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Mass Madness 24


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
1: Elen ($44.16)
2: Zoso ($20.24)
3: Trees ($12.88)
4: Kyu Puff ($9.20)
5: KevinM ($5.52)
6: Yedi
7: AOI
8: Ryu Cloud
9: MattDotZeb
10: Brookman
11: Stanley
12: Flaco
13: DarkDragoon
14: HaileyM
15: ShadowBall
16: Axel
17: Flow
18: Heather
19: Omni
20: Azu
21: Cogsmooch
22: Dan
23: Wayne

Tournament was ran in a spur of the moment single round robin.
Took much, much longer than it should have and that was in part due to me not anticipating that 6 set ups would not be enough - I thought the event on the whole would have ended by 7.

Sorry for the fact this took so long.

In other news: This was good to help me realize how much of a bad idea running the Ranking Battle this way will be. I've already figured out another simpler and more familiar way to run that and will change that post soon.
You can find the thread here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=289299

Special shout outs to Heather for being awesome and helping out with running this while I played my matches. It was wicked helpful and was very appreciated.

Secondardy special shout outs to Dan and Wayne. Why did you leave early? I don't think either of you came up and told me. Though I'm not sure if you guys go onto smashboards at all.

Everyone else - Fun stuff. I learned a lot even though some of my matches were pretty frustrating. ^_^ Can't wait for the next one!


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007

1: Elen ($44.16) - Nice to meet you! You're **** as hell.
2: Zoso ($20.24) - Pft. Stop sandbagging.
3: Trees ($12.88) - Nice to meet you! Sick Falcon.
4: Kyu Puff ($9.20) - Haha, nice job. You were pretty on-point today.
5: KevinM ($5.52) - Hell yeah. Good job.
6: Yedi - Whack.
7: AOI - Sucks you had 5th taken away from you like that.
8: Ryu Cloud - Too bad you were only hittin' Kaio Ken those matches you needed to be Super Saiyan in.
9: MattDotZeb - **** your Kirby.
10: Brookman - Not nearly enough Mewtwo dittos, but the few we had were high-quality.
11: Stanley - You always beat me in tournament. Wtf.
12: Flaco - Those sets were close. Cold hands johns. Sorry I couldn't fix the controller.
13: DarkDragoon - 13th? Bah. I should have ***** more.
14: HaileyM - You beat me but I out placed you. I think I lost to everyone from WPI. Wtf.
15: ShadowBall - Stop killing yourself.
16: Axel - I love you! :D
17: Flow - I'm not even sure what character you main. You played a different character every time I turned around. So confusing. Good **** at Chili's after.
18: Heather - Lol. Good ****.
19: Omni - You do some silly things.
20: Azu - You're new, learn and get better and stuff.
21: Cogsmooch - Good job punishing my dodge with a Bomb-Omb. What do you want for Christmas?
22: Dan - Good sport. Had fun with Mewtwo v. Ness. Don't leave early!
23: Wayne - You ran out before I could 4 Stock you with Mewtwo. >:[



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
So like...what the hell did you do to my results to make me 21st??? lol that can't be right even with me leaving halfway through.
I explained this to you before you left.
Everyone who leaves a pool, giant or normal sized, gets their matches turned into 0-2.
It's the only fair thing to do. Keeping your wins in the bracket would have been unfair to the players you beat, since the ones you had not played would have been marked as beating you 2-0

You, Dan, and Wayne all had this happen.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
This is ZoSo at Nick's dorm.

Me and Elen split for first after playing Falcon dittos in our set. Lol.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2007
Mur-mur-murder Capital Awesome Level: 9000+
1: Elen - Glad to see you're still good after not seeing you play after 2 years haha.
2: Zoso - <3
3: Trees - Too good. Mad beast Falcon yo.
4: Kyu Puff - Good set. I think I shoulda got the win, but that's smash for ya.
5: KevinM - Marry me.
6: Yedi - Good stuff like always. Hope to see you soon.
7: AOI - I haven't seen you since RoM 1. Glad to see you still play.
8: Ryu Cloud - Good set. GANON. Glad I got to play you, though.
9: MattDotZeb - GANON. BRINSTAR.
10: Brookman - <3 <3 <3 Thanks for bringing me.
11: Stanley - Marth is pretty good, yo. Keep it up.
12: Flaco - Same thing goes for Elen. MARTH
13: DarkDragoon - <33333
14: HaileyM - DOWNSMASH. I'll get around that move eventually.
15: ShadowBall - My Falcon never dies. Awesome set.
16: Axel - Hey it's me!
17: Flow - You're a really awesome guy.
18: Heather - ;D Pikachu vs. Pichu will be your best match up ever LOL
19: Omni - Sorry for the F-Smashes.
20: Azu - Keep playing, keep learning.
21: Cogsmooch - Peach shinanigans.
22: Dan - Thanks for not being there.
23: Wayne - Same^^^


Smash Rookie
Nov 14, 2010
18: Heather

Special shout outs to Heather for being awesome and helping out with running this while I played my matches. It was wicked helpful and was very appreciated.

<--- Yay I didn't place last ^_^

Annnnd you're welcome, anytime :D


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
Not as gay as being a hypocrite.
Because people don't change their opinions on anything. Ever.

I'm going to start banning it at my tournaments.
There isn't really much enforcement and I stand by the whole "It is your money and you can do what you want with it" but if it is going to happen I'd prefer it to happen outside the venue or something.
Basically: I don't wanna see it unless the tournament is something like this or with few attendees since it'd have been really gay for me to have told you and Elen to gtfo when you planned on splitting at something as relaxed and enjoyable as this tournament.
But if it's something with like 30 players, I don't want it ending in a split.

However, the addition of points being awarded at events after the Ranking Battle will, hopefully, become the goal for the players in addition to the money - where in that case splitting is not as large of an issue.

(Basically, Dave, I'm debating things with myself when it comes to splitting, the new point system I'm adding, and my events in general. There are a lot of things I am brainstorming, considering, and shooting down right now and this will continue for a while as I try and gear my events to a little higher degree of professionalism. So by all means if you have an argument for splitting, or anything I'm doing or not doing, I'd love to hear it)


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
Mad chill peoples at this event. nice to see some old familiar faces. I need to get more games going in CT so I can step it up for the next event.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Matt, I have a problem with bracket manipulation and it's kind of obnoxious when people make a show of not playing seriously in GFs (kills the hype, as opposed to my set with Elen, which didn't affect the results at all and was watched by nobody) or just don't even bother to play. On the occasions when I've split with people, I always ask if they want to play it out.

All that aside, I don't really see any sense in trying to ban splitting because such a rule would be virtually impossible to enforce. The fact of the matter is, you can't tell people what to do with their money and you can't force them to not sandbag/go random characters.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2009
Back of Diesel's Car
1: Elen - you're soooo good, come to more tournies! can't wait to come hang with you guys
2: Zoso - thanks for the advice :D
3: Trees - travel more! can't wait to come chill with you guys
4: Kyu Puff - close matches, gg's
5: KevinM - <33 raaape, even with a broken controller. I love you!
6: Yedi - yo real talk, gg's
7: AOI - fun matches
8: Ryu Cloud - yooo smellin it
9: MattDotZeb - fun tourny
10: Brookman - good seeing you. gg's!
11: Stanley - your marth is good, play with us more often
12: Flaco - ggs
13: DarkDragoon - WPIIIII. woo
14: HaileyM - lol
15: ShadowBall - ggs
16: Axel - good to see you, sick shoes. dsmash *****.
17: Flow - gg's and fun friendlies!
18: Heather - yayyy :D girl smashers<3
19: Omni - gg's
20: Azu - gg's
21: Cogsmooch - we didn't play D: next time?
22: Dan - didn't meet/play you
23: Wayne - didn't meet/play you

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
i don't think 'ggs' has an apostrophe hailey cmon now

making our school look bad

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Stanley has like the most asian marth ever. Does that make sense to anyone else?

Also I beat 8 people before I left how ****

shoutouts to me for being horrible against falco

shoutouts to DD for getting his roll read by a bob omb on the last stock at high percentage. greatest moment ever.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
I actually had a fun time @ this, despite a few things lol

1: Elen: I wasn't even close to prepared for that Fox. Now I have something to aspire to. I'm gonna try and be better every time we rematch :)
2: Zoso: Nice marth i like it a lot, I almost made you pay for going falcon second round, good ****
3: Trees: I like the Sheik/Falcon MU a lot, I dk how much it showed. You're mad good.
4: Kyu Puff: LOL first time playing you was in tourny, I haven't been that confused playing against someone in a long time. We must friendly sometime
5: KevinM: me: "Hey you wanna do M2 vs Bowser?" you: "Nah I'm going mad hard gay." you were just afraid that if we had done that MU i might've beaten you :glare:. LOL fun games. :awesome:
6: Yedi: Like your Falco. gotta get over to WPI to spar with you guys sometime.
7: AOI: i want a rematch sometime, I can do a lot better than i did in our set. also fun friendlies are fun
8: Ryu Cloud: I actually don't remember our set though I'm sure we played...
9: MattDotZeb: fun friendlies at the beginning, sorry for not playing you in tourny thought you were my last set.
10: Brookman: Not sure how I won the M2 ditto, and i somehow got the feeling that you were holding back... I dk but good games
11: Stanley: that last stock SD is going to puzzle me for quite some time. our rematch is something I'm looking forwards to immensely. PS work on your DI lol
12: Flaco: yeah yeah yeah you beat me big woop. I didn't even want to play on that tv, only told you that three or four times (With witnesses).
13: DarkDragoon: LOL SDs. our set might've been closer if I didin't do half your work for you. >_< I was surprised on you complimenting my M2, yours is looking very smexy itself.
14: HaileyM: good games dispite my epic fail at the end, looking forwards to a rematch
15: ShadowBall: scrub stop killing yourself
16: Axel: so how does mewtwo's fair not kill falcon at 165%? I'm still confused by that... :urg: good games
17: Flow: I was pretty intent on winning, like I said if you're gonna play Falco abuse the lazers. covers almost all options (How stupid hahaha)
18: Heather: PIKACHU DITTO! our whole set should've been that. :awesome:
19: Omni: for some reason I couldn't play the Fox MU worth a tinkers dam that day, you did very good against me don't get it wrong. I'm gonna win the next set =)
20: Azu: Are you Omni's friend? Okay what I meant when I said I was "snuffing the match" was that before that I was trying to do the upmost more than necissary rather than playing straightforward, no insult intended.
21: Cogsmooch: we didn't play in tourny, I was really really looking forwards to it. :c
22: Dan: you disappeared, didn't play you.
23: Wayne: you disappeared, didn't play you.

I felt that despite my massive inconsistancy i learned a lot playing everyone, ggs all.

@ Jamie of GU: your thingamajig fixed the sound on my sutup but left me unable to record, didn't get any matches, I'll see if I can't fix that for next time. :urg: :c :(


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005

SUPER SPECIAL THANKS to Matt's friend!! Emulating that ~$60.00-$85.00 game as i type this.


The Terminator
Nov 29, 2005
Springfield Mass
I actually had a fun time @ this, despite a few things lol

1: Elen: I wasn't even close to prepared for that Fox. Now I have something to aspire to. I'm gonna try and be better every time we rematch :)
2: Zoso: Nice marth i like it a lot, I almost made you pay for going falcon second round, good ****
3: Trees: I like the Sheik/Falcon MU a lot, I dk how much it showed. You're mad good.
4: Kyu Puff: LOL first time playing you was in tourny, I haven't been that confused playing against someone in a long time. We must friendly sometime
5: KevinM: me: "Hey you wanna do M2 vs Bowser?" you: "Nah I'm going mad hard gay." you were just afraid that if we had done that MU i might've beaten you :glare:. LOL fun games. :awesome:
6: Yedi: Like your Falco. gotta get over to WPI to spar with you guys sometime.
7: AOI: i want a rematch sometime, I can do a lot better than i did in our set. also fun friendlies are fun
8: Ryu Cloud: I actually don't remember our set though I'm sure we played...
9: MattDotZeb: fun friendlies at the beginning, sorry for not playing you in tourny thought you were my last set.
10: Brookman: Not sure how I won the M2 ditto, and i somehow got the feeling that you were holding back... I dk but good games
11: Stanley: that last stock SD is going to puzzle me for quite some time. our rematch is something I'm looking forwards to immensely. PS work on your DI lol
12: Flaco: yeah yeah yeah you beat me big woop. I didn't even want to play on that tv, only told you that three or four times (With witnesses).
13: DarkDragoon: LOL SDs. our set might've been closer if I didin't do half your work for you. >_< I was surprised on you complimenting my M2, yours is looking very smexy itself.
14: HaileyM: good games dispite my epic fail at the end, looking forwards to a rematch
15: ShadowBall: scrub stop killing yourself
16: Axel: so how does mewtwo's fair not kill falcon at 165%? I'm still confused by that... :urg: good games
17: Flow: I was pretty intent on winning, like I said if you're gonna play Falco abuse the lazers. covers almost all options (How stupid hahaha)
18: Heather: PIKACHU DITTO! our whole set should've been that. :awesome:
19: Omni: for some reason I couldn't play the Fox MU worth a tinkers dam that day, you did very good against me don't get it wrong. I'm gonna win the next set =)
20: Azu: Are you Omni's friend? Okay what I meant when I said I was "snuffing the match" was that before that I was trying to do the upmost more than necissary rather than playing straightforward, no insult intended.
21: Cogsmooch: we didn't play in tourny, I was really really looking forwards to it. :c
22: Dan: you disappeared, didn't play you.
23: Wayne: you disappeared, didn't play you.

I felt that despite my massive inconsistancy i learned a lot playing everyone, ggs all.

@ Jamie of GU: your thingamajig fixed the sound on my sutup but left me unable to record, didn't get any matches, I'll see if I can't fix that for next time. :urg: :c :(
tv johns chill with that lol what else controll johns lmao :cool:

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
Hey flaco if you had the option to play with a better controller but had to wait a bit (say five minutes) to play with it in a tourny match, but your opponent refused to wait and insisted that you play with it, then nagged you into not waiting and then u lost, what would your reaction be? Hmmm? Would you be upset? Yeah that's what i thought. (i think i played heather on that tv after but that's different lol those were matches mostly for funsies)

p.s. stop being lazy and write your own shoutouts lol =P


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2006
I had a really good time at this one. Small tournies are always the most enjoyable for me, since it's not crazy loud and you get to spend time with everyone. Also, since I played everyone I can shoutout to everyone.

1: Elen
1: Zoso - Good seeing you, and REALLY GOOD GAMES. Hope you'll stop by my place more often. Also, I agree 100% with the points you made above.
3: Trees ($12.88) - Good destruction of ice climbers bro!
4: Kyu Puff ($9.20) - I didn't hate playing you quite as much as expected! Next time, we're trying that thing we discussed where you pick my character, and I ban IC.</3 Ice Climbers.
5: KevinM ($5.52) Bro, you know we only came to see you, and it was so worth it. Really hope to hang with you and Hailey way more soon <3
6: Yedi - So I think this was the first time we've ever played (at least in a tournament). You're falco has gotten really good, and you've got some combos that were really catching me off guard. I have my DI so set in stone for some moves, that it was leaving me open to some creative blasting. Really impressed man!
7: AOI - You waited! Remember, fsmashing shields leads to dead birds.
8: Ryu Cloud - You almost had me in both our games. Keep consistently marthing like that and you'll be taking down any and all foxes very soon.
9: MattDotZeb - Be less nervous! When you play at the top of your game, you can beat so many more people. You just need to relax so you can actually give me a good set sometime xD Also, on the subject of splitting, if the tournament hadn't been this style, and people were interested in seeing Dave and I play, I wouldn't have done that. The truth was nobody was interested, and it wasn't taking any enjoyment away from anyone. It didn't skew the other results in any way, and we really just had no desire to play eachother. This was a situation where I really see no issue, and I can't imagine you disagree. Now in general, there are times (when there's hype among other things), where it probably shouldn't be allowed. You get what I'm saying?
10: Brookman - <3 Been too long! Your fox is so much smarter than mine, I really think you needed to rely on it more than your falco. But really, fun to see you and play again.
11: Stanley - So apparently you don't play that much, in which case you've got a surprisingly solid game. I was pretty nervous when you took the momentum in a few of those.
12: Flaco - Well, you told me to leave a shoutout, so here it is.
13: DarkDragoon - You almost took game 1 while I had cold hands. Caught me by surprise with that Shiek.
14: HaileyM - Can't wait to hang out with you soon! Everyone is hyped for it <3
15: ShadowBall - Barely got that stock off! I was so close, haha. Good games!
16: Axel - Next time, might not want to try the falcon ;) Good seeing you after years though!
17: Flow - Your link needs twice as much skraa! We'll have to hang out soon!
18: Heather - Excellent pokemon battles. Sometimes it's more about the moveset than the evolution :p
19: Omni - You've improved considerably since the last time we played. I'm surprised you're not placing a bit higher after our games.
20: Azu - So, you're the one person I can't remember playing, haha. Remind me?
21: Cogsmooch - Good old beardsmooch. Great seeing you. Try more dsmash next time!
22: Dan - Rage quit!
23: Wayne - Rage quit!

Don't ever run a round robin tournament again Matt, but I have to say it was pretty funny to do it once. I think everyone had fun, which is always a good sign. Also, I really appreciate the effort you put into running them, and I don't mean to give you such a hard time when you get off the computer. For some reason, poking fun at you is probably the most fun thing to do at a tournament <3


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
9: MattDotZeb - Be less nervous! When you play at the top of your game, you can beat so many more people. You just need to relax so you can actually give me a good set sometime xD
It was weird. I actually haven't played nervously in years but for some reason at this tournament I was lol

Also, on the subject of splitting, if the tournament hadn't been this style, and people were interested in seeing Dave and I play, I wouldn't have done that. The truth was nobody was interested, and it wasn't taking any enjoyment away from anyone. It didn't skew the other results in any way, and we really just had no desire to play each other. This was a situation where I really see no issue, and I can't imagine you disagree. Now in general, there are times (when there's hype among other things), where it probably shouldn't be allowed. You get what I'm saying?
As I said: vvvvvv

There isn't really much enforcement and I stand by the whole "It is your money and you can do what you want with it" but if it is going to happen I'd prefer it to happen outside the venue or something.
Basically: I don't wanna see it unless the tournament is something like this or with few attendees since it'd have been really gay for me to have told you and Zoso to gtfo when you planned on splitting at something as relaxed as this tournament.
But if it's something with like 30 players, I don't want it ending in a split.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2006
It was weird. I actually haven't played nervously in years but for some reason at this tournament I was lol

As I said: vvvvvv

There isn't really much enforcement and I stand by the whole "It is your money and you can do what you want with it" but if it is going to happen I'd prefer it to happen outside the venue or something.
Basically: I don't wanna see it unless the tournament is something like this or with few attendees since it'd have been really gay for me to have told you and Zoso to gtfo when you planned on splitting at something as relaxed as this tournament.
But if it's something with like 30 players, I don't want it ending in a split.
Fair enough. It's a safe enough way to deal with it.
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