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Lucina Thread [Closing]

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Makoto Blue

Smash Rookie
Sep 8, 2014
Not sure if this was posted before, but this would be pretty neat for a Lucina alt costume if there was a chance for it.
Oh wow, surprised this ended up here.

I posted it in NeoGaf and it just got ignored, you guys are good people.

Still haven't finished it since I'm not sure what to do about most of the lower body/shoes.
I'll be so upset if this isn't one of her alts though ;_;

I might actually try to do her great lord costume or some other one next

Edit: and.. its done

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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Oh wow, surprised this ended up here.

I posted it in NeoGaf and it just got ignored, you guys are good people.

Still haven't finished it since I'm not sure what to do about most of the lower body/shoes.
I'll be so upset if this isn't one of her alts though ;_;

I might actually try to do her great lord costume or some other one next
Neogaf is ignorant toward this awesomeness then.

I can live without it but I'm so convinced that it can reasonably be an alt for Lucina.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2006
Prof Town
Can someone help me understand the appeal of the whole kimono thing?

Beyond just not understanding why someone would want to have her fight in a tacky bathrobe when her regular costume is SO MUCH BETTER and more practical, I don't even think it looks good on or suits her.

It just seems like self serving Japanese silliness. Not in a likeable way, either. FE doesn't even usually use a Japanese motif in general.

I would prefer her great lord costume or, to be honest, nothing.


Apr 9, 2014
Can someone help me understand the appeal of the whole kimono thing?

Beyond just not understanding why someone would want to have her fight in a tacky bathrobe when her regular costume is SO MUCH BETTER and more practical, I don't even think it looks good on or suits her.

It just seems like self serving Japanese silliness. Not in a likeable way, either. FE doesn't even usually use a Japanese motif in general.

I would prefer her great lord costume or, to be honest, nothing.
Because it's fun.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2006
Prof Town
It isn't. It's pretty ugly.

I don't see the relevance of other character's costumes.

They can do better than this.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
Greeting denizens of the Lucina thread, I wish to join you in your...

Oh god, why am I sounding like Owain all of the sudden.

Um anyways, I am dropping in for the first time, since hey, I finally decided to stop lurking on these boards and make a damn account, all thanks to the desire to post in this thread in particular, since Lucina is just that awesome. Its actually kinda funny, since I only ended up getting FE:A about two months ago because of seeing the Smash Trailer for her and Robin, which persuaded me to buy the game (and sink over 100 hours over so far into said game).

Anyhow, as I believe it is customary, I shall post a incredibly adorable picture as a offering. Not sure if they've been posted here before, so sorry if they have been.

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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
It isn't. It's pretty ugly.

I don't see the relevance of other character's costumes.

They can do better than this.
To each his own. You don't like it, I won't question that, but let the dreamers dream.

The fact that they are doing fanservice costumes opens up possibilities for other characters.

Of course, but it's their decision what they do. If Sakurai does something just as "bad" in your eyes you'd complain anyway.

Greeting denizens of the Lucina thread, I wish to join you in your...

Oh god, why am I sounding like Owain all of the sudden.

Um anyways, I am dropping in for the first time, since hey, I finally decided to stop lurking on these boards and make a damn account, all thanks to the desire to post in this thread in particular, since Lucina is just that awesome. Its actually kinda funny, since I only ended up getting FE:A about two months ago because of seeing the Smash Trailer for her and Robin, which persuaded me to buy the game (and sink over 100 hours over so far into said game).

Anyhow, as I believe it is customary, I shall post a incredibly adorable picture as a offering. Not sure if they've been posted here before, so sorry if they have been.

Welcome! Enjoy your stay. I ended up playing Awakening and loving Lucina as well, ironically because I initially hated her inclusion, found it cheap at a secondhand store :)

And where's that image from, that's some seriously adorable stuff :happysheep:
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Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
Welcome! Enjoy your stay. I ended up playing Awakening and loving Lucina as well, ironically because I initially hated her inclusion, found it cheap at a secondhand store :)

And where's that image from, that's some seriously adorable stuff :happysheep:
I wish I knew, I just stumbled upon it in google image search a few weeks back. XP


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
I wish I knew, I just stumbled upon it in google image search a few weeks back. XP

Regardless, feel free to join discussion in the many Lucina threads here. The other denizens of this thread shall greet you when they arrive from their own individual duties irl.

I'll still be here, though ;)
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
Greeting denizens of the Lucina thread, I wish to join you in your...

Oh god, why am I sounding like Owain all of the sudden.

Um anyways, I am dropping in for the first time, since hey, I finally decided to stop lurking on these boards and make a damn account, all thanks to the desire to post in this thread in particular, since Lucina is just that awesome. Its actually kinda funny, since I only ended up getting FE:A about two months ago because of seeing the Smash Trailer for her and Robin, which persuaded me to buy the game (and sink over 100 hours over so far into said game).

Anyhow, as I believe it is customary, I shall post a incredibly adorable picture as a offering. Not sure if they've been posted here before, so sorry if they have been.

That really is adorable. I wish she had been like this more in the game itself. I only really recall one or two instances when she was, but it needed more.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
That really is adorable. I wish she had been like this more in the game itself. I only really recall one or two instances when she was, but it needed more.
Even though the context is nothing alike it reminds me to an extent of Lissa and Henry's A and S supports where she uses him as a human pillow. And yeah, she definitely deserved more moments like that. If that had happened with Robin my head would have exploded from sheer cuteness.
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Apr 9, 2014
Greeting denizens of the Lucina thread, I wish to join you in your...

Oh god, why am I sounding like Owain all of the sudden.

Um anyways, I am dropping in for the first time, since hey, I finally decided to stop lurking on these boards and make a damn account, all thanks to the desire to post in this thread in particular, since Lucina is just that awesome. Its actually kinda funny, since I only ended up getting FE:A about two months ago because of seeing the Smash Trailer for her and Robin, which persuaded me to buy the game (and sink over 100 hours over so far into said game).

Anyhow, as I believe it is customary, I shall post a incredibly adorable picture as a offering. Not sure if they've been posted here before, so sorry if they have been.

That really is adorable. I wish she had been like this more in the game itself. I only really recall one or two instances when she was, but it needed more.
Even though the context is nothing alike it reminds me to an extent of Lissa and Henry's A and S supports where she uses him as a human pillow. And yeah, she definitely deserved more moments like that. If that had happened with Robin my head would have exploded from sheer cuteness.
Agreed. At least there's a couple really fluffy fics out there. And the Hot Springs Scramble.
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Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
Hence one of the reasons why I don't care for the Days of Future Past DLC! Along with being depressing.
Also, any Fire Emblem headcanons you guys have?
I am not sure what the rule are regarding responding to posts from a few pages back, but I really want to drop my two cents on this, since I have an crazy elaborate headcanon regarding both the Future Past DLC and Morgan. Let me know if this is not acceptable and I shall try to delete the post.

This headcanon is based on a fan theory I stumbled into awhile back, so I can't take credit for all of what I am going to say (though I have made a few additions to it to support my headcanon). Warning, the following is a massive wall of text full of intense headcanon, conjecture, and massive spoilers for the Future Past DLC. You have been warned.

Alright, so you've made it this far, no turning back now. Theory/headcanon time. (Note: For simplicity's sake I will be referring to Lucina and Robin as couple here, since thats how it was in my game)

At first glance the Future Past timeline appears to be much like the original future timeline Lucina came from. However, there several major differences that indicate that this timeline is actually very different, and serve as the backbone of this theory.

1) In the main future timeline it was implied that Robin willingly became Grima, or at the very least gave into despair and accepted his role as Grima's vessel . This is not true for the Future Past Robin, who is shown to be actively resisting, implying he did not become Grima willingly.

2) Morgan exists in this timeline regardless of if her parent is in fact a second gen character. Furthermore, she remembers Robin before they became Grima and refers to the other characters of that timeline as having been her friends, implying she wasn't just created by Grima but was actually born in this timeline.

3) Grima is more powerful in this timeline, both in terms of stats and also storywise as he was able to kill Naga.

4) Tiki survives up until the DLC's events, when it is implied the main game's Lucina never met her in her own timeline.

5) After Robin gives her his book, Morgan notices she has another exact copy of it. The interesting thing is, during the Hotspring DLC, Morgan discovers she has two copies that that exact same book, with no memory of where the second copy came from. How interesting, I wonder if that could mean...

Yeah, as I implied by that last point, the theory is as such... the Future Past timeline is in fact the timeline the main game's Morgan comes from. How the heck does this work if Lucina is Morgan's mom you may ask? It works because the Future Past isn't an alternate version of the original future timeline Lucina came from, but rather its an alternate version of the game's main timeline, where Lucina and the others came back in time just like in the main timeline but in the end everyone still failed.

In this timeline, things play out like they do in the game at first. Lucina arrives in the past, with her influence changing the outcome of the war with Plegia, with events matching the game's up to the two year timeskip. However, at this point the timelines diverge, with something changing to delay the war with Valm by seveal years, causing it to occour later just like in the original future timeline. The most common explanation is that in this world Yen'Fey fought back against Valm, delaying events (and leading to the death of this world's Say'ri, making this Yen'fey in fact the version you recruit from Spotpass).

In the end though its not important why the war with Valm is delayed, what is important is that this means there is an extended period of peace. During this time all of the second generation characters are born, with their future version being around during this time. It is also during this time that Robin ends up in a relationship with Lucina, during which time Morgan and her twin brother (thus explaining the two Morgans in the DLC) named Marc (Morgan's name in the Japanese version, works as good headcanon name for male Morgan)

However, the peace does not last. Eventually the war with Valm happens, and with all resistance on his own continent dealt with, Walhart's forces are stronger now. The war is longer and bloodier, but eventually the Shepherds win. Things play out then like the game, Fire Emblem is stolen, and this is where things go wrong. Perhaps Basilio was killed in this timeline, so the gemstones were never swapped out, but either way Robin, despite his stronger ties to the Shepherds due to his amnesia, is forced to kill Chrom and against his will becomes Grima (explaining point 1). With Robin's strength added to that of whats left of Future Robin!Grima's own power and Grima's, the Fell Dragon becomes even stronger now (explaining point 3).

With Chrom dead and the Fire Emblem lost the Shepherds have no way to defeat Grima, with each of them, including Future Lucina and all the others from her timeline, killed one by one in the fighting. Grima!Robin manages to get Morgan and Marc to join him either through intimidation, brainwashing, or both. The future falls into despair, leading to the state we find it in during the Future Past dlc.

But then comes the fate of Morgan, and how she ends up in our timeline. Following her encounter with the Robin from the main timeline and her refusal to keep fighting, she returns to Grima to report what happened. As you could imagine, Grima is not at all happy about this, and decides to kill her. However, before he can do so, Robin, just like he does during the finale of the DLC, gains control of his body long enough to send Morgan out of this timeline just like he will do with the Shepherds. In doing so he erases her memories, leaving her only with a few on him before he turned evil and a few false ones so

that she believes she had been traveling with an uncorrupted version him right before she was sent back, wiping her of the guilt for everything she did while working for Grima and giving her a second chance in a timeline were maybe he won't fail her and everyone else.

This in turn would explain why in Morgan's paralogue it sounded like those Risen were sent specifically to kill her. They would have been sent by Grima of the Future Past timeline once he was in control again to make sure she didn't escape.

The fun part is this would mean that Morgan's existence in the game is as a result of circular causality. Because Morgan appeared in the game's timeline, Robin got to know her and thus when he runs into her past self in Future Past, recognizes her enough to say she remind him of, well, the Morgan he knows. As a result of having met Morgan, he gives her the book, causing Morgan to disobey orders, thus leading to her being sent back in time, thus leading to Robin meeting her, thus meaning he recognizes her in Future Past... you get the idea.

So yeah, sorry about the massive wall-o-text, I'd love to hear what you guys think of this headcanon, even if its just telling me how wrong I am :nervous:
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
I've seen that speculation before, and I quite like it. I'm sure the DLC was tweaked in ways to purposely lead to that kind of speculation, since Morgan was just kind of "wtf" before the DLC. Then you get the Hot Spring lines and then the Future of Despair DLC that basically gives you this. It really works for any 2nd Generation parent and non-Chrom 1st Generation father, but fails with 1st Generation mothers and Chrom, since the sibling produced will act like they've known Morgan their whole life.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
I've seen that speculation before, and I quite like it. I'm sure the DLC was tweaked in ways to purposely lead to that kind of speculation, since Morgan was just kind of "wtf" before the DLC. Then you get the Hot Spring lines and then the Future of Despair DLC that basically gives you this. It really works for any 2nd Generation parent and non-Chrom 1st Generation father, but fails with 1st Generation mothers and Chrom, since the sibling produced will act like they've known Morgan their whole life.
Well, you could still make the argument that Morgan could have also existed in the original future timeline, only that for whatever reason this Morgan did not make it back in time, or at the very least ended up arriving way further off (in terms of both distance and time) from the others.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
I am not sure what the rule are regarding responding to posts from a few pages back, but I really want to drop my two cents on this, since I have an crazy elaborate headcanon regarding both the Future Past DLC and Morgan. Let me know if this is not acceptable and I shall try to delete the post.


So yeah, sorry about the massive wall-o-text, I'd love to hear what you guys think of this headcanon, even if its just telling me how wrong I am :nervous:
There's no rule for quoting page old posts, just have a reason to do it :)

As for the theory, it sounds quite strong. Never seen something explain so much about a single character, even though technically it explains several. I haven't played Future Past myself, but I've spoiled so much of it to myself that I don't care :seuss:


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
There's no rule for quoting page old posts, just have a reason to do it :)

As for the theory, it sounds quite strong. Never seen something explain so much about a single character, even though technically it explains several. I haven't played Future Past myself, but I've spoiled so much of it to myself that I don't care :seuss:
Yeah, though the theory is rather depressing since it means...

There is a timeline were Lucina ends up marrying Robin, only for her to end up dying anyways and him to become Grima. They were able to be happy and have kids, only for it to end in tragety, Explains the hell out of Future Past Robin's selfloathing.

Also, the theory and thus the DLC doesn't deal with the ultimate fate of Morgan's twin (in this the Male Morgan I am just going to call Marc) if he ends up fleeing the battle. Though that is something I do plan to address in the fanfic I am writting that seeks to retell the Future Past DLC with additions to further explore the headcanon theory I spoke of. XP


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida

Though that is something I do plan to address in the fanfic I am writting that seeks to retell the Future Past DLC with additions to further explore the headcanon theory I spoke of. XP
I'd suggest you look it over with @ Robertman2 Robertman2 since I'm also writing a fic with his input about Morgan spending a weekend with Sully(Chrom married Sully in my last playthrough) while Lucina and Robin have a vacation :)

Maybe he can give you ideas.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
I'd suggest you look it over with @ Robertman2 Robertman2 since I'm also writing a fic with his input about Morgan spending a weekend with Sully(Chrom married Sully in my last playthrough) while Lucina and Robin have a vacation :)

Maybe he can give you ideas.
I shall definitely ask him, since while I am currently two chapters in, I can use all the help I can get.

(bleh, won't let me post link on text until i get to 10 posts. The fanfic is called A Future Disowned, which shouldn't be too hard to find if anyone's curious. )
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
I shall definitely ask him, since while I am currently two chapters in, I can use all the help I can get.

(bleh, won't let me post link on text until i get to 10 posts. The fanfic is called A Future Disowned, which shouldn't be too hard to find if anyone's curious. )
Better start posting elsewhere :)

There are many threads here to explore.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2014
Who's hating on the Future Past DLC? As much as I hate to say it, the Future Past DLC has s much more satisfying ending than the ending for the main game.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Who's hating on the Future Past DLC? As much as I hate to say it, the Future Past DLC has s much more satisfying ending than the ending for the main game.
Uh, nobody.

Suggesting an alternate headcanon isn't hating if you ask me.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
Who's hating on the Future Past DLC? As much as I hate to say it, the Future Past DLC has s much more satisfying ending than the ending for the main game.
Huh? I am not hating on the Future Past DLC, I love that DLC and how it ends. My remarks were in regards to something of my headcanon

Also, woohoo, can actually link stuff now, so yay for belated shameless promotion
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2014
I may have misremembered someone disliking it because it was "too depressing". Apologies then.


Apr 9, 2014
I shall definitely ask him, since while I am currently two chapters in, I can use all the help I can get.

(bleh, won't let me post link on text until i get to 10 posts. The fanfic is called A Future Disowned, which shouldn't be too hard to find if anyone's curious. )
Yo. Also, I think I might be following your fic already. Let me check... Yeah, I'm following it. I'm enjoying it so far.
I may have misremembered someone disliking it because it was "too depressing". Apologies then.
That was me too. However, I will say it was incredibly well done. It just makes me feel like poo. I've never been a fan of sad (hell, even bittersweet) endings, due to not having the happiest childhood.
My headcanon when it comes to the DoFP DLC is that it's a nightmare of :4lucina:'s that takes place after the endings, but before :4robinm:'s return.
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Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
Yo. Also, I think I might be following your fic already. Let me check... Yeah, I'm following it. I'm enjoying it so far.

That was me too. However, I will say it was incredibly well done. It just makes me feel like poo. I've never been a fan of sad (hell, even bittersweet) endings, due to not having the happiest childhood.
My headcanon when it comes to the DoFP DLC is that it's a nightmare of :4lucina:'s that takes place after the endings, but before :4robinm:'s return.
Alright, I'd gladly accept any help if your willing, with the amount of help you decide to give being fully up to you. So this could range from simply giving input, up to me basically going over everything I have planned to get feedback on said plan. Again, let me know. Also, to be fair, if you read my headcanon thing on the previous page then you basically have the "twist" of the story spoiled, since, well, the twist is that I am using that headcanon, lol.

Also, why do you think FP is too depressing, honestly it has a kinda badass ending where all the future characters manage to save their world, instead of having to flee back in time to try and create a parallel timeline where they win. At least, thats the good ending that happens if you keep everyone alive during the DLC. That timeline's Lucina even has her big damn hero moment and saves the world.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
That was me too. However, I will say it was incredibly well done. It just makes me feel like poo. I've never been a fan of sad (hell, even bittersweet) endings, due to not having the happiest childhood.
My headcanon when it comes to the DoFP DLC is that it's a nightmare of :4lucina:'s that takes place after the endings, but before :4robinm:'s return.

Well, it's true that sad endings tend to ok im shutting up now i cant be this stupid


Apr 9, 2014
Alright, I'd gladly accept any help if your willing, with the amount of help you decide to give being fully up to you. So this could range from simply giving input, up to me basically going over everything I have planned to get feedback on said plan. Again, let me know. Also, to be fair, if you read my headcanon thing on the previous page then you basically have the "twist" of the story spoiled, since, well, the twist is that I am using that headcanon, lol.

Also, why do you think FP is too depressing, honestly it has a kinda badass ending where all the future characters manage to save their world, instead of having to flee back in time to try and create a parallel timeline where they win. At least, thats the good ending that happens if you keep everyone alive during the DLC. That timeline's Lucina even has her big damn hero moment and saves the world.
I found it depressing mostly because of the tone of the DLC. I'm always been of a wimp when it comes to things like that. I do love how :4lucina: gets a badass moment along with a few of the other children, but over all I found it depressing because of just how bleak it was. And plot holes.
I also do have a lot of trouble keeping all the kids alive, so that could be part of it, too.

Well, it's true that sad endings tend to ok im shutting up now i cant be this stupid
A man can like to have a happy ending, can't he? Anyways, Chrom gets attacked eventually, so it's not completely happy.
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Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
I found it depressing mostly because of the tone of the DLC. I'm always been of a wimp when it comes to things like that. I do love how :4lucina: gets a badass moment along with a few of the other children, but over all I found it depressing because of just how bleak it was. And plot holes.
I also do have a lot of trouble keeping all the kids alive, so that could be part of it, too.
Fair enough.

Anyhow, let me know in regards to writting related stuff, since I'd gladly accept any input/aid you and other are willing to give.


Apr 9, 2014
Fair enough.

Anyhow, let me know in regards to writting related stuff, since I'd gladly accept any input/aid you and other are willing to give.
So far I think the story is great. I loved the comment of Morgan's where she asks to take the Inigo of that time back with her. I would love it if all the chapters had more lines like that. Also, do you plan on killing anyone off?


Apr 9, 2014
you really gotta be that sadistic do you :seuss:

Seriously though, Werdna, watch who you kill and how they die.

People actually react to that stuff.
Actually, that's the exact reason I was asking. I've never been a fan of killing people off unless it's done. If I were to write a fic, I wouldn't kill anyone off. Except for Vaike. He is going to be the Kenny of the Shepherds.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Actually, that's the exact reason I was asking. I've never been a fan of killing people off unless it's done. If I were to write a fic, I wouldn't kill anyone off. Except for Vaike. He is going to be the Kenny of the Shepherds.
Oh...you weren't joking there. Morgan's sadism took a smoke break apparently.

Oh wait you still play it straight since you want to kill of Vaike, silly me


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
you really gotta be that sadistic do you :seuss:

Seriously though, Werdna, watch who you kill and how they die.

People actually react to that stuff.
Heh, I am well aware, since this isn't my first fanfic. I mean,I got tons of comments shouting at me the well it looked like a character was going to die in one of my other stories (for a different videogame franchise). Said character didn't even die too (said character was even my favorite character in that series, so its not like she was going to actually die...)

As for A Future Disowned... does killing the Grima possessed Robin from the future past timeline count as killing off a character?
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