*Dons tinfoil hat* *Thinks about how Obama secretly controls the weather* *Cracks knuckles*
Lets begin.
Vote: BarmanUK
I'm voting for the foreign account because 'Merica.
PolishNapkin is another foreign account! WHY WOULD YOU VOTE FOR ONE OVER THE OTHER!? We're done here. Pack it up. Scum team confirmed OrangeNapkin.
I'm a bit suspicious of Protateus since he's frantically throwing shade on literally every slot that has posted thus far. Some of the pressure just doesn't make sense (like Barman "not calling me out" where the only thing I did at the point of his last post was a random vote).
This is stupid. He obviously didn't really intend anything to come from that.
Greetings. I am Leviathan. To those that remember me, I require no introduction, but doubtless there are those among you who have not heard my legend.
Gone are the days that titans walked upon this earth and the few that remain have lost their teeth. I have stirred from my long dormant state to remind all those that have forgotten the power of a titan in its full glory. It has been many moons since I last have entered one of your contests but I am not blind to the struggles of DGamesia's residents. I now sit in judgment of each of you. I intend to judge fairly and honestly, but know this: I have come to win.
You have already given me your true name. What would you have me do with it?
I look forward to the chance of playing against familiar faces. Although it has only been months, it has felt like eons since I have encountered them.
Ugh. Alright, this feels like a reaction fishing gambit and an attempt to move the game out of RVS. Not inherently town or scum, although scum wouldn't put itself in the spotlight like this when it can sit in the shadows like everyone else. Null town.
What do you mean "true name"? Is that our true identity, or our role? In either scenario, I would ask of you the same question that you have asked me. If you get my identity correct, that means you have already claimed and that claim has been confirmed, which could possibly put you in the hot seat for the rest of the game. If you can correctly guess the name of my role, that confirms you as the cop and you more will likely be the target of NKs. If the true name is my true identity, that would confirm your role but we still couldn't be sure if the role is town (the way it's worded, it seems the Leviathan could be any faction).
Either way, I have nothing to hide. I will allow you to decide.
...But at this point in the game, there hasn't been a night. There is no logic to this post. I don't like it.
Is this post just entirely confused? Does him being this confused over it mean anything?
Or did this guy really just think he got outed as mafia already? Why would he assume the other role was a cop and immediately think the Leviathan stuff was real and relating to it?
Vote: OrangeXhtml
I actually see this as being a useful avenue
This is a good question to ask.
and I've heard of D0 cops before.
Oh, ok.
Either way, I don't see any reason that Leviathan would go out of his way to do this if he isn't what he claims to be. That would be WAY too much of a gamble on Leviathan's part if the person decided to test the reveal, because that would have gotten them caught in a lie.
This is legitimate analysis.
Why would he need to do that? He's already disguised as a polish napkin. In addition, he's claiming a PR regardless of if Leviathan is actually his role name because I didn't do anything to initiate the name-giving.
Precisely. Which is why it's safe to assume Napkin doesn't know ****.
That's right, isn't it?
Leviathan has never been the man, merely the moniker.
But you're a little piece of cloth from Poland.
OK then, let's assume for a moment that you're Leviathan. If you theorize about how there could be people that want my head if my identity is revealed, why would you re-confirm your own identity a couple sentences later? If you are Leviathan, you could only benefit by disassociating from that name so that the theorized slots won't come after you tonight. If you aren't, you would want to keep up that act so that the theorized slots won't be effective tonight.
We already know he's not Leviathan. The person who guessed that last night was incorrect.
While I like freshly pressed orange juice, I'm not a fan of this current state of affairs.
Firstly, discussing whether or not Polishnapkin is Leviathan isn't conducive to actual scum hunting. On the same token, Orange entertaining Polishnapkin's assertions and trying to play detective is also largely irrelevant. The reason being? It's because Polishnapkin has every reason to use a fake identity in this charade. Even if he is the player he claims to be, that account is just a mask for another player. Even if he isn't, it has no bearing on his alignment, because both Town and Scum probably have a good reason to keep their identities hidden based on what has been suggested in the thread. Even if there isn't a negative aspect of remaining hidden, we can't be sure, so we may as well stay hidden while we are at it. To that end, I am not sure why Orange is so confident that he won't be screwed over by the mechanics of the game.
As an aside, I agree that Protateus seemed to be spreading himself thin by pointing his finger in multiple directions at once. Surely he can't be thinking about earning allies in this variant.
This post is scummy as hell. It's fake content that achieves nothing. He says that the current discussion is not productive, explains why... and then stops. Bad.
I'm really not ok with the way this game has been going, first I really doubt that's Leviathan and more then that who cares?
The anonymity looks like it's going to really hurt RVS so I'm going to roleclaim. I'm Vanilla townie
Wait. How does role claim change anonymity? Just like in any other mafia game, roles are secret.
I'd really like to know who this is so that there is some context to this action, but I won't poke for an identity.
I'll ask the really obvious question: why would you out this and give scum a reason to narrow down where our PRs are, assuming we have any?
Good question.
1. We're 4 days into day 1 and there's almost no discussion, this guarantees discussion
2. Mafia can't know if I'm really a vanilla townie or a PR whose just claiming to be one, therefore this discussion can't really narrow anything down
3. So this generates conversation without negatively impacting town and at best throws WIFOM at the mafia to deal with
Good answer.
Premise the Second is that it is no boon to town to reveal the faces behind the masks provided by our host. Our gain is slight compared to the advantages it affords the enemy and I would prefer to silence any discussion about it. It is an ungainly distraction best left to the foolish.
So THIS is what you were talking about, corps. Ok. Would you like me to give me guess at why he said this, or shall I wait until he answers?
The sound of my voice echoes in this empty hall and I do not wish to hold conversations with the reverberated shadows of my own words. Since, it seems, that no one is willing to put themselves forward as I had originally hoped, I fear I will have to be much more direct. I propose three premises. After I state them, I require every participant of this game to voice their answers. Should any cowering soul fail to provide a response, we strike the fool down where he stands.
Premise the First is simply that: any individual that holds silent their tongue will be forced underground to the silence of death.
Premise the Second is that it is no boon to town to reveal the faces behind the masks provided by our host. Our gain is slight compared to the advantages it affords the enemy and I would prefer to silence any discussion about it. It is an ungainly distraction best left to the foolish.
Premise the Third is a proposition: should this discussion not reach eight pages of comments, we lynch the man with the least to say.
I throw my support for all three of these premises. What say you, dancers of this fine masquerade?
I still think it's bad policy, but upon reread this come across more as silly townie than scum. I can see the thought process, at the very least. Further, this, like his Leviathan bull****, generated discussion -- scum would have felt no obligation to do so.
I'm not (which I realized two posts above yours), but it seemed like the only avenue to conversation. I caught Polish in a lie and my instinct was to persue it; I forgot that in this game, town would have a reason to hide information from the rest of the thread. It was sorta the natural progression of things with my mindset about Mafia (if someone lies, push them HARD) and literally nobody else but Barman posting. I'd also like to mention that almost half of the thread is liable to be bumped tonight/tomorrow morning, so that's not conducive to conversation.
I'll buy that.
It's not shade, it's
Barman's own logic dictated that he should have pressured you similarly, yet he did not. This means he was treating you differently for some reason. What reason would he have to call out one slot but not another ? He couldn't have seen you two in a different light, unless of course he had some reason to.
As a double plus point to you my tangerine tango partner, you're suspicion of me I find unjust, you see, since there was only a few people posting, your statement of "literally every slot so far" is a strawman of the actual truth, in which I made a simple joking statement towards AquariusBoy and Morosemist, then when you chimed in I voted you based on what is and remains RVS logic, the simple fact is you'vve done nothing to assuage my suspicions my orange o-migo, and for that, you keep my vote.
@Protateus How much of this post is satirical?
Simply he who has spoken the fewest number of times; you should find that number underneath the man's nametag on the right. That is enough for my purposes.
This is
You,. my Illuminated Illuminati have impossibly intruded upon an intellectual point I was intent on making. Here stands Orange, incoherent and an impostor to our band of illustrious townies. For his intelligence to jump to such an in depth and intrinsically interesting assumption that his role had been imparted upon by the ever impractical Leviathon, or even to think that Ingenuity had struck that self same man, to worry about his influence and appearance to the point of thinking Leviathon knew of his illegitimacy and be worried about it, certainly implies he has something worth hiding
Positively preposterous, yet I find myself perfectly aligned with the premises as they have been delivered. But premises hang on a ever shrinking precipice, that known as WIFOM. Who's to pro port these punishments, or pretend they preen to the ideals we hold true, how do we then pick through the proceedings.
Is it simply a number games for premise one ? Is a man, professing his innocence at a mere pittance of 10 posts speaking louder than a preening conniver, posturing as he will his puffed out chest, posting whatever pretend "content" he can. Who's to say which is more punishable than the next ?
Rounding over to number two, revelations I do agree resolve nothing, an identity is merely that, I do regards however your earlier recantation towards Ornage, and asking him regarding how he would respond to it, You, in fact, seem to revolve to the discussion despite your resounding reverberations to end the round table we'd find ourselves at, were we to rigidly and regrettably waste time revealing an identity, so I must ask, Why rotate yourself to Orange first, did his reaction reconstitute your approach, and why run the discussion aground when you were the one to start it ?
Third I find tithers on the same precipice I thought of for the first. Throwing one man under the bus, creates a tunnel upon the game to produce, therefore and thus I'd thoroughly disagree and thwart this premise thunderously, as the mere thought to have such a tremendous amount of thread activity without true meaning. Then we find ourselves thrust into a terrible choice between the definition of silence and the self same act thereof, and the act of theoretical silence.
Also, i agree with your point on Orange, looked like light fishing and a bit of a backhanded threat to Leviathan about revealing his role, also his reaction made it seem like his role was something he didn't want to have revealed and if he's town he really shouldn't care if leviathans gonna oust that he's town. He can argue it'd be dumb, which it would be, but he still at the end of the day shouldn't care
...Hmm... No, putting myself in his shoes, I'd respond with surprise and irritation. Perfectly natural imo.
The second one i do agree on, but at the same time I don't care enough to discuss it and Leviathans approach is hat on butt backwards because he was the one to start the discussion with orange and now he's deciding to shut down the interaction and all future discussion when he was the one talking about it in the first place.
Again, I think I know why he did this, but I'll hold my tongue until he answers for himself.
No thanks, I'll make my own decisions on when guessing an identity is appropriate for reads and when it isn't. Same for who is and isn't scummy. Pigeon-holing choices based on arbitrary rules set before the circumstances in which they would be used are never wise.
Thinking as I go, and this may very well change, but this is reason numero uno I town read Aqua.
It's simple.
Leviathan is not actually the identity of Leviathan. Leviathan is self-proclaimed to be an older player in DGames lore. However, he masked his 'true identity' when he joined Sleepover Mafia under the guise of the account 'Leviathan.' Technically, he is Leviathan, but since Leviathan isn't his 'true' identity or whatever, he can circumvent the rules of not being allowed to claim his own identity, because technically Leviathan is an alt account.
Lets stop discussing this, please.
Oh, **** OFF. This is such a useless line of discussion at this point in the thread.
Vote: BarmanUK
I don't like that he claimed to be VT under the pretenses of 'trying to start discussion', then claimed that he 'may not actually be VT and was trying to cause more wifom for scum.' He didn't accomplish much with this approach and ultimately fell flat on his face when asked why he did it. The attempt seems not so genuine since there was no follow-through.
Blatant lie.
Alright, let's go somewhere else:
Corps phoenix
I see you've decided to take J's avatar as your own. Why?
Trying to shift discussion away from Barman? The J avatar thing wouldn't have gone anywhere, and you know it. That said, any sort of push based on this would be wishy washy and intangible.
You literally claimed VT, then turned around and said "I might not actually be VT." Why claim that you might not be VT, and how is it relevant to bolstering discussion now?
If you had sat on the "I'm VT" claim and didn't provide any reason for doubt, there'd be more to talk about because we'd be dealing with a Glyph-esque anti-town situation. Instead, you backpedaled and left room for doubt that you actually might not be VT.
I'd already have voted Mist if this post didn't make it frighteningly possible he's just a misguided townie. This seems genuine, but it's also almost completely falsified.
It looks like you're acting off the assumption that if I didn't voice point 2 no one would have realized it and the "claim would have continued", and somehow me saying point 2 is backtracking. It's not. It's acknowledgement and explaining how it doesn't help the mafia narrow down PRs
I would agree with you, except he claimed to do it to generate discussion: which is currently working.
He also never "backed out" of his claim, he hasn't actually claimed to be anything else: merely stated that he could be anything regardless of what he says, so it's not necessarily hurting town. Everyone should have already known that.
Reason numero dos I town read Aqua.
This seems like a bad idea... People could literally just parrot other people's posts and then all of a sudden they have a dozen posts. We should gage them based
He was literally joking about the false content (I think?). I can't see someone using the support of a suggestion on how the thread is being run seriously counting that as falsified content.
It was RVS, I use whatever I can get my hands on to start conversation.
Please rephrase that statement so that it can be read by a lowly peasant such as myself.
Them's fighting words.
This post reads town to me.
i forgot this game existed lol
vote: aquariasboy
@#HBC | J I'm disappointed in you
You're content to lynch BarMaven already? That seems a bit fast for what he's done so far and how little the game has progressed.
Did the reveal change your opinion of the slot, or are you actually considering claiming VT that big of a deal that you're already done enough scumhunting?
It's not, but it's a reason to speak to him, and at the time I was writing the post it seemed like all avenues had dried and we were going to sink back to RVS. The post was ninja'd with the vote on BarMaven though.
@MOD: Can we get some clarification on whether by 12:00AM the 27th you mean Midnight coming into the 27th, or end of day on the 27th? I'm going to have limited access during Thanksgiving, so that'd be extremely important to know.
More good pro-town content from aqua.
If he was actually mod-verifying himself as VT then maybe I'd consider it anti-town on math. But just claiming it at a point where there could be some good to come of it isn't nearly the same, it's not even provable. The fact his idea was wrong and he was forced to backpedal doesn't have anything to do with his initial intent which is what's important here. Just becuase someone does something anti-town doesn't mean they did it because they're scum.
What good would it have been for scum to randomly claim VT at that point? I don't see the scum motivation for it beyond being a random outburst attempt for game-flow as advertised.
Moreso upon reread, Aqua just seems obvitown to me.
At this point in time (end of page 2) I've got a town read on Protateus. Orange and Polish are both full of crap and/or scum.
This though, seems like something worth exploring, because there actually
is potential for scum intent in posturing as a power player and posing policy lynch criteria to thread beyond getting responses. The fact the slot has disappeared ever since doesn't make me feel better that that stated intent was true.
Vote: PolishNapkin[/QUOTE]
This bit, however, did bias me towards him.
I tend to agree with this. Mavman seems a tad scummy, but I'm not willing to go as far as to lynch him off of it yet unless there is about to be a mislynch. In addition, if anyone votes for him at this point, he'll be at L-1 with 2 days to go in the phase; if he's town, scum could take advantage of that and get an easy mislynch. Then, the hammerman would state that they killed him to "advance a slowly-moving game" and they "thought he was scummy" (probably just reciting Moro's reasoning instead of using their own) to get off scot-free.
On the other hand, Ranivorous has been in-thread literally one time since the game started, put in a random vote (as we were exiting RVS and had content to make a more informed vote upon), and went right back into his hole. He has had almost a full 24 hours to respond to Aquarius, and yet has failed to do so. He's not the only one who has completely and utterly failed at being active in this game, but he's definitely the worst offender. As we get further into the game, an inactive and uninformed slot will hurt us a LOT as he could be easily manipulated and will slow down conversation more than it has already slowed.
I'm going to
Vote: @Ranivorousbeast until he actually gets his butt in here and does something.
I like this post very much. This is a solidly town post.
...Thats enough for now. More later.
Right now, everyone is null, save ScumMist, TownCorps, NulltownOrange, TownPolish, and TownAqua. There's likely either a scum in the remaining pile of null/inactive (which I'll develop reads on once I finish my reread) or Corps is just clever scum.