"You're doing it wrong." Is all I have to say about the "uselessness" of FLUDD in this matchup. Here's a tip, for free. If you use FLUDD as Snake comes back to the stage (let's assume that he isn't going to the edge because if he goes low he knows FLUDD will hit him away before he grabs it, if he Air dodges FLUDD, he sets himself up for Fair out of his cypher), As Snake is hitting the ground, you can can still push him off the Edge with FLUDD into forced fall without him getting his second jump and Cypher back. Now let's assume he goes very very high, where FLUDD doesn't work. At least you know where he will be now. Bait a Nair and slip behind for the Bair if you're feeling adventurous. As for Mortar Slide, if you play against enough Snake you'll get very used to just caping it if he tries from any sort of distance. You can always just shield grab it though which works fine (provided he's still in the slide, we all know grabbing after the mortar comes out is very bad). Something like Dthrow>Uair>Bair should make him think twice about pulling that **** on you anymore.
I'm so sorry, we must have an understanding. I thought you were talking about strategies for fighting a GOOD snake; one with half a brain and thumbs and whatnot.
No good snake will do anything you suggested.
"let's assume that he isn't going to the edge because if he goes low he knows FLUDD will hit him away before he grabs it". So wouldn't he go
HIGH? You're forcing Snake, in every scenario, to do things that no good snake would.
"let's assume he goes very very high where FLUDD doesn't work, at least you'll know where he'll be now. Bait a nair and slip behind for the Bair if you're feeling adventurous." No...good snakes only do
rising nair, not falling because of the lag. He would try a safe option like dropping C4, or DI forward and space a bair or something to that effect. Whatever snakes you fight don't use these safe options. You don't mortar slide just because your opponent is far away, or fair because it
might work, you use safer options like grenades, spaced nairs, utilts and ftilts to get the job done. Your scenarios are random speculation based on the reactions of bad snake players. That's no good.
I like how random people come in to kinda defend Mario and the Mario mains are all like "nah dude...*Insert thing here* doesn't work that well"
Mario mains = realists. We know every Snake we fight isn't going to be an idiot and let himself be fludded or w/e. Knowin where mario sux is the best way to go into a match.