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Make Your Move 4

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Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
THIS is why there is no stage competition. Behold your ignorance of something you will never be able to top, mortal fools.

Stage: Warp Room

This stage is the warp room from Crash Bandicoot 2, but significantly enlarged to make it more playable. This is far from a viable tourney stage, being highly chaotic and something that would be impossible to get even slightly close to resembling in the stage builder.

The first warp room you'll be in will look relatively normal, the theme of it looking as if it's made of wood. In the middle of the stage is a giant platform (Embedded into the ground, but it looks different then rest of the flooring), and there are several portals in the background to the various levels of Crash Bandicoot 2, which do nothing more then look pretty. On the sides of the arena though are two massive portals which you can be knocked into, which is the main way you KO people in this part of the stage, as most of the upward KO area is blocked off by a roof. There is a big cut out for the giant platform embedded in the middle of the stage to go through in the cieling though, which you can use to star KO people. The warp room parts of the level have walk off edges, and this part as a whole is nothing special.

On rare occassions a generic enemy will come out from one of the portals in the background (Depending on the theme of the warp room you're in) to go into the fray, but it will pose little threat. The enemy that comes out is a turtle which can be flipped on it's back by jumping on it, rendering it helpless, and damages you by running into you for 5-6% damage and minimal knockback. You can dispose of these turtles easily with their measly 30 stamina, and if they're flipped over any attack will dispose of them, even a basic projectile.

After playing in the warp room for about 45 seconds, things start to get interesting. The giant platform comes out from it's socket in the middle, then goes up to go into the socket in the cieling. The platform goes up to it over the course of about 5 seconds, and anybody who isn't on the platform will be KOd as the stage moves on to the next phase. The platform carries the characters up to a boss fight, them appearing in a set order. You'll face the bosses in a random order, going back to a warp room after each boss for a break. Each boss has a corresponding warp room that goes with them so you can see which boss is coming up next, the warp rooms having slight changes, but the bosses of course being the main show. The order presented here of the bosses is from easiest to hardest. The cycle the stage goes through here is just an example, going from the weakest bosses to the strongest. The first boss you'll see is Ripper Roo.

Ripper Roo:

After the platform goes into the cieling from the previous stage, you'll find yourself on a giant platform with Ripper Roo's face painted on it at the bottom of a water fall (The boss arena for him from Crash Bandicoot 2). There's nothing to block off the edges unlike the picture, it just being a long river of water going in either direction that you can KO your enemies off of. The platform is slightly elevated so that it can be grabbable from the water, but just barely enough to do so. The water has a slight current to push you away from the stage to keep KOs from going on for too long (Though only around a quarter of the speed of the rushing water in Jungle Japes).

This would be just another arena if it wern't for Ripper Roo sleeping on a little throne in the background. At first he won't disturb the fight, but after 15 seconds of staying in this area he'll awaken from his slumber in annoyance. He'll have his top hat, bowtie and cane, being in his "Sir" Ripper Roo attire, and he'll proceed to pogo about the stage on his cane after being awakend. He'll lay TNT in the background as he goes back and forth accross the platform, coming closer and closer to where the characters are brawling, the counters on the TNT ticking more and more quickly as they get closer to detonation. Once Ripper Roo comes into the area the brawlers are playing, he himself will be an obstacle, doing 10-11% damage and below average knockback if he touches you or 15-16% damage and good knockback if he lands on you with his cane as he pogos about. He'll lay TNT in the area the brawlers are fighting as well, and if any single crate of TNT is hit for 30 stamina it will explode early, causing a chain reaction which cause all the other crates of TNT to explode. Each exploding crate has a hitbox twice it's size which does good knockback and 20% damage. If none of the crates of TNT are attacked, the first crate Ripper Roo layed in the background will eventually go off and cause a chain reaction of explosions, them going off one at a time, you having fair warning of when which ones will explode. This whole process takes around 25 seconds, but can be cut short by 10 if a player destroys one of the crates of TNT.

When the TNT crates explode, Ripper Roo will be caught in the explsosion, and all of his gentleman's gear will fall off, his cane, top hat, and bow tie, as he turns into his normal crazy self, letting out a maniacal laugh. After this, he'll jump off the top of the screen and remain absent for 20 seconds for the brawlers to fight in relative peace, but he'll then fall back down off the top of the screen in the throne in the background (Not having regained his gentleman's gear.). He'll start laying nitro crates instead of TNT crates this time in the same fashion as before, but these crates won't automatically explode on their own. Instead, once Ripper Roo lays nitro in the area the players are brawling in, a single touch of the nitro will cause trigger the explsosions, them doing 30% damage and even higher knockback. Ripper Roo will continue jumping about while he's waiting for somebody to blow up the nitro, doing the regular amount of damage if he jumps into someone, although now laughning maniacally and unable to hit people with his cane. If the nitro fails to blow up after 30 seconds, Ripper Roo, being the crazy guy he is, will get impatient and blow it up himself, diving head first into one of the nitro crates and setting off the chain reaction of explosions.

After the nitro phase, Ripper Roo won't respawn on the throne for 45 seconds, where he'll once again be in his "Sir" Ripper Roo outfit and the cycle will repeat. The cycle will go through 3 times before you'll move on to the next part of the stage. To transition back to the warp room, Ripper Roo's arena will slowly fade out as the screen turns into a blur that resembles the transiting phase from Castle Siege, but with a green color scheme. The giant platform that you used to ride to Ripper Roo's boss fight will be here, and the rest of the ground here isn't solid, meaning the platform is the arena you have to fight in. This stage transitioning phase lasts 30 seconds, giving by far the most peaceful moment of the stage.
When the time's up, anybody not on the platform will be eliminated as you enter the next warp room, the platform going up into the socket of a warp room in an indentical shape of the last one, only now with an icy theme.

The most notable change of the icy warp room is that the floor is solid ice, being very slippery, resembling the terrain the summit stage the Ice Climbers share. The enemy for the icy warp room isn't an actual enemy that you can attack. A giant polar bear will rear it's head out from one of the three portals in the background and snort angrily, giving fair warning, then will chomp in front of, doing 35% damage and massive knockback to anything he sinks his teeth into. This stage hazard is very powerful, but has small range and is very predictable. Icicles will also sometimes fall from the roof of this warp room on rare occassion, doing 15% damage and average knockback. There's good warning of the icicles as they slowly grow over time, them shining before they fall, but they drop down at a massive speed once they fall. After 45 seconds in this warp room, you'll move on to meet the next boss, Dingodile.


Upon coming up out of the warp room, you'll find yourself in Dingodile's boss arena from Crash Bandicoot Warped, it being an enclosed icy cave. The area the fight takes place in is extended in this stage, there being no walls unlike the traditional boss arena, this stage having walk off edges for it's method of KOs. The cieling is thankfully higher then the limits of the stage, meaning star KOs are still possible as normal. The terrain is snow rather then ice, meaning the stage thankfully isn't slippery.

This would be your regular every day stage if not for Dingodile (Who says his signature line "Gonna make toast!" when you enter the arena.), who is in the middle of the large flat arena (Around twice the length of final destination). 3 layers of massive ice crystals will do a decent job of blocking him off from being attacked (Them not spinning around like the traditional boss fight.), and will effectively separate both sides of the arena, you having to jump over Dingodile and the deadly massive crystals to get to the other side, it being very hard for characters with bad recoveries. If you land on one of the spiky tips of the crystals, you'll be dealt above average upwards knockback and 25% damage.

Characters with bad recoveries literally can't jump over the entire length of the crystals, and must land on Dingodile in the middle, using him as a stepping stone to regain their jumps to make it to the other side. Once Dingodile is jumped on, he'll fall over as a "smack" sound is heard, and the pack on his back powering his bazooka will start flashing and beeping in the same fashion as if he were hit in his traditional boss fight. The pack will proceed to explode 5 seconds later, causing a massive explsosion that has an area of effect that reaches out as far as the crystals. Anybody caught in the explosion will be dealt 32% damage and large knockback, making it high priority to avoid, the explosion also destroying the crystals.

After the explosion, Dingodile will be covered in char and lay there for around 10 seconds, recovering from the attack, then get up and shake off the char, annoyed. New crystals will fall down from the cieling to replace the old ones, anybody hit by the sudden fast falling crystals being dealt 25% damage and good knockback. This process must repeat 4 times before Dingodile is defeated and you move on to the next boss, each "hit" not taking as long as the other bosses.

Dingodile himself, of course, does far more then just sit there inbetween the ice crystals, waiting to be pounced upon. He regularly fires out shots from his bazooka in various forms, the most common one being a beam. He'll fire the beam straight to the right or left at random, it going along the entire length of the ground on that side of the stage and lasting for 3 seconds. Dingodile has to fire through the crystals protecting him to do this, and his heated bazooka ray will cut down the length of the crystals by the size of his bazooka beam (One fifth of the crystal). IN addition to the crystals being easier to jump over, they'll also lose a fifth of their damage and knockback if you land on their tips. If Dingodile completely destroys all his crystals on both sides in this fashion, new ones will fall from the cieling as if Dingodile exploded from being jumped on.

Another of Dingodile's attacks is firing flame shots up out of his bazooka directly upwards off the top of the screen in mass, one at a time. Players can be hiy by them if they're jumping over Dingodile, but this of course is rather unlikely. The shots will then proceed to rain down off the top of the screen on both sides of the icy arena, them coming down at a fast pace, although still only one at a time like when he fired them upwards. Anyone hit by any of the shots is dealt 11% damage and below average knockback, it not being that much of a threat although being rather annoying to dodge.

To prevent this phase from going on forever, if nobody jumps on top of Dingodile to deal a "Hit" to him, he'll use the backpack as a jetpack after 60 seconds, flying up above his normal position. He'll fire one of his beams directly at one of the players on the stage out of his bazooka at random, it doing the same amount of damage, size of the beam, and knockback from his normal bazooka beam attack. He'll chase them around with the beam after firing it, moving it around slowly. After 5 seconds of this, Dingodile's bazooka will stop firing and he'll shake it around angrily, trying to get it to fire, then his jetpack will putter out, making the pre explosion noises and then proceeding to blow up as he lands on the ground from overuse of his bazooka and jet pack, it being counted as one of the 4 "hits" on him.

After defeating Dingodile, you'll go into the portal phase on the platform again like after you defeated Ripper Roo with the swirling green background. One of the portals in the background is replaced by a giant clock which matches the time your Wii is set to, ticking about. Every 5 minutes, a cuckoo bird will come out of the clock and into the playing field, damaging anything it hits as it springs out on it's platform for 25% damage and good knockback, then getting brought back inside the clock. The background isn't a wall in this warp room, and is instead clear glass. Outside through the glass you can see a clear sunny day if the time is between 6 AM and 6 PM, lightning up the arena well, or you'll see the stars and moon if it's 6 PM or later, giving the arena a dark look. Once you leave this time themed warp room, you'll find yourself up against the next boss, N. Tropy.

N. Tropy:

You'll find yourself in N. Tropy's boss arena from Crash Bandicoot Warped after taking the platform out through the top of the time warp room. You'll all spawn on a platform around the size of battlefield on the left, while N. Tropy is off on a platform of the same size at the opposite side of the arena on the right. There's a massive chasm inbetween you and N. Tropy, large enough that not even Pit could make it accross (Unless he had a bunny hood or was knocked part of the way accross, but you get the idea.). The screen is zoomed out a massive amount to show both N. Tropy and your characters fighting, resembling the maximum amount the Great Fox can be zoomed out in Melee. The clocks ticking in the background once again match your Wii's time settings, although these clocks don't affect the battle and you can't see outside, so this hardly matters.

N. Tropy will fire projectiles from his platform at you while you fight, trying to incinerate you out of his time twisting arena. He'll fire beams from his boss fight, that, unlike Dingodile's beams, face horizontally rather then vertically, coming up on your character like a wave of death. These beams do only 16-17% damage and average knockback, but N. Tropy will fire them at a rather alarming pace. Some will be low to the ground to be jumepd over while others will be high right after them, requiring you to fall back down quickly from your jump to dodge them. He fires these beams in spurts, and they take a while to get over to you, meaning you have plenty of time to fight your fellow Brawlers in relative peace, although when the beams do arrive they'll require your attention (You having plenty warning). N. Tropy's other projectile is a homing fireball. N. Tropy will fire them one at a time, and they'll home in on the closest player. The fireball will switch it's course if another player becomes closer, adding a layer of strategy into trying to get your enemies hit by the attack. If hit by the fireball, you'll be dealt average knockback and 14-15% damage, as well as an additional 5% fire damage over 2 seconds.

While N. Tropy is regularly sending attacks your way, he doesn't really disrupt the fight that much with his projectiles due to his distance away from you. Every 60 seconds though, N. Tropy will simply say "Time to die!", and all the clocks in the background will start spinning around rapidly as N. Tropy seemingly casts some sort of spell with his gigantic weapon. A bridge of platforms to come over to N. Tropy appear, and the platform the characters were fighting on will shortly fall down underneath them into ruin, forcing them to go accross the bridge. The platforms will start falling down once a character has landed on them, meaning the characters must make their way to N. Tropy as quickly as possible if they wish to survive. Once the characters make their way over to N. Tropy, they can hit him with any melee attack or footstool jump off him to "get a hit" on him. The players can choose to ignore N. Tropy, but he'll then proceed to use his projectiles right next to them, making him a major threat as he constantly barrages the characters with endless attacks. Once N. Tropy is hit, a "smack" sound will indicate he's hit as he stumbles over, and he will shake his fist angrily as he proceeds to teleport away. He'll leave the fighters in peace for 30 seconds, then the platform on the opposit side will rise up again and N. Tropy will teleport in on top of it, and the cycle will repeat. N. Tropy must take 3 hits before you move on to the phase where you travel back to the warp room with the flashy green background on the warp room platform for another 30 seconds. Upon being defeated, he says his line from Crash Bandicoot Warped in his dying breath, "My time is up. . .But yours soon will be too!".

The next warp room has large amounts of gears churning in the background, as well as the floor being made out of them. Occassionally one of the gears will blow a gasket and dislodge itself, coming onto the arena and spinning accross the stage on it's side, then falling over and being a throwable item. The gear does minimal damage if it runs into you and mimics a large wheel from Wario's bike when thrown in effects of gameplay. Oil will sometimes spill out from the background as well, causing the arena the floor of the warp room to be covered in it. The oil causes the ground to be slippery like the ice warp room, but also creates the chance to randomly trip like in the real version of Brawl (In this version of Brawl, there is no random tripping. Take that, Sakurai!). The oil doesn't go away once it spawns, but you only fight in this warp room for another 45 seconds, so it doesn't really matter. Once you've spent enough time brawling here, the platform will head through the cieling of the warp room to the next Boss, N. Gin.

N. Gin:

Upon leaving the mechanical warp room, you'll find yourself in the boss arena of N. Gin from Crash Bandicoot 2. You'll be on a platform the size of final destination, while N. Gin will be in a large hovering mech in the background, regularly doing his halfway mechanical laughs as he does his attacks. His most common attack is firing up rockets up off the top of the screen in the background that will then rain down onto the playing field. The first missle will come down on the far right side, while each missle after it will land slightly to the left of it. Once a missle lands on the far left side, it'll go back to the other one. This is N. Gin's fastest attack, and the missles thankfully only do 10% damage and below average knockback. Another of N. Gin's attacks has him fire missles in the same fashion as his most common attack, but he'll instead fire 5 missles which function like Snake's side b, homing in on the nearest player. The speed, damage, and knockback of the missles matches Snake's perfectly, meaning players will be more then famaliar with them.

On rare occassions N. Gin will suddenly go down off the bottom of the screen in his mech, then come back up with a large green laser in the front of his machine. He'll go behind one third of the arena selected at random, either the middle, right, or left, then fire a massive laser then neutralizes the platform and does 36% damage massively large knockback to anyone it touches. The attack is thankfully slow and predictable, although it has a lasting effect in that it destroys part of the arena. There's more ending lag after this attack as N. Gin goes off the bottom of the screen and comes back up again to get his mech back in his normal form, meaning you won't have to deal with constant deadly attacks. The part of the arena that was destroyed will respawn after 20 seconds pass.

N. Gin will only come onto the playing field out of the background for his most deadly attack, which he'll do every 90 seconds (Although he'll wait extra time if part of the arena is currently destroyed, not doing the attack until the arena repairs itself.). He'll fly up off the top of the screen of the background, then come crashing down onto the playing field in his entire huge mech. He'll land in the middle of the arena, covering about half of it, anybody who gets crushed by the mech as it falls down getting the same effect as if they were hit by a giant missle from the mech. Players can still climb onto the mech and use it as a platform (The middle part of the platform destroyed due to N. Gin crashing down), although this will cause the terrain to be slightly slanted. N. Gin will open his cockpit, being in the dead center of the arena in the playing field, and proceed to take out two large plasma pistols. He'll fire them around wildly and rapidly, them sending out projectiles that are just like R.O.B.'s fully charged laser, them richocheting around, lasting around three times as long as R.O.B.'s lasers. In a single flurry of the attack, he'll send out 4 of these lasers on either sides in seperate angles, making for plenty of chaos. He'll have to take a break between each flurry of shots, taking time to reload. If N. Gin is hit by a footstool jump or melee attack during this time, he'll get "hit", a smack sound being heard, then proceed to close his cockpit and head back into the background, the middle of the platform respawning in 10 seconds. If no players bother to attack N. Gin while he's in this state, the missle embedded in his head will explode after 20 seconds, causing N. Gin to get "hit", keeping this phase of the stage from going on forever. After taking 3 hits, N. Gin will be defeated and you'll go back to the phase of the stage where you warp back to the warp room with the swirling green background and the giant platform.

After the warping, phase, you'll find yourself in the final warp room, it having a sewer like theme. The middle portal in the background is replaced by a pipe which spews out green acid liquid onto the arena, which very slightly pushes you to to the left like the treadmills in the electric version of Pokemon Stadium 2, but severely toned down. The acid forks at the pipe to the right and left as it comes out of the pipe, meaning if you're on the right half of the warp room you'll be pushed to the right, while visa versa goes for the left side. Sometimes the rate of the acid's speed will go up, although it's max speed is only half that of the treadmill on Pokemon Stadium 2, and it'll go back down shortly after. This is one of the more peaceful of the warp rooms, you able to have more conventional fighting inside here. After your time in here is up, you'll move on the final boss, N. Brio.

N. Brio:

The stage is like it's shown in the screenshot in the original Crash Bandicoot boss fight, but instead of walls on the sides of the arena (Which is strectched to be enlarged to the size of final destination), there are bottomless pits, and there's a single platform in the center. Sometimes (Every 30 seconds or so) acid will rize up out of the bottomless pits in a fashion like the lava on brinstar or norfair, possibly saving you from your doom if you can't recover, although it won't come up very high, only halfway up to the arena at most. More rarely (Every 3 minutes or so) the acid will rise up to flood the stage and wash you off in a tidal wave, although the actual amount of acid that comes over the stage is relatively little, you able to avoid being washed off the stage by the acid by jumping on the platform in the middle. The acid tidal wave will cause a king of the hill competetion over the platform as the deadly waves pass, meaning you must defend the platform at all costs.

N. Brio himself will be in the background (On a slight pedestal to avoid the acid tidal waves), unable to be attacked on a regular basis, much like N. Gin. First he'll throw a single potion at every player's position, one at a time, these potions causing small explsosions the size of Toon Link's bombs. These potions deal 13-14% damage and below average knockback. After having thrown one of these potions at every player, he'll throw the potions more quickly, but not aim at the actual players this time, just throwing them around randomly. Sometimes the explsosion of the potions will be delayed before they explode, causing confusion. If the potions don't hit anyone, they'll create a living entity of slime. The slimes will slowly patrol the stage back and forth accross the stage, unaffected by tidal waves, and having enough intelligence to not waltz off the edge. If a slime touches you, you'll be briefly stunned and dealt 4-5% damage, although they're easily destroyed by a single attack. After N. Brio throws potions for 30 seconds, any slimes still alive will come together in the center of the stage to form a humanoid shape. The slimes will go into the shape of a random character (Although it will never be Donkey Kong for reasons detailed later), and will then act as an enemy hostile to all players. The more slimes that were able to form together, the stronger the character is. To have the strength of a full character, all the potions that N. Brio throws must becomes slimes and must not be destroyed. So on average, the slime character will be very weak, only slightly more durable then an alloy in multi man brawl. The slime characters can not use any items.

Once the slime character is destroyed, N. Brio takes action himself more directly. He'll take out a potion with a vile red liquid then proceed to chug it down. N. Brio will hold his throat as if he were choking, then let out his signature sinister laugh and his eyes twitch rapidly as he transforms into his monstrous form like in his boss fight, it being somewhat of Dr. Jenkyl/Mr. Hide transformation. Once N. Brio undergoes the transformation, he'll come onto the playing field out of the background to attack, beating his chest. N. Brio will act as a giant Donkey Kong clone (Although obviously looking very different) and wreak havoc on the stage. N. Brio has permanant superarmor and thus cannot be KOd except by exploting the dumb computer AI, although he'll respawn instantly if the AI somehow messes up. N. Brio's computer AI level while in this form depends on how many "hits" he's taken. If he hasn't taken any hits, he'll be level 3, if he's taken one hit he'll be level 6, and if he's taken two hits (thus needing only one more to be defeated) he'll be level 9. N. Brio's transformation thankfully only lasts a mere 15 seconds, limiting the amount of havoc he can perform. Like his slime minions, N. Brio cannot use any items -- picture if he suddenly pulled out some bongos from the smash ball! Once the transformation is over, N. Brio will go into the background and go back to the center of the stage on his pedestal, holding his head in pain from the transformation, birds swirling around his head in a cartoon like fashion. N. Brio won't resume throwing potions for another 45 seconds, and takes the usual 3 hits to defeat.

Once N. Brio is defeated, you'll go into the usual warp area with the green swirling background as you warp back to the first warp room for Ripper Roo, the cycle finally repeating itself (This is just an example of a possible order though, it's random which bosses you see, although each boss will always have their respective warp room before them to warn you.). To see everything in this stage, you'll have to play a long match, as a 2 minute match wouldn't even let you see much of the Ripper Roo phase. This is a great stage for long matches, it always being varied. While there are occassional chaotic parts of the stage, they're rather brief and the attacks are quite predictable, allowing you to still have a good fight with your opponnents.

-Ripper Roo Boss Fight (Crash Bandicoot 2)
-Dingodile Boss Fight (Crash Bandicoot Warped)
-N. Tropy Boss Fight (Crash Bandicoot Warped)
-N. Tropy Boss Fight (Crash Bandicoot: N. Tranced)
-N. Gin Boss Fight (Crash Bandicoot 2)
-N. Brio Boss Fight (Crash Bandicoot)
-Tiny Boss Fight (Crash Bandicoot 2)
-Hot Air Skyway (Crash Team Racing)
-Medieval Mash (Crash Bash)
-Cortex Boss Fight (Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex)
-Oxide Station (Crash Team Racing) (Only here due to his space station being in the SSE, where this music is played)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
mr.saturnmr.saturnmr.saturn DOIT DOITNAO!!!!

I bet he'll get at LEAST as much unwarranted screen time in some BBQ's as Cactaur did, and I'd be very pleased to see that.

Golly, I hope there's going to be "Most Underrated MYMer" because I'd like to think of myself as in the running for at least one award....


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
& speaking of MYM awards, I have a nomination list put together right now. I was planning on posting it sometime soon so you guys can tell me beforehand if I missed anything
Ooh, I'm excited. I think you should post it. . . Hmm. . . Now.


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2008
MYM, Ohio
mr.saturnmr.saturnmr.saturn DOIT DOITNAO!!!!

I bet he'll get at LEAST as much unwarranted screen time in some BBQ's as Cactaur did, and I'd be very pleased to see that.

Golly, I hope there's going to be "Most Underrated MYMer" because I'd like to think of myself as in the running for at least one award....
There won't be one for most underrated MYMer, but trust me, I've nominated you for several awards already :lick:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
Well then I have absolutely no idea what awards those might be, but I'd sure like to see them. I mean, "several"? That's.....that's more than one!


p.s.: "Pigs of McDonald" sounds like a great moveset idea to me that I won't pursue but someone should.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Sweet pigs of McDonald, how detailed can you get? WTF.
I essentially have five bosses for the stage, so what do you expect? And I even go into detail of the actual warp rooms before the bosses as well. In any case, I've stopped putting so much effort into extras now. I wouldn't ever be able to top that masterpiece of a stage anyway, and if I did, it'd just be some dumb gimmicks.

If you don't like things that length, you'll probably dismiss the movesets of many of the regulars as too detailed and won't learn from them. We have a rather high standard of detail here, but it doesn't have to be nearly as high as mine to pass. All you really need:

For each move and you're set. I'm called the Detail Nazi for a reason, ya know.:p

@Kibble: I too short; didn't read a lot of the movesets in this contest.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
All you really need:
I'd say add priority to that list. Considering Captain Falcon is bottom tier partly because of his abysmal priority while Snake and Meta Knight are top tier due to their disjointedd hit boxes, that is a pretty important thing for balance.


Smash Cadet
Feb 11, 2009
Back from the grave.
I essentially have five bosses for the stage, so what do you expect? And I even go into detail of the actual warp rooms before the bosses as well. In any case, I've stopped putting so much effort into extras now. I wouldn't ever be able to top that masterpiece of a stage anyway, and if I did, it'd just be some dumb gimmicks.

If you don't like things that length, you'll probably dismiss the movesets of many of the regulars as too detailed and won't learn from them. We have a rather high standard of detail here, but it doesn't have to be nearly as high as mine to pass. All you really need:

For each move and you're set. I'm called the Detail Nazi for a reason, ya know.:p

@Kibble: I too short; didn't read a lot of the movesets in this contest.
Thanks, I'll try to be detailed with mine.

Everyone calls me the "Grammar Nazi" for a reason too.


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2008
MYM, Ohio
Ooh, I'm excited. I think you should post it. . . Hmm. . . Now.
I'll post it after I answer more freaking questions about the awards... :laugh:

How long will the voting last? Just curious, that's all.

And I better be on the best movesetters list ;)
I haven't decided yet, It'll depend on when I start it. I may start it right after the moveset submission deadline passes, or I may wait until the sandbags open voting for the top 50

& YES.

Well then I have absolutely no idea what awards those might be, but I'd sure like to see them. I mean, "several"? That's.....that's more than one!
You might be in for a surprise then... :bee:

More like "behold the proof that Extras are evil."


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
I'd say add priority to that list. Considering Captain Falcon is bottom tier partly because of his abysmal priority while Snake and Meta Knight are top tier due to their disjointedd hit boxes, that is a pretty important thing for balance.
To be quite honest I barely ever mentioned priority until reading your MYM 4 movesets, save mentioning disjointed hitboxes. I've been working harder on including priority on every move now. I'm far from perfect yet, but I've been getting a lot better.

Priority without a doubt would be the next thing on the list.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
This we must see, silver. Like, right now. On the next page. YOU MUST!

I loved the MYM Awards. Probably partially because I did so well at them in MYM 3, but even though that's probably not gonna happen again, they're just a ton of fun.



Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
I am in much agreement with K. Rool and everybody else.



This time, vengeance on Mendez shall be mine!


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
Seeing as I can't physically make Ripper Roo's attacks, would people be able to understand a diagram which highlights were the hitboxes on all of his attacks are?

However, don't answer this till silver posts nominees!



Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2008
MYM, Ohio
It has been requested... so here it is. remember that this is only the first edition & is subject to change (but seriously guys, tell me if I left someone out)

The MYM 4 Awards!!!

Best moveset designer (choose 5)
Chief Mendez
King k.rool
Chris lionheart

Best New designer (choose 3)
Lenus Altair
The Trophy Master

Best OC designer (choose 1)
Chris lionheart
Sonic the baron

Best Kirby series moveset (choose 3)
chef kawasaki (King k. rool)
Superstar helpers (sirkibble)
Dyna blade (sirkibble)
Mr. shine & Mr. bright (sirkibble)
Butterfly kirby (sirkibble)
Daroach (hyper_ridley)
Wheelie (hyper_ridley)
Chilly (flyinfilipino)
Blipper (FrF)
Capsule J2 (Masterwarlord)

Best special moveset mechanic (choose 5)
Chef Kawasaki (king k.rool)
Electrode (king k.rool)
Snorlax (king k. rool)
Mr. shine & mr. bright (sirkibble)
Gemini Man (sirkibble)
Tails doll (dancingfrogman)
Undead hero (dancingfrogman)
Daroach (hyper_ridley)
Mach rider (chief mendez)
Kalas (twilthero)
Ken hoang (BKuppa666)
SOS brigade (pelikinesis)
Peter pan (tanookie)
Electroplankton (akiak)
Pokey (the trophy master)
Shadow Beast (kholdstare)

Best Joke Moveset (choose 4)
Babe (sonic the baron)
Cat clancer (chief mendez)
Fox (half_silver28)
Late Christmas shopper (baloo)
Giygas (kholdstare)
Super gimp charizard (sirkibble)
Cappy holding two gordos (sirkibble)
Uncloned wolf (dancingfrogman)
Smeargle (dancingfrogman)
Ditto (dancingfrogman)
Gold magikarp (King K.rool)
Waddle dee (snowstalker)
Waluigi (masterwarlord)
Farfetch’d (flyinfilipino)

Most improved designer (choose 4)
Chris lionheart
Sonic the baron
The trophy master
[/moar bias]

Most helpful MYM poster (choose 4)
Chief Mendez
Chris lionheart
King k.rool
Smash daddy

Funniest MYM poster (choose 3)
Chief Mendez
Sonic the baron

Best moveset rater (choose 3)
Chief Mendez
King k.rool
Chris lionheart

Best Sandbag (choose 1)
Chief Mendez
King K.Rool
Chris Lionheart

This threads winrar is... (choose 4)
Chief Mendez
King k.rool
Chris lionheart
Sonic the baron

The Thirteenth Category – Most ‘TL,DR’ moveset (choose 1)
Dr. robotnik (dancingfrogman)
Megaman 9 megaman (junahu)
Cortex and tiny (masterwarlord)
Klump and krusha (masterwarlord & Bkuppa666)
Superstar helpers (sirkibble)

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Best OC designer
Needs more Spadefox. Esheris, my final boss, is an OC.

Best Kirby series moveset
Where's Wiz from Kholdstare?

Best special moveset mechanic
Where is Jonathan & Charlotte's team mechanic?

Best Joke Moveset
Where is King Harkinian?

Most helpful MYM poster
Where am I?

The Thirteenth Category – Most ‘TL,DR’ moveset
Where is Guntz on this list?

Also, where is "Best Story Mode" category?


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
It was at this point that Kibble realized just how difficult voting was going to be... :laugh:

Oh, and Spade, the Sandbags are covering "Best Story Mode" this time around, so Silver isn't.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
hey, I'm just happy that SOS Brigade is in the running somewhere.

Thanks for keeping an eye on me, half_silver! I'm looking forward to Shana and M.Bison.

So....how do we vote on this? PMs (lol looks like PMS)? VMs? In thread?


Moveset DESIGNER implies some kind of aptitude involving graphic design with the BBCode and whatnot, and I'm pretty sure that most of my movesets look like crap/have some appearance issues that have been commented on.

THanks for the nominations though. I'm like that guy who campaigns just to screw with the two main candidates who actually stand a chance of being elected. And I wouldn't have it any other way.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
Great list silver.
This will be quite tough lol, so I agree with Kibble :laugh:

Can I go in "Worst New Designer" then? :p

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Oh and...

Where is Lyon on the "Best Special Moveset Mechanic"? Summon, anyone?

Sue me, though, if the OC thing is only counting towards movesets. Then you're excused for your lack of Esheris.


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Holy keys locked in the jet, Batman!
Okay guys, I need a bit of help with my SM chapter which should be done today. Just a couple of story points that aren't important yet, but I need a bit of backing for a couple things I'm using. (dont read if you dont want spoilers)

First, N and snake will be on a recon mission, and after a level, they will not appear until next chapter. When they do come back, they will battle laughing octopus from MGS4's beauty and the beast corps. Now, I dont play metal gear, but I know a least one of you guys do. I only have the intro cutscene for the corps and the first fight against her in-game for reference, and that's not enough. If maybe a great boss maker such as HR or warlord would do this, I'll be very grateful.

Gluttony will be forcibly sent to the doctor for a stomach ache (gluttony says he's just more hungry), but his doctor is dr. mario! Before the two can fight, the virus trio comes by. The level played before the brawl will involve the hollywood cliche of shrinking to fight a diesease. I need a definate idea as to what the gimmick of the level will be, and whether it will be in a bottle like the game or a more organic, inside someone's body atmosphere.

Any help would be appreciated.


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2008
Yes. We pre menstrual symptom it to him.

But seriously, how is my LCS on there? It's that good?

Funniest? Really? You're kidding. No really, you must be. You're making fun of me.

EDT- Meh Bubblun throw mechanic isn't good? WHAAAAAAAA


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
How about having Cortex and Tiny in Special Mechanic?
I know it isn't one as such, but the fact that the characters can be split up etc. is unique.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
Yes. We pre menstrual symptom it to him.

But seriously, how is my LCS on there? It's that good?

Funniest? Really? You're kidding. No really, you must be. You're making fun of me.

EDT- Meh Bubblun throw mechanic isn't good? WHAAAAAAAA
Nah, we just love to poke you until you lift the Spam can out, which we will vomit and clean it up if you do. :laugh:


Dr Robotnik wants war with Cortex and Tiny!

I agree with what the others state

Also, shouldn't AOSTH Robotnik be in the joke sets?


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Best Kirby series moveset
Needs more Wiz.

Best special moveset mechanic
Needs more Jonathon and Charlotte and Cortex and Tiny. Cortex and Tiny was only like 666 mechanics in one.

Best Joke Moveset (choose 4)
BADLY Needs more Harkinian and AI Colonel.

Most Improved Moveset Designer (choose 4)
Needs more SundanceKid.

Best Tl;dr (choose 1)
This list needs less Guntz. It can't hope to compete with those other walls of text. Klump and Krusha also aren't as detailed as some of the other ones out there. K. Rool wanted more detail in it in his review. I also demand Espeon by Sparkz be added to this list.

I haven't played MGS4, so I can't help you there. For the shriking to fight a disease, you have to destroy all the enemies quickly before they multiply or something? That's my best guess. Also yay for you using Gluttony XD.


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2008
MYM, Ohio
:psycho: ~ too....many....demands.....

*head explodes*

I'll be adding a lot of what you guys mentioned. & I guess I'll expand my definition of joke movesets to include movesets that were made semi-seriously.

but I'll wait until the buzz dies down a bit before I try changing anything.


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Holy keys locked in the jet, Batman!


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Guys, joke movesets are movesets that aren't serious. Stuff like Harkinian and AI Colonel are joke characters, but the movesets themselves are perfectly serious. If we added those two (actually good) movesets into the category, why the hell would anyone vote for Smeargle or Gigyas?

Also, that one needs less Gold Magikarp. Twas not a joke moveset, twas an extremely rushed moveset to poke fun at frogman.

I'm not funny? I DON'T AMUSE YOU? Well, excuuuuse me for not dancing like a puppet on a string to please you every whim, you guys! Jerks.

...But seriously, that all looks pretty great. Can't wait for the voting. The Best Moveset Designer category feels a bit arbitrary at times, though; it's missing some greats and also includes some less-than-reputable moveset makers (you know...).
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