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@M: Australian Tournament: Melbourne


Smash Cadet
Nov 17, 2003
Raleigh, NC

oh hey i forgot to say, we have a large projector here that we could use to play smash on if you guys want. So if you want we can play at monash university where I am. Otherwise, I'll be at your house to play kupo.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
Thats the best news I've heard in the last.... 27 minutes! Sounds quite good actually. I think we should stick to Em's place for now, but if a change IS decided, let everyone coming know about it. By SMS etc.


Oct 29, 2004
OK, this Monash setup sounds elite. But Em's just dozed off...

How convenient... I'll tell her tomorrow. =P

By the way, Kupo's house is very close to Monash, just in case.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
Its more suitable if we stick to the original arrangement of meeting at Em's place. For her and for me, (if i come) its easier. Also, last minute planning is never a good thing. Sticking to what was planned is best we think.


Sep 15, 2002
Perth, Western Australia
Well, I'm here, but internet connection doesn't look too bright for the future...

I'm gonna call CATS today and tell him he can come round here tomorrow if he wants to, and I'll make sure I can make CAO's on Friday. But then what? I have Saturday through Tuesday where I have no plans.

But, I plan to make some ^^.

So, my mobile is 0438 993 220, and if you want me to come to your place, you'll need to PM me your address etc (even if you've already told me it, I left it in Perth lol). I may be able to get onto the internet at some point, but it'd be best if you can SMS me if you have PMed me a date to catch up.

Of course, if your busy or whatever, it's fine, I'll just go up to Bendigo on Saturday. It'll be fun either way.


Smash Cadet
Jun 28, 2004
Just wanted to have a cry and say i didnt even get to verse 1 on 1s at all with anyone! Probably my fault for not rushing in and saying im only gonna be here an hour so im gonna play the whole time. *stares at jon*Well i had fun anyway...i guess


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
First off I wanna say...

Mike G, give me your fast hands and your mind. Seriously lol =P.

Anyhoo, it was fun playing Bobby. I don't know how he had a weird style of play [according to G]. But hey that's cause i haven't seen many samus players around.

It started off with me vsing his samus on Final. It was kinda shakey, and we unintentionally did stupid things [Suicide, Edge sucking/falling, doing the wrong moves, etc. Bob dammit, why didn't you bring your own control!!? :p]. As the matches went on, it was a close call. None of them ['cept my Falco vs his Samus. He two stocked me! ><] were ownage or anything. We're on a even level. Oh, and yes, he beat me majority of the Samus vs Sheik matches...and i blame the NTSC =P.

As for Fox dittoes...I only remember doing one with him. And I won lol.

Bob plays a good Falcon. Guess it was just a bad day that I just kept copping the knee over and over again. The double dair got me **** good ><.

Shaz and Jon can write up on their say when they vs'd Bob. ^_~

I don't remember much from last night...'Cept the words when I asked him who's his sparring partner/best Bud' smasher lol :p.

" I don't play smash as much anymore. It's not Big in Carolina"
Something among the lines...><

*Bangs head on the wall*

To be honest, i was kinda disappointed when I heard that. I feel so...crappy...

Ah well, Good experience and all. It makes me really really wanna fly to the states and vs everyone. I really hope to meet up with Bob again and at least attend some Big Name/Major tourney while I'm there.


Edit: I just noticed then that Bob sent me a pm recap to post here. Don't know why he didn't post it himself lol ^^;.

Your really good. I haven't had taht much trouble with a shiek since FC, and there were only 2 maybe 3 that could beat me. So your right up there with the best hehe. I was surprised how good you did. Jeez, scared me a bit. You beat me once or twice when I was going all out, i was scared to say the least haha.

Your friends are pretty good too. Crono's fox is where a fox player should be headed, just needs to get more strategy. He's got the technical skill for sure. I lightened up on him a bit tho after our first match. 3-stocking him was really all I needed to see, but its not like he was expected to win. Samus is a pretty bad fox counter, so it was heavily biased. He's awesome though.

The others were alright but you 2 were good. I gotta run though, I'll write somethin when I get a chance though. Probably wont be for a few days though. Cyas

Good playing you.

I feel warm and fuzzy ^^.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2004
Keilor Victoria
I'm up for Cao's on Friday.

I'm coming with V1p3R. He's slightly better than me, and his turnips potshots should work on anyone.

For some reason my Link and Roy are better than Marth... O_O

Hope to see you all there.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
Good to hear. See you there. Regarding Tuesday, it was good to meet you briefly Bob. I'm the guy who played you with DK. You were a good player. Its a pity most of us are rusty, otherwise we coulda provided you with some more exciting matches. Well done though. I cant believe I was upsmashing with Samus, regularly. I was out of it.. O_o Just proves I need to practice for Feb.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
Emily: Oooookaaaaaayyy!!! But you can only have my hands for now ^_~ .

Bobby has a weird style with samus. What I mean is that's he does somethings that alot of other samusssssss normally don't do and he often gets away with it! >_< He knows what I'm talking about. It's great to hear that all of you had tons of fun but it would of been even better if Quetz was there too. -.-

Bobby: You better not leave smash guy! Especially with me around! >_>


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Bob, try and spread the news that us Aussies can go as good as you US guys can. Hopefully you might convince a few to cme to @M.

Where's the ATT btw?


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
If Naruto and Gai had a love child: Fox hokage: kore ga otoko no ikizamayo!!!

First of all thanks for playing us Bobbidy, it was fun. Second, I wanna apologise for the lack of skill I portrayed in those later matches...I'm a tool, honestly I feel my Kirby, Ness and Bowser had more skill in them than my mains...what the heck, I have to hand it to you guys for maintaining such a level of composure where I fall to pieces. That lesson is one most important to me, and I'll make sure to deliver tomorrow and from now on until I can prove my true worth. Your Samus was awesome, and I'd hope to vs you again someday, though it's likely not going to happen. I also admired your manners :)
-Keep and eye out for vids some time in the future, because I'm better than what I showed yesterday, and I want you to know it!
-Thanks for the compliments, though I don't feel worthy for anything but my FFA performances, which were more a measure of my skill.
This kinda situation would see Emily sit in the corner with a dark cloud above her head, but I'm ganna use it to my advantage! The fact that Emily is so highly regarded when she too played less skillfully than she could have is immense! I'll surely be the best Fox if I keep going! Watch out Ryan, beat you or not you're my next stepping stone to Fox glory! Everyone vs me, I'll do title matches, colour titles or rank titles, I don't care anymore, I'm ganna flatten you all, and if not at first then soon!
CATS, ure not Neji in smash, ure Hinata! Practise, I've seen what you do in DD, you're a really skilled player, and I want to see you prove it in smash instead of telling me to prove myself!
Em, Josh...you're not the best in Aus, I am! So sit your punk ***** down and practise till ure fingers drop off..you'll need it to beat me...I'm sick of wasting time on smash...either I play it whole-heartedly, or I don't play at all. I want to play, and I'll win...you'll see.
Jon get your *** into gear, you're good, and you can be much better....work for it or suffer the same fate we did last tourny! There's nothing else for me to say, you know the rest, you've seen everything you need that you don't already have in the past...the rest is already there inside of you: I don't help create losers, and neither have you.
Cella, you have to commit to smash if you're going to play it...I really want you to. You do things I can't do, that's you doing it, not your character...Marth just amplifies it. You're really good, and you can be much better if you care to be.
Anyone who wants to play Fox, feel free to ride my wake or ask for help at any stage. I wont keep secrets because that wont prove I'm the best, just that I'm a cheat.
Mat, Peach can fall to Falco, I've seen it many times, just keep working on finding those weaknesses.
Em, I told you what I think is wrong with your style many times, and you've corrected for them in the past, aswell as building your style with other influences like vids etc. We pick at your predictablitly, but atleast you make the effort, and for that you're a great player: I will make you proud to be inferior to me.
KO, add your own twist to Falco, he's a hack if he's seen through.
I will inf. shine spike and abuse whatever weakness I can from now on whenever my skill permits it, don't take it personally.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
Shaz you ***, who died and dubbed you Naruto? =p We should meet up each week or something. Seeing as we both have cars now, it seems a lot easier. We'll work something out. Btw I have a plastic bag with your controller and Cella's prescription in it.

Myst Walker

Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2004
And I believe I have your AV cable. Well, I'll probably get it back to you via Cao somehow, if he's given you something to use in the meantime, it should be all allright.

Well, that meet was fun, I got my first big competitive smash experience! =p. And got utterly owned as expected, but still, t'was fun, now I know better where I stand and where I have to work up to =p.

Now to work on buying a cube so I can practise and get up to speed for feb!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2004
hehe shaz you misunderstood what i meant when i said i was neji

i tell everyone their flaws without recognising my own, and btw i have confidence in myself so i definately can't be hinata

zettai katsu!


Oct 29, 2004

Hey Duffman, I hope you live in Melbourne.

Welcome to the Smashboards, and it'd be appreciated if you give us a little details about yourself such as, your ASL (suburb), your mains, and MSN or AIM if you use it.

If you hail from Melbourne, you missed out on my smash meet yesterday. Bugger, hey? But you'll definently get your chance to verse most the smashers here in the future if you stick around, that's for sure.

Oh, and please say you'll attend the February @M Aussie Smash tournament.

PS - A big thank-you to EVERYONE who came over yesterday - a better turnout than expected - 15 people is elite. It just goes to show how dedicated us Melbourners really are, hehe. If it weren't for you guys, I couldn't have proven Quetz wrong XD! ****, it was awesome! I'd be happy to do it again anytime - just let me recouperate, lol.
Myst, you suprised me - keep at it bud, and you'll be an even more worthy Ness soon enough. You'd probably be able to pwn Hiro right now! Inconceivable!

Nice essay Shaz. I am officially reutrning to Fox, but I will never neglect my Falco.


Smash Cadet
Dec 17, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
yeah, I'm a 14yo guy from East Malvern. Basically I've played melee casually a few thousand hours (I've got a great house for melee, my bro is great) but never noticed this scene. I lvoe the game and am now training up at the advanced techniques. atm I'm definitely not up for a real tourney, but through the long holiidays, I should improve tons.

ps I'll fix my user profile soon.:D

edit: my fave chars are fox, peach and mario.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2004
Keilor Victoria
1v1 record, I suck at FFA, I keep losing where I am on the screen and everyone likes to gangbang Roy.

Plasia(Link) vs Cao(Link) - Win (not really fair since Link is my second strongest and Cao doesnt really play Link seriously)
Plasia(Marth) vs Cao(Falco) - Win (Marth is a top-tier tipping &^$%@, I shouldnt have picked him, sorry Cao!!!)
Cats(Peach) vs Plasia(Roy) - Loss (fear the suicide! + choke)
Plasia(Link) vs Cats(YLink) - Win (Faggy stage)
Plasia(Roy) vs Myst?(Ness) - Win

People I wanted to 1v1, but they were to busy or didnt care. (read: I'm to shy to tell them, I just sit around and look expectant)


I will have my revenge on Cats for making me choke, well at least I hope so. I hope next time that we meet there isnt as much screwing around in ffa and I get to 1v1 everyone there. I still need a lot more experience.


Oct 29, 2004
Good on you for winining but don't take it too seriously, cos I sure didn't! XD! I was playing you way too casually.

Also, Plasia, you should have asked them for a 1-on-1 match. I had to reach out to you to verse you - you were too reserved. I liked your friend Ben's peach. But we had unfinished business, sigh.*

Oh well, there's a next time. And then there will be @M.

Hope to see you soon bud. I wanna squeeze in another meet thingy before the big one!


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
Another meetup? How about a few?? =D How does January the 8th sound to you? To me, it sounds so sexy, I think I may faint from raging Up-B. XD Great day, by all means. Good food too =p 5 pieces of pizza is not 'a pig' as some say. = /

People I wanted to 1v1, but they were to busy or didnt care. (read: I'm to shy to tell them, I just sit around and look expectant)
Lol, dam you Plasia. How was I meant to know? Say something next time, like "Hey Jon, I want to 1 vs 1 you" or "Hey sexy monkey, show me your stuff" or something similar would suffice. I didnt notice your 'expectant' look as you put it, because I was afraid if I looked at either of you 2 for too long, you might Guard Impact me =p

Perfect Dark was good, thanks to Cats, his bro Ben, and Joe for taking in my bullets, and giving them a place to stay. Most kind! XD

Well done to Ryan who without doubt has the best Yoshi in Australia. Very sexy skills displayed. Although, as he can tell you, the Up-B's that ushered in the Falcon/Yoshi match clearly affected his performance, and he was watching his butt more often than he was me. XD

I'm out of ideas of what to write about atm, but I probably will think of about 8 or 9 things I forgot once I click Submit Reply. Oh well, *click* YEHS!


Sep 15, 2002
Perth, Western Australia
Well, that was fun.

Anf, Froddos, Cao, Cats, all of you guys are pretty good. Keep up the good work, I need to see everyone at Em and Shaz's level by the time Feb rolls around. ;)

Em, Shaz and Jon: Keep up the good work guys. All of you guys are really good players, better than most of the perthites. (Sorry, but it's true guys, we need to shape up) I think my Yoshi may have had the unknown character advantage, because I did better at the start against you guys. Even so, all you guys are uber, and I can't wait till Feb to prove that Yoshi pwns all!

Other than that... I hope to see everyone soon ^^.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
Ryans Yoshi is Top Tier. Its scary.

Ah, don't worry Ryz. Cao's officially my apprentice ;), so he'll up and going in no time. Anf, be true to your word and stick with Falco dammit.
Hopefully, we can do more regular meet-ups. Hey, why not hold a meet up at Uni? =P
But, it won't be possible without paying eh?

Ryan, I hope that we can record some Yoshi vs Fox matches at @M. They were fun and exciting. And for once, I'm actually happy with how I performed regardless of the results.
It's a nice and hard to win match-up.

I'm still picturing my sheik sucking to Bobs Samus, Ryans Fumi like Yoshi and Quez' Mike G like Peach.

I'm gonna own you!!!!!


Gonna be too cool




Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
Jon, who died and made you the SabreAnts from magic or whatever? Tis the beauty of naming oneself with a pseudonym, though I have been told I'm similar to Naruto and Gai sensei!....+ of course to Ness and Falcon by you...u know that ;) OooOooooH!
I didn't choke while Ryan was here at all...though I was nervy, it didn't really lower my skill to the point of a choke! Lugi though is still my number one enemy...how can any *** float for so long?
Em, nice sig lol.
CATS Neji has more skill than most, so get more and more and lose to me :)
Hi duffman, get good and beat Plasia lol.
Plasia, you should say something, especially since I tease you so much. I'll be glad to vs u though.
Ryan, your Yoshi is good, and it worries my Fox...if 50%or less is the best win rate for me I'm not happy lol....expect to either meet a black Doc or if I must be Fox-and happen to lose to you, a black eye come feb if I must vs u lol. *threat is but a joke* If you're not careful all I'll do is sheild G&W's down B on ure a$s!


Smash Cadet
Sep 17, 2004
Nestled in Cao's crotch - Melbourne
It was a good day, and a great opportunity to verse a variety real opponents for once! [Those level 9's really don't help much =P]

February seems so far away, but I know it'll hit me quicker than Kupo's Falco, so I better get to it then!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2004
just wanted to say thanks to ryan for coming to melb and spending so much time vsing me, it was truely awesome and i think it helped my game out alot.
thanks again :D

i think we melbournians should organise another big meet up some time soon and have a mini tourney or something cause that would be the awesome.
although that's just a thought, i'm bad at organising stuff

meow meow meow


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002


Ok, now that I truly have some serious weeks of free time ahead of me, I really need a list of people who will be definitely staying with myself, Josh, Kenton and Mat at a residence in the local area. I want this list to be copied and pasted by anyone who will be definitely in for the duration of the stay. The amount the list grows to is not of consequence, it could be 7, it could be 32. It doesnt matter, I just NEED to know. Until I have a figure, I cannot and will not search for a place to stay because I simply can't book or get quotes, if I have no idea of how many people I'm asking for. Attendee's, please copy paste and update the list with you name added to the bottom.

Current List:
1. Jon
2. Josh
3. Kenton
4. Mat
5. <Your name here>

I'm not responsible if your name doesnt make it to this list by the 10th of January. Thats when I'm cutting it off and using the number I have at that time to search for accomodation. If not sooner. Get your name in, or get yourself another place to stay.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
I'm hoping for a smashfest on the coming Monday and Tuesday. Long weekend for me and no work! Whoo! So, I'm up for an all day smashfest ^^. I'm in love with n2c, so who's with me? =P

All I'm saying is...n2c on Monday or Tuesday...? Or neither? Xp.

I can organise something, but I'll have to get numbers on who's coming, so I'll let my parents know in advance.

Oh, and Cao, this time I can definitely come and check out the venue! If I cannot come by some stupid chance, feel free to come by and slap me in the face...you can also claim superiority over me in smash =P. Nah, I'll definitely come to prevent that! ^^;

Jon: I'm pretty sure Mic's going to stay with the Perthites..and so is Ryan..unless both of them already have accomodation with Ryans relatives or some other place.

Anyhoo, count me in for the hotel stay! I'm not missing a grand smash session/moment! So the list looks like...

1. Jon
2. Josh
3. Kenton
4. Mat
5. Mic [maybe]
6. Ryan [maybe]
7. Emily [DEFINITELY!]

I'm sure that the Adelaide peeps are considering the hotel option...I'm not sure on the numbers though...=/

Yesh, and I'm hogging quez for 1on1s. *gets kicked*



Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
1. Jon
2. Josh
3. Kenton
4. Mat
5. Mic [100%]
6. Ryan [crazy]
7. Emily [DEFINITELY!]
8. D. Mannerism


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
A sug from Mus

"I'm staying in a holiday apartment thing called Quest. Maybe we could stay somewhere similar in Feb? I think it would be cheper than a hotel and would work well."

And mus is a 100% too.


Oct 29, 2004
I suck

I have just discovered I'm heading off to Vietnam on the 15th of February (cutting it close with @M - I made a plea bargain), so any chance of a hotel stay by myself is written off. I will crash over to get pwned though.


I used Sheik for the first time ever in my life today, and it took me 5 minutes to look decent. In no time I WD-ing as much as Emily's Sheik, lol. It sounds so annoying! XD!

PS - Em, I can make the n2c meet. Just fill me in on the confirmed date post haste, so that it's all swish.


Smash Cadet
Dec 17, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
oh, one more thing. how old are all you guys? I'll turn 15 in feb, if I'm the youngest there, my parents would freak out and I wouldn't be allowed to go. Especially with their whole internet paranoia thing. :mad:

also it just occured to me how awesome it would be if there was an australian ds gathering. (sry this propably isn't the place for this) but I'll probably/hopefully have a ds by then and would anyone else have one?

and re: my training, I'm making big progress, shffling is toughest, but I'm getting there. teching is a piece of cake, done it for ages, and I'm starting to try to intergrate wavedashing into my game.


Smash Rookie
Dec 22, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Wow. I'm pleased to learn that there's a smash scene in Melbourne. I'll definately be attending the tournament with a friend, I don't think I'll compete though. Unless I meet up with some of you guys and improve my game. I just hope you aren't creepy, unwashed nerds :(
I live a short walk from Epping station so I don't mind travelling to the city to play. I'm free most days until Feb 7, then I'm only free on Mondays due to study.

Name's Chris, BTW. I turn 18 next month. MSN is in profile.

edit: I use Roy.

Myst Walker

Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2004
Re: I suck

Originally posted by CAOTIC
I have just discovered I'm heading off to Vietnam on the 15th of February (cutting it close with @M - I made a plea bargain), so any chance of a hotel stay by myself is written off. I will crash over to get pwned though.


I used Sheik for the first time ever in my life today, and it took me 5 minutes to look decent. In no time I WD-ing as much as Emily's Sheik, lol. It sounds so annoying! XD!

PS - Em, I can make the n2c meet. Just fill me in on the confirmed date post haste, so that it's all swish.
I demand rematches, and this time remember to bring your memory card so I can actually use marth and jiggly! =p

15th eh? Guess your booked for feb, so no camp. At least you get to attend the tourney =p.
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