The Reality!
King Funk really wants to go EVO but he has money problems
Life is tough.
King Funk provided a lot of support with getting the possibilty with smash at EVO, he helped spread the word everywhere since the Facebook poll and donated 150$
He is a melee tournament organizer, helps at every tournament and has been an active member of the European Melee scene since 2010
He's a pretty decent Melee player <3 he took a game off me in tourney cause he adapted after all the friendlies. Also pretty gatlike at SSB64
He is also very passionate about SSFIV:AE atm, is planning to enter SSBM/AE/SFxT/Marvel at EVO and is very knowledgeable about all games and all facets of the FGC.
The goal for the fund is $800 but this isn't expected, it's whatever people can help him out with =)
Goal may be much smaller depending on whether KF manages to find a job/sell some stuff before July. Lets pray to the working world gods!
Paypal: jfvissing@gmail.com
All donations will be refunded if King Funk doesn't get the necessary sum by May 13th.
King Funk provided a lot of support with getting the possibilty with smash at EVO, he helped spread the word everywhere since the Facebook poll and donated 150$
He is a melee tournament organizer, helps at every tournament and has been an active member of the European Melee scene since 2010
He's a pretty decent Melee player <3 he took a game off me in tourney cause he adapted after all the friendlies. Also pretty gatlike at SSB64
He is also very passionate about SSFIV:AE atm, is planning to enter SSBM/AE/SFxT/Marvel at EVO and is very knowledgeable about all games and all facets of the FGC.
The goal for the fund is $800 but this isn't expected, it's whatever people can help him out with =)
Goal may be much smaller depending on whether KF manages to find a job/sell some stuff before July. Lets pray to the working world gods!
Paypal: jfvissing@gmail.com
All donations will be refunded if King Funk doesn't get the necessary sum by May 13th.