Hm. That claim is null for me. The character seems kind of minor, but so is mine, according to what the internet has told me. The role seems kind of weird for the character, but mine doesn't fit like a glove either, and sometimes you've gotta stretch what a character seems like they should do in order to give them a role that makes some sense and keeps the game somewhat balanced. If there's anything that feels off about it, for me, it's simply the idea that, based on what we know about how large a role that race will be playing in this game, I'd bet we probably already have dedicated PR's for all of the information he claims he's capable of randomly getting. Making his role pretty redundant. He's right when he says it's testable; in order to keep up appearances, should he live, he'll have to actually be able to provide correct information on the people he targets. So he probably does actually have that ability. The question is whether he's a town or scum PR.
Anyway, I suppose there's no reason to beat around the bush anymore.
I'm Mayor Dotour, Town Census Taker. I have one ability, literally called "Take Census," that allows me to find out how many members of a single species there are in the game. I can check one species each Night. Basically, it allows me to verify if someone is lying about their race (and, consequentially, their entire character), but I'm only really able to determine it after a massclaim (since I would need many or all of the living players left in the game to have claimed), which it looks like I probably won't survive long enough to see. I have five options for census taking: Human, Zora, Goron, Deku, and "Unclassified," which is basically a catch-all for anything that doesn't fit into the first four groups.