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Lucina Thread [Closing]

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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Thanks for all the welcomes! ^^ I don't mind the shippings, although I don't ship anyone, myself. It seems like a fun place here. ^^.
Be prepared to see us gushing over Lucina ships.

So, really, just make a note of your favorite and you're only allowed to pick Robin and tell us at some point :)

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
Woah. XD

I do like the idea of M!Robin x Lucina. I also noticed the F!Robin as mom/Lucina as daughter thing a while back which was cute.

I don't really know other FE characters, or much about FE in general though, but I'm sure I will by the time I've stayed a good bit XD


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Woah. XD

I do like the idea of M!Robin x Lucina. I also noticed the F!Robin as mom/Lucina as daughter thing a while back which was cute.

I don't really know other FE characters, or much about FE in general though, but I'm sure I will by the time I've stayed a good bit XD
You wont go a page without some fanart or shipping being shown.

So yeah, you will.



Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
Woah. XD

I do like the idea of M!Robin x Lucina. I also noticed the F!Robin as mom/Lucina as daughter thing a while back which was cute.

I don't really know other FE characters, or much about FE in general though, but I'm sure I will by the time I've stayed a good bit XD
Well, that has an actually funny explanation. Fire Emblem Awakening involves time traveling, with Lucina (and twelve other characters) being the second generation from another timeline where the world ended and everyone died. The lets various characters pair up with others, allowing first generation characters to pass on stats and stuff to their kids from the future.

F!Robin can in this case actually be Lucina's mother if you have her marry Chrom (who is always Lucina's dad no matter what happens in the game). Meanwhile Robin is the only character who can end up with the characters from the alternate future timeline as well as with people from the present timeline, with M!Robin x Lucina being not only something you can do in the game, but also probably the most popular pairing people do in the game.

I hope that explanation made sense and cleared things up.
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Apr 9, 2014
Woah. XD

I do like the idea of M!Robin x Lucina. I also noticed the F!Robin as mom/Lucina as daughter thing a while back which was cute.

I don't really know other FE characters, or much about FE in general though, but I'm sure I will by the time I've stayed a good bit XD
How can you not like the idea? It's adorable, and they go perfect together because of all the stuff they've been through.
Well, that has an actually funny explanation. Fire Emblem Awakening involves time traveling, with Lucina (and twelve other characters) being the second generation from another timeline where the world ended and everyone died. The lets various characters pair up with others, allowing first generation characters to pass on stats and stuff to their kids from the future.

F!Robin can in this case actually be Lucina's mother if you have her marry Chrom (who is always Lucina's dad no matter what happens in the game). Meanwhile Robin is the only character who can end up with the characters from the alternate future timeline as well as with people from the present timeline, with M!Robin x Lucina being not only something you can do in the game, but also probably the most popular pairing people do in the game.

I hope that explanation made sense and cleared things up.
F!RobinxChrom is popular, too, if Robin is a girl.
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Apr 9, 2014
Remember this?


Well, shadowofchaos from Serenes Forest was kind enough to translate a bit of it. Find it here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=38351&p=3413448
Holy crap. That's adorable.
"I have someone that I call a big sister."
"She's very beautiful and kind."
"I want to be just like her."
"She loves Rufure, just like I do."
"Big sis and Rufure don't come by often, so I always have fun on the times when they do."

Blah blah blah...

In that specific panel you posted when she visited, little Lucy was just surprised at Big Sis Lucy having a huge stomach. And how Big Sis Lucy had to explain to her that there's a baby there. Continuing on, it shows how Little Lucy overheard something with Chrom... about "even if you're taking care of the baby... even when I grow up... You'll play with me, right?" because she doesn't want to not be able to see Big Sis ever again.

Little: "It's not the same as you were before. You're not alone. We're not alone. It's not the same." (Depending on context, Onaji jyanai, it's not the same, seems to be a common theme hitting on BOTH Lucina's situation AND the two are not the same)
Sis: "Heh, I forgot an important thing. There's no me, but me."
"We're just thinking about this too much."

And she goes on to encourage little Lucy.
And says her catchphrase line "if something bad ever happens to you... We'll change destiny!"
In case anyone is too lazy to click the link.
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Out of curiosity, I've seen ルフレ translated as both Reflet and Rufure. What's the difference?
I happen to know the answer to this - Rufure is a transliteration of the kana - ル "ru" フ "fu" レ "re" - and Reflet is the actual foreign-language word it's meant to be. Japanese works with a fixed set of syllables, unlike our Western languages (French in the case of Reflet), and can only approximate the sounds of other languages using its own set of syllables. ("reflet" is the French word for "reflection", chosen because the Avatar is a "reflection" of the player in the game world.)

another thing: if you're looking on Japanese fan-art sites for stuff pairing Robin and Lucina specifically, the key word is "ルフルキ", or "RufuRuki". That's how the Japanese name their ships - by taking the first two syllables of each character's name (ルキナ = Rukina = Lucina), and mashing them together like that. Sort of like how showbiz rags over here come up with crap like "Brangelina".

by the way please don't ask me to translate anything - I can only read the kanas, not kanji, and I barely know enough Japanese to carry myself in a basic conversation, let alone translate 20 pages of fan-made manga.
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Hunter Nightblood

Smash Apprentice
Sep 23, 2014
I happen to know the answer to this - Rufure is a transliteration of the kana - ル "ru" フ "fu" レ "re" - and Reflet is the actual foreign-language word it's meant to be. Japanese works with a fixed set of syllables, unlike our Western languages (French in the case of Reflet), and can only approximate the sounds of other languages using its own set of syllables. ("reflet" is the French word for "reflection", chosen because the Avatar is a "reflection" of the player in the game world.)

another thing: if you're looking on Japanese fan-art sites for stuff pairing Robin and Lucina specifically, the key word is "ルフルキ", or "RufuRuki". That's how the Japanese name their ships - by taking the first two syllables of each character's name (ルキナ = Rukina = Lucina), and mashing them together like that. Sort of like how showbiz rags over here come up with crap like "Brangelina".

by the way please don't ask me to translate anything - I can only read the kanas, not kanji, and I barely know enough Japanese to carry myself in a basic conversation, let alone translate 20 pages of fan-made manga.
Thanks for the explanation. I did know about "ルフルキ"/RufuRuki already. It's one of the tags I browse on Pixiv.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 21, 2014
I hate to be off topic. But OMG!!! Mewtwo is back and dlc is confirmed!! What an ending that was for how unexpected it was and Sakurai once again does not disappoint in the surprise department. I am hyped and my second most wanted character is back and I can't wait to see his gameplay.

Even though Ridley is unfortunately a boss. I feel like he still has a chance to be dlc due to all the connections and the fact he looked like a fighter, playable character and not your typical boss. It could mean Dixie and Chorus Men as playable characters perhaps. Maybe something unexpected.... Can't wait!


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
Woah. XD

I do like the idea of M!Robin x Lucina. I also noticed the F!Robin as mom/Lucina as daughter thing a while back which was cute.

I don't really know other FE characters, or much about FE in general though, but I'm sure I will by the time I've stayed a good bit XD
Both of those are pretty popular. I was neutral on M!Robin x Lucina at first, but hanging here and playing it made me grow to love it, especially with Robin's interactions with Lucina in SSB (that victory quote...). Plus, they get an awesome daughter, and it's similar to M!Morgan x Lucina, another pairing I like.

F!Robin x Chrom is the very first pairing I did in Awakening. It was an accident (I originally was going to marry her to Frederick, Lon'qu, or Ricken), but I adore it now. Chrom's interactions with Robin are dorky and sweet, some neat dialogue is added to certain story scenes, Robin as Lucina's mother has a lot of sweetness to it, and Morgan makes a cute brother for Lucina.

I don't think I can even choose a favorite pairing anymore- too many cute ones! My overall favorites that I've reached S Support with so far though are probably Chrom x F!Robin, Chrom x Sumia, Chrom x Olivia, Yarne x F!Robin, M!Robin x Lucina, Henry x Lissa, Frederick x Panne, Frederick x Sumia, Vaike x Panne, Kellam x Cordelia, Virion x Olivia, Henry x Olivia, Gregor x Miriel, Donnel x Sully, Gaius x Sumia, Ricken x Nowi, Lon'qu x Cherche, Libra x Tharja, M!Morgan x Lucina, M!Morgan x Cynthia, Laurent x Lucina, Owain x Kjelle, and Gerome x Nah.

Speaking of supports, I forgot to mention on my Yarne run that I almost accidentally S-Supported with Libra, and his supports with F!Robin are sweet. I like how it delves more into his painting.
You wont go a page without some fanart or shipping being shown.

So yeah, you will.

You cannot escape...:yeahboi:
I hate to be off topic. But OMG!!! Mewtwo is back and dlc is confirmed!! What an ending that was for how unexpected it was and Sakurai once again does not disappoint in the surprise department. I am hyped and my second most wanted character is back and I can't wait to see his gameplay.

Even though Ridley is unfortunately a boss. I feel like he still has a chance to be dlc due to all the connections and the fact he looked like a fighter, playable character and not your typical boss. It could mean Dixie and Chorus Men as playable characters perhaps. Maybe something unexpected.... Can't wait!
It was? I missed the stream because classes.

Come on, Roy for my friend and Lucas for me!:roymelee::lucas:
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Lucina will be my one true main.

But when Mewtwo drops, he shall fight by her side. For victory. For glory.

I'm just so goddamn happy right now.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
I am so happy for Mewtwo's fans and for the possibility of seeing some of my lost favorites again! LUCAS LUCAS LUCAS! Co-main with Robin, even if he's just a DLC alt for Ness!
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Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
dat time travel
And this is what happens when I type with possible Lucas return on the mind. I'll go fix that.

With Awakening's crazy paradoxes at times, though, would you be shocked if that could happen?

EDIT: Watching the video now, and I love the SSB announcer so much.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 21, 2014
Lucina will be my one true main.

But when Mewtwo drops, he shall fight by her side. For victory. For glory.

I'm just so goddamn happy right now.
Same here my friend, same here! I can't wait to see gameplay for him.

Also Fluffyeevee, True, I usually say the topic thing at times when I have something new to say when another is seemingly going on just to be safe and so I don't come off as rude or being awkward. Glad you don't mind the outcome.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
Luigi's Mansion is back! Please be back with that awesome remix of the main theme! One of my favorite Brawl stages, along with Castle Siege (which we knew about already) and New Pork City.

The Miiverse stage seems cute, but I can see the gimmick being abused...

I'm so happy we got an equivalent to Snake's codecs! Now I really need to play Uprising. Also, my favorite loser cameos, and that makes it even better. Now I have the image of Chrom being on the sidelines being Robin's biggest fan and cheering so loudly it embarrasses him/her.

Uh oh, Ridley's role is revealed... Time to hide from the fallout as people inevitably call it the worst game ever even with Mewtwo finally coming back. ...RIDLEY IS LIKE THE FLYING MEN. The idea of Ridley allying with a fighter is just hilarious to me. I mean, it's Ridley! I think Sakurai is just trolling poor Ridley fans at this point. ...RIDLEY'S KO COUNTS FOR YOU TOO. NOW Sakurai is just trolling.

Yay, Clear Movies are back! I missed those in 3DS.

I honestly like the concept of Wii U All Star more. It makes sense to build up the classic heroes who started it all (though Robin and Lucina are worth building up!).

Event Mode too? YEEEEES. I wish I didn't have to wait for Christmas for this game.

Master Core has another form? Oh wow... Yikes. And now I finally have a name for the object of my hate- Master Edges.

Cool, they actually included EB in the US Masterpieces this time.

The Mother 1 reference in the photo section makes me insanely happy. Wait, Mother 1 references in Magicant and a Mother 1 exclusive Smash Run enemy too... EB0 for US release? I wish.

New Stage Builder seems to blow Brawl's out of the water.

At least Mewtwo won't be here until next year, so less pressure to run out and get Wii U version immediately.

At that concludes my dumb running commentary.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
@ Robertman2 Robertman2 So... I was going thought fanfic.net looking for stuff to read, and I just stumbled accross something... something that you are responsible for.

I won't say what it is... you know what you did. And thus I ask you this.... really? Really? ... Really?


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
Damn, I love this conversation way too much... so many feels. Best in game

... and then later

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Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
Damn, I love this conversation way too much... so many feels. Best in game

... and then later

Now I see why this ship is so popular... Lucina really does need to be happy.

Also, that just makes
the ending where Robin deals the final blow
even more crushing.
I seriously wish we got to see Robin's spouse's and Morgan's reactions to his/her return. It'd make the true end to the "Robin" ending even more poignant. Granted, my Robin married Chrom on my first run, so I sort of got that... I need my Lucina and Yarne fix too, though.
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Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
I like the kissing one better. AKA conversation 3 or something. Unless that is the conversation and its just trimmed.
That is just my two favorite segment of the conversation, there is a ton more not included. (Didn't want to spoil the while thing)
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