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Melbourne - SEAT1. September 22-23, 2005.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002

That looks almost as much, if not more than the amount that turned up to @M.....

lol @ Em hiding at the back

Wa-hey! Congrats Cats! 2nd! I'm impressed!

Shaz? Forfeting? What happened there? :/


Oct 29, 2004

SINGLES FINALS (35 Entrants):

1 Emily/Kupo
3 JM
4 SabreAnt
5 Freddo
5 Sloth
7 Anfology
9 Jazblack
9 Julz
9 Reon
9 Eric
13 MikulonIce
13 King Kong
13 Divine Crono
13 Syrick
17 Joe
17 Yvette (She was absolut pwnage!! Killed Anf totally best ever!!! XD)
17 Jeremy
28 Julian
28 Chris
28 Myst Walker
28 Plasia
28 Billy
28 Sebastian
28 Snes101
28 Markarse
28 James
28 Khang McCloud
30 George
30 Richard (his skill belies his rank TOTALLY!)
32 ThunderMistress
32 Nickcaine
N/A Cronos_Rainbow
N/A Duffman



1 - Team B@stardry (Kupo + CATS)
2 - Team Sexy Animal (Cronos_Rainbow + SabreAnt)
3 - Leftwing Canfovism (CAOTIC + Anfology)
4 - Ribbit *CHK* Yehs!! (Divine_Crono + Freddo)
5 - Team (JM + Eric)



Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2005
Australia, Melbourne, City
ROFL!! haha look at us all! What a great photo..Hmm i wonder what mark was doing above cats head? That was a really great smash meet, thundermistress and I made a great team!! (we just didn't win :p)


Magical Love Gentleman
Aug 21, 2005
Sex Cauldron
CAOTIC said:
17 Yvette (She was abolut pwnage!! Killed Anf totally best ever!!! XD)
True that. Match between her and anf was aswomest of the tourny (from what I saw anyway). I tell ya what though, SEAT definitely put me in my place. I knew I wouldn't do good, but I didn't think I'd do bad, especially that bad. :p I must practice relentlessly now.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2004
Keilor Victoria
King Kong was uberly manly and stuff for playing DK. You just need to remember that Roy can follow DK's up+B.

Mikul, we had some great close games, it seems my Roy can barely manage to beat most of your characters (except Marth :) ). Good games.

Freddo: I 3 STOCKED YOU WITH ROY! NO JONZ! PH33R T3H PH1R3 (dont take that comment seriously :) )

SNES101: Your jigglypuff is quite good, you managed to take out Roy in the last stock (tourney match as well... grr), well done.

My friendlies were clearly much better than my tourney performance. I got really unlucky with the Round Robin stuff (as in, totally gayed out). I had to VS Em, Shaz, Cats and JM, none of whom I can even get close to beating due to their superiorness to me in just about everything. Just look at their rankings (although Shaz forfeited, everyone knows he is totally awesome).

Anyway, I'm sure it was a great tourney for everyone else and I still had fun anyway, thanks Cao!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2004
shaz just forfeited so emily and i would look bad being the 2 top players teaming together lol
jk of course

good stuff to everyone in general, since the level of smash was clearly ubered up since last tourney, but i think that JM and sloth deserve the biggest mention of being uber and owning everyone. yay for JM and sloth! keep up the ownage! (billy was also good, nice use of upB)

cao didn't use bowser 100%!!! he used bowser 90% and the other 10% was peach!!! pika owned peach until you started grab whoring me *_*

and as a final note... i didn't really think pika would end up being my main character for SEAT but i guess if you just follow the flow then things turn out well :3


Jan 17, 2002
aha xD Great group photo, some of you guys need to smiile a little mooore n_n

SEAT was mucho fuun n_n Congrats and good job to evveerryooone! I was really out of practice so i wasn't expecting much n_n FFA for meee, I suck in singles :B

Yey for team Zelchu! xD Yeah, we were a good team : D Although we lost xD

And more photos! xD


Smash Apprentice
Sep 10, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
I was quite pleased with the results considering that my best practise is comps and it was my first tourney. But my strategy is so bad against good Foxes and Links, mainly because of their evil projectiles. It's the first time I've had good competition, so yeah I'll be looking forward to future tourneys. I'll improve my Jigglypuff for the next ditto CAO! And I agree Plasia, that match was great, I really enjoyed that! In one of the friendlies with King Kong, I got to execute an almost perfect Wall of Pain, the first time I've done it against a human.

King Kong

Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Ahhhhh, sweet sunshine back in Cairns! I had an awsome time in Melbourne, and i've got a massive thank you list since most of you were asleep when i left.

Caotic: Thank you so much for everything mate, I really enjoyed those bowser ditto's, and i hope you put some of our better matches up on the hub. Well done organising the tourney.

Shaz: Massive respect for you man, you taught me alot about the game, you gave me a lift everywhere and you didnt call me a noob, so thanks heaps mate.

Plasia: Cheers for letting me play your roy so much, I enjoyed winning for a change, till you picked Marth you tier *****.

Sloth: Your IC's are insane man, i really enjoyed our friendlies. Congradulations on doing so well.

Anthony & Freddo: You guys are too awsome, I really liked the roy vs DK matches we had anthony, and thanks for helping me find my way to the airport freddo.

Divine Crono: Thanks for letting me crash at your place mate, I enjoyed our three way falcon kneefests.

Snes101: Your jiggly has great potential man, you WOP'd me all the way off the level that one match, im sure the next time we play that you'll win.

Emily: Thanks for truly owning me, though I wasnt as badly beaten as I thought I would be, you helped my game get alot better.

Sam: **** your Ness, **** it! You are the funniest guy that i've met in a long time, and those Ness vs Dk matches were too fun.

Sorry to anyone else i forgot.

You are all CHAMPIONS, thanks for putting up with me, feeding me, giving me places to sleep and owning me in smash. I was happy with how I placed in the tourney, considering the lowest tiered character I faced was a gannon, I think I played alot better in friendlies anyways.

Peace out.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
An awesome event guys, so here's my thank you list:

Firstly Cao for pretty much organising the entire thing, I don't think anyone realises the luxury in having Cao around, simply because we can trust that events like these will be 100% successful because of him.

My teammate/SEAT host, DC, thanks for letting us destroy your house for the night dude. We did alright in those team matches eh? Your 'friendly fire Freddo deaths by knee count' only went up to 2 so I was happy about that lol :p

Anf, I'm not sure if this can be classified as a thank you, but I'm gonna say it anyways: thanks for losing to the little girl, it was the highlight of my day and I'm sure other's as well. You may not bring sexiness or even skill to the smash scene, but you sure do provide a barrel of laughs for us all ;)

King Kong, you're a top bloke, glad to help, that DK man, I honestly cant believe you managed to bring that down from Brisbane - it was pretty awesome and I can't wait for the next time we get to see you.

Shaz + Cella, thanks for all the Japanese crack up stories, they were hilarious + the wise words of wisdom.

Em, thanks for absolutely nothing...

And finally to the general community (everyone there who I didnt mention and all out-of-staters) thanks for being such good sports, it was heaps of fun, memories to last for a long time.


Oct 29, 2004
Here are some shots taken from the past 2 days of SEAT (Freddo’s dump):

A serious conversation

CAO in charge


Forblaze vs. Reon

Jian the roving cameraman

Joe, Julian, Emily and Plasia

Leftwing Canfovism hard at work

Non-lovers of Mexican cuisine

Ribbet * CHK * Yehs! vs. Leftwing Canfovism

Souljah + Forblaze

Yvette + Emily


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
In my incredibly crappy defense, I'd like to congratulate cats on coming 2nd, and also point out that he won the first of our 3 matches, and got the lucky last hit on the 3rd of 3, due to me napping whilst playing. =D Yes folks its true. But yeah. Lulls in concentration saw my *cough* "Samus" sd 3 of 4 stock in under 2 mins. =o


Smash Cadet
Apr 3, 2005
Vic, Melbourne macloed
Thanks to CAO and DC organising the event had a lot of fun even if I did get my A$$ kicked but I did win some matches and did one cool bomb tech that’s my highlight for the day

P.S great photo LOL Markus. Post some more photos


Magical Love Gentleman
Aug 21, 2005
Sex Cauldron
I guess it's about time I say my thankyou's aswell:

Thanks CAOTIC for setting this fantastic event up. For my first smash event that was really fun and a good experience. Can't wait for the next one.

Jon for being so **** funny. Honestly those noises he makes when in a fight are HI-larious.

Anf for being really welcoming and helpful. Not to mention funny aswell.

Yvette for one of the best matches I've ever seen. Your strategy is fantastic in its sheer cheapness.

King Kong for just being a top bloke as well as letting me play sollitaire on his laptop.

Lastly I want to apologize to Reon(I think it was him. Whoever I versed in round 7). He 4 stocked me with a Samus and I got really really cut. It wasn't his fault though, I was just really bad. Anyway, when it was over he kept saying sorry to me, and I think I might have let on that I wasn't accepting it. What I was really doing was saying that he didn't need to apologize to me and it was my fault. Honestly, sorry if that's the impression I gave you.


Oct 29, 2004
CAOTIC Cam dump:

DS Hubbin’


Freddo, Tony and Richard

Heading off to Montezuma’s

Jeremy – awesome kid


JM, Eric and Anfology


Ribbit * CHK * Yehs vs. Team Julz+Yvette

Team Sexy Animal


Team Duffman+Billy vs. Team 41

Team Julz+Yvette vs. Team B@stardry

Team Triforce vs. Team Zelchu

The customary Falcon Salute



shoutouts coming soon...!


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2005
Australia, Melbourne, City
lol Thundermistress you were good in singles too! ^.^ It was really funny, i think we made a world record for the longest match rofl! If you wanna add me to MSN sebastian_rules@msn.com it's alright it you dont..

Snes and billy were awesome too! Snes for edge gaurding (hanging whatever you wanna call it ><) And Billy in lightning mode, you were seriously good!

Hopefully next smashfest i can verse the people i missed out on :lick:

Nice face exspression from Emily in the last shot :psycho:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2004
SabreAnt said:
In my incredibly crappy defense, I'd like to congratulate cats on coming 2nd, and also point out that he won the first of our 3 matches, and got the lucky last hit on the 3rd of 3, due to me napping whilst playing. =D Yes folks its true. But yeah. Lulls in concentration saw my *cough* "Samus" sd 3 of 4 stock in under 2 mins. =o
i'm just that good at taking advantage of peoples lapses in concentration. i got the lucky last hit on freddo, JM, jon and sloth :3

also, thanks for the congratulating! let's own all the narutards on sunday!


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
I'll keep in mind to avoid camera's next time. Omfg, what was I thinking on the last pic? FffaaGg

Shout outz:

CAO/DC: Props to you guys organising this whole tourney and making this possible. Cao especially, in our Marth vs Roy match up, man, you were crazy agressive, and I haven't seen that stuff happen in a long time. Good stuff. DC, doh, too bad I didn't vs you at all in the tournies...NOT EVEN IN A FRIENDLY as well...WTF -___-. I'll be sure to do Falcon dittoes in the next meet. Until next time, keep it up BOI!

Anf: "Em you're such a noob". That's all I heard from you at SEAT. Thanks a whole bunch Ho. Good thing Yvette owned you in that match ROFL. It shall never be forgotten.

Fred: Potatoes!!!! *chants* ROFL. Shaz told me the story, I'll never forget that too. xD. Even though I didn't vs you at all, based on Cao's meet, you've improved heaps.

JM/Eric: B@stards!! You guys made me soooo happy when you rocked up...It was all a lie when you said you didn't wanna come? B@stards!! JM, your fox is hella scary. Probably second best fox in Vic land. Good matches against sloth too...in my mind, I had a gut feeling Sloth's IC's would have the upper hand against ya. Thanks for proving me wrong ^.^
Eric, nice to see you again too. Hope you'll become the next Bombsoldier ^.~. Keep smashin' Yo!

Sloth: Sloth Sloth Sloth. Too cool. I had fun in our friendlies, and would like to have more. Those Roy dittoes was fun xD. COME BACK AND VS US MORE AND MORE AND MORE

King Kong/Josh: DUDE! Should've stayed here for longer!! Ah well, its good to hear that we're helping out your game. Go kick Nessbounders butt now with the stuff we taught ya! xD Come back again will ya?!?!

I'm ganna have to cut this shout out short, cos yeah...I'm in a cbf phase now. Hopefully, I'll see some of the people again at manifest. wewt

Also, to people who all rocked up to SEAT, YOU GUYS ROCK!!!

King Kong

Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
kupo said:
King Kong/Josh: DUDE! Should've stayed here for longer!! Ah well, its good to hear that we're helping out your game. Go kick Nessbounders butt now with the stuff we taught ya! xD Come back again will ya?!?!
Heh, i played NEssbounder the first day I got back. He hadnt played smash for months, but i managed to ignite his passion agian. His ness is like Sams with all the DJCled f-airs and b-airs except that he has a million tricks up his sleeve and can use the PK thunder very well (Imagine being in the air then being talwhiped twice then zapped by PK thunder, thats the kind of control he has) Plus his G & W has amazing combos. Had he been at SEAt he would have made top ten easily I imagine. He's easily still Queenslands best smasher (Depending on how good KAydash is) Im in cairns for a week so we're gonna make a vid of his G&W and his Ness (No matter how poor the video quality is) and hopefully send it to you guys.

Peace out


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
Hey all!

Jon: thanks for doing your half of us getting 2nd in teams.....obviously we both suck at teams though for the fact our combined skills should've been enough to at least match them (B@satardry that is)...we suck lol. Atleast we look **** sexy in the photos...that's more than B@satrdry can say after Ems zombie impersonation on the last one! :O

KO and DC...I'm thinking this was a **** good tourney...loved the footy season style thing as I got to vs people I'd usually bypass in tourney play. Hope next time is a similar setup...if so I may play just for the hell of it. You guys have impressed me lately with your sudden shift from high level noobs to plain high level....Love watchin you grow, so keep up the work!

Em: Congrats on your win - I know you and I are kinda on bad ground ATM but that doesn't change the fact you done well, and that you deserve my congrats. It was most enjoyable to watch you play more than the usual abuse characters against someone other than me. Hope regardless of playing smash competitively or not that you keep playing it for fun with us often....it's been a long time since we abused items and island wh0re games.....we're still n00b at them!

Anf: Priceless loss man, you make my day almost every time we meet with your antics and lack of confidence in yourself when it comes to smash....even when ure confident you aren't confident about being confident lol. You're a great player, and you'll only get better once you truly realise you are. Keep up the Longordo appearances!

Freddo: Nice set of taters buddy! You're surely the best friend a hobbit ever had...so it's no wonder you keep us all such great company too! Your Fox is getting better and better, and your basically stalemating JM who Ems complimented is some real nice work.

King Kong: Don't worry I'm not forgetting ya. You're more than welcome for any help I've given you. I'm really glad you heard me out through it instead of wishing you were smashing my head with a concrete block as Emily does when I try help her. I'm happy to have gotten the chance to play against you, and glad you and I had a DK ditto too. Hopefully now you can tell Ryan he's not the only one capable of DKing ;) (other than of course you obviously).

Sloth, I didn't get to play against you. I wanted to but didn't feel I needed to after watching your matches...not because you suck, but because A: you lost to a Fox before I had the honour, and B: you didn't have any flaws strong enough to make me think I'd need mention anything. Hope you come back again soon, and keep your good work up.

Joe: Didn't see you in action but CATS said good things, keep it up!

JM: Nice work with your position, I love getting proved right...about you AND Cats. It's a shame we see eachother so rarely or I'd love to play you often enough to help you improve further. Oh, don't go getting cocky about Ems remark on your Fox....you're still way off wearing the white costume against me buddy :).

Eric: People seemed to be really scared of you for some reason.....you're a great player too, and it's no wonder playing with JM. I do notice you making more big mistakes than he does...it just seems not many people are capable of punishing them so easily. On the other hand though you follow up with some big balls, and know well when you can and can't take command of situations...something reminiscent of Emily IMO.

TM: Sorry to have made you feel shy about your choice of clothing. Truth be told you're just asking for attention wearing that kind of thing...and you got it...though not how you expected I assume. Anyway, be comfortable with who you are and if you're ready to express it to others...otherwise I mean you no harm :). Bad luck teaming with Seb in teams....He loses to M2 after all......Wait...he owned my teammate 1v1.....maybe he's a wildcard and he just didnt perform so well this time ;)

Plasia: You have a manly way of approaching situations...but it sadly earns you the title of noobtastic lol. Your car is pretty decent despite what I heard lol, and your Roy isnt as bad as they all made it to sound....though I kinda think KO played a better one sorry....so keep working.

Seb: Don't be a tool lol...nah you're a cool guy...but I missed all your matches :O...sorry...I'll keep an eye out for them next time. I hope you learnt something, and I hope you come back with enough ownage so we can give Perth the shi!ts about you being a better Zelda than Quez haha. Don't lose to M2...thats the main thing standing in the way of you being called a **** good player by me k :)

Mark: You were a pro this time around...didn't do much to make anoyone peeved at you, and took your luck like a man. Keep up the good stuff.

Mikul: Keep up the work, it must be hard living up to people who play your characters better than you. Maybe you could pick up a less played character to help your game while you grow with the others. I see what you think when you play...good ideas there, just lacking the experience needed to help pull them to reality.

Everyone else: Thanks for coming, I hope to see you all again, and with more and more skill to boot.

CATS: I left you until last since you're a B@STARD! Well done with your place...you're a good player and deserve what you achieved. I've got to admit that was my first gummy dinner I've ever had, and it was pretty cool lol. Thanks for talking with me also. Shame you didn't stay at DC's place and see the afro ninja with us, but I'm sure you'll keep up appearances in the future. Congrats again.

Well done everyone, and thanks for the good time.

Keep improving and give me a reason to come back to your lovely and sexy smash scene!


Smash Cadet
Sep 17, 2004
Nestled in Cao's crotch - Melbourne
Yvette, I need to congratulate you again on the way you used chain, I would have never considered that! =D Well done on your placing, too, and thanks for the truly humbling experience.

Great day, made some new friends, annoyed old ones =P And yes em, you're still a noob. ^_^

The best part of the day was spending hours on end with Shaz and Cella, absolutely hillarious ****. I even hit my nose on DC's cupboard due to violently rocking back and forth in hysterics. hahaha

Many thanks to Cao + DC for organising, everyone for attending, and the friendly-yet-competitive vibe of the day, it was tops!

[And sorry for whoring the shine spike in our friendlies, Eric... Oh, and sorry to DC for leaving your bed a mess when I left your house <_<]


Jan 17, 2002
Eh, no worries Shaz : P I just kinda chucked on whatever I had lying around, guess I should be more wary next time xD


Smash Rookie
Aug 27, 2004
Hey all..... i havnt been here in a while but i thought that i should go on for you all ^_^

CAO: thnx for organising a awsome tourny....... i thought that it would just be another ordinary N2C type of smash sesson but man was i wrong. Also i should have played ya some, i guess i kindda forgot to...lolz...... i only saw ya play wen u were versing CATs.....good stuff... Anyways, thnx for ur hard work.

Anf: Wwooo!... you were the kind of player i imagined you to be..........exept, were was the shine? Keep foxing and yeh , i gotta play ya again some time...

Fred: ****.....i didnt think you were a Lylat player........ u pulled off some nice moves back there and i must say, your shine was the scarriest i've ever seen........ nice work

eM: heY , im glad you want me to go to this event so badly....... but you somethin? I was gonna come to SEAT all along...... i just said that i may not to ....you know, make entrance heheheheehe........ Well vs'ing you, you played flawlessly and i suspected as much...While i was vs'ing you i felt that you did have as much of a hold on me comparred to our previous matches at N2C..... thats probably cus you were just toying with me :ohwell: ......well done

Sloth: You got some scarry *** iceclimbers there.... You're the 1st iv'e seen to play so dangerously with them......... i didnt expect you to take down my " lutenant" eric (bleach related crap lolz)

TM: :) heya, i was goin for ya in ur matches ....like wen you were against plasia , i was all "Cmon!!!!!...........One more time!!..... yeHHhhhHH!!!!!" heheheee.... i didnt really notice you leaving.... i'll be sure to team up with you next time ;)

CATS: freakin CATS....... You finished me with a cheap up+air. i gotta get ya back for that....... well done boy

Shaz; man.....why'd you forfeit? you shoulda stayed in or at least shoulda let me play ya some...... yeh an, cool fox stuff ya showed me, made my fingers work to the point of wreckage and posibly hack the controller......lolz .... and also........yeh i was there....

Jon: wat up bois? i remember as the up+B guy...........JES!!!!!!!......lolz ..uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm...... it was great wen we went to hungry jacks? lolz


Oct 29, 2004
Shoutouts – a large thanks to everyone who went out of their way to coming to this tournament, whether it was by plane out-of-state or your dedicated folks who drove you and such – it was great to see everyone that mattered in Melbourne Smash attend. YEAAAAAA more than 20 peeps came (wrong CATS wrong) which means I won’t quit organising Smash until I go, hehehe. I’m sure there WILL be a next time for this but for now just take a well-earnt smash rest, and enjoy life.

Anf – I love you. You are teh biggest nub when it comes to humor – “Sam, you’re flat” WTF is that rofl – It was sooo lame it was funny. And that fat guy dancing to Romanian or whatever music? Lol so sad =D Good job on the tourney – I will never forget when the whole crowd turned to your match against Yvette, hahahar. Did we Bowser hug? We probably did – if I forgot I’ll pass one on to ja next time I visit. =)

Em – YAY! I won 1 match ROFL. I win in life * runs away * XD Thanks for helping run the tourney along with me – people aren’t acknowledging your role in running SEAT so I thought I’d fill that in with a nice prop. Oh yeah, congratulation on winning... again! >_< You’re one of our scene’s greatest assets. You need to feel more appreciated (although some would cry foul with what I just said, lol XD). Have fun with WoW and if you neglect Smash, expect a visit from yours truly - I will burn your copy literally (with fire) =D

CATS – You B@stard, I forgot my Jiggs was my only char that matched up well to Pikafat blob of crap, GARH! Congratulations on beating everybody in the tourney but Emily. =D * Must remember not to touch Falco ever again in tourney lol *

JM – You’re also a B@stard for telling me you’ll pass out on SEAT – you would have been less hassled on the net if you just said you’d come lol. But I guess you surprised Em “kowwaiiiii!!” Also great job placing well again, I didn’t catch your Foxy, but it does sound leet by the look of things. Keep up Smashing – you know you love it. You liked Tourney Maker too didn’t ja? Hahahar

Jon – Thanks for coming + bringing the TV – you owned me in Teams and also in Manifest. I had no idea you were versing me in Manifest and when you were I was thinking “WTF! - how can some random n00b be owning me?!?!” then I finally turned my head, lol – good stuff.

Freddo – Man what an awesome guy – he backed this tourney at LEAST as much as I did, and dude it payed off big time! Thanks for setting us with a BACH style G Cameraman, thanks for being a sexy sexy SEXY Fox and your Rubiconers who came just to see Anf get wasted in the Singles tourney (they got their worth with Yvette, rofl). You play Melee for the same reasons I do (it's all about growing as a group and having good times), and I can see you tanking (whoops taking* up, lol) Melbourne Smash sometime down the track =D Love ja heaps, come up to Cali soon and we’ll Smash and party hardcore!!

Sloth – Awwwwww!! GIMME A BOWSER HUGG!! So cuuutttttteeeeeeee!! XD I’ll probably have to give you one on Monday – it’s well overdue =P Congratulations on surprising everyone by bringing that much skill out of the sticks of Tasmania and disproving the popular notion that “noone can expect to be good without having good experience against a variety of people.” Good IC’s by the way, but against Peach.... just give it up lol.

Jarryd – Easily the best pro n00b in SEAT. Your Falcon can read and control well, and it can land all of the critical hits (as opposed to other Falcons who fly all over the stage hoping for cheap knees, and usually missing XD) Once you pin down the WD/LCancelling/Shffling, that Falcon will truly become a force to be reckoned with. Hope you had fun at our “Melee Boot Camp!”

Reon – I liked your Fox too. All these shoutouts remind me how many Foxes there are here lol. TOO MUCH, but it’s cool. Anyways, I’m sure you liked your run (you did really well in the Qualifying rounds) and I’m proud of you getting your skill leveled up despite how distant you are from us. =) Love you too mate.

Eric – GARHHH!! You almost killed me in the finals!! Tooo scary! >_< Your Falco, whoa... every Bomb-esque. =P You ***** my Marth with it (which is no easy feat), so then I went Peach... “Oh, did I win?” =D OWNED. Hahaha, good stuff mate, you’re getting a lot of respect by the Smashers, so take some of it on board, OK?

MikulonIce – Moorabbin is definitely Melbourne territory, buahaha lol! Thanks for coming up here for SEAT, I appreciate the effort you put in your game despite being the furthest from us locally. The crew will visit you again sometime – I’m sure you’ll like that ^_^ OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGMOG!!!! This guy plays Bowser!! Automatically top tier!

King Kong – eyyy’ Have fun enjoying the sunshine, I guess our balmy 20 degree weather sends you shivers all over, eh? You tool, hahaha. I’m glad you enjoyed your short stay here – I defiantly had a blast hosting you =D And that sexy sexy DK of yours, all I can say is wow. Thanks for the money match by the way, I left it at DC’s house, rofl, AROO!

Divine Crono – OOOooooOoooOOOoooo CHK CHK YEHS!!! You said “bleh” and “OMG I suck” alot lately, it’s not true mate, just take a look at some of the shoutouts you’re getting. You’ve grown the fastest out of everyone in my opinion, and remember one important thing – host tend to do not as good in tourneys because A – they suck (I refuse to believe we suck) B – we’re too busy thinking of others things, like running the tourney/after-party as opposed to ranking well. That’s why I played Bowser alot more than I should have in the qualifying rounds, because it was not like I was expeting to do well whilst juggling alot of the draining tourney tasks at the same time (unless youre a Smash machine like Emily >_> grrr*). Take a well deserved rest from Smash, you’ll perk up back to OooOage in no time ^_^

Syrick – May ko biec Tien Viet nieu khong? I expect you to know something from Nam, lol. I didn’t spell it right, but you get the idea. =) Congrats on getting into the finals. It was pretty exclusive.

Joe – What a tool.

Yvette - =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D You sealed the best Smash moment in my Smash memory and for that I give you uber praise. *Adds to the list another girl who KNOWS how to play Smash* ^_^

Jeremy – Awesomest little kid. You have a mean big bother, lol >=P

Forblaze + Souljah – Hey guys, thanks for coming heaps, and I hope you got a lot from SEAT. It’s great meeting new ppl (and there was quite some at this meet) and the group is a very open arms community (at least I like to think we are) for those who wanna learn competitive smash. You should guys should verse us in some friendlies later down the track, ja? MSN us ^_^ I enjoyed the company of both of you, and don’t worry about getting angry with Smash, that’s just one side to Smash we’ve seen all too often before, but ppl just take away the good memories from meets they’ve been to.

Myst/Sam – Hahahaha SEAT put you in your place. Say goodbye to easy runs and low tiers placing well... oh wait, what does that mean for Bowser? T___T

Plasia – Work hard at get rid of that beautiful luck of yours. ZOMG @ versing the best 4 Smashers in the Qualifying rounds. O_0 You still proved your worth and growth in Smash in your friendlies – props to your endeavours and persistence with Smash despite the horrible odds you get crashing over you like an avalanche, lol.

Billy – Hey mate, thanks for coming to SEAT, and a big thanks for your Dad and Sister keeping you company and supporting the tournament in general. ^_^ You’re a good Smasher for what you do with Fox and I hope you’ll continue to play Smash with the group, even if it’s just small friendlies in your area. I’d look forward to seeing and hearing form you soon. Cheers mate! ^_^

Sebastian – Glad to see you had fun! =D Love ja.

Snes101 – OOOooooooh, the Jiggs!! Such a suprisingly good Jiggs! Thanks for the ditto, there’s not too much that separated us, only experience really. =) And you’re only 13! O_o Extra good stuff mate. Hehe, I look to your newly powered up SSJ2 Jiggs! >=]

Markarse – Easily the most determined Smasher in our group. He became pro in just a couple months - give it 6 months and he’d challenge the socks off ja all! Congratulations on growing sooo **** well in Smash, you challenge my arrogance in Smash well, but at least I’m not the king of assumption anymore =P You’ve got a good selection of chars that ppl aren’t so well versed at, which is a good bonus for you. Keep at it mate – I back your determination to reach your goals, WOOT!

RANDOM – Congratulations on the bomb-tech recovery. That can go in the montage =)

Richard – Man, thanks for coming, you rock dude! =D Too bad you didn’t place as well as you should have, cus your Falco is sexy tier - seriously Emily and I mean it!! It’s alright though; you’ll harden up to competitive Smash come the next meet. I enjoy your company so I want to see more of you!! =)

ThunderMistress – weeee ^_^ Thanks for coming! I didn’t notice cleavage, lol – maybe Shaz was just faster at getting you to wear more stuff lol. But thanks for coming, I enjoy your company in the Smash scene and seeing you and Timmy ^_^ in Manifest was too good! Totoro hugggggg! * squish *

Nick – Thanks for coming, I can always rely on you bud, but maybe you should learn to play hardcore Smash more =) Get JM and Eric or someone westide to school you >=]

Shaz – ^_^ Shaz. Thanks for fostering Smash all this time – you’ve given sooo much to the community and I feel the group hasn’t given enough back. But I do feel that with your retirement, you’re finally getting the respect you deserve from the fellow Smashers you’ve raised up, it just took either time, your exit, or both to see it happen. Three cheers to one of the awesomest Smashers to exist in our hub for his sheer insanity, skill, smarts, humor and goodwill in Smash! You’ve enriched us all and taught so much ^_^ Enjoy life mate and I’ll Smash you many a time later. =)

Lastly, thankyou to everyone who had the privledge of losing to my Bowser.

I think most or all of us can agree that SEAT was a fantastic experience. You all owe it to yourselves more making it what it was. You guys are all awesome. Love ja to bits. Till' next time, ey?



Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2005
Australia, Melbourne, City
Thanks Shaz! But guess what, (marks gonna hate me for this) I smashed his mewtwo with Zelda wewt! I was just being a stupid ******** ***** the whole time and fixed the problem by running and grabbing instead of doing a predictable dash attack (which works on everyone else :/)

I forgot to add something. I think everyone has improved so much, especially Sam's Ness! And most people are pretty much even in skill, just character adavantages help with some wins^^ (That's not including Shaz, Emily and some other people)

Cant wait to verse everyone agian!


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
Shaz retired? Yeah, and my butt is a giant shopping centre for tiny humanoid life-forms. Thanks David and Nathan (& Em) for the smooth operations. But I have one problem. There aren't enough pics of me!!! =D


Oct 29, 2004
I've been holding them back due to pure sexiness. So I'll post them tomorrow along with the much anticipated manliness shots of Plasia and Manifest.

Shaz has effectively already retired from competitve Smash (which might explain his forfeit), but it's not stopping him from Smashing or attending meets/fests when the opportunity arises. He also wishes to serve as some form of Smash Sensei, so I'm pretty pleased about that.

There has been some talk of SEAT2 and much of the discussion has it set for December if I host, otherwise later next year without me. But it appears that SEAT was just too good to leave it at that, so it looks like it's set to continue!



Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002

Don't forget this guys. And Cao's coming to this, so I dont think it's fair to make Cao host another tournament just after he comes back from Perth. Why doesn't someone else make one other than him? Or even better, come to EI2!


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2005
Australia, Melbourne, City
Goodbye to Sloth and Jaz.

Didnt get to verse you Jaz and Sloth much at all :(
Don't know what happend to everyone meeting at narrewarren station at 12 but anyway, hopefully you can come back to melb agian for SEAT2 maybe be hosted by a different person this time :)
Hope you guys had fun in Melbourne and we didn't make it look to bad for you lol! Cya


Smash Rookie
Sep 25, 2005
Hi, first post
i got 17th :( darn i think when sloth said

Classical Music for the win.

Or even more auto win, go some Michael Jackson. We all wanna sing along to heal the world ^_^
Even better, techno love music from Initial D.

he was actually letting out his true feelings for falcon! just like at manifest were he let falcon win(in hyrule) i'm only writing this because i dont know what to write! in conclusion i "CHEC" yehs'ed jon(k) at manifest!!!
seat had bad air conditioning


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2004
eyeshield21= joe

i think there should have been better music playing at SEAT since the music choice was sub par (sorry to whoever chose the music)

everyone should migrate back to ASTD


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
Em likes being blunt

What's a better choice?

Cao holding SEAT2 = Convenient for majority of the Vics. If thats going as planned, I ain't spendin' $500 for a perth tix. lolz

I'm gonna say it too.

I'm retiring from competitive smash [No, not cos of WoW]. Just cos I'm bored lolz.
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