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Mach Rider for SSBB *Updated Moveset*


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
If Mach Rider was playable, I would for the first time, be speechless. Like, I have never been in too much shock or awe at any announcements for Brawl. But if Mach Rider appears!? Along side my other favourite NES hero, the confirmed Pit!? That would just be too much for words. I'd be quite happy. Even imaging Mach Rider appearing after "WARNING! CHALLENGER APPROACHING" makes me emotional. xD


Smash Apprentice
Aug 22, 2007
New York City
he would b awesome and i think the other retro character tht needs to be included with him is balloon fighter and they are both probably in since the fish in the ice climbers stage gave a big boost to balloon fighter's chances and tht interview with sakurai gave a big boost to mach rider's chances


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Nintendo should bring back Mach Rider. Not just saying that because I liked the original, but because it'd be a good move. Not only could the game make use of the Wii remote, but "cool looking characters" in a dark world has a lot of appeal to today's market, especially in America. Nintendo has no better series then Mach Rider (and Metroid) to do this with. I'd kill to play a new Mach Rider. I heard rumours that Mach Rider was supposed to appear at a conference in 2007 but didn't. Makes me wonder if someone just said that for the sake of lying, or if Nintendo really has some plans.
he would b awesome and i think the other retro character tht needs to be included with him is balloon fighter and they are both probably in since the fish in the ice climbers stage gave a big boost to balloon fighter's chances and tht interview with sakurai gave a big boost to mach rider's chances
Pardon my ignorance, but wouldn't that lower Balloon Fighters chances? By affiliating Balloon Fighter with other stages, that just takes away an element that could have been on a Balloon Fighter stage instead. I wouldn't be surprised if Balloon Fighter appeared in the background of another retro stage. This is because every character has a stage. Before you bring up Marth and Roy, they were supposed to have a stage but Sakurai ran out of time. :/

This isn't saying the fish instantly rules out Balloon Fighter. Just that has chances weren't too high, and this just lowered them further. Such a shame too, because retro gaming deserves a huge chunk of the Brawl roster. After all, where would we be without it?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 17, 2007
I hate to disappoint people, but it's best to give people more realistic expectations. A couple of things regarding the supposed evidence of Mach Rider's inclusion:

About Sakurai calling him his second most wished character, it was likely just another display of Sakurai's odd humour.


The reason he gives for him being his second favourite is: "His name is the best. Mach. Hehehe".

Seems like just another case of Sakurai being, well, Sakurai. For some reason, he finds the word "Mach" to be funny.

As for the music, Sakurai explains his reason for choosing it to a fan here:

Apparently, there really isn't any particular reason it was in other than it being catchy. Sakurai says it gets stuck in his head. So I'm afraid the music is not evidence for Mach Rider being planned for Melee at some point.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Well, he put in Dr. Mario for obscure reasons. I don't think anyone here thinks Mach Rider's chances are high. But we do know Sakurai acknowledges his existance and wishes to put in retro characters. The general idea for Mach Rider's playable appearance is "possible" and not "quite likely."


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
The whole fish from Balloon Fight issue can be taken either way really. As Lunadis pointed out, to have elements of Balloon Fight in an Ice Climber themed stage really does seem to diminish the importance of the former that is being emphasized in the game. One the other hand, it could indeed be a two-in-one stage, as the latter phase does somewhat resemble the overall backdrop for Balloon Fight. Now I don't really care for the rather bland and generic Balloon Fighter myself, but we mustn't jump the gun on the evidence given to us just yet - it's not like he was spotted in the background or anything... :p

Anyways, back on topic... Now as far as dismissing Sakurai's comment as simply a joke, you would have to take that into account for other such comments made toward a number of Nintendo characters, including Muddy Mole whom he jested "might already be in..." Sure it's Sakurai's trademark humor in play, but keep in mind that he's a very cryptic fellow - and you'd have to wonder whether he really does have a soft spot for such characters by referring to them with such familiarity...


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
I managed to make to Sector 5 ONCE, but I can't seem to recall my score either...

And yes, the Mach Rider start sequence is classic - and I can totally see the timed YOU ARE "MACH RIDER"! theme as his victory jingle... :grin:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
Maybe I'm wrong:
But isn't Mach Rider the favorite character for Sakurai being in Smash?
He said something like that, or Am I wrong?



Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
^^He did say something to that extent, as NukeA6 indicated back on the previous page:
Something I found in a GameFAQS thread:
-Ooh, here's a juicy one. Someone asks what Sakurai's favourite character for Smash is and his favourite drink.

Favourite character: Captain Falcon
Favourite character for Smash 2: Mach Rider
Favourite drink: Black tea in the afternoon, straight.

Can you believe that? BLACK TEA?! Oh, and the Mach Rider thing is interesting too.
He expessed it in a somewhat jokingly matter though, so we're not sure if he was in fact dropping a hint or just kidding around.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2007
I was thinking of a heavy character with a gun and jetpack that had nothing to do with the game like Fox's moveset, but this is good! It seems every character I support is even better when I read the topic about it!


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
^^Glad to see I've left a positive impression... :grin: Thanks for the compliment!

Now I know Mach Rider is a long shot (all my character suggestions are... >.<), but do you guys think that any of the evidence stated thus far points to a possible inclusion on the Brawl roster?


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Music and Trophies are a big plus.

And wasn't Mach Rider like the FIRST game on Nintendo to use that style of engine? In fact it's so unique, that not many PCs can emulate that engine well.

But anyway, the character's awesome.. the whole concept about avenging his homeworld agains the bandit invaders is awesome (and awesome for its time). The music is the BEST. (I hum the mach rider song all the time) He could be the perfect rival to Captain Falcon, but his advantage would be long ranged attacks.

My idea for a special attack moveset would be

B: Rifle shots (kinda like the superscope rapidfire, except no flinching, you can aim up and down) you can charge for a single slightly bigger and flinching shot
B Down: Oil drum throw (makes ground slippery (think Fourside's UFO surface))
B Tilt: Mach Tackle (think Falcon kick, except with higher hitbox and shorter distance)
B Up: Chain boost (gains an extra sommersault jump, swinging a chain around. Can be used for Tether recovery)

Final Smash: Brings in his bike, and you can ride it for a while, and jump and double jump with it.

Your arsenal increases while you ride the bike. You can take damage, but you don't flinch. By pressing A repeatedly, you fire two plasma machine guns. With the SPECIAL buttons, you perform Boost rush rammings.

after reading first page again

I kinda like some things about Lord_Deathborn's moveset better. :D

Up in Smoke looks good. Better than my chain recovery.

Using Falcon's 64 smash attacks was brilliant! I loved those smash attacks!

Mach Rider could be the opposite of Falcon. Heavy movement, but fast attacker. And long ranged attacks naturally. :)

My Final Smash idea came from the Megaman X games, when he rides his bike, and you shoot while riding.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
And wasn't Mach Rider like the FIRST game on Nintendo to use that style of engine? In fact it's so unique, that not many PCs can emulate that engine well.
I don't know about engine, but I am very confident that F-Zero is the child of Mach Rider. Since I haven't gotten any sleep, I'll just quote the Wiki instead of typing up the reasons for belief.

While Mach Rider has not gained a true sequel, many elements from the game, such as the futuristic setting, incredible high speeds and aggressive racing have also been used in Nintendo's premiere racing series F-Zero, making it a sort of spiritual sequel to Mach Rider. Even the character Mach Rider himself bears some similarity to the hero of the F-Zero series, Captain Falcon.

Super Smash Bros. Melee, Nintendo's crossover fighting game has a remix medley of the Mach Rider soundtrack, including the title screen music, track selection music, stage music and game over jingle. This music is used on the F-Zero themed stage called Big Blue, further reinforcing the connection between the two series. There is a trophy of Mach Rider that can be earned, which shows Mach Rider in great detail on his motorcycle.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mach_Rider#References


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2006
I like Lord Deathborne's moveset for the mostpart. However, I like shinhed-ichi's chain idea, just not as a recovery move. Also, I like the oil drum idea. But instead of just making the stage slippery, he should throw it and it should roll like an item barrel, only 'cause like twice as much damage when somebody gets hit. Also, it should only spill oil if it hits someone.

Side B would then be a move called "Chain Link" where he's holding a chain, and you use the move to combo by pressing Side B first, and then different directional Bs to combo, much like Marth or Roy and their swords.

The Final Smash should be the Overdrive idea, I think.

The Piston Hammer was a good idea, but I wanna see him with a chain.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2007
I'm all for Mach Rider being in Brawl. As far as "one-game-wonder" characters go, he's my favorite.
Man, it's been so long since I played that game... I don't own a NES anymore unfortunately. Should go and play it on Virtual Console.
Never made it past Sector 7 though... And only once made it past Sector 5 and 6 anyway. I was doing really good that day, lol, and never had a day that good anymore :p

I personally am indifferent to whether he would or wouldn't use his Bike for fighting. I do like the first moveset posted in this thread as well as the only fully-fledged bike-inclusive moveset in this thread. Thumbs up to those!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Alriteif someone can find me a good pic of mach rider, official art, trophy, fan art whatever, I could make a sig or something :p


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Oh yeah we ALL know a wiki-like page is THE best place for resources... seriously people can modify it, some guy said it was mach rider, we showed the excite bike dude and he went oh it was him! my mistake...


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
No, that was Excite Bike (he's on the site, sheesh...)

Mach Rider has not been announced ANYTHING yet

And Mach Rider couldn't quite work as an AT without being a clone AT of someone.

If Mach Rider is in, he's not gonna be in his retro form. 100% guaranteed.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Yeah. His appearance as a trophy in melee is too good to pass up.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
think about it, why did sakurai went trough the trouble to give him such a kickass new look? I bet he WAS in the beta... but was kicked off... MC for brawl!


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.

"In the E for All demo apparently there was an Advance Wars army, Jill from Drill Dozer, a Metroid from the series of the same name, Mach Rider, and Arian Jo from Sin and Punishment."
You apparently missed another keyword in that statement. Of course Jill, Saki, and the Advance War army were all proven to be ATs from E 4 All videos, but I still have yet to see one with Mach Rider. It's very likely that whoever "reported" Mach Rider as an AT actually saw the Excitebiker - it's actually pretty easy to confuse the two... However, it is entirely possible that Mach Rider will end up as an AT - we won't argue with you there...

At any rate, how are you guys with "Road Warriors" as the Mach Rider support group name? If anyone's got a better suggestion, please feel free to post it here or PM me.

Mr. Sunny Patch

Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2007
I have no clue
You apparently missed another keyword in that statement. Of course Jill, Saki, and the Advance War army were all proven to be ATs from E 4 All videos, but I still have yet to see one with Mach Rider. It's very likely that whoever "reported" Mach Rider as an AT actually saw the Excitebiker - it's actually pretty easy to confuse the two... However, it is entirely possible that Mach Rider will end up as an AT - we won't argue with you there...

At any rate, how are you guys with "Road Warriors" as the Mach Rider support group name? If anyone's got a better suggestion, please feel free to post it here or PM me.
I got one suggestion: Ruff Riders :p


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
If this becomes a group/clan/club, I just want to post here normally as normal user like I always have. Never understood this whole "Must make this a club!" notion that has been going around.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
@ Lunadis: That's perfectly fine by me. I'm just trying to spur some more interest in this thread, getting people to contribute their ideas, skills, and whatnot. I'm not intending for this to become anything like the clubs for Ridley or Geno in the first place. Sorry it that's the impression you got from all this.

@Mr. Sunny Patch: LOL Ruff Riders... You weren't the guy that suggested Teddy Roosevelt for Brawl, were you? :p

Mr. Sunny Patch

Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2007
I have no clue
@ Lunadis: That's perfectly fine by me. I'm just trying to spur some more interest in this thread, getting people to contribute their ideas, skills, and whatnot. I'm not intending for this to become anything like the clubs for Ridley or Geno in the first place. Sorry it that's the impression you got from all this.

@Mr. Sunny Patch: LOL Ruff Riders... You weren't the guy that suggested Teddy Roosevelt for Brawl, were you? :p
Naw, ya gots me mixed up wit sumbody else. :p
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