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Lucario Matchup Thread: Diddy Kong


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
Lucario boards are discussing the Lucario vs. Diddy Kong matchup.

-What specific troubles do you have with Lucario as a Diddy Kong player? Does Lucario shut down any of your game?

-What advantages do you feel Lucario has against you?

-What disadvantages do you feel Lucario has against you?

-Is there any method or strategic goal you would use to win this match?

-What stages would you want to counterpick against a Lucario? What stages would you want to avoid?

I would greatly appreciate it if players of the board would give their input on the matches, thanks!

This should be an interesting discussion.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2006
SUNY Binghamton / Suffolk County, New York
I would say that the matchup with Lucario is in Diddy Kong's favor 60:40

The main problem a Diddy has vs Lucario is his aura. Unless you get an early spike or gimp his recovery somehow, Lucario will consistently become stronger. To combat this, after you've gotten your first several combos in, approach with caution.

Another thing Lucario has up his sleeve is his down air. This pretty much makes it stupid to ever try and approach from below, and at higher percentages, it becomes a major pain. Unless you are very quick after your dash attack, for example, it wouldn't be wise to jump-> b/f air.

Advantages Lucario Has:
Damage Monger: Lucario thrives at higher percentages, and experienced Lucario players are not intimidated when at high percentages. So as his damage rises, approach with caution.

Range: The range of his forward smash far exceeds that of any of Diddy's non-projectile moves. Even the ftilt. The range of Lucario's Aura Sphere is also very large, and at higher percentages, could cause a major problem.

Diddy does have many advantages though. Among them:

Superior maneuverability.
Generally better equipped for most aerial combat.
Better approaches than Lucario but still good defensive game. (Assuming Luc doesnt hang back and spam b)
Superior Recovery
Musa acuminata

To Win Against a Lucario, i Would...

1) Try to gimp his recovery/go for early spikes. Even though doing damage is great, every attack Lucario gets that doesn't kill him makes him stronger. (Up to like 170-180 not sure which percent) So, take advantage of his up-b. It can't damage you, so there's no harm in trying.

2) Stay away at higher percentages. When Luc goes over 120%, try to hang back and rely on your bananas or otherwise low-risk strategies.2

3) Remember that Lucario's ground moves have a wide variety of attack delays. The forward smash is fairly slow, while the up tilt comes out quickly. Luc's capitalize on this, especially when figting characters that spot dodge a lot. If you are one of these people, the down and f smash can be a *****.


Normally, my favorite cp is Delfino. This is risky choice against Lucario, since the platforms on the main stage aren;t THAT banana-friendly, and if you get wet in the part with those 3 pillar--islands and water below, Lucario will assrape you with his d-air.

PS: Not sure where to put Lylat. I think its pretty neutral for diddy/Luc

Stages I would pick are:
Final Destination
Halberd (Though personally I hate it, others seem to like it)
Luigi's Mansion (If it's a cp)
Corneria (If it's a cp)
Frigate Orpheon (One of the sides of the stage has no ledge to grab, making Luc easier to gimp)
Yoshi's Island
Pokemon Stadium 1

Stages I wouldn't Pick:
Castle Siege
Distant Planet
Pirate Ship
Jungle Japes


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Lucario's gay and annoying. Gay. Put it in the lucario vs diddy matchup thread.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Baltimore, MD
-What specific troubles do you have with Lucario as a Diddy Kong player? Does Lucario shut down any of your game?

lucarios are realy easy for me in the past but i dont know if the ones ive played were bad but i normaly can beat them with average trouble

-What advantages do you feel Lucario has against you?

his aroura ball and length of atacks

-What disadvantages do you feel Lucario has against you?

his speed

-Is there any method or strategic goal you would use to win this match?

stick 2 your nanners alot of lucarios are campy and want to roll alot so just restrict his rolling with some GT'ing. Also save your killing moves as best as possible because if his damage get 2 high and you cant kill him u can kiss the win good bye bc he will kill you first then he will get a huge advantange when you come back 2 life before u can kill him

[B]-What stages would you want to counterpick against a Lucario? What stages would you want to avoid[/B]

final dest i know diddy thrives here but it can work againts you if u let him get 2 far away from you stages that u can bannana game on well but make him have a realy tough time hitting you with aroura ball are best imo
BF or frigat orpheon and luigis mansion since diddy is boss there

Donkey Bong

Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2008

Go check out our thread and please post there only if you know what you're talking about. The guy above me said that it's easy to gimp Lucario on frigate because there's no ledge to grab....

i second that facepalm.

also... a diddy player calling any other character gay and annoying? hah!

i used to main diddy, his game is nothing but "be as gay and annoying as possible"
i think the only character that can beat diddy in the "gay and annoying department" is pit:laugh:
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