Sorry if this has been said before
Nobody really understands lucas unless they saw his potential from the very start. One of the main reasons is because NOBODY knows about his game therefore nobody would have any reason to get excited to play as him. I was talking too my friend who absolutly hates lucas and he told me the reason he hates him is because he doesn't like his haircut. WTF!
But if you look at his moveset he a very powerful opponent.
You're in the Lucas forum. Kind of preaching to the choir but go on.
His upsmash can kill very easily if it hits
And if it doesn't? Lucas gets punished. Having a ridiculous upsmash alone doesn't get you anywhere, especially with lag, otehrwise Ivysaur would be Top Tier.
PSI magnet works as a sort of quick run plus it does damage
"Quick" is the last word I'd use to describe the move, how exactly do you run with it?
waveboucing, zap jumping,
I've never really needed to wavebounce, but yes zap jumping gives him nearly infinite vertical recovery.
Yet nobody chose him as the first character they played in brawl just because they didn't know who he was.
Do a lot of people know what ROB is, where he's from, and what games he appeared in? There are other reasons people didn't pick up Lucas, such as any of his flaws.
In my opinion lucas could tear through a tournement if put in the right hands
That technically applies to basically any character, but Lucas isn't going to have an easy time fighting Marth, a staple in tournaments.
but the problem is almost nobody would actually try! he has a very great recovery, able to restore damage, a reflector attack,
His bat isn't really fast enough to reliably throw back projectiles.
and a very very good defensive game. anyways now that that is out of my system, what do you guys think? Do you think lucas is underrated?
A little bit, but not for the reasons you gave.
Now then.