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Social Link checked the thread. Wow! This is a nice thread!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2015
State College, PA, U.S.A.
So has anyone tried out mobility equipment with Link yet?

Have you guys tried out the CC pro yet? It's actually a great controller once you get used to it and break in a bit. I know this for a fact because I've been using it as my main controller since the Brawl days. It's even great for PM. My only issue is that it needs to plug into a Wii mote. Other than that, it's about as good as a GC controller. If only there were someone who could mod a GC controller to have the layout of a Cc pro. I mean I could just do it myself, but I know next to nothing about modding controllers. Researching this stuff could be a pain.
Yeah, I use the CC Pro controller. It's alright, considering if you don't have a GC controller or GC adapter, the extra bumper can be set to anything you want and the joysticks have the grooves unlike the WiiU Pro controllers. It's layout is pretty similar to a Playstation controller actually. My only problem with it is that the joysticks aren't as responsive as a GC controller, but I'm not sure whether that's due to the age or whether it was designed that way :/
Don't have to worry/use either now because I got my gamecube adapter. The CC is ok but those joy sticks are annoying makes me feel like I am playing playstation. I expect Sora and Mickey to show up at any moment with keys.


Banned via Administration
Aug 16, 2013
Traveling through Time and Space.
The gamepad is awesome for smash, you just need to know how to use it.
Understandable. I actually went out and bought myself a GC controller with no adapter since I couldn't find those anywhere, so it's pretty much a brick if I'm not at a tournament. And even then, I'm not entirely used to the controls yet, so I only used it when my wii mote acted up (I use a CC Pro most of the time). I actually saw one of the Link styled GC pro controllers at my GameStop, but I opted to get a regular GC controller anyways because it looks too brightly colored for my taste. Big mistake.[/quote]

I used the gamepad all this time for smash. Its just broken now and I got t from my dad.

I wish I had a GC adapter. My first smash was melee and surprisingly I was only 4 and my controllers are still working, just never used. I only hope that I can execute my moves fast enough and can have tight reactions like the GC
Hey guys, not sure if you have discussed this yet, but what are your prediction for the Smash Bros presentation on the 14th?

Plus the new Lego Dimensions (i.e Disney Infinite as Lego), I won't be surprised if another one is announced at E3

I've got a gamecube adopter, just need to get a Gamecube controller. Though now that you have Link's one, which would you suggest I get;

1) the White or Black GC controller
2) Link's GC controller

I think more the Balck GC controller just because I am us to the design, but Link's on does look interesting.

Get the GC. the one I have is good, but not a GC
If you're talking the Link fightpad, fightpads are nowhere near as good as a true GC controller. They don't rumble, they're much harder to walk/perform tilts with, I've heard they have a small amount of latency lag associated with them, and they just feel cheaper than a GC controller. Go for a GC controller.
Wait, No rumble? Hard to perform tilts/ I need to pivot tilt in order to catch dem C falcons off guard. Damn it dad.
If you don't use a GC controller, wtf are you really doing...like come on. Just get one and use it.
I do want one. No I need one!
I don't use a GameCube controller. I use a procontroller. No specific reason, I just bought one instead of the gcn since the gcn only works on smash.
Pro controllers are good controllers too.
Kick ass with or without a GC controller. I could kick ass with a NES controller or the virtual boy controller.
The pro controller isn't terrible it is just not as good as the gamecube controller. The day the game came out the people at best buy messed up my order and I wasn't able to get my adapter untill a week after. So I played with the one pro controller. When my friends would come over to play we actually had a rule where the loser would get to use the pro controller next game. But as soon as the adapter came my pro controller...I don't even know where it is at this point... I don't see a problem with the black smash logo gc controller. To be honest smash doesn't feel like smash without the gamecube controller.
Nintendo has a problem with making **** and not making more ****.
So I went to a small tourney tonight. One of the set ups was a Brawl set up, so I figured what the heck, and I played it for a bit.
God that game is slow. Never playing it again.
Brawl rocked.


Oct 6, 2014
Kansas City
The pro controller isn't terrible it is just not as good as the gamecube controller. The day the game came out the people at best buy messed up my order and I wasn't able to get my adapter untill a week after. So I played with the one pro controller. When my friends would come over to play we actually had a rule where the loser would get to use the pro controller next game. But as soon as the adapter came my pro controller...I don't even know where it is at this point... I don't see a problem with the black smash logo gc controller. To be honest smash doesn't feel like smash without the gamecube controller.
I'm sure there is almost absolutelyly nothing different about it. They probably just are using the old everything from before


Sex? Yes, I'm familiar with the theory
Oct 31, 2009
The Netherlands
This is amazing. Where do you get this stuff? More importantly, how did you get into it? Just curious.
De la Rochefoucauld's Maxims is a French classic, I use the Stuart D. Warner & Stéphane Douard translation because the syntax is closest to the original French. Those maxims of Goethe are from his miscellaneous scribblings, you can find them frequently in small collections ("Goethe's Maxims") or in anthologies like The Permanent Goethe republished in 2006 as The Goethe Treasury, where I took them from. The Havelock Ellis excerpts are from his diary entries which you can find on Project Gutenberg, the Shaw ones are from Maxims for Revolutionists, made to accompany his play Man and Superman. I took two of the Emerson quotes William H. Gass' essay on Emerson, which I read in Estimating Emerson (an anthology of essays on Emerson), the other is from Literary Ethics, my favorite Emerson lecture. Find it online, or buy the great Library of America edition of "Lectures and essays". Hazlitt's one is from his essay on Shakespeare's Coriolanus, which I took from the Penguin edition of Hazlitt's selected writings.

How you "get into it" is not rocket science, you read a book, then another one, then another one. I love Hazlitt's writing, and there's been a recent revival of it, so various studies and anthologies are available: try The Day-Stary of Liberty: William Hazlitt's Radical Style, Duncan Wu's biography William Hazlitt: The First Modern Man, A.C. Grayling's biography William Hazlitt: The Quarrel of the Age and Jon Cook's Hazlitt in Love for something small. Then for his actual writings you can find a lot on a website called 'blupete', or otherwise scattered on the web on Gutenberg or archive.org -- then there's a Selected Writings from Oxford's World Classics and one from Penguin. I have the ebook of the Penguin one, it's great: the Oxford has more variety but less content.

Look at this prose, it's among the best in the English language. Time and time again he wrote perfect bravura passages:
His name hangs suspended over their heads, in terrorem, like some baleful meteor. It is the shield behind which the archers may take their stand, and gall them at their leisure. He has set them up as a defenceless mark, on which both friends and foes may exercise their malice, or their wantonness, as they think proper. He has fairly hunted them down, he has driven them into his toils, he has thrown his net over them, and they remain as a prey to the first invader, either to be sacrificed without mercy at the shrine of cold unfeeling avarice, or to linger out a miserable existence under the hands of ingenious and scientific tormentors.
The love of a man like Petrarch would have been less in character, if it had been less ideal. For the purposes of inspiration, a single interview was quite sufficient. The smile which sank into his heart the first time he ever beheld her, played round her lips ever after: the look with which her eyes first met his, never passed away. The image of his mistress still haunted his mind, and was recalled by every object in nature. Even death could not dissolve the fine illusion: for that which exists in the imagination is alone imperishable. As our feelings become more ideal, the impression of the moment indeed becomes less violent; but the effect is more general and permanent. The blow is felt only by reflection; it is the rebound that is fatal.
It was curious, though somewhat painful, to see this lively Nobleman always in the full career of his argument, and never advancing one jot the nearer; seeming to utter volumes in every word, and yet saying nothing; retaining the same unabated vehemence of voice and gesture, without any thing to require it; still keeping alive the hope and expectation of genius without once satisfying it; soaring into mediocrity with adventurous enthusiasm, harrowed up with some plain matter of fact, writhing with agony under a truism, and launching a common-place with all the fury of a thunderbolt.
They propose to erect a Chrestomathic school, by cutting down some fine old trees on the classic ground where Milton thought and wrote, to introduce a rabble of children, who for the Greek and Latin languages, poetry, and history, that fine pabulum of useful enthusiasm, that breath of immortality infused into our youthful blood, that balm and cordial of our future years, are to be drugged with chemistry and apothecaries’ receipts, are to be taught to do everything, and to see and feel nothing.
… yet we will never cease, nor be prevented from returning on the wings of imagination to that bright dream of our youth; that glad dawn of the day-star of liberty; that spring-time of the world, in which the hopes and expectations of the human race seemed opening in the same gay career with our own; when France called her children to partake her equal blessings beneath her laughing skies; when the stranger was met in all her villages with dance and festive songs, in celebration of a new and golden era; and when, to the retired and contemplative student, the prospects of human happiness and glory were seen ascending like the steps of Jacob's ladder, in bright and never-ending succession. The dawn of that day was suddenly overcast; that season of hope is past; it is fled with the other dreams of our youth, which we cannot recall, but has left behind it traces, which are not to be effaced by Birth-day and Thanksgiving odes, or the chaunting of Te Deums in all the churches of Christendom. To those hopes eternal regrets are due; to those who maliciously and wilfully blasted them, in the fear that they might be accomplished, we feel no less what we owe-hatred and scorn as lasting!
The author of Wat Tyler was an Ultra-jacobin; the author of Parliamentary Reform is an Ultra-royalist; the one was a frantic demagogue; the other is a servile court tool; the one maintained second-hand paradoxes; the other repeats second-hand common-places: the one vented those opinions which gratified the vanity of youth; the other adopts those prejudices which are most conducive to the convenience of age: the one saw nothing but the abuses of power; the other sees nothing but the horrors of resistance to those abuses: the one did not stop short of general anarchy; the other goes the whole length of despotism: the one vilified kings, priests, and nobles, the other vilifies the people: the one was for universal suffrage and perfect equality: the other is for seat-selling and the increasing influence of the Crown: the one admired the preaching of John Ball; the other recommends the Suspension of the Habeas Corpus, and the putting down of the Examiner by the sword, the dagger, or the thumb-screw,—for the pen, Mr. Southey tells us, is not sufficient.
They were true priests. They set up an image in their own minds—it was truth: they worshipped an idol there—it was justice. They looked on man as their brother, and only bowed the knee to the Highest. Separate from the world, they walked humbly with their God, and lived in thought with those who had borne testimony of a good conscience with the spirits of just men in all ages. … their aspiration after liberty was a sigh uttered from the towers, ‘time-rent,’ of the Holy Inquisition; and their zeal for religious toleration was kindled at the fires of Smithfield. Their sympathy was not with the oppressors, but the oppressed. They cherished in their thoughts—and wished to transmit to their posterity—those rights and privileges for asserting which their ancestors had bled on scaffolds, or had pined in dungeons or in foreign climes. Their creed, too, was ‘Glory to God, peace on earth, good-will to man.’ This creed, since profaned and rendered vile, they kept fast through good report and evil report. This belief they had, that looks at something out of itself, fixed as the stars, deep as the firmament; that makes of its own heart an altar to truth, a place of worship for what is right, at which it does reverence with praise and prayer like a holy thing, apart and content; and feels that the greatest being in the universe is always near it, and that all things work together for the good of his creatures This covenant they kept, as the stars keep their courses; this principle they stuck by, for want of knowing better, as it sticks by them to the last. It grew with their growth, it does not wither in their decay. It lives when the almond-tree flourishes, and is not bowed down with the tottering knees. It glimmers with the last feeble eyesight, smiles in the faded cheek like infancy, and lights a path before them to the grave! This is better than the life of a whirligig Court poet.
He murmurs about the domestic earth – about cottage doors – about flower-beds – about infancy – about the calm joys of far retirement, repose, security, contemplation. He shuns the mighty struggles and untameable passions of daring men – the voice of war, whether raised by Freedom or by Oppression, scares him; he has no hymn for Liberty; no denunciations of wrath, revenge, or retribution, to pour out of the poetic vial upon the disturbers of the earth; no tale, instinct with energy, to tell, illustrative of any truth of vital importance to mankind, or engendering hatred or contempt of their oppressors.
The idea that love has its source in moral or intellectual excellence, in good nature or good sense, or has any connection with sentiment or refinement of any kind, is one of those preposterous and wilful errors, which ought to be extirpated for the sake of those few persons who alone are likely to suffer by it, whose romantic generosity and delicacy ought not to be sacrificed to the baseness of their nature, but who treading securely the flowery path, marked out for them by poets and moralists, the licensed artificers of fraud and lies, are dashed to pieces down the precipice, and perish without help.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2015
Guys...explain me a thing...WTF is Anther's ladder?(Yes I know I can seem dumb but I really don't know what it is, although everyone talks aout it)

Fox Is Openly Deceptive

Smash Detective
Sep 22, 2008
WinMelee, Australia
I should use less full-stops,
that is, when constructing a sentence, i.e. no less than a monument to stand firm against the oppressive onslaught of time and the scorns of shallower men or a righteous weapon to shatter the wills and bones of one's enemies, it would seem that, upon reflection, the better course to take would be to stave off the deadly point that would end the life of thine noble sentence for as long as one thinks they may get away with it, without care or heed for dull convention or weary reader; for happy the sentence that sees a new hope for a life anew, for one last victory lap to scoff at the sinking expectations and bewildered faces of all who with their eyes and minds look on at what is now no less than a shameful spectacle of disingenuous craftsmanship, gifted by the greatest of all literary devices - the semi-colon, that blessed technicality, that fountain of youth, that necessary tool for all who have lost their full-stop button; and in the end I didn't even use a full stop

sorry dumbfire XD


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2015
Seattle, WA
So uh... apparently Hyrule Warriors is coming to 3DS and introduces Tetra and the King of Red Lions as playable characters. I don't know about you guys, but I want to destroy legions of enemies as a boat.


Sex? Yes, I'm familiar with the theory
Oct 31, 2009
The Netherlands
I should use less full-stops,
that is, when constructing a sentence, i.e. no less than a monument to stand firm against the oppressive onslaught of time and the scorns of shallower men or a righteous weapon to shatter the wills and bones of one's enemies, it would seem that, upon reflection, the better course to take would be to stave off the deadly point that would end the life of thine noble sentence for as long as one thinks they may get away with it, without care or heed for dull convention or weary reader; for happy the sentence that sees a new hope for a life anew, for one last victory lap to scoff at the sinking expectations and bewildered faces of all who with their eyes and minds look on at what is now no less than a shameful spectacle of disingenuous craftsmanship, gifted by the greatest of all literary devices - the semi-colon, that blessed technicality, that fountain of youth, that necessary tool for all who have lost their full-stop button; and in the end I didn't even use a full stop

sorry dumbfire XD
Pffft he has enough fine staccato passages too.
One of the pleasantest things in the world is going a journey; but I like to go by myself. I can enjoy society in a room; but out of doors, nature is company enough for me. I am then never less alone than when alone.

The fields his study, nature was his book.

I cannot see the wit of walking and talking at the same time. When I am in the country I wish to vegetate like the country. I am not for criticising hedge-rows and black cattle. I go out of town in order to forget the town and all that is in it. There are those who for this purpose go to watering-places, and carry the metropolis with them. I like more elbow-room and fewer encumbrances. I like solitude, when I give myself up to it, for the sake of solitude; nor do I ask for

A friend in my retreat,
Whom I may whisper solitude is sweet.

The soul of a journey is liberty, perfect liberty, to think, feel, do, just as one pleases. We go a journey chiefly to be free of all impediments and of all inconveniences; to leave ourselves behind much more to get rid of others.
Mr. Wordsworth’s genius is a pure emanation of the Spirit of the Age. Had he lived in any other period of the world, he would never have been heard of. As it is, he has some difficulty to contend with the hebetude of his intellect, and the meanness of his subject. With him “lowliness is young ambition’s ladder;” but he finds it a toil to climb in this way the steep of Fame. His homely Muse can hardly raise her wing from the ground, nor spread her hidden glories to the sun. He has “no figures nor no fantasies, which busy passion draws in the brains of men:” neither the gorgeous machinery of mythologic lore, nor the splendid colours of poetic diction. His style is vernacular: he delivers household truths. He sees nothing loftier than human hopes; nothing deeper than the human heart.
The exercise of their bile seems to be the sole employment and gratification of such people. They deal in the miseries of human life. They are always either hearing or foreboding some new grievance. They cannot contain their satisfaction, if you tell them any mortification or cross-accident that has happened to yourself; and if you complain of their want of sympathy they laugh in your face. This would be unaccountable, for the spirit of perversity and contradiction planted in human nature. If things go right, there is nothing to be done -- these active-minded persons grow restless, dull , vapid -- life is sleep, a sort of euthanasia -- Let them go wrong, and all is well again; they are once more on the alert, have something to pester themselves and other people about; may wrangle on, and "make mouths at the invisible event!" Luckily, there is not want of materials for his disposition to work upon, there is plenty of grist for the mill.
As we grow old, our sense of the value of time becomes vivid. Nothing else, indeed, seems of any consequence. We can never cease wondering that that which has ever been should cease to be. We find many things remain the same: why then should there be change in us? This adds a convulsive grasp of whatever is, a sense of fallacious hollowness in all we see. Instead of the full, pulpy feeling of youth tasting existence and every object in it, all is flat and vapid,--a whited sepulchre, fair without but full of ravening and uncleanness within. The world is a witch that puts us off with false shows and appearances. The simplicity of youth, the confiding expectation, the boundless raptures, are gone: we only think of getting out of it as well as we can, and without any great mischance or annoyance. The flush of illusion, even the complacent retrospect of past joys and hopes, is over: if we can slip out of life without indignity, and escape with little bodily infirmity, and frame our minds in the calm and respectable composure of still-life before we return to absolute nothingness, it is as much as we can expect. We do not die wholly at our deaths: we have mouldered away gradually long before.
The slave admires the tyrant because the last is, what the first would be. He surveys himself all over in the glass of royalty. The swelling bloated, self-importance of the one is the very counterpart and ultimate goal of the abject servility of the other. But both hate mankind for the same reason, because a respect for humanity is a diversion to their inordinate self-love, and the idea of the general good is a check to the gross intemperance of passion. The worthlessness of the object does not diminish but irritate the propensity to admire. It serves to pamper our imagination equally, and does not provoke our envy. All we want is to aggrandize our own vain-glory at second hand; and the less of real superiority or excellence there is in the person we fix upon as our proxy in this dramatic exhibition, the more easily can we change places with him, and fancy ourselves as good as he. Nay, the descent favours the rise; and we heap our tribute of applause the higher, in proportion as it is a free gift. An idol is not the worse for being of coarse materials; a king should be a common-place man. Otherwise, he is superior in his own nature, and not dependent on our bounty or caprice. Man is a poetical animal, and delights in fiction. We like to have scope for the exercise of our mere will. We make kings of men, and Gods of stocks and stones: we are not jealous of the creatures of our own hands. We only want a peg or loop to hang our idle fancies on, a puppet to dress up, a lay-figure to paint from. It is ‘THING Ferdinand, and not KING Ferdinand’, as it was wisely and wittily observed. We ask only for the stage effect; we do not go behind the scenes, or it would go hard with many of our prejudices! We see the symbols of Majesty, we enjoy the pomp, we crouch before the power, we walk in the procession, and make part of the pageant, and we say in our secret hearts, there is nothing but accident that prevents us from being at the head of it. There is something in the mock-sublimity of thrones, wonderfully congenial to the human mind.
I took those passages out of context of course; they are built up, they are climaxes and penultimate points. The greatest power comes from varying sentence length for intended effect, as in this famous Ruskin passage:
Understand this clearly: You can teach a man to draw a straight line, and to cut one; to strike a curved line, and to carve it; and to copy and carve any number of given lines or forms, with admirable speed and perfect precision; and you find his work perfect of its kind: but if you ask him to think about any of those forms, to consider if he cannot find any better in his own head, he stops; his execution becomes hesitating; he thinks, and ten to one he thinks wrong; ten to one he makes a mistake in the first touch he gives to his work as a thinking being. But you have made a man of him for all that. He was only a machine before, an animated tool.

And observe, you are put to stern choice in this matter. You must either made a tool of the creature, or a man of him. You cannot make both. Men were not intended to work with the accuracy of tools, to be precise and perfect in all their actions. If you will have that precision out of them, and make their fingers measure degrees like cog-wheels, and their arms strike curves like compasses, you must unhumanize them. All the energy of their spirits must be given to make cogs and compasses of themselves. All their attention and strength must go to the accomplishment of the mean act. The eye of the soul must be bent upon the finger-point, and the soul’s force must fill all the invisible nerves that guide it, ten hours a day, that it may not err from its steely precision, and so soul and sight be worn away, and the whole human being be lost at last—a heap of sawdust, so far as its intellectual work in this world is concerned; saved only by its Heart, which cannot go into the form of cogs and compasses, but expands, after the ten hours are over, into fireside humanity. On the other hand, if you will make a man of the working creature, you cannot make a tool. Let him but begin to imagine, to think, to try to do anything worth doing; and the engine-turned precision is lost at once. Out come all his roughness, all his dulness, all his incapability; shame upon shame, failure upon failure, pause after pause: but out comes the whole majesty of him also; and we know the height of it only, when we see the clouds settling upon him. And, whether the clouds be bright or dark, there will be transfiguration behind and within them.


Sex? Yes, I'm familiar with the theory
Oct 31, 2009
The Netherlands
Given most people have heard hundreds of lines of ******** comic book movie dialogue it's about time they read something not written by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &c. &c. &c. &c. skipped to avoid warning


Smash Cadet
Oct 27, 2014
Given most people have heard hundreds of lines of ******** comic book movie dialogue it's about time they read something not written by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &c. &c. &c. &c. skipped to avoid warning
I see now why you hate comics so much.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2015
Switch FC
So, 4 days left until the patch comes out along with Lucas. Anyone still optimistic about the possibilty of bombslides staying? Is there anyone perhaps still optimistic about any significant buffs coming to Link on Sunday, however unlikely that may be? If you ask me, I still expect bombslides to begone, vanish, disappear, etc., and we will get our up throw buffed to kill 1% earlier. ._.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2015
I'm not so pessimistic about bombslide but only because they already removed DACUS but left this in, and they are both based on the same mechanich so considering this was a thing in brawl probably they wanted to put it into the game, but I'm not totally sure. I still dream about Jab 2 cancel patched to be as effective as pre patch Jab 1 which would mean Jab cancel but not infinite for us, but that's not gonna happen lol


Resident Wizard
Oct 8, 2014
Knoxville, TN
Switch FC
Given most people have heard hundreds of lines of ******** comic book movie dialogue it's about time they read something not written by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &c. &c. &c. &c. skipped to avoid warning
If you intend to culture us with that drivel then I suggest you should throw in some pictures every now and then. You gotta remember that all these cawmik bukes have rotted our brains and shortened our attention spans. You need to reel us back in every so often with pretty colors.


Sex? Yes, I'm familiar with the theory
Oct 31, 2009
The Netherlands
If you intend to culture us with that drivel then I suggest you should throw in some pictures every now and then. You gotta remember that all these cawmik bukes have rotted our brains and shortened our attention spans. You need to reel us back in every so often with pretty colors.
Funny, Gustave Doré, William Morris and other famous illustraters were way better artists than comic book drawers spending hours sketching toned muscles anyhow -- I love it when it leaks that they copied, especially when it's from pr0n.

It is an ancient Mariner,
And he stoppeth one of three.
“By thy long grey beard and glittering eye,
Now wherefore stopp’st thou me?

“The Bridegroom’s doors are opened wide,
And I am next of kin;
The guests are met, the feast is set:
May’st hear the merry din.”​

He holds him with his skinny hand,
“There was a ship,” quoth he.
“Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!”
Eftsoons his hand dropt he.

He holds him with his glittering eye —
The Wedding–Guest stood still,
And listens like a three years child:
The Mariner hath his will.​


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2013
Edison, New Jersey
I feel the need to rant about the Smashboards site. First off, they're way overdoing it with the adds. There's always a ****ing pop-up add covering the whole damn screen practically every time I load a page. And sometimes there are those infuriating moments where the screen goes white with nothing but an add at the top, forcing me to refresh the page (sometimes it happens multiple times in a row). I know that they're trying to profit off of all the new Smashers signing up, but seriously? Lastly, I hate how the entire Smashboards page has a momentary sezure when it's loading. I always have to wait until it's finished before tapping anything, otherwise I might tap on something that I don't want to.

They better fix this shiz.
Last edited:


Smash Cadet
Oct 27, 2014
I feel the need to rant about the Smashboards site. First off, they're way overdoing it with the adds. There's always a ****ing pop-up add covering the whole damn screen practically every time I load a page. And sometimes there are those infuriating moments where the screen goes white with nothing but an add at the top, forcing me to refresh the page (sometimes it happens multiple times in a row). I know that they're trying to profit off of all the new Smashers signing up, but seriously? Lastly, I hate how the entire Smashboards page has a momentary sezure when it's loading. I always have to wait until it's finished before tapping anything, otherwise I might tap on something that I don't want to.

They better fix this shiz.
I don't have that problem, maybe you have adware installed in your PC.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2013
Edison, New Jersey
I don't have that problem, maybe you have adware installed in your PC.
I actually only use a tablet & an iPhone (that isn't mine). I don't have a working PC at home.

If it's really just a mobile device thing, they should really start developing an app.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2015
I actually only use a tablet & an iPhone (that isn't mine). I don't have a working PC at home.

If it's really just a mobile device thing, they should really start developing an app.
I'm on mobile and the adds do get out of hand im ok if its every once in a while but even just reloading gives you an ad

So, 4 days left until the patch comes out along with Lucas. Anyone still optimistic about the possibilty of bombslides staying? Is there anyone perhaps still optimistic about any significant buffs coming to Link on Sunday, however unlikely that may be? If you ask me, I still expect bombslides to begone, vanish, disappear, etc., and we will get our up throw buffed to kill 1% earlier. ._.
im hoping nintendo doesn't do nerfs at all and just buffs the weaker characters. But knowing Nintendo they probably would make it so everyone that gets a buff does 2% m or damage but kills 20% later and then its not a buff anymore


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2013
Edison, New Jersey
Now that you mention it, there aren't really that many major buffs happening without having some kind of downside. That's pretty lame on Nintendo's part.


Oct 6, 2014
Kansas City
I feel the need to rant about the Smashboards site. First off, they're way overdoing it with the adds. There's always a ****ing pop-up add covering the whole damn screen practically every time I load a page. And sometimes there are those infuriating moments where the screen goes white with nothing but an add at the top, forcing me to refresh the page (sometimes it happens multiple times in a row). I know that they're trying to profit off of all the new Smashers signing up, but seriously? Lastly, I hate how the entire Smashboards page has a momentary sezure when it's loading. I always have to wait until it's finished before tapping anything, otherwise I might tap on something that I don't want to.

They better fix this shiz.
That's why I went premium


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2015
Switch FC
Whoa is that clawshot to recovery on opposite side of the stage viable or just fun?
Mostly just for fun. It's a bit too slow and incredibly risky with not much reward for it to be viable.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2013
Edison, New Jersey
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The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
So, did you guys hear about the new Hyrule Warriors port to the 3ds?

Edit: Never mind, you guys know.

Buy a new one.
They sell brand new controllers. Same exact thing as before. You can get black here or import a Japanese white one
Okay, got. Buy a new one. Thanks for the advice guys :)

Doesn't take much, it seems.
Maybe that's why I am the Unknown Hero.

I'll let myself out
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Resident Wizard
Oct 8, 2014
Knoxville, TN
Switch FC
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Banned via Administration
Aug 16, 2013
Traveling through Time and Space.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 28, 2015
Damn it. Why could they have mad Hyrule warriors like Fire emblem style? That would have been so cool!
so they should have remade warriors as an rpg?

That kind of goes against the warrior's style, so I doubt that would ever happen.

The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
Damn it. Why could they have mad Hyrule warriors like Fire emblem style? That would have been so cool!
so they should have remade warriors as an rpg?

That kind of goes against the warrior's style, so I doubt that would ever happen.
I wouldn't mind an Fire EmblemXZelda cross over, though I would also like to see a Dynasty Warriors for Fire Emblem too.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I don't see the appeal of games like HW and Monster Hunter on small handhelds. They look great in console versions' HD on the big screens but would lose so much detail on smaller screens.


Resident Wizard
Oct 8, 2014
Knoxville, TN
Switch FC
Don't you harass my useless post you piece of rubbish.
Wow...that insult came out of nowhere. All I was trying to do was teach you a thing or two.

You know, you probably shouldn't be flat out hateful toward people...it only makes them hate you in return.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2013
Edison, New Jersey
Wow...that insult came out of nowhere. All I was trying to do was teach you a thing or two.

You know, you probably shouldn't be flat out hateful toward people...it only makes them hate you in return.
...It was a joke. It seems to me that you haven't been fully taught the ways of sarcasm yet.

Sorry if I offended you though...

...Unless that was a joke as well, in which case this was ironic.
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