King Kong you talk big, you'd better hope you can deliver seeing as I expect a lot from you now. If you don't provide expect to be called noob by me for some time until you're ready to admit your mistake...If you somehow win against the better players I'd be impressed and forced to laugh out with all my might as Emily destroys you in her cruel cruel ways. If you beat her I'll be forced to take you myself.....and of course if you beat me I'll be too stunned to do anything but clap. Good luck with your MM's vs KO. Keep in mind the good majority of us have played CJ...and in particular his DK has been experienced....I've also played Hoshino Kirbys DK who was also of a very high calibur. I may seem like a jerk ATM but I don't take kindly to people automatically expecting they're better than my friends, who try hard and I respect a lot. I'll by glad to use Falcon vs you for your enjoyment

I'll wear my godtier nametag from Jack Garden Tournament....that way I can stand out! However these people may refer to me as honey or sexy(alphabetical so don't be jealous

lol) : Anf, CATS (if he's not too mature for it), Cella, Emily, Falcon, JM, Jon, KO, NickCaine(spelling?), Plasia. The rest of you may call me Shaz or GodTier.....unless you please me with an UpB (gentle if it's the first time) in which case you may call me the prior names. I lok forward to spreading the manly love with you all *chk* YEHS! Oh, and Jon and only Jon has the honour of calling me Little Boi!
Warning to all who would dare face team *******ry: CATS is the dirtiest player alive and Emily has a tendancy to be a MUCH better player than all the rest of you save the enthusiastic Cella. I would recommend you stay as close to the center of the stage while playing (don't be obvious about it too much though), use teamwork where possible, target CATS since he chokes easier, break Ems slaughters by using both tactics and guts....DON'T BE SCARED since the more attacks you throw, the better your chance to hit...defending carelessly gets you grabbed or beaten silly....remember all good defense has a solid strategy behind it...instinctive bubbles are just an invitation for combo! Good luck with that...don't let CATS take another team win in a big tourney it makes nobody feel good....cept for him :D. Here's some character strategy for you all to consider:
-CATS- (Dirty + cheap kills - smart player)
~Kirby: Beware his suck off noob as the tactic is it's a biatch if you let it have you. Catch him attempting this for an easy kill or atleast some percent. Use a good Marth, Fox, Sheik, Mario/Doc for a good time. Avoid if possible using DK, Bowser in this match.
~Pikachu: Strong UpSmash, he WILL use and abuse it if he gets the chance....also beware the upair(spikes) and his throw nair or throw a piston A,A,A attacks since you'll be Emily bait. Use any character with a good edge gaurding ability...fall speed and weight will help. Avoid if possible using G&W, Mewtwo, Roy and DK vs this foe.
~Pichu: As above, though his headbutt has a tricky ability to hit may not know if you don't vs Pichu. Fsmash hits hard early and Emily is greedy for kills with her fairs using some chars. Avoid if you can Roy, Gdorf. Use Marth, Samus, a GOOD Luigi.
~Gdorf: I admire this character of his best, it's fast for a big guy, hits hard and takes all opportunities to hurt. Beware his desperate down B's as they can catch you when you're in battle. Otherwise, just know it hurts hard. Counter with Fox, Falco. Beware with Yoshi, Marth(he's good against it)...most characters.
~Falco: Standard Falco *******ry. Use: Jiggly, Peach, Mario/Doc, Zelda, Sheik, A GOOD G&W, In-your-face Marth. Avoid Gdorf, Roy, Mewtwo, a BAD G&W.
~Fox: Probably won't happen, but if it does, just watch for breaks in his attempts to combo...he makes slip-ups. Use Falco, Peach, Sheik.
-Emily- (Fast and aggressive player - Good combos and plays on good instinct)
~Sheik: **** good Sheik, don't die fast. Avoid pretty much any non-high tier. Use a good Falco, Fox, Falcon, Counter-wise Marth, Lasting Peach, Another Sheik if you're up to it, Doc, GOOD Climbers.
~Fox: My fave Fox in Aus because it's good, impressive to watch and hard to break away from. She short hops into UpAir often, so don't be scared of a little DI. Use Falco, Sheik, Peach, Jigglypuff, GOOD Marth, Falcon, Doc, GOOD DK. Avoid practically anything else.
~Falcon: Nice Falcon too, be careful of her knee abuse. CC will help if you time it correctly. Use Fox, Falco, Sheik, Gdorf, Marth, Roy, Link, Zelda, GOOD Kirby, GOOD Climbers.
~Falco: Painful to the max to anything dumb enough to come by this fool. Don't apprach the thing unless you're VERY confident and prepared. It shines you like crazy at any moment, so be on guard....though with offense not shield. Spacing is far and she's just going to blaster approach you. Use: GOOD Fox, Sheik, GOOD Marth, Peach. Avoid obvious fools who'd just die easily.
~Marth: Good Marth with combos. Makes some slip ups rarely though. Use a good Sheik, Falco or Fox. A good Dorf or Falcon could do well too.
~Peach: A pain if there's one like no other for sheer overpowered BS....Lives for LONG + don't CC. Use GOOD Fox upwards, Marth, Gdorf, Y.Link, Luigi. Avoid Falcon (you can use him, but beware chains if you do), Roy, Falco, DK, Bowser, Mewtwo.
- Don't let them save eachother
- Don't leave one or the other unattendaed to do what they will hurt
- Don't attempt to take both...that's what I do and it's not the easiest thing in the world lol
- Do live as long as possible while always attacking
- Do save your partner if you have no large risks in doing so
- Do go for CATS when he goes to a vulnerable place
- Don't go for Emily if she looks vulnerable unless you're sure she can't act....she's experienced more than you guys, and will likely use your moves to turn the tables...think all the time before making a stupid decision
- Don't be scared to help your partner
Good luck guys, hope this helps in some way