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[M-1, 10, 13] Taco City Takeout: Game Over

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Yes, it was ninja'd by Riddle.

What was BS about it? I really have no physical proof of him siding. It just feels like he might just be trying to be. But since I don't have that proof, I have no reason to not vote X1.

And I'm aware that I put him in L-1. I don't really mind his being lynched today, unless I get my proof.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2008
Sorry if this is a bit out of context, but I JUST realized that T_G refers to me. Sorry if I didn't reply to you anytime you said that. This whole game, I've been thinking that it was some weird kind of smiley, lol.

Just calling me Guide is fine.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Case on Gordito, Real Long

YAY! Case on Gordito, I now have a massive headache from reading all this. it starts from pretty much the beginning and I think all quotes are in chronological order.

Its in a collapse so if you want to read the post below mine you don't have to scroll for ages

[Collapse=Case On GorditoBoy69]
Idk what RVS stands for, but why are you so quick to vote? And it just so happens to be the same person as ChiboSempai? Possible two scum?

Vote: Swiss
This is OMGUS to the max, suggesting the first two people who voted him were a scum team which is just ridiculous.

I'm just saying what I see. And I can change my vote whenever I want. I'm just saying that you and chibo came out of nowhere and voted me. I wouldv'e come to the same conclusion with anyone.
He's basically dead-set on the idea that 2 people voting for him makes both of those people scummy.

Because I'm trying to declare myself as nonscum, and people can take it the wrong way, seeing that I'm too defensive. I don't want to be too much in the shadows, but I don't want to be right where you put yourself, Swiss.
Bolded part completely disagrees with what he just said. about not taking much part in the drama. He also here is saying that he'd rather hide away and escape all risk than scum hunt and on the way attract some attention

I try my best not to be so in the public eye. Still active, but not so out there. Like the shy kid in the back of the class that has friends outside of that class. He's kind of quiet, but still socialable.
After he had just been OMGUS'ing on swiss + Chibo (which chibo pointed out, but accidentally calling it WIFOM) this is dumb, he's right in the spotlight, he also is just suggesting that he'll be of no use whatsoever. If you don't want to interpret it this way then its just complete utter waste of space, which is marginally less scummy

I'm NOT scum. I NEVER get freakin scum in ANY mafia game I play. Maybe twice or three times max. And I usually cave as scum. I've only won once as the scum, and when i'm lynched, and you see that I'm a twonie, you'll regret it, and I'll be I told you so-ing.
Firstly this is not a defence, its a WIFOM. there's absoloutely no way we can check this and the end part is and AtE. He's also pretty much given up here, 'When I'm Lycnhed.' Thats terrible.

I messed up bad by jumping to conclusions and making myself vulnerable. I assume I'll be lynched because everybody's against me. I sure hope I won't, and I hope these guys realize I'm a townie. And a scum can say this, which is basically my point. Anything you say can be the wrong thing. I'm just trying to be sincere.
He says he knows its WIFOM, but keeps going at it? How can he play like this when he's played 8-12 mafia games before?.

What do all of you have to base me being scum on? I am suspicious of something, and I stated it. That's all. I'm not trying to make any attacks. I just want purpose behind my vote. It seemed fishy that Chibo and Swiss both random voted the same person off, it doesn't even matter that it was me. And after that, I don't know how, but I became the bad guy.
I find this a total AtE, trying to sound victimised, 'I became the bad guy' :(:( boo hoo.

As of right now, here's my observations and thoughts on all of the players:

1. FYC ChiboSempai
- He was the first to vote. Nothing wrong with that. But then Swiss voted me too. I said something about it, people got all on me, and he backed out on his vote. Thoughts: Possible scum. At the end, he'll probably go on the bandwagon and vote off whoever is being targeted, whether it be me or anybody else with no original reason.
2. Riddle
- He's kind of just waiting for somebody to do something scummy, and then put that person on blast. Thoughts: He'll probably be the one that says you're doing something wrong, and people will follow.
3. X1-12
- Nothing.
4. frozenflame751
- Nada.
6. The_Guide
- He came out there saying this is my random vote everybody, Riddle. But he kind of jumped on the band wagon when Swiss put it out there that I said something potentially scummy. He's being impartial, which means he's giving me chances to go back on what I said. I say, townie.
7. Zensei
- He's letting his opinions be heard. Thoughts: He likes being heard.

8. Swiss
- He randomly voted me. He took the risk of putting me on blast, and it worked to his advantage. Thoughts: He might be a townie, but I can't be sure.
As I already said, he gets pretty much null here, no conclusive points or cases, he couldn't be sitting more on the fence. His read on Zensei I really don't understand how he got that from so few posts most of which were tiny.

I'd agree that the scummy thing I did is lynchable. But I think we should wait, and see where the game goes before making any finalized conclusions.
He's saying he should be lynched, just not yet? well I think now is about time. He has actually given up even trying a defence.

I got no read on you cuz all you seem to be doing is acting dumb. You really don't seem to have a reason to vote me, or much else of anything you're doing, until now. Now I see that you're being defensive, and trying to keep me pinned. Trying your best to manipulate the rest of us into keeping you alive.


My vote is nulled for right now. Gonna let things unravel.
So far he is saying he has no read, great good help there, he doesn't try to get better reads by scum hunting. Bold also just shows he is resigning himself to doing absolutely nothing

I didn't go OMGUS on swiss, at least I didn't mean to. I saw Swiss and FYC random voting the same person, and I just used that as a suspicion. Coincidence vs ganging up was what I thought, and I went with ganging up, to see where it'd lead. I don't necessarily believe it's true anymore, and I'm not sure who any of the scum are. I just have suspicions.
The first sentence I find to be denying all evidence, once again at the end he is saying he has no idea who is scum and is still showing no evidence of attempting to scumhunt

I'm looking over the thread rite now, and here's my read on you:
The first thing you did was try to tell everybody HEY! GORDITO'S THE BAD GUY RIGHT NOW! GANG UP ON HIM! When I gave my read on everybody, you insisted on me still being the bad guy. People started to steer away from that, and started realizing that you were just with the popular crowd, and now, they're asking you questions. Thoughts: Possible scum, or possible "I'm not sure, so I'll go with the popular vote".
His first slightly committal read! but he hasn't done any scum-hunting, he's said that all his data is from re-reading what has happened. At the end he falls back on good old 'possibly' reads

Adding to that, in the Swiss and Chibo situation, I see it scummy because Chibo voted me cuz of RVS, and Swiss just happened to go right with him right away. I thought that was fishy, and I said something about it. Swiss just happened to be able to turn the tables around on me.
That being said, I'm not sure who's scum and who isn't anymore. And I'm not prepared to make a vote yet.

If I'm not mistaken, the vote count is 1 vote Chibo, 2 votes X1, 1 vote me right?
He's not sure who is scum ANYMORE??? he never knew who was scum anyway, now he is just going against what he has said, he at no point said he was sure, but now he's not sure anymore? to top this there's a null tell on everyone again.

The only reason I suggest to lynch frozen atm is because he's inactive. Yea, give him time to actually say something, I guess.


I guess I was kind of jumping the shark. I just want him to post something to show he's here.
Looks here like he's just trying to please everyone, he votes frozen, gets moaned at then unvotes


Voting's a powerful tool. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't just abuse it, especially since we don't know anything about anybody. What would you have done differently from me after Swiss RVS'd me?
Gordito's first attempt at scum-hunting if you can call it that, its not the strongest I've ever seen

Well, ouch. That hurt.
No I'm just link dang, harsh. Way to put it out there that I'm the bad guy.
AtE all the way, the rest of it is fluff/ distracting from the topic. Swiss tells him to cut the BS

Umm... I was just messing around. I wasn't being asked anything. So... I'll stop here.

What do you guys think of the setup?
I think this is just his total fear after swiss threatened a lynch because of gordito's BS, suddenly trying to change the subject

Wanna give ur opinion on the setup Chibo, instead of just giving subtle clues?
This is good, he is atleast asking questions

[Chibo votes Riddle]

I've been thinking that ^^

But I don't know... At the same time that he's trying to look good, well, he's making points.
If you think it, they say it! don't just parrot/sheep, try adding something to the argument

What I'm saying is I don't like how he's trying to get on everybody's good side, and trying to be the mediator. But even though I don't like it, he's making good arguments, not just defending me.
But I don't think I need to defend him. I'll let him defend himself.
check the bold for uber-contradictions

I'm not being indecisive. I'm saying this is what I believe. But even though I believe this, that's true too, and I can't argue with that.

I have a suspicion on Riddle, but it's true that in his arguments, he makes good points.
oh my word, claims to be not indecisive then gives a couldn't be less decisive read on riddle, added to all his other indecisions

Gordo is also know to talk about fluff, things that are in no way relevant and distracting from the topic

[Collapse=Gordito Fluff]

Guide, I can't remember the movie I'm thinking about, but is your avy the guy in that movie where the knight has to do a challenge of witts, and ur avy poisons two glasses of wine, and tells the knight to drink from one, saying that one of the two is poisoned?
Well, that hurts, like, a lot. You're like the Cavs owner when he realized that James wasn't coming to Cleveland.
I try my best not to be so in the public eye. Still active, but not so out there. Like the shy kid in the back of the class that has friends outside of that class. He's kind of quiet, but still socialable.

AND THATS why gordito is scum, everything he does is sitting on the fence, making no decisions, refusing to scum hunt and talking about BS.

man I have such a headache and will not answer questions on this for a couple of hours, I'm going for a lie down but should answer Questions sometime today still

PS just saw gordo's last post, its probably one of his worst and thats saying something


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
@ X1 - I just think it's too bad a play to be scum. Plus lots of it does not benefit scum, it's just dumb play. Scum would receive no gain from half his posts.

Chibo - I am NOT risking a quicklynch from a dumb townie or scum. We have DAYS left.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Why would you do that Chibo?

First of all, you can just be making a gambit move by saying that you're a patriot. Especially since you'd be the only one. I believe you're a patriot, but you didn't help yourself by saying that.

That being said, you're at L-3 and X1's at L-2. That pretty much means you have to convince either Zen or Frozen to vote X1, who are fairly inactive. Or Swiss, which you didn't do a great job at saying that.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
You guys realize that I said before I wanted to hammer him right? That wasn't the first time. And yet I get jumped on for it and X1 jumps on the bandwagon asap. If anything this makes X1 look even worse to me.

Games don't always have to go to the deadline, who cares if there are days left. I personally feel that it's ok to go onto the next day. If someone feels they aren't ready yet, then don't vote towards the main lynch in progress, simple as that.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
You said 'willing to hammer' Now you are actively asking people to vote so that you can hammer

If I were any other townie in this game I would have voted you too after that

In Newbie mafia 7 Cello just was waiting to hammer me early in D1, he then lead another 2/3 mislynches and lost the game for town pretty much. At the end he said 'I shouldn't have lynched X1'


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Chibo - don't lynch until at least the majority of us are willing to continue.



That STALLS the game and is ******** play.

What you've just done is selfish, stupid town play or scum play.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Are you kidding Swiss? Unless a majority of us are willing to continue? That's why a majority of votes is required to lynch. By everyone voting they were uhh... voting him lol. The voting system is used to count the majority of the players.
If you don't want to lynch someone the don't vote. If you want to do pressure or w/e, then be wary of unvoting when ready.

Consider my post 331 as a warning. I am personally ready to move on and lynch him, and am willing to hammer him so I let people know (again). If people don't want him hammered, then unvote, simple as that.

also lmao at gordito saying why would i do that when he just said prior he was fine with x1 being lynched when he put him at l-1


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
I think Chibo wanting to hammer is perfectly legitimate. Whats wrong with it? A lot of us agree that X1 is very scummy and I for one don't think we can get much else out of the day.

Oh, and another scumtell from X1. You write a HUGE post on why Gordito is scum (I think he's just dumb) and then don't vote him? Seriously? Looking for some townie support?

And then he votes Chibo for a bad reason DIRECTLY after Swiss did.

Just lynch X1 guys.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I think Chibo wanting to hammer is perfectly legitimate. Whats wrong with it? A lot of us agree that X1 is very scummy and I for one don't think we can get much else out of the day.

Oh, and another scumtell from X1. You write a HUGE post on why Gordito is scum (I think he's just dumb) and then don't vote him? Seriously? Looking for some townie support?

And then he votes Chibo for a bad reason DIRECTLY after Swiss did.

Just lynch X1 guys.

lol, I wasn't thinking straight, but now I'd rather lynch Chibo anyway


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY

That one post made you think hes scummier than the person you've been pushing the entire game? Looks to me you're just trying to find a good way to back out of your opinion on GorditoBoy which is clearly unpopular.


Why was the way Chibo did it horrible? Why do you want to wait to lynch X1? Every Day doesn't have to go right to the deadline =/.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2008
Chibo - don't lynch until at least the majority of us are willing to continue.



That STALLS the game and is ******** play.

What you've just done is selfish, stupid town play or scum play.
I'd already had to unvote because of your stupid play.

Not much of a warning, when you'd ALREADY put him at L-1.

This is BS.
Swiss, what the heck are you talking about?

Also, I'm fine with the X1 lynch. I was thinking at first that with everyone against him, scum could be hopping on an easy target. Still, if there's one scum in the game, then this could happen. The lynch would also deprive scum of an easy target tomorrow.

Whenever it happens is ok with me.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Bussing happens too. See how Swiss found a reason to unvote X1? That could be very well scum bussing to make it look like he didn't like X1 if he gets lynched, but doing what he can to not get him lynched. The stalling of the day also makes it likely.

I'm inclined to believe there is only one scum now though.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
no riddle, my case on gordito was fine but I was stressed afters with crashboards and having just read this thread for 2 hours straight. lynching me will be a waste of a towns asset


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
The way in which Chibo allowed and invited a quickhammer is ridiculous - I'm not saying we need to use ALL the time left but FF has made ONE POST. We would be throwing away a WEEK.

I don't have nearly enough info on people to be willing to progress right now, and you two showing willingess to progress screams dumb play.

@ Chibo - a vote IS NOT merely an instrument to secure a lynch. It is also used to pressure. If another players feels the same as me about your play, you will be at L-2 and will HAVE to explain yourself fully, or run the high risk of a lynch.

Why are you trying to rush a lynch so? Even if we do lock the lynch now, we can bait for info.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY

Youre really more of a liability if youre town, not that thats what I believe. Nice AtE though.


I don't know what you mean by a quickhammer. He did announce it. We have had more posts in this game than many others do when they go right up to the deadline and this game has fewer players. We've found our scum now lets lynch him. We aren't getting anything else from this day.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Ninja'd by three posts.


1) I don't think a vote equals an open willingness to lynch. (If it did games would stall and people would only vote when they were SURE someone was scum)

2) Chibo said he was warning that he wanted the lynch made, and that I should unvote of I felt differently, when I already had unvoted.

I don't understand why we're suddenly pushing so fast.

Riddle, your point is lessened by the fact anyone can lynch X1, not just me... ****ed if I do, ****ed if I don't.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
wtf swiss im so confused

you were angry at me for wanting to hammer him, but now you're saying you're angry at me putting him to l-1 (which u thought i did)
how could i even hammer him if i put him to l-1?

this is just @_@
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