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Make it rain with $2 bills: 1/9/10


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006

pp - thanks, kevin. i need to start playing fast again since it's how i play best.
twitch - i still don't know your name, but 2 goodz. you should learn to calm down though! don't beat yourself up, try to have fun with it.
yoshido - it's nice to put a face to the name. poor yoshi!
GA - ur gay
scha k - i think that with the proper training you'd be able to do well in melee, but if you feel it isn't your game that's up to you. thanks for letting us play video games in your basement like a bunch of nerds.
puerro rico balrog

trc - friend johns
yay - wtf you homo


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
Fun tournament, I had a really good time!
Even though turnout shoulda been better... Q_Q

Also... LESS legal gay stages next time please?
IE: Jungle Japes? I can't see any reason why that stage should be legal in addition to Brinstar, Mute City, and DK64.


Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Scha- **** stuff hosting man. Padding the pot was too nice of you but if you really wanted to do it then I guess I have no right to complain haha. It was fun man!

YOSHIDO- broken-azz Yoshi. =p

Fullmetal- fuuuudge your Marth is getting better and I think my Marth game is getting worse haha. Good stuff in teams and singles bro. Good luck at Pound!

Soft- we're getting quite a history at these tournaments it seems. Good stuff bringing it back in singles and you did well in teams too. This tournament had way too many gay stages for you though. =p

Sleepy- <333333
Hopefully I helped.

T-bag- good seein you again man. Good luck with the tru gamer shirts.

Twitch- hooray teams! With experience you'll start doing better in singles. I have da faith.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
Greenville, SC (summer) West Chester, PA (school)
I guess it is time for shout outs now that I am fully awake.

PP- Ohhh do I remember the days of a young upstart with a silly medicinal name who beat me with Mario. Always great to see you and your a nice dude outside of gaming. Way to get beast kid, kill em at pound 4.

Soft- You sir are one of the reasons I love GA so much. It is always great seeing you when I return to the south.

Full Metal- BEAST MARTH! Sorry about the legality of the counterpick stages though, guess I didn't get the memo about tournaments going the way of the Japanese. One of the few things I enjoy about smash still is the creativeness of counterpick stages, but no johns I should have kept up the with changes in the scene more.
On a side note I feel like we should talk about more things besides smash during these occasions. Human interaction always gets silenced by the sterdy competition of friendlies. :(

T-Bag - No peach during tournament? I had lots of fun thank you for being cool and always supporting these tournaments. Wish I thought of a prize for you soft and full metal for pretty much always being to every single one of these.

SleepyK- I finally got to meet you after hearing so much about you. I was not disappointed in the rumors of how awesome you are. Sorry you got to hear my apathy for smash during my own tournament, it was neither the time nor place. Thank you for recording also and yes PR Rog is so sick it hurts.

Twitch- You have gotten a lot better since the last time we play just gotta focus that mind a little bit more. Think about it some of the best players in the game do not care about it in the least (Cactaur and Isai). Once you get that mind focused your going to **** super hard.

Yoshido- Thanks for repping what is left of SC melee with me. Wish more people from Columbia could have came but seeing you is always awesome. looks like I found my weapon against yoshi with that big fist of doc's. Hopefully we get to meet again at some point during our futures.

Snapple-Super nice and really glad to meet you in person. Glad you are making the transition over to melee from brawl and your so enthusiastic about smash in general. I always appreciate someone who hugs over handshakes, just a personal preference of mine. Hope to see you and actually get to talk to you some more some time in the future.

Adam- Ha I do remember your name, it only took a few tournaments to do so. Sorry about brawl not happening I actually really wanted it to and we had the extra TVs for it to have worked out. Maybe next time we will have more people for brawl. Glad to see you again and thank you very much for coming out.

(person sleeping on my couch) Bo?- Sorry I don't think we got formally introduced so I am having a hard time with the name. Thank you for coming out and supporting the tournament I really do appreciate the time and effort that people take to drive two hours each way to attend these things. Wish brawl could have happened but sometimes attendance is out of my hands.

The two other kids who I didn't get names for- Sorry we didnt get introduced or meet but I am acknowledging your presence and your part in this tournament. Thanks for stopping by and playing melee.


Yayuhz- Way to be sick ya big gay. Honestly, you were missed and sucked not having you at this.

Side Rant- As many of you know I have never been a top player in melee. For this reason I a big proponent of those who cant do need to do something. This is why I throw tournaments in an effort to give back to the community that I love so much. Even if sometimes I get discouraged from the amount of work that goes into them or problems with attendance I still love to do what I can to help future up and comers get their experience. So what I am saying to the rest of SC smash is step it up and host more events even if there are like 5 or 6 people that show up get some money on the line and do some work and eventually we might get our own major tournament series happening in SC. I love this community and I do not want to see it die out without a fight, so keep it alive. For those of you who have been doing your part I thank you.

Mad love to the entire smash community.



Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Daigo said please dial a phone to momochi or tokido right now.

scha 2 beast
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