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Make Your Move 4

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Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island


Game of origin: Kirby Super Star

I am one of Meta Knight’s loyal servants. As you could probably tell from my wonderfully creative name, my weapon is a laser trident. OOOO, scary! I also have jets in the back of my armor, making me even more awesome!

--- OVERVIEW ---​

In a way, you could almost describe me as slower, stronger, and worse at recovering Meta Knight. I have a great aerial game with good ranged disjointed moves. However, I have punishable attack speed, and my recovery is hard to use efficiently.

--- STATS ---

Movement Speed: 5/10 (I’m not out of shape, but I’m certainly no athlete)
Traction: 4/10 (You see how easy it is to turn around while flying around on jets =P)
Attack Speed: 4/10 (I’m kinda below average)
Attack Strength: 6/10 (In this case, I’m kinda above average)
Range: 7/10 (My trident is about as long as my master’s sword. I can already see you guys calling me broken)
Priority: 9/10 (Since I’m using a weapon for most of my attacks, I have a lot of what you guys call “disjointed hitboxes”)
Weight: I’m about as heavy as Kirby, maybe a little heavier due to my armor.
Jump Strength: 7/10
Second Jump Strength: 0/10 (I have a special second jump. Rather than gaining extra height, my second jump greatly slows my descent by using my jets. I can fall like this forever by holding the jump button, and can even stop and restart it over and over again. I fall at a speed that is pretty much a 1/10 in fall speed. I can still use aerial attacks while doing this, making my air game more versatile.)
Fall Speed: 7/10 (Hoo boy, when I’m not using my jets I sink like a rock!)
Size: I’m about the same size of Kirby but my armor makes me a little bit bigger.
Presence: 10/10 (Yeah, take that, Mace Knight!)


Above average strength
Good range
Lots of disjointed moves
Great aerial game
Kinda small target
Amazing presence


Below average attack speed
Tricky recovery
Kinda light
Short grab range

--- MOVE SET ---​


Neutral Combo [Triple Beam]
I point my trident straight out ahead of myself. Then, each prong of my trident, in turn starting from the top, shoots out a thin laser beam that only goes as far as Kirby is tall before fizzling out. When I stick out the trident, that is actually an attack that deals 5%, and then each laser deals 2%, with the final one dealing below average knockback. So if you connect with everything, you deal a grand total of 11%! Not too shabby, eh? The lasers are disjointed too, by the way.

Forward Tilt [180 Flare]
To put it bluntly, I quickly turn around and shoot a little burst from my jets that goes a small distance forwards (or would it be backwards?). The fire is disjointed and deals 9% with average knockback. Since I have to turn around first, this move does have some startup lag, but I’d say it’s still below average. The move doesn’t have any real ending lag, however. Yippee! Now, if you’ve been holding the control stick forwards as I complete the move, I will continue walking as usual, but since I had to turn around to do this attack, I will actually be walking backwards. Cool, huh? Granted, I doubt I can do much with this except short hopped back-airs, but hey, at least it does something, right?
Remember, this only works as long as you are HOLDING the control stick! If you let go and I stop moving, the next time you move me I will walk normally.

Down Tilt [Low Combo]
Okay, this move is like a neutral combo, only it’s a down tilt. So then it’s a down combo I guess. Whatever. So anyways, I will first do a low priority sweep kick which deals 3%. I then perform a low swipe with my trident which deals 5%. I finish my combo with a burst from my jets…which hits behind me. That won’t help me much against enemies attacking from the front, but whatever. The short ranged jet burst deals 8% with average knockback. Low startup lag to start the combo, average lag to end the combo.

Up Tilt [Burst Beam]
For this move, I grasp my trident with both hands and hold it close to my body with both hands. Then my trident gathers energy before a burst of yellow energy shoots out from it, going Ike’s height upwards and dealing 14% with good knockback to those it hits. This beam is a disjointed hit box as well. There is above average startup lag to this move since I have to gather energy first, but there is virtually no end lag.

Dash Attack [Jet Dodge]
Here’s a cool little attack. Of course, it is me after all, so it’s naturally cool. So anyways, from my dash animation, which has he using my jets to soar forwards, I will quickly lean backwards, which causes the angle of my jets to lift me upwards to a height where I could stand on Mario, and backwards as far as Kirby’s height. While there is no damaging hitbox for this, it does allow me to do a quick dodge of sorts from my position, and it good be used as a fake out as well. Yeah, you THOUGHT I was gonna do a sliding up smash, but instead I just jumped backwards! There is virtually no startup lag for this attack, since I’m just jumping backwards essentially, but there is average end lag. At least I don’t enter free-fall afterwards.


Forward Smash [Sneaky Strike]
Time for some ninja arts. Kapow! Sorry, I couldn’t resist. So, for this attack, I will rev my jets for a brief moment, and then I will zip forwards across the ground as far as an uncharged Quick Draw, courtesy of Ike. Yeah, he may fight for his friends, but I’m fighting for something much more important, a roster slot! When (yeah, not if, WHEN) I hit someone, I suddenly disappear! Where’d I go? Ah, there I am, I appeared my behind my opponent as they look around like a moron. I then perform a mighty slash with my trident that deals 13% uncharged and 25% charged, and above average knockback too! Unfortunately, this move has average startup lag since I need to charge up my jets before flying forwards, but it does have low end lag whether or not I connect. If I don’t connect, I just skid to a stop a small distance as my jets deactivate.

Down Smash [Bouncing Trident]
Arrgh! I just lost to Kirby again! In times like these, I take my anger out on my trident! I will grab my trident with both hands, lift it above my head, and then slam onto the ground in front of me, which causes it to bounce straight up into the air as far as a Fire Fox would go straight up, and at a good speed. If my trident hits anyone on the way up, they take 12% uncharged, and 21% charged, with above average knockback. As my trident’s falling, it only deals 8% uncharged, with 16% charged, and below average knockback. Note that in either case, my trident can be knocked away as though it has low priority. Normally, this move has below average end lag, as I simply catch the trident as it falls back to me, but if it’s knocked away, there is more end lag since now it has to hit the ground first and then teleport back to my hand. Yeah, my trident can teleport! Oh, and this move has above average startup lag since I have to do that whole animation of slamming it on the ground before any damaging hitboxes come out. Isn’t if funny how a down smash seems to be good for attacking upwards?

Up Smash [Tuning Fork]
Okay, for this move, I will take out a metal bar with my free hand. I will then clang it against my trident, which causes a sound wave to radiate out from my trident in a circle the radius of Ike’s height. If anybody’s hit by this disjointed sound wave, they are dizzied for 1 second. I’m not affected since I have earmuffs inside my helmet. Since this move has practically no end lag, I can then combo this into a quick attack like my neutral combo, but there is above average startup lag to this move, so I can’t keep you stunned forever. This move deals no damage either. Sucks, I know.
Even though it’s a smash attack, this move cannot be charged! So don’t throw your controller out the window when I don’t freeze my animation while flashing yellow, okay?


Neutral Aerial [Flight of the Trident]
Here’s a fun move patented by yours truly! So, simply enough, I stick my trident straight out and I spin around once like a top. This hits to both sides and deals 6% with below average knockback to those it hits. Bah! What a boring move! Well, you see, this is where the fun begins. This move has low lag on both ends of the move. If you keep pressing A, I actually appear to be in a constant spinning motion. Besides giving me a prolonged defense to the sides, after about 10 repeated spins, I start to rise up like I was the propeller of a helicopter! I rise up as fast as my master’s Mach Tornado move rises.
Be careful, though! If you press A too much, say about 25 times in succession, I get dizzy and end up entering free fall.

Forward Aerial [Blunder]
For this move, I dramatically thrust out my trident forwards. It deals 10% with above average knockback should it hit. Then afterwards…my trident slips out of my hand and falls straight down at a decent speed. Yeah…anyways, while I’m not allowed to use any other attacks until my trident hits the ground or falls off the screen, which is when it will return to me, this is a great long range disjointed projectile of sorts. My beloved trident will deal 10% with spiking knockback to anybody it hits on the way down. This move has below average startup and end lag, but remember that I’m helpless while my trident is falling!
I am still allowed to use my second jump while my trident is falling, as my jets only affect myself and not my trident, obviously.

Back Aerial [Turning Boost]
First, I quickly do an about face in the air. Then, I will ignite my jets, which sends me boosting forwards in my new direction as far as Wolf’s forward smash. Anybody who is hit by my body takes 12% with above average knockback, but I have below average priority. Still, considering the range and respectable power of this move, this is a possible KO move. I remain turned around when the move ends, which means that I can’t spam this move to recover, as I’ll just keep going back and forth.
This move can in fact be used simultaneously with my second jump despite them both using my jets. Simple, yes?

Up Aerial [Charge Drop]
Simply enough I will thrust upwards my trident while clinging onto it with both hands. By the power of Gray Skull! Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Anyways, those hit by my thrust will take 12% with average knockback. After my epic attack, I then start to charge up yellow energy at the tips of my trident’s prongs. After a moment, my trident bursts with energy, sending me flying straight downwards at a good speed. Only my body can damage people with this part of the attack, and though it has bad priority deals 14% with spiking knockback. Below average startup and end lag.
I can use my second jump to actually slow down my plummeting. Cool, huh? The damage and knockback of the move slightly decreases, though, since I’m falling at a slower speed and thus don’t collide as hard.

Down Aerial [Bounce Down]
I will quickly swing my trident in a semi-circle below my feet. This will deal 13% and average knockback. The attack also has low startup lag, but average end lag, so don’t just keep using it willy-nilly, okay? While I’ll admit that this move looks rather simple in appearance, I can actually reflect projectiles that hit my trident during this attack, so it isn’t totally basic.


Neutral Special [Trident Toss]
Yay, the obligatory “signature move as a projectile” special. Bah! So anyways, I for this attack, I will rear back and then throw my trident with the power of a God! Okay, not really, but I still throw it rather strongly. The trident moves at a good speed and deals 9% with average knockback. While it is a rather strong projectile, the trident travels in a high arcing motion, so it’s more of an anti-air move than a camping tool. I also can’t abuse this move as there is average startup lag, and I can’t move again until my trident hits something, at which point it teleports back to my hand. There is low end lag though. Oh, and the trident can be smacked away like an averagely prioritized move.

Side Special [Triple Point Attack]
I will pull back my trident as energy gathers into it. Then I will thrust it forwards as short-range energy beams fire out from it in a three-way spread pattern. It looks like a chicken’s foot in a way…so, if any of these disjointed beams hit someone, they take 12% and above average knockback. If I use this move in the air, I will also boost forwards a short distance with my jets while performing this attack, giving it a little more horizontal range. Since I have to charge up before attacking, this move has average startup lag, but there is low end lag.

Up Special [Boost Burst]
Ahhh, my recovery special. When you activate this move, my jets will rev up as a crosshair appears on the screen. For the next 2 seconds, you may move that cross-hair with the control stick, and it moves at a decent speed. When the 2 seconds are up (and I will be falling at my normal speed in the air, the startup doesn’t end if I hit the ground) I will jet straight towards that spot on the cross-hair at a high speed, dealing 14% with good knockback to anybody I run into along the way. But you see, here’s where the problems start. Since I fall rather quickly, in the air I’m going to be almost dead by the time I use the attack, so you’d better get that cross-hair close to the edge. Secondly, if there’s a wall or other obstacle in my path, I’ll hit it and instantly end my move. Finally, thanks to the cross-hair, my enemy knows exactly where I’ll end up, giving them a big fat chance to wait for me and then strike me off again! On the bright side, this move has pretty much no end lag.

Down Special [Trident Absorb]
Here’s a fun move. I will grip my trident with both hands as a multi-colored aura surrounds me for .4 seconds. If I am hit during this time, I will still take the damage and knockback of the move, but my trident will be glowing with fierce energy. The next time I use this attack, and I am hit, instead of taking the blow, I will parry my enemy and deliver a massive swing with my trident that deals the same damage and knockback of the move I absorbed. I then lose the absorbed energy and have to repeat the process. Nothing gold can stay, I suppose. Also, I lose the charge if I am KOd, so don’t be trying this against a Warlock punch when I’m at 50% damage already! Oh, and this doesn’t work against grabs.


Grab Animation
I will simply reach out with my free hand and hold my enemy close to me for some beatings. There isn’t much range to my grab, but what do you expect from a small guy like me?

Grab Attack [Turn Around]
Okay, all I do with my grab attack is do a 180 spin while holding onto my opponent, turning them around with me. This can be good for getting into a more favorable position for the throw you want to use, but it does no damage.

Forward Throw [Gut Punch]
I will let go of my opponent before quickly slamming him in the stomach with my free hand, dealing 10% and average knockback. Additionally, due to the wind being knocked out of them, they will find that their shield has been cut in half despite nothing actually hitting their shield. Note that I can’t ever break a shield with this attack.

Back Throw [Backwards Impale]
I will stick my trident into my opponent before doing a back flip with my now impaled opponent, releasing them as they go behind me. This deals 12% with above average knockback, making it a possible KO move.

Up Throw [Combo Strike]
For this move I will simply do an uppercut swing with my trident, sending my opponent soaring in the air for 5% and average knockback. However, there is a bonus of slightly higher than normal hit stun for this throw, so I can follow-up with an aerial move if I react quickly enough. What’s this? Combos in my Brawl?

Down Throw [Killing Streak]
Okay, for this move, I will perform a powerful slash with my trident that deals 7% with below average knockback to my victim. Then, if there are other players within the distance of one Bowser of me, I will instantly “teleport” to that person and perform this attack to them as well for the same damage and knockback. However, since these people were not grabbed, they can shield the attack, and it’s highly punishable, so clever players may purposely make me want to kill them, only to be leading me into a trap! I hate traps!


Get-up Attack Front [Beam Sweep]
I will quickly sweep my trident across the ground as one of those little beams shoots out from the bottom prong. If the beam hits someone, they will take 6% and be tripped. Now look who’s in a bad position!

Get-up Attack Back [Flare Rise]
I will ignite my jets, and the force of their fires will actually push my back off the ground as my slowly angle myself back upright. Anybody who hits my jet fire takes 7% and average knockback. I look like the monster from Frankenstein when I’m rising up. I’m alive, I’M ALIVE!

Ledge Attack [Leaping Slash]
I will ignite my jets once more, which will propel me up as far as my standard jump. I will then move forwards a short distance and slam down to the platform while slashing with my trident once I hit the ground, dealing 12% with above average knockback should I connect.
As you can see, I have only one ledge attack, regardless of my damage.


Hooray, I got the Smash Ball! Now to press B…holy poop! In a burst of energy, my Trident is now emitting long yellow lasers from its prongs! For the next 16 seconds, I have super armor, and my trident effectively has doubled range. As if that weren’t enough. Every time I take damage, my trident gathers the damage and potential knockback of the move like in my down special, only now every trident attack gets to take advantage of absorbed damage boosts! There’s no better time to kick butt than the present!


Unlike my fellow Meta Knights, I have no special mechanic to worry about. I have a really awesome second jump, but that’s just, well, a second jump. Moving along.

As I’ve stated before, I am better in the air than on the ground. My aerials all tend to come out decently fast, have respectable power, and are all disjointed in some way. They all have their own uses, such as my Fair being a projectile of sorts, and my Dair reflecting projectiles. Combining these moves with my second jump only makes things better. Now you can jump, use my second jump to stall in midair, and then let off the jets to swoop me down onto my helpless enemy.

My ground game isn’t terrible either. I have a semi-projectile with my DSmash, and two auto-comboing moves. My main problem with my ground game is that my slowness tends to rear its ugly head here more noticeably than when I’m in the air.

I have no shortage of options when it comes to KOing. My Utilt, FSmash, DSmash, Fair, Bair, Uair, Side Special and Up Special all have KO potential, and there are probably some I’m forgetting. On the flipside, I have some trouble saving myself from certain doom, considering I have no true second jump and my Up Special kinda stinks. Oh well.

--- OTHER ---​

Idle Animation: I have the same idle animation as in my game appearances, where I basically stand there just like in my picture.
Kirby Hat: Kirby gets my helmet and learns Trident Toss.
Win Music: Being a member of Meta Knight’s team, I actually have his win theme instead of the standard Kirby fanfare.


Taunt 1: I spin my trident around and say “Yeah, baby!”
Taunt2: I Hoist my trident above my head with both hands as lightning strikes into it as though I am gaining the power of a God.
Taunt3: I go to throw my trident, but I stop and say “Made you look!”
Win1: I am seen swinging my trident around the air several times.
Win2: I fly onto the screen using my jets before landing dramatically on the center of the screen.
Win3: I thrust my Javelin towards the screen and say “Who else wants a piece of me?”
Lose: I clap. I would do something more interesting, but some Spartan who’s always screaming about detail told me I’m not allowed.


Snake: Colonel, there’s some guy here with a…
Mace Knight: Whaaa, it’s Solid Snake!
Snake: Huh? Who are you, and what are you doing on this channel?
Axe Knight: Oh, save us Meta Knight! We are too wussy to stop Snake ourselves!
Snake: Flattery will get you nowhere with me. Now tell me how you hacked…
Captain Vul: Oh God Snake is breathing! I’m scared!
Snake: What the hell…
Sailor Dee: Hey guys I’m like totally broken! Oh wait that’s just an internet meme.
Snake: …


How to unlock: Beat classic mode with Halberd Crew
Unlock Message: “Trident Knight, the lost Meta Knight, has joined the Brawl!”


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
EDIT: AH CRAP, Pressed submit post than preview post

Battalion Army is offically bigger than AOSTH Robotnik already, let this be a warning, that the specials are huge, let me emphisise on this:


Seriously, i've only done the specials and neutral A, and it's already bigger than AOSTH Robotnik, just a warning to ya all! A TOTAL OF FIVE THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY ONE WORDS!!!

And Trident Knight, many lulz in that set! I don't know if it's meant to be serious or a joke, a dilemia on my brain to think which one!


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Trident Knight is awesome. I'm still loving the first-person perspective; as long as too many movesets don't start doing it, it's really refreshing to read. I'm noticing a certain basic organizational scheme that's a bit familiar to me.... hmmmm.... :bee:

Anyway, aside from all the thinly-veiled jabs at the Halberd Crew (*shakes fist*), it's an interesting and fun-to-read moveset. Good way to end MYM 4, HR.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
*Tries to think of something whitty of a post for the last day of MYM Submissions that could be another MYM convo*

When your bored, do a MYM Convo, could become an extra if Kibble does MYM Man!

EDIT: Meh, it was done early, here it is:

if you can't see it good, just zoom in


Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2007
Well I have to admit, this has been the best MYM so far:chuckle:. Unfortunately, I have not been a major poster as a I said I would be:dizzy:

But in MYM5 I'm going to finally post up Kairi and the Mad Hatter!!!



Smash Apprentice
May 4, 2008
Herndon, VA
Was just mentioned on the last page. . .

11:59 PM GMT
3:59 PM Eastern
12:59 PM Pacific
My bad, I couldn't see it anywhere on the last page. But, I should've checked or searched the thread before asking. Thanks.

And thanks for the correction, Sir Kibble.

Trident Knight seems very well done, Hyper Ridley! I love how you talk in first person, it makes everything seem more interesting. Everything is well detailed, and can be visualized easily. I just have one question though, for his Down Special : Does the overall meaning of the move mean that after Trident Knight has to take one hit during the attack before being able to launch an attack on the opponent using the move? Sort of like Double Team for Lucario, I guess, except that you can use the counterattack whenever you want and you still receive the damage/knockback from the first hit? Sorry if that didn't make any sense.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005

I love the wacky way this little guy works. All of his moves work so differently to what you usually get for them - like going in opposite directions or creating some odd effects (FThrow, USmash, DAir, to name a few I can recall right now). The writing style makes it not only different to read, but also insanely epic and fun. Definitely one of the sets I enjoyed the most reading through if it was only for the randomness of how Trident Knight describes his moves and how he always goes "I am so cool, huh?!". I loved the introduction quote and especially the Snake Codec - I **** myself over that one. XD

Great set from the best moveset creator in MYM. =)


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
And Trident Knight, many lulz in that set! I don't know if it's meant to be serious or a joke, a dilemia on my brain to think which one!
It's both. I started it for fun, but then I got some move ideas and before you know it I'm actually making a real move set.:bee:

Trident Knight is awesome. I'm still loving the first-person perspective; as long as too many movesets don't start doing it, it's really refreshing to read. I'm noticing a certain basic organizational scheme that's a bit familiar to me.... hmmmm.... :bee:

Anyway, aside from all the thinly-veiled jabs at the Halberd Crew (*shakes fist*), it's an interesting and fun-to-read moveset. Good way to end MYM 4, HR.
I'll admit, I got the inspiration from your organization.:bee:

And the reason why I made this move set in the first place was to get my revenge on not having Tridnet Knight be playable in the Halberd Crew. I didn't even need a mechanic to make him work.:p

But thanks for the comment.:)

Trident Knight seems very well done, Hyper Ridley! I love how you talk in first person, it makes everything seem more interesting. Everything is well detailed, and can be visualized easily. I just have one question though, for his Down Special : Does the overall meaning of the move mean that after Trident Knight has to take one hit during the attack before being able to launch an attack on the opponent using the move? Sort of like Double Team for Lucario, I guess, except that you can use the counterattack whenever you want and you still receive the damage/knockback from the first hit? Sorry if that didn't make any sense.
Basically, he has to use the move twice for it do its full effect. First time, he takes the damage but then also "absorbs" the damage he took into his trident. The next time, he does a coutner-esique move with the damage he absorbed from the first use.

Hope that helps:)


I love the wacky way this little guy works. All of his moves work so differently to what you usually get for them - like going in opposite directions or creating some odd effects (FThrow, USmash, DAir, to name a few I can recall right now). The writing style makes it not only different to read, but also insanely epic and fun. Definitely one of the sets I enjoyed the most reading through if it was only for the randomness of how Trident Knight describes his moves and how he always goes "I am so cool, huh?!". I loved the introduction quote and especially the Snake Codec - I **** myself over that one. XD
Glad you lurv it so much. You know your praise means a lot to me. ^_^

Great set from the best moveset creator in MYM. =)


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Holy keys locked in the jet, Batman!
My own MYM5 movesets are as follows:

Non-partner kirby enemies (bomber, broom hatter, prank, and starman)
The eeveelution rangers (eevee, jolteon, flareon, vaporeon, umbreon, espeon, leafeon, and glaceon)
Smash announcer

Possible, but only if I can make it through those 13-total movesets in time:

Joe satriani (in the same vein as james hetfield)
the main characters in this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiEzOgeyho0&feature=related


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
It's both. I started it for fun, but then I got some move ideas and before you know it I'm actually making a real move set.:bee:


Oh, it was really good, I like the 1st person perspective, although if it's not done right, it's looks terrible otherwise!

And now it's war, I want to be the best setter EVAR, and people will love me more lol :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: /jk

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Just so you guys know, I will make a Kirby moveset, too, as my last MYM4 entry (XD). It will only be the bare moveset, without any extras and even without throws!!
It's a Kirby enemy noone has a moveset done for yet, and man is he angry about it! >=(


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
Really liked Trident Knight, and I still love the 1st person style, adds more character.
The Snake Codec is the best in the contest, so give yourself a pat on the back for that. I like all his attacks, especially the forward tilt.

This is a great set Hyper_Ridley, so well done.

I have one question though; can Trident Knight hurt other Trident Knights with Tuning Fork because you say he has earmuffs on? :p


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Really liked Trident Knight, and I still love the 1st person style, adds more character.
The Snake Codec is the best in the contest, so give yourself a pat on the back for that. I like all his attacks, especially the forward tilt.

This is a great set Hyper_Ridley, so well done.

I have one question though; can Trident Knight hurt other Trident Knights with Tuning Fork because you say he has earmuffs on? :p

And erm, good question.

I'll say no.:laugh:


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
That was a fun little move set. I especially liked the bair and his immunity to drowning. There weren't a huge amount of boring moves, so kudos to you.:)


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
That was a cool moveset Spadefox, and as H_R said, the b-air is really interesting.
Good job :bee:.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
And for voting, which starts the day after tomorrow, I guess, I'd like to remind everyone to send their votes to one of the active Sandbags - in other words, anyone but Mendez. It'd be appreciated if you listed the moveset's maker as well as the name of the moveset when you do it, but eh. Six super votes, 24 regular votes.

Oh, and take your time. :bee:
Ah! Technically I'm active from now until this thing's over. Sorry for not being around guys, but I'm here now?

Of course, since I've missed the past couple hundred pages I could see how maybe you all would rather send your PMs to a Sandbag who has not. Whatever the case, I'm here and available. There are still a few things I owe you all before I take a more lengthy leave here.

Second, I need a program for making easy frame by frame sprite animations. Any ideas?
The GIMP. There are other animation programs out there you could use, but most of them cost money, are entirely too complicated for what you want to do, or just aren't very user-friendly. Granted, GIMP isn't the easiest-to-use piece of software out there, but if you Google a "how to make a gif in gimp" tutorial, it'll be easy.


Apparently I missed quite a few neat-o movesets just now. I've been kind of catching up on what I missed otherwise over the past couple of days, but now I need to read this Advance Army and Trident Knight and stuff...

...It's like I'm jumping into a pool of ice water here.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008



Presence: 10/10 (Yeah, take that, Mace Knight!)

I love it so much. Why does it sting to read it. :urg:

"So you make a moveset for Blipper and Wheelie but not for me?! Just you wait!!"
joins the fray!!

Awesome, Spade! I had totally forgotten about this guy. Shame on me. Shame, shame, shame. A very entertaining read.

And of course:

The B-Air sucks. :p


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008
B-Air is win.
That's all.

Oh, look at my next planned moveset!

Edward Cullen
The sparkly vampire jumps into the fray!


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2008
MYM, Ohio

... well actually he sent me his MYM awards votes half an hour ago, so I already knew.

@squishy: it still amazes me how people can make great movesets for characters who don't do that much. I liked this one :bee: ! ~
I shall call him squishy & he shall be mine & he shall be my squishy. lol

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Apparently I missed quite a few neat-o movesets just now. I've been kind of catching up on what I missed otherwise over the past couple of days, but now I need to read this Advance Army and Trident Knight and stuff...
What... No love for Spadefox from you? Albeit there is Aeon? ;_;

But welcome back.

Awesome, Spade! I had totally forgotten about this guy. Shame on me. Shame, shame, shame. A very entertaining read.

And of course:

The B-Air sucks. :p
Psh!! Really, shame on you. Squishy for SSB4! >:|

Also, saw that line coming.

@Everyone else:
Thanks for the comments. :3


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
Junahu's Box

Micheal: Chris, you shouldn' stop making sets. KEEP ON GOING. The Up Special. It would be one of my favorite specials from "Mike". Keep on rolling Chris.

Trident Knight was sick! I like his Down Special. It's almost like a counter. :O In a way.

Spade. and you said Squishy wouldn't make a bang at the end. ;) I found it entertaining to read. I read the BAir sucks like 4 times. It does SUCK. Literially!

o.o Oh my, It's Mendez, he's BACK!! Again. So many good things as of late. Yes.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
SQUISH SQUISH! *pokes Squishy* Awesomeness, Spade. Kirby sets are win anyway, but still.

Good to have you back, however temporarily, Mendez. :bee: Voting time is almost here. I'm actually pretty excited.

Five hours to go, give or take. Will there be a last last second entry? Man, the suspense....

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
What... No love for Spadefox from you? ;_;
You apparently posted that squid-type thing during the like, three hours I spent posting that first post of mine inbetween eight other things. For what it's worth, (what I read of it) was neat, though you know you've done better...

...And wait, people can still submit movesets? Dang. Considering how well the last moveset posted in MYM3 did, I imagine at least a few people are gunning for that spot here.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008


*Quickly looks to find yet another moveset to boot from voting list*

Some of the moves are simple, yet they all have such brilliant twists on them. I love what you've done with his aerial game, and you also seem to of balanced him out nicely despite all the wonky moves, unlike his master. The ease of how easy this moveset was to read through thanks to the first person perspective was perfect and not overdone like Viola. I can't believe I thought this thing was a joke set at first.:psycho:

I was not gonna include Halberd Crew in my MYM 5 SM. . .But now that you've made this guy you leave me no choice. Trident Knight gets to be kicked out of the Halberd Crew. :p


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island

*Quickly looks to find yet another moveset to boot from voting list*

Some of the moves are simple, yet they all have such brilliant twists on them. I love what you've done with his aerial game, and you also seem to of balanced him out nicely despite all the wonky moves, unlike his master. The ease of how easy this moveset was to read through thanks to the first person perspective was perfect and not overdone like Viola. I can't believe I thought this thing was a joke set at first.:psycho:

I was not gonna include Halberd Crew in my MYM 5 SM. . .But now that you've made this guy you leave me no choice. Trident Knight gets to be kicked out of the Halberd Crew. :p
Everyone thinks this is a joke set at first;)

But thanks. I see that you and Spade are not just my best SM commentators, but also my favorite move set commentators now as well. ^_^
And my favorite MYMers in general, too


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2008
MYM, Ohio

@trident knight: looks good from a skim
*is lazy*
*adds to best kirby set category*

@DFM: no one commented on ur halberd/MYM convo?? Yay I is there!!!! :bee:

@spade: it took DFM putting it in his convo for me to do it, but I added captain falcon's MANLINESS to the best joke set category. I WAS gonna add squishy to best kirby set, but you took him down :psycho:



Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
*Sees through Spade's secret plan*



He's pushing attention to HR's Trident Knight moveset, which has great presence, but mine is better is a totally awesome moveset!

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Nothing to see here...

"So you make a moveset for Blipper and Wheelie but not for me?! Just you wait!!"
joins the fray!!


Squishies are squid-like enemies that have been around since the first Kirby game. They are somewhat rare, swimming through the water every so often. Even rarer will they appear on land, walking towards Kirby. Although Squishy is a regular enemy in most cases, Squishy actually appeared as the boss of a second level in Kirby's Block Ball.

Squishy in Smash has one notable special ability: He cannot drown in water, and strong streams like the one in Jungle Japes will affect him less than other characters.


Screen Name: Squishy
Size: 4/10 - Squishy is taller than most Kirby characters, but still below the average Smash Bros. height.
Weight: 4/10 - The kraken is not really heavy, but not extremely light either.
Running Speed: 4/10 - Not extremely slow, but not a Fox either.
First Jump: 6/10 - Using his tentacles, Squishy throws himself upwards.
Second Jump: 5/10 - Waving with his two longer arms to get more momentum - it looks a bit like swimming -, Squishy draws upward even further.
Hover: No.
Fall Speed: 3/10 - The squid is rather floaty, beware of that.
Crouch: 7/10 - Squishy bows forward, making it a very good crouch, but not excellent.
Crawl: No.
Wall Jump: No.
Wall Cling: Yes. - Due to his tentacles, Squishy can stick to Walls.
Gliding: No.

Standard Attacks

Jab Combo:

Tentacle Poke
Fair enough. Squishy pokes his longer tentacle forwards. If you hold the button, he will continue with the second one, then again the first one, and so on, making it an infinite combo. Every poke does 2% damage and only flinches - but it has good range, mind you. It has nearly no lag on either side.

Dash Attack:

Spear Ram

While running, the squid lowers his head, ramming the spear-shaped bone on top of his head into the enemy. This will do 7% damage and below average knockback, coming out very fast and ending not as fast, but still quickly. The move has nice range, too!

Forward Tilt:

The kraken slaps his head against an enemy, simple enough. This move has low range and deals 10% damage with okay knockback. It is very fast, having almost no lag on both sides. Nothing too fancy, just a quick attack. Moving along...

Up Tilt

Applauding Squishy
Squishy looks upward and then uses his two longer tentacles to clap them together overhead. If an enemy gets caught between them, they will recieve 7% damage and low knockback. Sounds awkward? Why, if you get the enemy to touch Squishy's headtip while he does this move, this will be a sweetspot for 16% damage and good knockback into a horizontal direction. The move has average lag on both ends, so keep out.

Down Tilt:

Squid Spin
The kraken lowers himself, spreading out all of his tentacles, and swirls around himself twice. The two different tentacle sizes do different things, too! The longer ones will deal 5% damage and trip an enemy, while the short ones deal 18% damage and good knockback. Yet another tilt sweetspot? You must be kidding! But no, it's true! Also, the range of this move of course depends, from good to horrible. The starting lag is bad, and the ending lag is even worse, so don't think you'll have all day when you trip your opponent.

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash:

Whip Slap
Squishy raises his longer arms and gathers strength. He them slams them forward like a whip, and onto the ground. This move has good range and is quick, but deals only 16% damage uncharged, and sad 22% when completely charged. The knockback is above average.

Up Smash:

Cyclone Drill
The squid puts together his long arms overhead, and gathers momentum in his other 6 arms which still are on the floor (Captain Obvious to the rescue!). When released, Squishy sweeps out with his long tentacles while spinning around insanely fast, making him look like a small tornado of seafood. If someone touches this little tornado, they will recieve 19% damage uncharged, and 25% fully charged with good knockback. As a little bonus, you can slightly move Squishy while he does this move, but since it's over quickly, it won't help you that much. The startup lag is above average, and the ending lag is very very bad, as Squishy is a bit dizzy from all that spinning, shaking his head while having swirls as eyes.

Down Smash:

Kraken Stomp
When charging this move, Squishy gathers power in his longer tentacles. When released, Squishy then does a similar animation like with his first jump, using the strength of his arms to lift him off into the air. However, he doesn't fly further, but makes himself heavy, stomping onto the ground. This creates a small shockwave on both of his sides, dealing 17% damage uncharged and only tripping the enemy, but whopping 30% when completely charged, causing good diagonal knockback. Now, the move has decent range, but horrifying startup lag and bad ending lag, too.

Aerial Attacks

Neutral Air:

Rotation Attack
Squishy changes his position so the player looks at his top. He spreads out his arms and spins around himself (if you have played the Donkey Kong Country games, think of how the krakens in the water levels move) twice. If he still is in the air while doing this, he retreats the tentacles and simply returns to his normal position. If he lands on the ground while doing this, he will land flat on his face and has to get up. The move does 10% damage and average knockback, but comes out very quick. The ending lag is very low when in midair and bad when on the ground.

Forward Air:

Similarily to his Forward Smash, Squishy slaps with (only) one of his long arms in front of him. This has good range and is quick on both sides, but deals only 9% damage and low knockback. So yea... Nothing more to see here.

Back Air:

Sucking Bite
You will see that this BAir sucks. Literally. As we hopefully all know, squids have their mouths on their underside, in between their tentacles. So, what does our Squishy do here? He will move his underside backwards and swoop with his longer arms to pull enemies into his mouth, which - surprise surprise - is right in the center of his arms! If Squishy succeeds in pulling an enemy in, he will bite them and suck on them, dealing 10% damage and, added to this, recover 3% of his own damage meter! He then spits out the victim for below average knockback. If he bites an item (like a crate) with this move, he will simply swallow it whole! The startup lag is okay, but the ending lag depends on what happens. If you hit noone, it's almost non-existant. If you hit an enemy, the lag is a bit worse. If you hit an item Squishy eats, the move has very bad ending lag... So maybe you should try avoiding eating items, unless you need those 3% healed.

Up Air:

Tentacle Sweep
This move's name steals all of the tension. Well, in fact, there is no real tension for this move. See, Squishy simply swipes one long arm above him, dealing 5% damage and low knockback. But wait! There is more to this move than just a simple weak move... If you hit with the very tip of the tentacle, it will become a spike and deal whopping 15% damage with spikely good knockback. c wut i did thar? Moving along, the move is very quick on both ends with acceptably good range and can be used as good as Zelda's or Ness' Aerial spikes!

Down Air:

Squishy Drill
Squishy turns around so he's upside down! He then will rotate around his own axis, becoming a weapon on his own! The move is a continous attack, dealing 2% with each hit, and a total of 6 hits. At the last one, Squishy will sprawl out his arms and shove the enemy away with average knockback. Like the Neutral Aerial, this move can be very dangerous! The startup lag is average and so is the ending lag, but if Squishy lands on the ground while doing this attack, he will have to pull out his head from the floor, making the ending lag extremely bad. So, beware when trying to use this move - which is, by the way, great for enemies being close to you.

Special Attacks

Neutral Special:

Ink Spit
Our beloved Squid simply spits out a droplet of black liquid - the well-known squid ink - in a ballistic arc. It flies not very far. If someone is hit, they turn completely black and their controls will be swapped around for 3 seconds, as well as recieve 5% damage with flinching knockback. But that's not all that is to this little drop. If it doesn't hit any obstacle or enemy, it will land on the ground (no sh*t, Sherlock!). There a small puddle of ink will appear, and if someone steps on it - including Squishy himself, mind you! - they will trip but recieve no damage. The puddle stays there for 5 seconds and then disappears. If Squishy has an ink puddle out and spits another ink droplet, the old puddle will disappear immediately, no matter if the new drop hits the ground or not. If Kirby copies this move, the colour of the ink turns into green. Yuck!

Side Special:

Explosive Coconut
The explosive coconut is a stage hazard only found in island- and ocean-like environments... Reminding you of someone? Of course, Squishy himself! Naturally, both of these things have to be united, don't you think, too? As you might gather from this now, Squishy tosses an explosive coconut at the side he is looking at. These little bombs cannot be caught, and count as normal projectiles, mind you. If they hit something - no matter what or whom - they will explode in a small blast, deal below average knockback straight upward and 6% damage. Congrats, you just blasted up your enemy.

Up Special:

Did you see that coming? Because I really didn't. Squishy rotates himself quickly, creating the same movement as a helicopter. This will speed up his horizontal movement and lift him up a bit into the air. Since Squishy is a light and small guy, it is an okay recovery. If someone is hit by the spread out arms, they will recieve 10% damage and low straight upward knockback. The move comes out speedy but ends a bit slow, so you might not want to use it as a real attack. If Squishy is still in midair after this move, he will enter a helpless state.

Down Special:

Water Wave
Squishy spits out a small amount of water, causing small waves of the liquid of life to run along the ground. They have average range and deal only 3% damage and flinch, but oh boy... these things are fast. And don't think we're done yet. Their priority also is insanely high, outprioritizing almost every move in the game! Ideal defense, you might say. If Squishy uses Water Wave in midair, he will shoot out a small stream of water right below him, making him jet upward a bit. The stream does the same damage and only flinches as well - with same priority -, but also can used for vertical recovery. Though beware, after using this move in midair, you will enter helpless state. It is a very quick move in every regard.

Final Smash

Orange Ocean
When Squishy grabs the Smashball, his time for the revenge that he got no moveset yet has come. When activating, first nothing happens, but then, suddenly... Water rises from the ground! The whole stage will be covered in this ocean Squishy summons. Yes, this works even on stages like Norfair... Anyway, there will be only a few small algaes on the surface, making it able to not just land in the water and drown. But those algaes don't stay for long - only a few seconds - before the weight is too big and they drown. Of course, Squishy has no problem here, as he's in his element - remember he can swim in water and not drown! You can try to hit your enemies off the algae platforms with the squid's tentacles by pressing any attack button while swimming. They will recieve 2% damage and enough knockback to drop off the algae. As long as you don't hit them, the Final Smash, though, does no damage at all. It can be very hard for several characters to rescue themselves, especially if there are more than one enemy on the field! Then they will fight for places on algae platforms, and you can just watch and knock them off, draining their stocks with your ocean. Orange Ocean stays for 15 seconds and then the water level lowers again, this time far quicker, and the stage returns to its normal surface. If the stage is normally moving, it will stop for the duration of Squishy's Final Smash.


A Classic.

Victory Theme
Kirby Franchise's Fanfare

I'm serious, get lost. <_<


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
I C wut U did thar. =P

Here, better commentary:

Okay, so first off, I like how you gave the more generic attacks little touches to make them more special like sweetspots. Like I said in my first comment -ahem- it kept the move set from being truly boring. And the bair is awesome, because I never would have thought of using his squid-mouth. I like that you implemented the coconuts from his level as a move as well.

There, Trident Knight had his time in the spotlight, everyone, give Squishy some loving!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2007
There's text in that "empty" post, Spadefox!!!

My turn with my final moveset as per tradition.

Everyone say hello to the Black Tiger, Hak Foo!

Hak Foo

Hak Foo is a thug for hire, and a member of the Dark Hand criminal organization, from Jackie Chan Adventures. He is known as the Black Tiger. Hak Foo is a powerful fighter, with impressive speed, strength and a series of crazy techniques with metaphorical animal-based names that Hak Foo shouts out when he attacks. At first Hak Foo was hired by Valmont, leader of the Dark Hand, to eliminate Jackie Chan and his family from collecting twelve magical talismans. He later became a proper member of the group. He became a Dark Chi Warrior thanks to a dark chi wizard named Daolan Wong, his powers increased ten-fold until he was returned to normal by the magic of Uncle Chan. He later became a goodguy and became allies with Jackie Chan.

Height: 5/5 - Hak Foo is a well-built man and is pretty tall.
Weight: 3/5 - Hak Foo has a medium weight capacity.
Jump: 4/5 - Hak Foo jumps pretty thanks to his strong leg muscles, but does not vanish off the top of the screen if he does a double-jump.
Movement Speed: 4/5 - Even though he is a skilled fighter, Hak Foo's speed is pretty fast, allowing him to attack quickly.
Falling Speed:

Movement Animations
Walking: Hak Foo walks briskfully across the stage, arms pumping at his sides.
Running: Hak Foo moves like a wild cat, running headlong with feet behind.
Standing Movements: Hak Foo cracks his knuckles loudly; or goes into a fighter's stance and shouts "Wah!".
Sleeping: Hak Foo sleeps flat out on his back and snores loudly.
Stunned: Hak Foo holds his head in pain with both hands and wobbles about on both legs.
Smashed Off-Screen: Hak Foo shouts out "Monkey Thrown Across Jungle!" as he is smashed off into the background.

A, A, A: Mantis Boxing Style - Hak Foo unleashes three swift punches into an enemy's face with quick reflexes. 4% damage, little knockback.

Dash Attack: Tiger Slaughters Lamb - Hak Foo charges at an enemy and leaps at them, flipping through the air and kicking an enemy as he lands. 6% damage, little knockback.

Side A: Monkey Plucks Two Peaches - Hak Foo jabs an opponent in the face with two fingers. 2% damage, no knockback.

Up A: Mad Monkey Kung-Fu - Hak Foo delivers an upper double punch to an enemy. 5% damage, little knockback.

Down A: Mule Kick - Hak Foo jumps down on his hands and kick an enemy with both legs before leaping back up. 6% damage, little knockback.

Forward Smash: Slashing Lion Claws - Hak Foo holds his arms out in front of him in an x-shape and then throws them outwards and smashes an opponent with them as they separate. 9% damage, medium knockback.

Up Smash: Elephant Thrusts Its Leg - Hak Foo raises his leg to its full height and then brings it down on an enemy's head. This attack has a two second delay, giving opponents time to attack and stop Hak Foo from striking. 10% damage, medium knockback.

Down Smash: Gorilla Snaps Frail Twig - Hak Foo raises one foot and when the attack is released, he'll jump in the air briefly and perform a full-fledged stomp with both legs onto an enemy. 10% damage, low knockback.

Aerial A: Flying Dragon Corkscrew - Hak Foo spins in circle whilst in midair, arms folded on his chest as he spins. This attack can be avoided quite easily and only those right next to Hak Foo will recieve damage. 5% damage, little knockback.

Side Aerial: Raven Flaps Its Wings - Hak Foo leaps sideways whilst in the air and smacks an opponent with both his hands. 7% damage, low knockback.

Back Aerial: Horsetail Swats Fly - Hak Foo spins around in midair and strikes an opponent with a swinging leg. 7% damage, low knockback.

Up Aerial: Flying Squirrel Spin - Hak Foo spins in a cartwheel whilst in midair and hits an opponent with his legs. 6% damage, low knockback.

Down Aerial: Hungry Crane Dives For Shrimp - Hak Foo performs a headlong dive but flips over so his feet go first and slam into the ground. 10% damage, low knockback.

Grab Attack: Gorilla Grip & Bearhug - Hak Foo grabs an opponent and squeezes them between both arms and then bearhugs them, tightening his muscles repeatedly. 2% damage for each bearhug.

Forward Throw: Weasel Chuck - Hak Foo tosses an opponent forwards through the air. 4% damage, low knockback.

Backward Throw: Ape Tosses Away Banana Peel - Hak Foo throws an opponent backwards over his head with one hand. 4% damage, low knockback.

Up Throw: Cat Tears Squirrel's Head Off - Hak Foo grabs an opponent by the head and performs a smackdown on them, slamming their head into the ground. 8% damage, low knockback.

Down Throw: Sting Like Scorpion - Hak Foo tosses an opponent to the ground and then performs a hammer strike with both fists held together and strikes the opponent on the back. 8% damage, low knockback.

B: Thunder Fist - Powered by Dark Chi, Hak Foo's fist is surrounded by sparking black electricity and he then proceeds to punch an opponent. After the punch, a blast of electricity is fired, giving the opponent extra damage. 13% damage, medium knockback.

B Side: Volcano Blows Its Top - Powered by Dark Chi, Hak Foo leaps sideways and with fire covering his hands, he clobbers an opponent. 11% damage, medium knockback.

B Up: Angry Crow Takes Flight - Powered by Dark Chi, Hak Foo screams and leaps into the air, with a fiery blast of energy accompanying him. Opponents recieve damage if they are hit by Hak Foo's ascension. 12% damage, medium knockback.

B Down: Tornado Decimates Trailer Park - Powered by Dark Chi, Hak Foo spins around to form a large tornado which remains in motion until the player stops holding down the B Button. The tornado can guided left or right. 2% damage each time an opponent is caught in the attack, low knockback.

Final Smash: Meteor Brings Mass Extinction - Powered by Dark Chi, Hak Foo's entire body is surrounded by blue flames and he suddenly "flies" upwards off-screen and shouts "Phoenix Flies To Moon". He suddenly comes crashing down to Earth like a meteorite and smashes into the ground, releasing a relatively large explosion that will harm anyone in its path. Most characters will be smashed offscreen but those who are lucky enough to survive will gain 20% damage and high knockback.

Shield: Turtle Hides In Its Shell - Hak Foo tucks himself into a curled ball and a shield pops up.

Taunt 1: Hak Foo throws his arms up in the air and puffs out his chest, letting out a battle cry.
Taunt 2: Hak Foo punches the air.
Taunt 3: Hak Foo cracks his knuckles and grins.

Victory Poses
Victory Pose 1: Hak Foo punches the air and then holds one fist in the other hand and says "Black Tiger crushes--???"; he calls the name of the last opponent he smashed offscreen.
Victory Pose 2: Hak Foo jumps at the camera and says "Cat Lands On Feet and Bares Claws!"
Victory Pose 3: Hak Foo backflips offscreen and then runs at the camera before stopping.
Losing Pose: Hak Foo stands and claps and says "Defeated Monkey Applauds Gorilla".

Alternate Costumes:
1. Dark Chi Warrior Suit: Hak Foo wears black armour, black trousers, his hair is put back into a ninja-esque style and his eyes turn pure black.

Kirby Hat: Kirby gains Hak Foo's hair, moustache and goatee.
Symbol: He gains the Jackie Chan Adventures' logo, a red dragon head.
Wii Remote Chime: Hak Foo shouts "Hiyaaa!"

Snake Codec:
Snake: Otacon, whose this muscular guy with the spiky hair.
Otacon: That is the Black Tiger, Hak Foo.
Snake: Black Tiger? He doesn't look so ferocious.
Otacon: ...
Snake: Otacon?
Hak Foo (on codec): ANGRY CROW TAKES FLIGHT!!!!
Snake: Uh, oh!
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