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@M: Australian Tournament: Melbourne


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
*breaks off Shaz's finger, runs to store, and purchases Pennywhistles & Moonbeams*

Aha! Money bags!

Anyway, Mic, I've made scaled copies of all those pics. They'll be up anytime now. Apparently my bro's site has been down the past few days but it should be functioning as normal soon. Look forward to seeing them up, along with my selection. I'll create a folder for both of our sets, or actually... nah, just bung em all in together. Easier.

Get practising in WarCraft folks, for those who dont know, I scored a pc off the side of the road the beats the pants of the one I've been using all these months. ^_~ Once I get a suitable keyboard and assorted other things for it, I'll be in business. XD Lol, Its more than twice the processing power of this 333. I found an 800mhz monster!!

Must be in the Pratt genes I say. Fall *** first into awesome finds ^^


Grimer Elitist
Jul 23, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
Ohh, pictures, goody.

Hopefully your brothers site will be back up asap, cos i want to see all those pictures.

Keep us posted!!

WC3? ****, stupid non-games computer ... god, someone offer me a job already.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
Ok, I'm just gonna let it out. Whether you take it serious or not, it's up to you.

Congratulations on being Australia's best Smasher.

This again :O. Were it judged on past tourny efforts, Jon and I are the best smashers, followed then by Josh and Emily, because of course the tournament scale and player win percent would judge it, and not just one occassion.
You and Jon? Personally, I'd rank Jon and myself higher than you in our overall tournament scale. Let's take a look at the Tournaments we participated:

- E2 Games
- SuperChallenge [Finals]
- Eastern Invasion [April Tourney]
- @M.

E2 Games, I came first. Jon came second. You got third.
SuperChallenge final, we both got knocked out in the first round, but my time for avalanche was better than yours [even though we both screwed up big time].
Eastern Invasion, I placed second, and I knocked you into the losers [First round on Dreamland64 then on Termina].

(I remember so clearly that in our friendly matches, you bragged/boasted on that you could so easily eliminate me on Termina. Well, guess what, I remember that match and I SD'd twice in that match. And in the tourney, I two stocked you on that level.)

@M, again, placed 2nd. You placed 5th tied with Jon. You said to me that you'd go Fox all the way, and sounded clearly confident that you can take out Ryan and Quez if you were to be up against them.
For some dodgy reason, why'd the hell did you take up Mic's [Of all people XD] advice and pick up Samus against Ryan's Yoshi?

I can fare pretty decently well against Ryan's Yoshi with Fox. Don't blame the 170% uair fault. Would it be a groundbreaking game were if Ryan to die to that Uair of yours?

Not even bringing myself into it, Josh and Ryan are great players, I don't think there is enough evidence to support Emily being better than they are, despite the fact I'm personally closer to Emily than Josh and Ryan.
Since when in casual matches have you went all out on me? I've won majority of my matches against you (with my mains/sub characters), and yet for some reason, you claim superiority over me? Wth?

Also, in my view, I'd rank Josh above me. Even though I didn't go well in friendlies, yet somehow, I managed to beat him in both finals, I went to Counter Character than rather stick with Falco.
I haven't come up with a good reason to say on why Josh ranks above me, all I know is that his skill surpasses mine, totally.

For Ryan, I'd put him close behind me. Like I said, my Fox along with Peach, Falco and Sheik, I can take him out.

Secondly, Jon done better than Aus top players (which in my opinion he's close to) in the tourny by playing a safer and more spanned (or should I say spandex YEHS!) match than we did.
That could also be applied to Cats (cept' the Spandex part).

Also Cella done the best of you all vs CJ right off the bat
Nope, Ryan did. Well, I can't say much for Cella but everyone that went to N2C, they saw the first few matches against Ryota. Ryan is good. On Second thought, Ryan should be placed above me...


Ok, Rant Over. I'm all good XD.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Originally posted by kupo
For some dodgy reason, why'd the hell did you take up Mic's [Of all people XD] advice and pick up Samus against Ryan's Yoshi?
I did NOT tell him to use Samus. I vs'd Ryan with my Samus. I did okay. Shaz then went Samus, probably thinking that if I could take 2(?) stock of him, he could do better.

What do you mean by "of all people" Em?;)


Sep 15, 2002
Perth, Western Australia
Nope, Ryan did. Well, I can't say much for Cella but everyone that went to N2C, they saw the first few matches against Ryota. Ryan is good. On Second thought, Ryan should be placed above me...

Not for long Em, not for long. :p


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
Nope, Ryan did. Well, I can't say much for Cella but everyone that went to N2C, they saw the first few matches against Ryota. Ryan is good. On Second thought, Ryan should be placed above me...
Nope, wrong, I did the best (won 4 of the first 9 matches we played) then Cella, then Ryan. I was there for all of those matches so believe me I know.
I did NOT tell him to use Samus. I vs'd Ryan with my Samus. I did okay. Shaz then went Samus, probably thinking that if I could take 2(?) stock of him, he could do better
Nah, it wasn't the amount of stock hta made me think I could do better, it was just that you were dying from being hit out, when Samus could EASILY make it back with a whip of the old beam arm, but you chose to spin to your death, making me think I may hold out longer + Samus is so much easier to KO with than Fox vs Yoshi....It's just a shame Ryan > my Samus, and I never play Samus in 1v1 only FFA, so it's my fault yeah, not Mics in any way except being so **** sexy! :oOoOoOooH! lol
Since when in casual matches have you went all out on me? I've won majority of my matches against you (with my mains/sub characters), and yet for some reason, you claim superiority over me? Wth?
Exactly, I don't go all out against everyone, I prefer to play on their level and beat them like that- that's what makes me a good smasher, because I sure as hell don't have super asian reflexes. It's more obvious in Jon what I'm talking about, but just remember Jon and I share the same style running through our Falcon veins, as we learnt the game together from the get-go.....Anyway I stopped counting Fox ditto records between us when it was 20-3 my way, I retired my Falco because you couldn't beat it, I play Ness and Roy as my side-mains now, where you're still up there on Sheik, Fox and Marth.
E2 Games, I came first. Jon came second. You got third.
I almost beat you - and my weakness there was using Fox in FFA's not my one vs one skills.
You and Jon? Personally, I'd rank Jon and MYSELF higher than you in our overall tournament scale. Let's take a look at the Tournaments we participated:

- E2 Games
- SuperChallenge [Finals]
- Eastern Invasion [April Tourney]
- @M.

@M - you would've lost to CJ just as I did, I have no regrets.
SC - Neither of us played beyond the 1080 round of SCfinal, so that's pretty much not worth mentioning. In smash however throughout the tournament you went the worst of us.
EA - beaten by Falco - one of Fox's worst matchups on two of my three worst stages ever (of course I no longer feel that way about termina) Regardless- yes, I was a bucket of nerves and you beat me fair and square.
E2 - above: sudden death is practically a tie which tends to favour some characters much more than others. With reach priority and power it's not a wonder Falco wins.
Can you honestly say though that the results show the best players?
What about the tournament mode we had at Cellas place ages ago with her and Carlos where you placed dead-last after Carlos cape-owned your sorry ***..Cella came third, Carlos second and me first. Rather forget about that though would we? What, you think that's not a tournament? It's rules were more fair than half the above tournys, and it's not like you can call that sort of thing a good indication of skill levels - tournaments suck for that sort of thing : that's what I'm getting at, considering character choice, line-ups and stage selections Jon and I are better than you : think about it. Gdorf for Jon in 1v1 = bad. Fox for Shaz in FFA = bad, Sheik/Falco for Em = good either way. Sheik on practically any stage in the game = no problem. In @M I vs'd CJ before you, and done just as well as you to that point. In EI, Jon vs'd Josh much before you, and the results were the same again.
With any of these pools of people, were we to play RR so we can get a decent idea of the levels, I'm certain I'd do just as well if not better than you. Jon would also rank high, as his only weakness is whatever it is the 'top' players have, which he by no means gets dominated by anyway. Basically a tourny is like rolling dice, getting 3+5 and assuming it's best outcome.

can fare pretty decently well against Ryan's Yoshi with Fox. Don't blame the 170% uair fault. Would it be a groundbreaking game were if Ryan to die to that Uair of yours?
Yes, but it's not a fault - it's his clever tactic. I only tend to kill him with the reversed Upsmash and the reflector - I'm not too sure how to fight Yoshi at that level yet, as I've probably played against it less than most others. I don't watch vids either so it's not like I can refer to that kinda knowledge Overall though I'm pretty confident I can beat Ryan with other characters who don't suffer the same fate as Fox. I do however applaude Ryan for being creative in the way he plays, despite being such a Fumi clone.
That could also be applied to Cats (cept' the Spandex part).
This was in regards to CJ - sorry if it was unclear.
SuperChallenge final, we both got knocked out in the first round, but my time for avalanche was better than yours [even though we both screwed up big time].
Wait a second...who owns the game of us two?
Also, in my view, I'd rank Josh above me. Even though I didn't go well in friendlies, yet somehow, I managed to beat him in both finals, I went to Counter Character than rather stick with Falco.
Josh counter stages - you countercharacter. I think it was fair.

:) - I have your main ditto titles except Sheik, I beat JM, I beat Bobby (cept Fox vs Samus :O ) I beat Josh in our grudge matches, I beat your Peach with my Falco to prove it's possible, I've been able to beat Ryans and Bobbys mains with Ness....and why all this? Because I taught myself, I'm not scared to lose and learn, and because I'm just too sexy @ smash for you to handle. If you guys all want me to prove it, I know I'm more than easily a top player of Aus, don't agree then prove me wrong.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
and yet "people" are still whining about the results.....perhaps we should get Cory to close this......after jon posts pics.


Sep 15, 2002
Perth, Western Australia
I've been able to beat Ryans and Bobbys mains with Ness....
Funny, I don't remember that.


Sorry to break it to you Shaz, but tournament results are tournament results. This is the most official ranking we'll get. Just leave it at "I may have come 5th, but I'm at least up there with the others." I personally hate arguments where people keep saying that he/she is better than someone else. You're all close in skill, and we're all gonna represent Aus in Japan. For that to happen, we need to have faith in each other's skills, and help each other too improve.



(And Shaz, according to tournament results, I >>> You every time XD. But that's not true, and you know it)


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
Ryan, I'm so happy you understand what I'm getting at, even though you didn't realise you were when you said it: exactly, there are top players, and there are players who need more work. To go calling one superior over one tourny result is just too extreme, because unless that player clearly stands above all others, there is no real proof.
Most of you seemed to take it as me trying to go on a self-satisfying quest for ultimate recognision, where the truth is had that been my goal to begin with I'd have set the brackets more biased to myself. I'm probably not the best at getting points across, and once people attack me I'm standing up for myself like my life depends on it, but anyway....
Yeah we 'top players' are pretty much all equal. like I said we have trouble vs certain other players more than others, but that doesnt necessarily mean they outrank us etc. Hopefully this whole dry-patch in smash will end for those who've left it atm, and some real training for Japan can start.
Hopefully Jon and Cella can iron out their creases and make us even more proud of them too ;)
Anyone else with a dream of being uber, come and make an impact on Aus :)

The Stitchface

Smash Cadet
Jul 22, 2003
So who are the so called "top players" in your opinion shaz? Is it convieniently you and above? Saying people are equal is ****. C'mon. Stop trying to make yourself feel better and face reality.

Sorry if this was a little harsh but lets all just accept that there are people that are better than us, and that although tourney results may not be accurate, there is not much point whinging how you could have done better. Im sure people can see who should have done better etc. There is always a next time.
Again, sorry for the harshness and no hard feelings to anyone.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
Don't add fuel to my fire Kenton. I have no reason to try prove myself best in Aus atm, or I'd make an effort to set out and achieve this. The only thing that gets me down is when people don't appreciate what I'm capable of, and what I (aswell as a few others who are constantly overlooked) bring to the community. To every great there is another great to help them achieve that level. It's incredibly rare to find someone who has a very high level of skill without having a partner/opponent to face who is similar level. I need not say more because you're not stupid, and you can work it out.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Post retracted to avoid fighting

Jon, Cao, great tournie guys.

Where's the progress for yours Adeladers?


Grimer Elitist
Jul 23, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
Wasnt @M over like, 3 weeks ago.

stop complaining, and start harrassing the adelaide people to announce a tourney.

all this hate is making me sad ... who needs a huggle?


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
The only thing that gets me down is when people don't appreciate what I'm capable of
Skill-wise, nope, You don't show it = /. So, people will continue to think that way.

C'mon, group hug!



Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
You're all tools. Here's the link to my small selection of pics from February. Hope you like them. Oh, and I added a pic of my desktop, for sexiness' sake =D



Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Um..I don't think I'l ask about the shot of us all sleeping....

Yehs! The trainstation smash!

Sniff...I think I need a huggle....
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