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Lucina Thread [Closing]

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The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
FINALLY SOMEONE IN THIS WHOLE SITE WHO CAN THINK CLEARLY! Congratulations man, you deserve a medal.
Exuse me Collision, seeing people that defend Lucina excites me.
Ah, so that's why your praising me so heavily. That's awfully kind of you but I can assure you there are many others who think like I do, however, those comments tend to get buried under the negativity and blind hatred for clones, Lucina being one of them. Trust me, I'm one of Lucina's biggest advocates when it comes to defending her as a playable character. She deserved to be a playable character, no matter the hate she has gotten or how much of a clone she may be. I mean, if it wasn't obvious by my signature, avatar and the fact that I'm on a threed that's dedicated solely to Lucina that I'm one of her biggest supporters, then I'm not sure what to tell ya haha. :p

Anyways, thanks for the lofty praise and kind words, I truly appreciate it. ~>w<~ <3
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Smash Champion
Apr 15, 2014
the attic I call Magicant
Ah, so that's why your praising me so heavily. That's awfully kind of you but I can assure you there are many others who think like I do, however, those comments tend to get buried under the negativity and blind hatred for clones, Lucina being one of them. Trust me, I'm one of Lucina's biggest advocates when it comes to defending her as a playable character. She deserved to be a playable character, no matter hate she has gotten or how much of a clone she may be. I mean, if it wasn't obvious by my signature, avatar and the fact that I'm on a threed that's dedicated solely to Lucina that I'm one of her biggest supporters, then I'm not sure what to tell ya haha. :p

Anyways, thanks for the lofty praise and kind words, I truly appreciate it. ~>w<~ <3
I know they exist, but when they appear in an environment of negativity it's good. PD, I just enjoy playing Lucina. I've really wanted to play Mars, but no, I never got the hand off him. I did with Lucina, she is my second main. It should be obvious who is my main.


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
The complainers are the loudest, even if they're the minority. I think some people are just bitter and need a punching bag to vent a character not getting in. I'll be honest- when Lucas wasn't on the leaked roster, I loathed Dark Pit and Dr. Mario for existing (Duck Hunt I actually liked from the start, and Lucina didn't irk me for some reason, even before playing Awakening). Now that I've calmed down, though, Dark Pit is actually one of my favorites to use on the roster, and Dr. Mario doesn't bug me so much. Yes, I'm still upset Lucas was axed, but I don't blame anyone included for it. Attacking other characters isn't going to bring him back, and I doubt their exclusion would mean Lucas's return. We'd more likely just be short a few characters.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
I'll just point out(for the umpteenth time)that I formerly despised Lucina and to a lesser extent Robin for butting in on my Mewtwo theory shenanigans on July 12th(that day happened to be the day the Genesect-Mewtwo movie came out in Japan, perfect coincidence), since I was about to score big time with a prediction.

July 12th came and I was disappoint. Except for Falcon.

I held ire for both of them for a small while.

Sorry folks, this apparently can't last. So I held that ire...until one fateful day...the evil Mr Dark steals the Great Protoon*slap*

'Twas a normal Friday, and there was a massive discount on Ninendo games at my game store.

The unthinkable happened.

I was blessed with an unquestionably good bargain for Awakening, and my wallet begged me to buy it. After one save file(and as a early as Chapter 13), I found it extremely difficult to keep hating both of them, Lucina especially. And I was formally introduced to Fire Emblem as a whole. Among other things that reveal eventually did to me:

-Made Awakening my favorite 3DS game.
-Made Lucina my favorite female in gaming, rivaled only by Samus.
-Brought out my shipping side.
-Unkowingly defined 2 of my mains.

Yeah, I'm gushing, but in retrospect, that reveal changed a lot.

Ah, so that's why your praising me so heavily. That's awfully kind of you but I can assure you there are many others who think like I do, however, those comments tend to get buried under the negativity and blind hatred for clones, Lucina being one of them. Trust me, I'm one of Lucina's biggest advocates when it comes to defending her as a playable character. She deserved to be a playable character, no matter hate she has gotten or how much of a clone she may be. I mean, if it wasn't obvious by my signature, avatar and the fact that I'm on a threed that's dedicated solely to Lucina that I'm one of her biggest supporters, then I'm not sure what to tell ya haha. :p

Anyways, thanks for the lofty praise and kind words, I truly appreciate it. ~>w<~ <3
Why can't there be more users like you :c
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The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
I'll just point out(for the umpteenth time)that I formerly despised Lucina and to a lesser extent Robin for butting in on my Mewtwo theory shenanigans on July 12th(that day happened to be the day the Genesect-Mewtwo movie came out in Japan, perfect coincidence), since I was about to score big time with a prediction.

July 12th came and I was disappoint. Except for Falcon.

I held ire for both of them for a small while.

Sorry folks, this apparently can't last. So I held that ire...until one fateful day...the evil Mr Dark steals the Great Protoon*slap*

'Twas a normal Friday, and there was a massive discount on Ninendo games at my game store.

The unthinkable happened.

I was blessed with an unquestionably good bargain for Awakening, and my wallet begged me to buy it. After one save file(and as a early as Chapter 13), I found it extremely difficult to keep hating both of them, Lucina especially. And I was formally introduced to Fire Emblem as a whole. Among other things that reveal eventually did to me:

-Made Awakening my favorite 3DS game.
-Made Lucina my favorite female in gaming, rivaled only by Samus.
-Brought out my shipping side.
-Unkowingly defined 2 of my mains.

Yeah, I'm gushing, but in retrospect, that reveal changed a lot.

Why can't there be more users like you :c
It's awesome to see so many people starting to play Awakening after Robin and Lucina's announcement and discover for themselves as to why they have such a large fan base, while in the process, joining said fan base. Awakening is one of my favourite games of all time, as I've said many times on this thread, and to see it's popularity rise because of Smash Bros. is fantastic!

Awesome story by the way! I'm pretty sure I've seen it before but I always like to see this kind of stuff, even if I have seen it at one point or another. By all means, gush away! Your preaching to the choir, my friend haha! XD

Oh and I'm flattered, thank you so much! I try my very best and it's always gratifying to see others take note of my words and deeds. I am truly humbled by your kind words. #^o^# <3


D&D Obsessed
Aug 20, 2005
San Antonio, TX
Would you all be interested in a matchup discussion/analysis thread? I can make it, update it, if need be.
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The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
I know they exist, but when they appear in an environment of negativity it's good. PD, I just enjoy playing Lucina. I've really wanted to play Mars, but no, I never got the hand off him. I did with Lucina, she is my second main. It should be obvious who is my main.
Glad to see your enjoying your time with Lucina! X3 And yes, in an environment full of negativity, words of logic and reason tend to fall by the wayside unfortunately. Therefore, it's always reassuring to see it, even if it gets swallowed up by the whole of the site.


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
The complainers are the loudest, even if they're the minority. I think some people are just bitter and need a punching bag to vent a character not getting in. I'll be honest- when Lucas wasn't on the leaked roster, I loathed Dark Pit and Dr. Mario for existing (Duck Hunt I actually liked from the start, and Lucina didn't irk me for some reason, even before playing Awakening). Now that I've calmed down, though, Dark Pit is actually one of my favorites to use on the roster, and Dr. Mario doesn't bug me so much. Yes, I'm still upset Lucas was axed, but I don't blame anyone included for it. Attacking other characters isn't going to bring him back, and I doubt their exclusion would mean Lucas's return. We'd more likely just be short a few characters.
Indeed. The internet is full of loud mouths who usually are the minority but because they're so loud, the other voices get drowned out in the filth and garbage that is spouted from they're mouths. I say who cares what other's think. If you enjoy playing a certain character, be it clone or otherwise, more power to you. Nobody has the right to dictate your feelings of a character or opinion. Yeah, I feel that there are many who were in your situation prior to playing the game and seeing Dr. Mario, Dr. Pit and Lucina over other characters, but its reassuring to know they never took anyone's spot, be it newcomer or veteran. Like Sakurai said, they are a free dessert after a bountiful meal. And we all knew that characters would be cut so it was just a matter of who and why really. Can't say I really had any attachment to the Ice Climbers, Lucas, Snake or Wolf but it is disappointing to see any character get the axe. One day, some of those characters will make a return, just like how Dr. Mario came back. Overall though, its nice to see you were very logical in the way you went about your feelings to the characters. ^_^


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
It's awesome to see so many people starting to play Awakening after Robin and Lucina's announcement and discover for themselves as to why they have such a large fan base, while in the process, joining said fan base. Awakening is one of my favourite games of all time, as I've said many times on this thread, and to see it's popularity rise because of Smash Bros. is fantastic!

Awesome story by the way! I'm pretty sure I've seen it before but I always like to see this kind of stuff, even if I have seen it at one point or another. By all means, gush away! Your preaching to the choir, my friend haha! XD

Oh and I'm flattered, thank you so much! I try my very best and it's always gratifying to see others take note of my words and deeds. I am truly humbled by your kind words. #^o^# <3
SSB got me to get Awakening too. I had always wanted to try the FE series since the Melee days. I adored Marth and Roy. I never seemed to be in the right place at the right time, however, and I was afraid I'd stink at the game. The Robin trailer got my interest because it made me realize the games weren't just "blue-haired swordsman go to war." I didn't realize FE had magic or dragons in it. Plus, Robin just looked neat. I still was on the fence but after Lucas got cut, I decided to go on the eShop and get it because I like to be familiar with the game my main is from in every SSB (the first two games weren't hard because I was already a huge Pokénerd and Pikachu is why I got the original game). The rest is history. I was also neutral to Lucina at first (didn't mind her, but she didn't grab me in the trailer as much), but playing the game made me really adore everything about her.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Awesome story by the way! I'm pretty sure I've seen it before but I always like to see this kind of stuff, even if I have seen it at one point or another. By all means, gush away! Your preaching to the choir, my friend haha! XD

Oh and I'm flattered, thank you so much! I try my very best and it's always gratifying to see others take note of my words and deeds. I am truly humbled by your kind words. #^o^# <3
That's only scratching the surface of how much that one reveal did for me. It really did a (positive) number on my perception of an entire series and God knows how many other minuscule things it caused me.

Well, at least they engrave a personal spot in my mind for being the ones to satiate my lack of Mewtwo in this game :chuckle:

Really, it's just that in a chaotic fanbase like Smash's seeing someone rational like you and becoming his friend is a boon.

Indeed. The internet is full of loud mouths who usually are the minority but because they're so loud, the other voices get drowned out in the filth and garbage that is spouted from they're mouths. I say who cares what other's think. If you enjoy playing a certain character, be it clone or otherwise, more power to you. Nobody has the right to dictate your feelings of a character or opinion. Yeah, I feel that there are many who were in your situation prior to playing the game and seeing Dr. Mario, Dr. Pit and Lucina over other characters, but its reassuring to know they never took anyone's spot, be it newcomer or veteran. Like Sakurai said, they are a free dessert after a bountiful meal. And we all knew that characters would be cut so it was just a matter of who and why really. Can't say I really had any attachment to the Ice Climbers, Lucas, Snake or Wolf but it is disappointing to see any character get the axe. One day, some of those characters will make a return, just like how Dr. Mario came back. Overall though, its nice to see you were very logical in the way you went about your feelings to the characters. ^_^
I LOATHED Dark Pit at first. Not to say I like him now, but my energy is wasted hating him for no reason. I'm simply neutral now.

Dr. Pit.


ZOMG 3333th post o3o
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Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2014
You seem to be using "correctly" as a euphemism for "the way I think things should be". That's rather self-centered and discrimanatory.

@Shaya, would a subforum OT thread be an acceptable option? Perhaps renaming this one and creating a new general discussion thread for more SSB4-centric topics? I don't see much reason to shut this down as long as it doesn't start derailing other threads.

Honestly either turning this thread into the Social/Off-topic thread and making another thread for General Discussion, or turning this thread into General Discussion and making a new thread for Social/Off-Topic might just be the best fix.
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Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
That's only scratching the surface of how much that one reveal did for me. It really did a (positive) number on my perception of an entire series and God knows how many other minuscule things it caused me.

Well, at least they engrave a personal spot in my mind for being the ones to satiate my lack of Mewtwo in this game :chuckle:

Really, it's just that in a chaotic fanbase like Smash's seeing someone rational like you and becoming his friend is a boon.

I LOATHED Dark Pit at first. Not to say I like him now, but my energy is wasted hating him for no reason. I'm simply neutral now.

Dr. Pit.

The only reason I like :4darkpit: is he's one of my best characters (I'm not even particularly good with :4pit:, oddly enough). I'm neutral on the actual character now- he's not normally the kind of character personality-wise I enjoy and he's a little obnoxious. I don't hate him, though, and maybe I'll change my tune once I actually play Uprising like with Lucina and Awakening (though I never hated her- just didn't care).

Oddly enough, I was most angry about :4drmario: because at least :4darkpit: is a separate character from :4pit: in his home game. :4drmario: IS :4mario:. Period. Not his twin or cousin, the same character. He practically was begging to be an alt, especially since characters who are separate, like :4alph: and :4larry::4roy::4wendy::4iggy::4morton::4lemmy::4ludwig:, are alts. I calmed down eventually, though, especially once I heard about :4lucina: originally being a :4marth: alt and those two likely being the same case (now flat out confirmed).


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
That's only scratching the surface of how much that one reveal did for me. It really did a (positive) number on my perception of an entire series and God knows how many other minuscule things it caused me.

Well, at least they engrave a personal spot in my mind for being the ones to satiate my lack of Mewtwo in this game :chuckle:

Really, it's just that in a chaotic fanbase like Smash's seeing someone rational like you and becoming his friend is a boon.

I LOATHED Dark Pit at first. Not to say I like him now, but my energy is wasted hating him for no reason. I'm simply neutral now.

Dr. Pit.


ZOMG 3333th post o3o
Well that's simply awesome! Very happy to see you here and on the side of Robin and Lucina! ^_^

Haha, fair enough! :chuckle:

Oh, well thank you so much! I try, I really do try at being a rational individual amidst the chaos. The feeling is mutual, my friend. <3

Yeah, I wasn't too partial with Dark Pit at first either, even though I freaking LOVE Kid Icarus: Uprising and enjoyed him in said game, but I would have rather seen Hades or someone else take his place. That being said, I'm fine with him being in now and I really enjoy using him over Pit. Not to mention, he's theme is dope! :p

LOL Oh my gawsh, I freaking did it again! XD This is the second time I've said Dr. Pit instead of Dark Pit. *sigh* Oh well. Perhaps I'm cursed to incorrectly say his name. :glare: Oh, and this is the result of when I said Dr. Pit the first time in a different thread. Enjoy! XD



The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
So I'm about to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family, since I live in Canada and today is our Thanksgiving Day, so I shall chat with you all later tonight after I've had my fill of turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie! Have fun everyone! ^_^


Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving, Syrek!

When I get more money in the eShop again, I'm thinking of getting Uprising. I also want to get more of the Awakening DLC, though. Fortunately, it's cheap DLC, but I don't know if Uprising will leave me with that much to get more DLC.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
So I'm about to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family, since I live in Canada and today is our Thanksgiving Day, so I shall chat with you all later tonight after I've had my fill of turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie! Have fun everyone! ^_^
Ciao :)


Apr 9, 2014

Honestly either turning this thread into the Social/Off-topic thread and making another thread for General Discussion, or turning this thread into General Discussion and making a new thread for Social/Off-Topic might just be the best fix.
Fourthed. This should stay the social thread. This thread is mah baby.


Apr 9, 2014
I'll just point out(for the umpteenth time)that I formerly despised Lucina and to a lesser extent Robin for butting in on my Mewtwo theory shenanigans on July 12th(that day happened to be the day the Genesect-Mewtwo movie came out in Japan, perfect coincidence), since I was about to score big time with a prediction.

July 12th came and I was disappoint. Except for Falcon.

I held ire for both of them for a small while.

Sorry folks, this apparently can't last. So I held that ire...until one fateful day...the evil Mr Dark steals the Great Protoon*slap*

'Twas a normal Friday, and there was a massive discount on Ninendo games at my game store.

The unthinkable happened.

I was blessed with an unquestionably good bargain for Awakening, and my wallet begged me to buy it. After one save file(and as a early as Chapter 13), I found it extremely difficult to keep hating both of them, Lucina especially. And I was formally introduced to Fire Emblem as a whole. Among other things that reveal eventually did to me:

-Made Awakening my favorite 3DS game.
-Made Lucina my favorite female in gaming, rivaled only by Samus.
-Brought out my shipping side.
-Unkowingly defined 2 of my mains.

Yeah, I'm gushing, but in retrospect, that reveal changed a lot.

Why can't there be more users like you :c
You owe me an American dollar.
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Apr 9, 2014
Still am, just casually reading and liking your posts during this relaxing period. We just finished eating and it was sublime! ^o^
Now give me some food. I want some pie, and Thanksgiving doesn't come until next month. And I have to work the day after that...


D&D Obsessed
Aug 20, 2005
San Antonio, TX
There seems to be a match-up thread going on here already. However, the OP doesn't seem to be updating it. Although it has some great discussion in it already: click me

Should I still go ahead and post what I have? The image below should give you guys an idea. It has more information than what is being shown.



Smash Cadet
Sep 18, 2014
Apparently its more obscure than I thought. Honestly it just kind of auto plays in my head when DK comes up.

Also in a smash related note I finally beat a samus


The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
Now give me some food. I want some pie, and Thanksgiving doesn't come until next month. And I have to work the day after that...
I would if I could! D:

There seems to be a match-up thread going on here already. However, the OP doesn't seem to be updating it. Although it has some great discussion in it already: click me

Should I still go ahead and post what I have? The image below should give you guys an idea. It has more information than what is being shown.

Ohhhh, that looks awesome! I approve! ^_^


Apr 9, 2014
There seems to be a match-up thread going on here already. However, the OP doesn't seem to be updating it. Although it has some great discussion in it already: click me

Should I still go ahead and post what I have? The image below should give you guys an idea. It has more information than what is being shown.

Apparently its more obscure than I thought. Honestly it just kind of auto plays in my head when DK comes up.

Also in a smash related note I finally beat a samus
Good job.
I would if I could! D:

Ohhhh, that looks awesome! I approve! ^_^
You've failed me.
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Destruction in Hedgehog Form
Sep 26, 2014
I've never played a DK game in my life, and I know the rap thanks to Melee. I also thought I heard somewhere that Donkey Kong's crowd cheer in this game references it (DK! Donkey Kong!). I'm still bummed it hasn't returned- in terms of vocal songs, I'd take that back over that song on the Sonic stage. I don't know why, but the vocal Sonic songs in SSB really bother me. It's not even that I find them bad or anything- they just feel out-of-place. I have no issue with- and even adore- the other vocal songs in SSB like the WarioWare ones, K.K.'s songs, Bath Time, DK Rap, and Fire Emblem Main Theme which better return in the Wii U version.


Smash Cadet
Sep 18, 2014
I've never played a DK game in my life, and I know the rap thanks to Melee. I also thought I heard somewhere that Donkey Kong's crowd cheer in this game references it (DK! Donkey Kong!). I'm still bummed it hasn't returned- in terms of vocal songs, I'd take that back over that song on the Sonic stage. I don't know why, but the vocal Sonic songs in SSB really bother me. It's not even that I find them bad or anything- they just feel out-of-place. I have no issue with- and even adore- the other vocal songs in SSB like the WarioWare ones, K.K.'s songs, Bath Time, DK Rap, and Fire Emblem Main Theme which better return in the Wii U version.
I'd rather have city escape than live and learn, but for sonic it should definitely be some kind of vocal theme.

As for DK I don't see how its not in for jungle japes

On the topic of stage music:



Every time I play on mushroomy kingdom I start hearing green day
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The Freshest Strategist
Apr 10, 2008
And I'm back! Glad to see I didn't miss too much while I was away. ^_^
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
You owe me an American dollar.
No I don't :seuss:

You've failed me.
Calm down there, every villain ever.


I'm so sorry! :crying:

Any gif but that...

There seems to be a match-up thread going on here already. However, the OP doesn't seem to be updating it. Although it has some great discussion in it already: click me

Should I still go ahead and post what I have? The image below should give you guys an idea. It has more information than what is being shown.

Maybe as an in-depth MU thread? The other one seems to be talking about MU's at random. Something organized would be great.
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D&D Obsessed
Aug 20, 2005
San Antonio, TX
Done, its posted.

On another note, I have only beaten classic on 7.0 D: Do you guys use equipment/customs to defeat the higher levels?
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