So guys, I just finished chapter 7 of A Future Disowned, and, well this chapter turned out really long. As such, I would greatly appreciate you guys taking a look at it and giving feedback so I can make changes before i post it tomorrow night. I kinda feel like it drags a bit too much, so I'm looking for a way to shorten it a bit.
Also, since I think there are some new people who actually haven't read my story,
shameless promotion time. The story is basically a retelling of A Future Past, set after the game's events. But however, there is a bit of a twist, inspired by an super elaborate theory I stumbled across, which I decided to explore in the story.
Well, Lethality is normally not that great of a skill (or rather, there are better skills). The exception is Rightful King Morgan, since that 10% can get it up to an 20-30% activation chance.
What is evil though is giving everyone on your spotpass team lethality simply because it means it is bound to activate at least once. And if the person who fights the team is on Classic, that basically just ruins their day or at least forces them to reset and try again. Making it very hard to beat said team simply due to the desire not the lose anyone. Basically a massive jerk move.