They could put a smash reveal trailer, when they start showing smash history with a reenact of pieces of smash 64 intro, to jump to smash brawl subspace moments, to a reenactment of hype inducing melee intro, and when the hype due to the melee intro nod is at is peak, something Is different and the Samus part starts to get longer, and blame, everyone caught by surprise, Ridley splash happens when it all started, followed by a proper trailer of the game (first real trailer)
This trailer shows all we wanted to know if the game, sneaks in playable ice climbers, and when it all end, blame, Simon reveal!
And during that reveal, the true bomb happens!
Nintendo announces that they bought the Castlevania up from Konami for the licence to do Zelda pachinkos, a couple of dollars, and 3 tons of grated cheese, (one can dream)