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*Location Confirmed, Sending Videos* - R.O.B. Video Thread (Latest update 1/27)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2007
Chula Vista, California
GAH Command and Conquer <3


dont tell me sending a bunch of conscripts to your opponents base and then targeting it with a nuclear missile so that they turn into those weird blob thingies so that the base would get destroyed wasnt the best thing ever XD

that or a whole army of those long range things, geeez so long ago i cant recal the names.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Basically in conclusion i'm going to stop using Yoshi as my counterpick, and go Falco... my ROB hit a brick wall, and Yoshi is just not good :(
I am going to remove your brick wall and improve your ROB.

Step #1: Emphasis on u-airs by spot dodging to u-tilt rather than spot dodge to d-smash when someone gets really close

Step #2: Emphasis on grabs by changing all glide tosses to glide toss to grab rather than glide toss to smash

Step #3: Emphasis on spacing by going forward air to down-air/back-air combos rather than double fairs out of a short hop

Your ROB will improve in one day!


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Cheerleading Practice...

<3 Mr Swarm

it just sucks right now b/c my finance' totaled my car, and she had my phone turned off [wtf no johns] so i haven't been able to smash for the past like 2 weeks >_>; i mean.. until last night :( apparently Zamus is a b*tch w/ her FowardB.. and it out spaces everything ROB has.. yeah you can camp her... but ForwardB>Rob's Ftilt :(

and Yoshi/ROB are nastily destroyed by DDD [no jones i play Chillin/M2K/Candy] so i need someone that isn't totally *****/does the ******.. aka Falco :/) ?


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
it just sucks right now b/c my finance' totaled my car, and she had my phone turned off [wtf no johns] so i haven't been able to smash for the past like 2 weeks >_>;
lolwut? We smashed for like 12 hours straight last weekend at boss's. Well, ok, you slept through half of it. And no one drew a **** on your face in sharpie, what's wrong with us?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
i can't play G&W, and MK is just not my style... too many in my area >_> it almost seems clique'
Actually, I take it back.

Olimar is the best D3 counter there is. Just make sure you keep in mind where your purple's are so if you are off the edge you can knock them off the ledge with your over-b and up+b back.

I think you can sort your pikmin with down+b, so you could move a purple to the front... not sure though. I don't play Olimar much.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Olimar's good against D3? I haven't played the matchup much, but honestly Olimar is just too easy to edgeguard when your character is good off the edge [and/or has multiple jumps]...all DDD has to do is spam bair. it gets pretty rough for Oli players [which I was before having my eyes opened to ROB]...he's a monster on the stage though, but I'll have to look into this matchup some more before I can agree/disagree with that...

also, why the Bjork hate? sooo creative and talented :) oh well, different opinions, that's cool.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Olimar's good against D3? I haven't played the matchup much, but honestly Olimar is just too easy to edgeguard when your character is good off the edge [and/or has multiple jumps]...all DDD has to do is spam bair. it gets pretty rough for Oli players [which I was before having my eyes opened to ROB]...he's a monster on the stage though, but I'll have to look into this matchup some more before I can agree/disagree with that...

also, why the Bjork hate? sooo creative and talented :) oh well, different opinions, that's cool.
Olimar can get past the bair toooooo easy. Air dodge, down+b invincibility...... or simply fast falling past him after the air dodge. All of D3's attacks send Oli up and out, which is perfect for him.

I recorded some matches of me vs. my little brother... his MK and D3 vs. my ROB. He's not super amazing or anything, but he's not bad. Still, I beat him consistently.... I thought I'd upload them and you guys could see what is basically the craziest ways to punish things. Kind of like how you watched Darkrain play a random Fox and say "holy ****, Falcon can do that?" and it opened your mind up to his possibilities...

They'll be up soon.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Cheerleading Practice...
Maybe if she was hot.. but she's not >_>;

At all..

In fact... i would f*ck T0MMY's mom > Bjork..

Then again.. if any of you know T0MMY's number can you call him and tell him that the b*tch owes me money >_>;


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Every time I see you ragging on T0MMY, I wonder if he still plays Brawl... and then I imagine this whole scenario in which T0MMY quits Brawl and starts playing Tennis or something instead, comes back to smashboards when he's board in a computer lab six months down the road and searches his name... then screams in agony as he sees nothing but Ch0zen posts taking shots at him for no reason when he hasn't posted in half a year.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Actually, I take it back.

Olimar is the best D3 counter there is. Just make sure you keep in mind where your purple's are so if you are off the edge you can knock them off the ledge with your over-b and up+b back.

I think you can sort your pikmin with down+b, so you could move a purple to the front... not sure though. I don't play Olimar much.
As an Olimar main, Olimar is definitely Dedede's best counterpick. And if you want me to explain the glory of the Down+B, well, yeah, it sorts Pikmin by color with each successive whistling, going in order from red, yellow, blue, purple and white.

As you can tell from my sig, I do love my fatties and they are ever so useful against Dedede's edgehogging and edgeguarding.

And no, I main ROB too.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
you can't main two characters

that is logistically impossible

you are some sort of sorcerer


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

New vids... me vs. my lil bro, Scarecrow. His MK and D3. He's not super amazing or anything, but these videos show you how to gimp MK's recovery (watch the lylat one ^_^) and D3's recovery, as well as a new combo I figured out... footstool to dair to u-smash?! 222good.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
so the weakest point in ddd's upB occurs at the very top of the animation?

nice footstool-dair-upsmash combo
He loses his super armor when he gets to the top... so you can up+b chase him and nair, or wait beneath him and u-smash. He can't change his DI, so he's always gonna get hit. Plus, he doesn't get his jumps back, so you can chase him again! :D
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