Actualy Mcnichoj I was similar, i felt very comfortable with Oli at 12:25 that sunday morning, well to be fair as comfortable with him as any characters in a slightly more floaty world thay I'd ever known. I'll have to admit though, its probably due to my slightly OCD prowling of these boards, Echo's guide certainly helped a great bit for that and really just general discussion and videos, so maybe me naturally picking up Olimar wasn't so natural at all. I also played a lot of peach in SSBM, so that could be part of it, a broader sense of timing. Unfortunately though last I saw ease in picking up a character was not considered in tier list status, honestly with all the incessant mostly unintelligent debate going on in all the forums I'm allowed to see, I figure I'll just wait till we get something official, and listen to the justification provided then. (I'm assuming theres some nice respectful intelligent thread in the back room that I'm not able to see =( ) Just a clarification issue as well, Olimar has surprising weight about him, not the lightest character in the game by any means, part of what makes him... weird. I'm not certain, not finding the post quickly right now that had character weights, but I believe olimar is actually the same weight class as mario, middle of the pack ish. Olimars recovery however is certainly a balancing factor for his range, which sorta makes sense, if your the best at keeping them away your not gonna be good at getting back once they get to you. To wrap things up though back on topic, the majority of the tier list is determined by current meta game and tournament results, meaning we quite literally determine where Olimar ends up on the tier list. Yeah, you, me, anyone reading this fighting with or against Olimar. And just like many other things in the world, if you start off poorly and have to play catchup its a lot harder than starting at the top, lets make olimar look good, cause he is good, and cause we enjoy being successful with him =)