Important Announcement
After several happenings both in this thread and the MYM chat, I have decided to resign from Make Your Move.
This community is infected with intrigues and hidden arguments. I don't want to participate in this contest anymore as long as people go around and spit out lies like they were facts or accuse people of something which they maybe aren't even responsible for.
I don't know what's going on in the chat, but this still sounds a bit wrong to me. Most of these 'lies' I'm sure are done purely for lulz, & those who do mean them are jumping to stupid conclusions (I hope that Akiak's comment accusing you of being 'lolwut' was an example of the first one...). But most of the MYMers respect you, & those who don't... shouldn't get any respect back.
I don't want to participate in a contest where people talk about you behind your back, and are not able to comprehend parts of your personality.
See above. Also, I think your bluntly honest personality & commenting style is a needed part of this contest, & you would be a very welcome addition to the MYM 5 sandbags (or whatever they're gonna be called). If people can't handle having their movesets or posts commented on in that way, then they probably shouldn't be in MYM
I don't want to participate in a contest which is based on popularity of certain users, and how it is more important to have people worshipping you and how popular a character is than what the quality of the works you create.
In a contest of this caliber, popularity is bound to effect voting. That's why the sandbags have their "Picks, Shifts & Kicks"; to get rid of some of that bias. If you become a MYM 5 sandbag, YOU will have a say in that process.
I don't want to participate in a contest which is 80% made of spam and stupidity, where everyone who is honest and doesn't sugarcoat everything is hated.
I'd say it's more like 50%. In MYM 3, 80% would be accurate. But this is a big thread, & spam & occasional stupidity is bound to happen. & if the second statement was true, wouldn't we all hate MasterWarlord??
I do not wish to be a Sandbag (or whatever they will be in MYM5) anymore, and I do not wish to be considered being a part of this community. Please remove all of my MYM4 entries from the entry list, as I am withdrawing them from the contest.
I have enough from people telling me that I am a monster full of hatred being responsible for **** that happened here, and I am sick of the people treating me like crap.
Thank you for your attention.
Whether or not you're gonna be a sandbag in MYM 5, why withdraw you entries? & it doesn't seem right at all that you would completely up & leave the community because of a few
idiots misinformed people who don't understand your personality & make dumb comments. The vast majority of the MYM community, including myself, respect you & value your opinion when it comes to movesets & much more.
So my point is... don't leave MYM like this. You CAN make awesome movesets. You CAN be an awesome sandbag. You CAN tell set those
idiots who don't understand you straight (The rest of us MYMers, who do respect & understand you, will help as well).
& I certainly don't want you to leave. You make this community so interesting and worthwhile to be involved in, & I would love to see you stick around for MYM 5.
this is just my take on the matter, & if you still want to leave, it's your choice. But Many MYMers will be saddened by your departure, including me.