dunno if it was mentioned in this thread already, but at 8:44 of the vid you use the AGT to recover by hitting your own bomb and then be able to do another up-b (u didnt extra mention it)..
I saw this doing some other players too, however...
I dont think its really usefull because links recovery with the AGT and tether is soo good that, if you still have your double jump, you can recover almost from everywhere.. so its a little wast to waste the doublejump for that risky move, BUT..
theres a much better way to recover if you have nothing left and are far away offstage (you could maybe implement it into your startpost if you want): you pull a bomb as soon as possible after you got knocked out, without fastfalling(!), z-drop the bomb, fastfall for a very short time, up-b into it, (DI it into the right direction) and up-b again to recover!
there is a chance that the bomb will just be pushed away by your sword, but i think the same chance is there if you do the other strat, the chance of it happening tho is even lower with this strat because the bomb is closer to link and you can hit it more often with your sword before it eventually flies off... the shorter the fastfall is, the higher the chance of it working!
hope you like my little trick

its not easy but amazing if you pull it off successfully and a real hype-generator :D