we need better input guys, no offense lol
Best thing said so far.
So far that I read anyway, if anything stupid/intelligent has been said, it's been too long of a post for me to read it thoroughly, but I trust it's been going strong for 4 pages. Lotsa big-brains in here, mhm.
What do I have to say about the topic at hand though?
Some people say fighting Sonic is annoying; Some people should see it from the other side, it's not walk in a field of Roses over there either.
Espy is amazing, and I'm proud to be his self-proclaimed ******** bro.
Alright but seriously though, I like 62.5:37.5 for a MU ratio, because even though Marth is an annoying character to deal with, no way does he have the same magnitude as G&W, regardless of both being a terrible MU. It's just that a G&W losing to a Sonic has less excuses to work with than a Marth, but it's not just a soft-counter for Sonic either
:/ I can only hope you understand what I am saying here.
I'm also trying to keep this short, sweet, and straightforward, because I would be a hypocrite if I were to turn back on what I just said. I also hate repeating what others have said, and I'm sure some people have already came up with ways to deal with Marth/Sonic from Sonic/Marth's perspective, so that's just even more annoying; probably even moreso than playing the MU itself... hehe.
Edit: Oh Okay, now we're onto something here.
Did someone suggest that Japes was a bad Sonic stage?
Well, it's not the best stage for Sonic, but it's alright. This is coming from a person who would just ban Japes no matter the opponent character. Japes is just awesome.
Further Edit: Here we go again, something else that needs to be stressed.
Homing Attack is bad, don't let anybody else tell you otherwise, but I can't let a misconception go about. Whether it's already been corrected or not doesn't matter but I'm going to make sure people understand this:
Go ahead and spotdodge a Sonic who is HA-stalling, which it shouldn't be legal anyway. If that's going on, only bad Sonic's are going to gimp themselves, as long as they don't cancel the HA lag, as in let it run it's course, it will bounce back up on the stage, regardless of whether he's locked onto somebody/thing or not. Just wait for him to stop (or call him out and get him DQed I guess, something has to happen right? Assuming you're in the lead he'll have to come back up or he loses to time).