lol someone went necrodigging.
Well, let's break down lucas' role in doubles.
The obvious problem is that lucas has GR shenanigans, but that's limited in doubles (Except against...well, marth and snake. fun). unfortunately however, most of ness' bad matches are also bad matchups for lucas, so it's actually quite difficult for the pair to function against certain matchups.
as far as carry goes, lucas is fairly well at carrying himself, however, being a momentum based character, if he gets into trouble and starts being comboed, expect to have to save him. As a lucas being comboed usually results in a lost stock. 5-6
lucas is about as light as ness, really, he's not well suited to be a tank, and you really shouldnt expect lucas to outlive ness. granted, lucas is much more difficult to gimp then ness, but he will rarely last past like 150 against certain matchups. i'd say a 6-7 at best.
punishment: Lucas has an incredible punishmet tool, being usmash which kills ludicrously early, however, there's very few situations where this tool comes into play. One of these however, is GR by partner to usmash. When lucas can punish, he can punish hard. His dtilt lock is actually gimped severely in doubles, so an opponent missing a tech is nowhere near as useful as it is in singles for getting an easy kill. Lucas' fsmash kills ******** early, and while nowhere near as good a punishment tool as usmash, can easily kill enemies at very low percentages, just try not to decay it. ever. 7-8
DPS: lucas is godly at DPS whenever he can get the enemy on the ropes. however, with another person interloping this is difficult to pull off. 5-6
Lucas interferes with his teammate at times, but the biggest offenders happen to be PKT, PKT2, PKF, and PK freeze if you're daring. If the two have worked together before, it should be a cinch to maneuver through these moves (all of these can be psimagneted, and PK freeze has mindgame qualities as well as a large hitbox, allowing ness to heal while the opponent is (hopefully) hit. setting up ness for something devastating such as PK flash if the opponent is at a low enough percentage. PK fire is also good for punishing after a PK freeze succesfully hits, as the opponent is unfrozen instantly and stuck in the collumn of fire. So a simple pk freeze can easily result in about 50 damage and healing approximately 30) low-medium interference
Lucas is more suited for fighting directly with the opponent, as ness' pk thunder is significantly quicker, is only one hit (which minimizes the risk of striking lucas with it) and allows for easy pursuit by the lucas. However, if lucas is forced to play support, he can do it, but ness is much more suited for the role.
Overall, lucas and ness make a good team, lucas causes damage rather easily with his combo potential, while ness backs it up with his devastating backthrow which guarantees no opponent lives past the percentage of 130. The main issues come from their matchups being about the same.
Not the greatest team really, but a good one nonetheless.