get brackets entered and posted....

I am sitting at the airport in Charlotte NC waiting to get on my second plane of the day...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Seattle - UW
Yeah... So... Shoutouts:

Fate/Fear: GGs, you're both getting better. Fear's Mario has improved a lot.

That Canadian guy who ***** my falcon repeatedly (Dieslow?): GGz, you're way to good for me. At least I won once. =P

Chip/Deva: You guys are awesome. Link/y.link are hella fun matches for Falcon, ggz in the tourny.

Patootie: Ouch.

Other people: Didn't play you enough, lol.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2006
Seattle, WA
oh yeah, fock that was a close set with miserable. >.>
i need more doc practice. lolz. johnz. but his falco was pretty gewd~

Gonz was at this gameclucks?! O.o;; how did i not see you/play you. lolz.
did you leave early or something?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Dieslow: You're good at the game. Congrats on taking out Nate, myself, and almost, eggz.

Ryan: you're rusty and stuff. We both need to step up for AME this december ;)

Tiep: In my head I was bashing you sooo hard for not sticking with samus. <3 good job in singles tiep.

Jarc: Puff/Ganon is a handicapped team to begin with. Gay we got Tiep/ryan first round in winners and again 2nd round in losers but what can ya do? :ohwell:

Eggz: Why'd you ban my stage? It's the only thing I have on fox v_v

Dan: Thanks alot for housing and everything, that was great. You started ****** me in friendlies near the end of my stay and I think I just lost all will to beat you in the end xD

Mark: thanks to you too for housing and dropping me off at the bus station. I think from now on I'm just gunna bus for $20 or less to Bellingham the day b4 a WA tournament and hitch a ride from there =)

Emo$: <3

Aftermath: "Buy me something"

Teddy: Thanks so much for picking up Jarc and I on such short notice and GG I had with you =D

Fox is so hard to use well... how do you guys do it? Teach me plzkthx.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Good job Ammon on defending your 1st place PR Spot I guess you can say.. Good job on the win.
Good job getting 2nd in Singles Shane.. And throwing a ****ing kitten on me when in an intense Double Team match with pros >_>

Not sure how all the results went, so good job to.. uhh.. Everyone who placed 5th or higher.

-Jem on Jamo's account
LoL you had that cat coming.

The control scheme for brawl sounds gay. Mainly because my jump button is the super special dumb attack button.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
No, I meant Y

And why would I know that? lol I don't look at brawl stuff at all. lol @ everyone who stays up refreshing the smashbros page until the update is put out, then gets mad if its late at all.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Am I even dumber for jumping with control stick?

Everyone always asks after they learn that "So you WAVEDASH with control stick also?!!"

I'm like "Yes.. Control stick and L.."


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
Shoutouts i guess...

Vish: omg that money match was tooo funny. I would have won to if you didnt pull that wall tech out of ****ing no where on my crazy combo... lol. We need to play more the next tournament.

Gonzales: your falcon seems less dash dance camping now. I like it. crazy *** combos on my marth.

Fear: I think you getting a lot better this month has inspired me to pick up korean training on smash again. I kinda lost my motivation but now i guess its different.

Deva: omg why the **** did you leave when we were tied at 1-1, thats not okay.

emo$: idk why but im having less trouble and more trouble playing you. Its random....

ANDY: Play in the friendlies, and by that i mean dont suggest FFAs. You'll improve more that way

Random #1: you were cool, I think its awesome that you just moved to WA. I'd like to see you in more tournaments Also get your name out so i dont call you random.

Random #2: same as above. (i think you were twins? idk i read something somewhere)

Overall shoutout: I didnt play most the big names this tournament. This tournament was really fun expecially after i went back home and picked up the right controller (i had a blonde moment and played the tournament with a crappy controller). But yeah, as i said before, my lack of practice is starting to show so im going to start developing my smash skills again. Im gonna try and develope my own unique style of marth as well so be prepaired next month XD
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