Resident Wizard
There's definitely a lot of advantages to walking with Link. You can perform more actions out of walking than dashing, like you mentioned. You also getting the added benefit of holding your Hylian shield out while walking. And you're not going to be losing much speed either, Links walk is almost as fast as his dash. It take him 2 seconds to dash across FD and 2.5 seconds to walk.Hey so I have three things I wanted to bring to everyone's attention.
The first is the fact that we can Jab out of a Run (not a Dash). Ok so it's not directly out of the run, but it's close enough. Basically, you can do any action part way through a 'skid' (which is the animation you go into when you stop running by putting the joystick in neutral or holding down). Link in particular is really good at this. Now I wonder how we could use this XD? If you need to cover a decent distance and punish something for example, you can do so by running, (holding down in preparation) skidding and Jabbing, and Jab has become an amazing punisher thanks to our new Jab tech. You can read more about doing things out of a skid here http://smashboards.com/threads/skid...-pm-crouch-canceled-runs-video-inside.368971/
Second of all, I noticed that you can do a soft throw Bomb (such that the Bomb lands on the ground without exploding) by throwing the Bomb just before you land. The timing is a bit tight as you need to throw it early enough so that the aerial throw animation is not replaced by the grounded throw animation, and you need to do it late enough so that the Bomb is thrown just before you land. This can be done by throwing it forwards or backwards and it can even be done with the c-stick. It is possible to do things like FH, Bomb Pull, Soft Throw. It does not matter if you are drifting forwards or backwards and it does not matter if you are fast falling. Anyway, look into it if you weren't aware of it already.
Finally, I just wanted to let you know that I'm currently working on giving rough estimates as to how many times you can Jab each character when doing the Jab tech. I'm not finished yet, but I thought I'd let you know. The information can be found in this main post here http://smashboards.com/threads/link...-techniques-here.379659/page-11#post-18513196 (Note the bolded part.) and I will be updating it as I go.
The soft bomb throw while landing was already known, if I'm not mistaken. I think most people simply forgot it in favor of the easier a-stick method.