Hey Stingers! I used the second match starting at 4:30 and the third match starting at 9:45. Woah this is tuff not looking at myself and instead analyzing your actions instead of my own. But here I go!
4:43 – Beautiful job at 4:40 of trying to keep green team sandwiched.
5:03 – you are still doing a great job of keeping green team sandwiched. You are cutting off their options. You are taking advantage of Rob’s projectiles. With Rob you don’t have to be so close to keep the other team sandwiched.
6:10 – Good decision to go and help your partner
6:40 – you are trying to force a gimp. In doubles go for guaranteed stuff. You are playing the best lucas in the world

. Know your opponents and respect their skills. You should have jumped the snake with your partner. Always take advantage of 2v1s. One thing I recommend would be to act like you are going after the lucas which would cause his partner to run and help and then really attack the snake. These are advanced dubs tactics. Get away from putting a target on a one players back.
7:08 – Your partner is getting pressured hard and eventually dies. You needed to be more aggressive here in your team spacing. You should have entered the fight. Doesn’t matter if the c4 is there. Go around it.
9:50 – Good sandwich. It is clear you have this down and understand it. Good job.
12:36 – Verty crucial. When you attack in doubles, make sure you are looking at all 4 characters on the screen and can’t get punished. This is hard and is advanced dubs play. I of course wouldn’t do such a risky move like pk thunder unless I trusted/communicated to my partner to get the punish.
Alright, now it is time for your ranking. I am going to combine both games.
Followups - 1 out of 5 – I didn’t really see any followups. You need to work on this part of your doubles game Stingers.
Punishes – 0 out of 5 – Didn’t see any punishes.
Sandwiching – 5 out 5 – Excellent job sandwiching. You use Rob’s fair well. And even from afar you use Rob’s projectiles. Just be careful because sometimes you should pressure harder in order to be there for your partner(projectiles are too week and a doubles pro will be aware of it).
Team Tactics – 1 out 5 – I didn’t see any. Maybe DK pounding the ground to your fair is one but that just looks liked sandwiching to me.
Stayed away from Unneeded 1v1 battles - 2 out of 5 - You chased of the stage a lot to try and get the kill. Only do this if it is guaranteed. If not jump the person on the stage and rack up %.
Overall score – 2.5 out of 5 – You have great sandwiching skills but that is about it. You seem to be playing Rob exactly how you do in singles. Develop a doubles playstyle that allows you to get some punishes and followups in. I know the DK player is you main partner. Develop some team strats and tactics with him. One simple tactic is for him to save his fully charged power punch until you get a grab. Rob has one of the best grabs in the game and when you play dubs you immediately throw like it’s singles. In dubs pummel or throw to your partner so they can followup. You are a great player but your singles skills are carrying you through doubles. Master these dubs fundamentals and you will shine brighter my friend.
Hey wifi buddy!!
Game 1
:18 – ooh already you missed a followup from your partner. Remember always want to look and go after guaranteed situations. After you hit the Rob you should have immediately went to attack the mk. You don’t have to focus on one person the whole time. There aren’t really combos in singles but there are in brawl!! I see you tried after but the mk is already out of stun. Too late. Good job recognizing the sandwich though.
:54 – Stop throwing immediately unless you and your partner do this on purpose. Pummel and right when he attacks stop. And if your partner is behind you downthrow. Wario has one of the best throws for following up in the game(his downthrow). Throwing immediately is a singles tactic. When you hold it allows for your partner to followup up and makes the opponent’s teammate go aggro and try to save them. You then can punish their teammates aggro.
3:50 – You guys are unfortunately mostly fighting two separate 1v1 battles. Your partner has got hit by mk so many times and you are never there for the punish. One tip to over come this is to act like you are fighting the rob but you are really keeping good team spacing(being close enough) to your partner so that you can followup or get a punish. Right after you get a kill. But the amazing things that are happening are individual. Not team tactics or teamwork.
4:08 – I know this is for you but tell your partner that g&w’s bair/turtle is extremely good for shield pressure. This will allow you to more easily followup for a continued team shield pressure.
Game 2
:34 – That is good. You want to have things like that happen constantly.
:47 – You are sticking to an unneeded 1v1 battle. You should have went to help your partner. Who knows what would have happened because you see the mk messed up. Potentially what could have happened is as you rushed over and saw the mk slip up, your partner grabbed the ledge, and you then hold off the rob. That would have been a kill. Always focusing on the team brings about kills.
1:03 – Save crucial attacks like farts or buckets for guaranteed situations. Like if your partner gets a grab for example. Or your partner forces a roll or airdodge.
1:48 – Good punish. You should have the teamspacing to get those consistently.
3:40 – Oh noooo haha. This isn’t you, it’s your partner but you are still responsible for communicating. Smash is a mental game and in a 2v1 most teams want to rush and get it over with. Don’t do this! When Esam and I are in this situation I constanly keep telling him to stay calm and keep the situation 100% in our favor. No need for risky stuff or to try and end it early. No reason at all. An you guys sadly lost because of it
Ranking time!
Followups – 0 out of 5 – I think you saw the opportunities because a lot of times you go and try to do it after it is too late. This is being “reactive”. Follow these dubs tips and you will have the spacing that will automatically make you be “proactive”. You will have the spacing for followups and punishes.
Punishes – 1 out of 5 – Ready up ^. Saw very very few
Sandwiching – 2 out of 5 – You did it sometimes
Team Tactics – 1 out of 5 – I’m disappointed because you guys should have some team tactics developed. You have the fart. Incorporate that into a team tactic. You guys should have some auto kills. I saw you do it on wifi. You were a double wario team and one would throw an opponent into his partner’s and the partner would fart. It was awesome! Develop some stuff for your offline play.
Stayed away from Unneeded 1v1 battles – 0 out of 5 – You guys got some great individual skills but respect your opponents and use the skills towards teamwork and not forcing 1v1 situations.
Overall score – 2 out of 5 – Work on your punishes and followups. Learn how to fart as a punish or followup. Develop some team tactics and don’t throw immediately. This dubs set looks like the average US doubles gameplay. Both teams are mostly just doing two separate 1v1 battles. Learn these doubles fundamentals and get away from that. You can do it Wafty!
Final Tip – Wario and G&W are both great punishers(powerful smashes and the fart)!! You guys have to include good team spacing to get some punishes in your gameplay. Tell your partner to go crazy with the turtle (bair) and you learn how to followup and team shield pressure off of it. Good luck Wafty!