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Smashboards Creates: Battle of AGES, a SEGA platform fighter

What's the roster number gonna be?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Alright fellas, voting is closed!

Let's look at the results:

Selvaria: 16 points
Raidou: 12 points
Domingo: 1 points
Landsknetch: 0 points
Hacker: 4 points
Taro: 12 points
Matoi: 3 points
Yamada: 6 points
Nei: 18 points

This round was actually closer-fought than I expected. Some of the candidates put up a good fight. But in the end, we have a winner: and I am extremely pleased to announce that the next fighter to be added to Battle of AGES will be Nei!!!!!

Now then, Nei is the 18th character in this 35-character roster, which means that with her inclusion, we are now officially halfway through the base roster. And I think a milestone like that warrants a moment to sit down and look back:

Discussion #5: We've reached the halfway point. How do you think our roster is shaping up so far?

So yeah, we're now halfway through, and as I just said, I think it's time we do a lil retrospective. So we're gonna sit here and simply talk about how we think our roster is looking so far. What inclusions do you like? What inclusions do you not like, if any? In what direction do you think we should take our roster from now on? Is there anything you feel we need to flesh out a bit? That kinda stuff. I'm happy to see we've come this far - reaching the halfway mark is an achievement considering how many of these threads die out early on - and so I'd just like to see how all of you feel about the current state of our roster. I'll also be dropping my own take in a bit
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I'm not familiar with all of the franchises involved in this (it's mainly Sonic, Persona, Bayonetta, Streets of Rage, and bits of Yakuza and Virtua Fighter - I've been meaning to play Skies of Arcadia, but the Gamecube version is insanely expensive), but I'd say it's good so far. Nobody stands out as being a bad choice for the roster, and none of the series feels over-represented. (it makes sense why Sonic, Yakuza, and Virtua Fighter have multiple characters)

Opa-Opa seems like a particularly fun inclusion, since he sticks out among the roster visually and in terms of his concept.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I agree that we can use more modern characters but aside from that, we have a pretty solid roster. There are plenty of different genres and series are represented and you have some seriously big guns like Kiryu, Sakura, Joker, and Akira along with fan-favorites such as Vyse, Alex Kidd, Nei, and Bayonetta.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
So far the rosters been pretty solid. Everything makes sense so to speak.

We've got big parts of Sega's history involved here with genre defining titles like Streets of Rage, Virtua Fighter and Phantasy Star, Sega's mascots through the years in Fantasy Zone's Opa-Opa, Alex Kidd and Sonic the Hedgehog, Japanese mega successes such as Sakura Wars and some modern successes post Sega Hardware such as Yakuza, Persona and Bayonetta.

I'd like to see another antagonist to go alongside Dr. Eggman, although antagonists tend to be hard to justify over the protagonists which makes that goal slightly harder.

There's still a few notable omissions in my eyes (Super Monkey Ball needs something I feel) and some others I'd like to see still, but I'd be quite happier if we go bananas and roll out some wilder choices from here on.

It's hard to be disappointed with the current line up though and I feel even at this half way point it does it's job well of celebrating Sega through the ages.

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Aight, I'll say my piece on this roster too. I'll actually be going over each character individually cause I simply thought that'd be fun

  • Sonic. He's Sonic. There is nothing more to say about Sonic. He is Sonic.
  • After that, we have Akira Yuki, who was our other locked-in-from-the-start pick. It does feel a bit weird to comment on his inclusion cause, well, I was the one who added him, but I really did feel like he warranted being the other "lock", for simply two things: 1. VF is a fighting game. This is a fighting game. You do the math, and 2. in addition to that, VF is genuinely, like, huge. It's a very important franchise to SEGA's history, and even though there are other non-Sonic franchises that are more successful than VF, I felt like Akira was really that perfect of an inclusion and as such, I felt like he worked really well as the other lock.
  • After that, we move on to the rest of this roster, being the characters that were actually voted in. The first one of them was Alex Kidd. Now, Alex here is in an interesting situation cause while I do think he's a good addition, I can't help but feel like we added him a bit...too early? Like yes, he is a noteworthy classic character, he helps represent the Master System, I myself would have still added him if I was 100% in charge of this roster....but I look at the lineup that first job had and I can't help but feel like he kinda got to cut the line just cause he was the SEGA mascot before Sonic, and this really kinda exemplifies a problem I have, in that I feel like people have a tendency to put Alex on too high a pedestal compared to other SEGA characters simply for that aspect of him. But whatever, when all's said and done, I like him, he's still a good pick, I still would have added him myself, I just don't agree with when we added him
  • Then we have Kazuma Kiryu. I mean, yeah! It's a good pick! It makes perfect sense! Not much else to say.
  • After that was Sakura Shinguji. True story, when we were still covering the starting 4, I was still worried that this project would be influenced too much by the Surface-Level Perspective and we'd end up with yet another by-the-numbers roster that puts too much emphasis on scrimblos and basic crossover picks. A big part of the worry was imagining the scenario in which we passed up important characters like Sakura in favor of, like, ****innnnn Vectorman or something. So seeing that we added her, like, immediately was....reassuring, I'll admit. Anyway yeah, she slaps, good choice!
  • Ulala is another really good one! Cool classic character, SEGA love to acknowledge Space Channel 5's existence, and she's just fun. Wasn't expecting us to add her so soon, but I sure as hell don't mind it
  • Then we started delving into additional reps for the first time, and we started off with Dr. Eggman, which yeah I don't think I need to explain why that's a good pick. I like him he is egg
  • At the same time, we also added Sarah Bryant. And yeah, I definitely feel like she was one of the better picks for VF as well!
  • Then we did the decade votes, starting off with Opa-Opa. Yeah Opa-Opa slaps. Iconic SEGA mascot and overall lovely little fella. I'm very happy he's here.
  • So Axel Stone. Yeah, another great pick! I love the **** outta Streets of Rage and it got completely shafted in the All-Stars games and it's a perfect pick for a fighting game, Axel just works and I'm also glad he's here
  • After that was Vyse. Gonna be real with you, I was not expecting us to add him this soon. Part of me even thinks maybe we should have waited some more time before adding him, but on the other hand....Vyse is my favorite SEGA character, so I think I'm willing to overlook the bizarrely early timing of his addition in favor of just being happy he's here. The decade votes were a good time, man
  • So then we added Joker. I mean, yeah, it's Joker Persona. What do you want me to say?
  • Then we added another additional rep in the form of Ichiban Kasuga. I mean, yeah, great pick, I'm down! He's already won people over with his first major appearance, he just generally seems like a fun character from what I've seen, he gives additional representation to a series that deserves it, and he helps fill the niche of the "new hotness" inclusion in this roster.
  • Then we added NiGHTS and Bayonetta. I mean yeah, they are obvious picks that make sense and it makes sense to add them. I do not have much else to say.
  • After that was Tails. I mean, yeah, of, course, it's Tails!
  • So Jacky Bryant! I'm actually a bit conflicted on Jacky cause on one hand, I think maybe I'd rather we have taken advantage of this final VF slot to explore another facet of the franchise's world instead of just going for the other Bryant, but on the other hand.....it's Jacky goddamn Bryant.
  • And with that, we reach our most recent pick: Nei. Yeah - omega based. Top-tier inclusion. Very cool design and moveset potential, iconic fan-favorite, finally adds Phantasy Star to this goddamn roster, helps distinguish this roster from the norm, overall 10/10, super happy she's in.
So my overall verdict is....yeah this is a damn good roster so far! As for where we go from now on, I'm honestly excited cause I really feel like things could get interesting from here on out. Nei kinda feels like our first properly "unconventional" choice for this roster - despite her importance to the franchise, like 97% of rosters I see go for Alis as the Phantasy Star pick. So Nei helps this roster stand out and have its own distinct flair, and I feel like now that we're halfway through, we can start getting a bit more adventurous and experimental with our picks, which genuinely excites me irt the future of this roster.

We still have some big obvious characters left to add, but I really do feel like Nei is the turning point in which we can now begin to Get Wacky. And by that I mean I think it's high time we finally add Rikiya Busujima from the hit game Zombie Revenge-
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Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Alright, the usual time has passed and the discussion period is over.

Back to the regular jobs:

Job #82: Submit a moveset for Nei

So yeah, of course we'll be doing this now! I don't really have much to say, we've done this a million times before, you know how it works, you probably have the format drilled into your head by now, so yeah, it is simply time to give Nei a moveset


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Job 82: Nei's moveset

Basic Playstyle:
Nei, much like Sonic, is a character that very much embodies speed and agility, focusing on combos and self healing. However she is both very weak starting off as the weakest character at spawn and very light. As a peace loving girl, she has trouble killing her opponents as a result, therefore it's best to play her with hit and run tactics.

However, Nei also has a gimmick: she levels up rapidly during the battle.

To do this players must attack the opponent, striking enemies multiple times, something Nei excels at. As she hits opponents more and more, she gains more experience, getting slight strength and speed buffs for each level up. To achieve a level up, players must land ten hits on the opponent.

This is inspired by Nei being the character with the fastest level up in Phantasy Star II, levelling up twice faster than her companion Rolf. As a numan, her lifecycle also is considerably faster. Nei is only one year old believe it or not.

She also has a “TP” or Technique point stat below her name, which indicates how many times she can use her neutral special, Res. Nei, like in the game starts with only 10 TP.

Nei's Basic moves:
Nei's basic moves consist of speedy slashes with her weapon, a pair of claws once belonging to the legendary musk cat hero, Myau. Her basic attack does a slash with the claws, however this can be pressed rapidly to land multiple hits in one go.

Nei's shield is Sashu, a technique in which Nei creates a barrier introduced in Phantasy Star Generation 2.

Nei's dodge consists of her leaping to the side. The words 'Miss' will appear in a little blue box above Nei's head as she does so.

Special attacks:
Neutral Special: Res (costs 3 TP per use, heals 20 HP)

Nei's abilities in Phantasy Star II consisted of support techniques, and for a while she is your parties healer, starting off with this ability. When using Res, Nei will stand still momentarily, raising her arm into the air, and heal 20 HP of her damage, just like in the game.

Nei can only use Res three times per life(showcased by the TP stat, infuriatingly you'll be left with 1 TP stat point after using it all three times), so choosing when to heal damage is important. She's also a sitting duck whilst using it, so opponents may want to attack during this period as it takes a hot second for Res to be cast.

Down Special: Rolf

Rolf, as Nei's only family member is of course here to defend her! When used, Nei's ears will droop a little and she'll raise her hands up over her face to defend herself. If an opponent attacks the adorable Numan during this time, Rolf will appear from seemingly nowhere, swinging his blade and countering the attack, sending those who wish to hurt Nei flying.

Inspired by Phantasy Star II: Text Adventures: Nei's Adventure, in which Rolf comes to Nei's rescue last minute, saving her life.

Side Special: Claw Dash
For a brief second, Nei becomes a whirlwind of destruction, launching herself forward and slashing wildly at the opponent whilst spinning. This launches her a great horizontal distance and is also useful for stage recovery.

This move is largely made up if I'm honest, but she's got the claws, might as well use them!

Up Special: Numan Pounce
Nei leaps up in a diagonal motion with her arms crossed, unleashing two powerful slashes from her claws as she opens her arms.

Inspired by this concept art image if I'm honest.

All Star Move: Nasak
Nei will raise her hand as Rolf dashes forward attempting to strike the opponent.

If it hits: Nei will cast Nasak, temporarily falling to her knees exhausted having used her life force energy to bring her allies onto the battlefield. Rolf will start with a simple sword slash, before casting Nanzan, which will deal huge huge damage to the opponents and throwing them into the air. Rudo then takes over, firing his guns upon the hapless airborne opponents. As this happens, Amy heals Nei.
Lastly, after Rudo fires his last shot, Nei appears above the enemy.
She strikes both her claws down hard into her opponents, an image of a ghostly version of Myau appearing in the background as she does so, forcing the opponents to slam painfully into the ground(and perhaps ricochet off it) before landing. Rolf, Rudo and Amy then take their leave.

If it misses: Nei will lose a large chunk of health, leaving players to need to use Res, as Amy will not be summoned to undo the lifespan sacrifice. If players are out of Res...well...Nei's life may be in trouble.

Entrance animation: Nei appears wearing her cloak from Nei's Adventures, before ripping it off and throwing it to the wind.

Idle animation: Nei poses with her claws, before looking at her hand which sparkles slightly.

Taunt 1:
Nei places her hands together happily, clapping.
Taunt 2: Nei stands in place as a dark version of her is projected above her head. It flickers out, as she looks around confused.
Taunt 3: Nei looks nervously around, her ears slightly drooping.

Victory Animations:
Victory animation 1:
Rolf appears next to Nei as they strike a pose together, back to back.
Victory animation 2: Nei appears being cradled in Rolf's arms before she opens her eyes up, and springs to her feet. Rolf wipes his brow in relief.
Victory animation 3: Nei plays with some kittens as Rolf watches over her smiling.



Palette 1: Nei and Rolf (Phantasy Star II)
Palette 2: Neifirst and...err...Rolf...first (Phantasy Star II) - Nei's other half. Rolfirst is made up of course. Just looks neat.
Palette 3: Rika and Wren (Phantasy Star IV: The end of the Millennium)
Palette 4: NM-2011 and Chaz (Phantasy Star IV Memorial Drama CD - Sealed Memories) - NM-2011 is an antagonistic clone of Nei in the drama obsessed with Chaz.
Palette 5: Karen and Ethan Wabers (Phantasy Star Universe)
Palette 6: Alis and Myau (Phantasy Star) - Nei uses Myau's weapon and Rolf is Alis' descendant.
Palette 7: Mieu and Rhys (Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom) - Whilst Mieu isn't a Numan, we want the full set of original Phantasy Star games, and Rhys is basically Rolf anyway.
Palette 8: Ana and Kai (Phantasy Star Zero)
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Nei (Phantasy Star II)


General playstyle:
Nei is an extremely agile character who excels at rushing down her opponents with quick moves that can easily form combos into each other. While her ground and airspeeds are merely above average, she can still close the distances quickly and attack before the opponent’s first reaction has a chance to succeed. With that said, Nei’s damage output isn’t great and her moves’ knockback average is even worst. She also has one of the lowest amounts of stamina in the game, making her survivability low without the aid of special moves. Nei’s walking and dashing animations are beastly close to the ground and therefore good for lowering her hurt box. She has above-average air dash and swim speeds.

Normal attacks:

Nei’s physical moves either use her long claw weapons or her blade-tipped boots.

Ground Attacks:

Neutral Attack: Nei slashes with her claws twice before opening them up in an X shape. If the attack button is held, she’ll rapidly slash in front of her before finishing with an uppercut.

Forward Tilt: Nei stabs forward with one claw.

Down Tilt: Nei slashes forward the ground in front of her.

Up Tilt: Nei claws from waist level to above her head.

Dash Attack: Nei jumps and puts her arms forward, turning around herself in a corkscrew fashion and using her claws as a drill that hits multiple times. Slow to come out but has surprisingly low ending lag.

Air Attacks:

Neutral Aerial: A flip kick that stays active for a short while.

Down Aerial: Nei turns upside down and slashes with one claw. Can’t meteor smash.

Up Aerial: Nei performs a flip kick.

Back Aerial: Nei spins around herself, clawing behind her once with each hand.

Forward Aerial: Nei swings her arms at both sides, cutting in front of her and hitting twice.

Smash Moves:

Forward Smash: A hook kick that’s followed by an overhead slash with both claws.

Down Smash: Sweeps the floor with a claw swipe in front of himself, then behind.

Up Smash: Spins inward and does a jumping uppercut with one claw.


Grab: Grabs the opponent by using her hands like claws.

Pummel: Knees them.

Forward Throw: Does a roundhouse kick.

Back Throw: Somersaults, swinging the opponent behind her and moving back.

Up Throw: Lies face-up on the ground and kicks the opponent up with both feet.

Down Throw: Jumps on the opponent by doing a handstand on their shoulders, spins around herself, and then pushes them to the ground.

Specials moves:

Neutral Special: Gigra. Nei puts her hands together and creates an energy field in front of her. The field stays active for a while and she can only create one at a time. Any enemies inside will have their weights increased, making them more susceptible to combos but harder to launch. She can’t use the same effect on one enemy more than once without a cool-down period.

Side Special: Steel Claw. Nei brandishes one claw and jumps in a low arc. If she hits an opponent, she hangs on them with a command grab and uniquely “pummel” them with her other claw. After a second, depending on the player's input, she will either jump by using them as a springboard or slash them away. The first move can act as a meteor smash at very high percents and the second one has KO potential.

Up Special: Laser Claw. Nei crouches and then dashes to any selected direction while slashing multiple times with her claws extended, dealing electric damage. Works as an approach tool to unaware opponents and can punish them from distance but has high ending lag if blocked. Great for recovery as it goes a good distance, has hitboxes all the way through, and can be angled.

Down Special: Sak. Nei closes her eyes and gestures with her hand to cast a spell, increasing her speed and damage slightly for a short time, dealing %5 damage to herself in the process. It is a crucial part of her playstyle if she needs some extra speed to go against a character with longer range and/or durability. However, it should be used with caution as it hurts Nei’s already low stamina even more. When the move's effects end, it will be indicated by the glow around Nei’s limbs fading and her speed going down for a few seconds.

All-Star Move: Megid. Nei calls upon her ally Rolf’s name as he appears in front of her. He then swings his sword by coating it with lightning, stunning any opponent in front of them after casting Megid, creating a giant, dark sphere of energy that falls on the opponents and deals great damage as Nei stands behind him and powers him up with her own technique. After Rolf is done, he waves to Nei before vanishing. This move deals some recoil damage to Nei but cannot drop her stamina below 1.


Entrance animation:
Nei teleports to the stage by using Ryuka, a teleportation technique.

Taunt 1:
Nei claps her hands together and chuckles.
Taunt 2: Nei crouches and then brandishes her claws.
Taunt 3: Nei raises her hand and casts Res, a healing technique, on herself. This is purely aesthetical.

Victory Animations:
Victory animation 1:
Nei fixes her boots and then taps her foot on the ground. She then looks at the camera and sheepishly raises her hand in triumph.
Victory animation 2: Nei somersaults and then lands on the ground with grace before performing a roundhouse kick and giving a pose.
Victory animation 3: Nei and Rolf swing their respective weapons together before posing together. Nei then distractedly starts looking around, making Rolf drop his pose, too.

Aesthetics: Nei's proportions and clothing details resemble her Phantasy Star 30th anniversary art appearance:


However, her face is more akin to her classic PSII look, with longer ears:


Her technique animations mostly look like their PSO2 counterparts. Her palette swaps reference other PSII party members, as well as other heroines in the series like Mieu, Rika, Alis, and Matoi. She's voiced by none other than Kotono Mitsuishi herself.

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC

Aight, YoshiandToad's moveset wins!!!!!!

Moving on:

Job #83: Submit a Phantasy Star stage

Yeah, Phantasy Star will be, of course, getting a stage! I'm excited for this one, there's really some cool stage potential with PS.

Not much else to say, except for one thing: I'll say what I said about both Sakura Wars and Persona, in that considering the character we've just included, it's probably best for us to focus on the classic games for now, but I won't stop you if you submit a stage from PSO or any other part of the franchise
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 83:
Algol system.

The Stage would like Wuhu Island, where the Main Platform like FD in Smash that travels through space to 3 Planets like Palma, Motavia and Dezolis.

The Palma part is actually Tropical like layout with 2 additional platforms, where there are Enemies from PSO series and classic PS series as Cameos in Background.

The Motavia Part contains 1 huge platform above the Main Platform and it has Desert layout in Background. It has Gas Field in background that acts as Stage Hazard, where sends gas to poison the Enemies.

The Last Planet as Dezolis, where the Platform becomes Slippy and loses its traction. The Background becomes in type of Glacier Mountains and the Camoes are Characters from PS in their 30th Anniversary designs.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Job #83: Noah (Phantasy Star II):


Noah is Phantasy Star II’s final dungeon. It is a space satellite located in the Algo star system and contains the Mother Brain (no relation to Metroid’s Mother Brain), a supercomputer designed to manipulate the climate of Algo.

The stage takes place in the final room where you face Mother Brain. Noah is a somewhat large, completely flat stage with three platforms a la Battlefield. The platforms will move around the stage snd occasionally spawn in and out. Mother Brain will also sometimes appear at the center of the stage. If she’s attacked, she’ll fire a large and powerful beam from her eyes and then disappear. If she’s left alone, she’ll automatically disappear after a few seconds.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Job #83: Lobby (Phantasy Star Online 2)


Lobbies are locations where your characters are greeted when playing Phantasy Star Online games and they essentially serve as a physical version of your main menu.

This stage is shaped like the main deck of a spaceship and therefore completely closed. It's a large stage with curved walls, a high ceiling, and a mostly even floor with some slopes for the stairs. The holographic screens are randomly placed around the stage and act as soft platforms that can be broken with enough damage. Aside from any established characters, the background cameos are Phantasy Star Online 2 avatars with various appearances. If the player has PSO2 save data on their console, their saved avatars can also be seen at this stage.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Job #83: Crash-Landing On Dezolis (Phantasy Star IV)


So, I was racking my brain for ideas because I really wanted Phantasy Star IV representation but none of the dungeons or temples were really speaking to me. Eventually after puzzling it out a little I thought, perhaps rather than a location one interesting thing to do would be to illustrate a scene, kinda like Northern Crater. Yes, I know, another traveling stage. Sorry. Anyway, my mind settled on a major part of the game, as the name suggests, the crash-landing on the frozen planet of Dezolis.

In Phantasy Star IV, the party takes a space shuttle which is attacked by an agent of Dark Force. The stage would start with emergency sirens blaring as the ship hurtles downwards towards the planet and everyone fights inside it. I wouldn't consider this to be much more than window dressing as the platform layout would likely be fairly simple - it isn't entirely separated from the background like Northern Crater but I'm not going to be asking you to start at an angle or anything. Anyway, after a while the ship crashlands onto the planet in front of the Gumbious Temple (and you see Raja there!), and you fight among the wreckage until you're whisked away (possibly with the PSIV party in the background) to the town of Tyler, where you're taken to the rumored burial site of a spaceship of legend. In the background, Chaz steps on a panel that opens up the secret cave that leads to where the spaceship was resting, and so the fighters and the party board the Landale and take off back into space. While in space, the new ship is attacked by agents of Dark Force, it's all very exciting, and the cycle begins anew.

All in all, I think this will be a fun way to have some PSIV characters show up and provide a fun spectacle of a stage with a lot to look at, and if the battles take place inside those locations we can use it to have a few platform layouts as well.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Phantasy Star Capsule Submittion!

- Matoi (Phantasy Star Online 2)
- System Debut: PS Vita
- Series: Phantasy Star
- First appearance: Phantasy Star Online 2 (July 4, 2012)

Description: Matoi is a Character from Phantasy Star Online 2, who was Former Member of Council of Six, which she abondoned it and She is now officially called: Guardian. Despite her Anime-like Cute look, she can fight with her staff with her Courage in PSO2. Just like Nei, she has Fighting Spirit when there's danger in PS Universe filled with colorful Planets.
Even though, she's might be the Cutest character as Capsule Toy on Phantasy Star shelf to collect.

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
The votes are in:

Algol System: 1 points
Noah: 10 points
Lobby: 8 points
Crash Landing on Dezolis: 8 points

Noah will be our Phantasy Star stage for now!!!

Moving on:

Job #84: Submit a tracklist for Noah

As usual, we will now be covering the music that comes with this stage! I don't have much to say, just remember to keep it to a maximum of 16 tracks.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Job #84: Noah Tracklist

This was a little light on the classic games for my taste but there should still be a healthy selection of music from the different parts of the series.
  1. Dark Falz (remix)
  2. Death Place (remix)
  3. Rise or Fall
  4. Organic Beat
  5. Dark Force
  6. King of Terrors
  7. 'IDOLA' The Fanatic Viper
  8. 'IDOLA' The Strange Fruits
  9. Tower of Caelum
  10. Save This World
  11. Neon Nights ~ Race through El Dorado!
  12. Big Varder
  13. The Whole New World (remix)
  14. The Whole New World - Future Phantasy
  15. Fear of God -Arranged (Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux)
  16. Infinity Route (Infinite Space)

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Job #84

I'll try my hand at a tracklist too. Worth noting that I chose to mainly pull from the classic games more or less for a similar reason to our current situation with Persona music, in that I'm making this tracklist taking into account the possibility that we add a second PS stage later on that focuses on PSO or PSU or whatever. It's not guaranteed, mind you...but I think we should.

I picked 4 tracks from each of the classic games. I think maybe I focused a bit too hard on just including The Big Tracks and could've stood to make it a bit more specifically tailored to our stage, but I did at least make an effort to include a healthy amount of music I thought fit this stage. I think this is a solid tracklist that covers the original quadrilogy's bases pretty well before we can move on to the rest of the franchise with a potential second stage.

1. Planet Palma (Phantasy Star)
2. Planet Motavia
3. Dungeon 1
4. Dark Falz Battle
5. Phantasy (Phantasy Star II)
6. Rise or Fall
7. Mystery
8. Death Place
9. Main Theme (Phantasy Star III)
10. Field Theme (1/2/3/4/5 - for the record, I envision this as a remix that slowly builds up through each version)
11. Dark Force
12. Staff Roll
13. The End of the Millennium (Phantasy Star IV)
14. Motavia Field
15. Meet the Head On
16. Laughter

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Aight, the votes have come in: my own tracklist wins!

Moving on:

Job #85: Submit a Phantasy Star assist

Yeah you knew we'd be doing this now. As usual, do please keep in mind that whatever character wins will be disconfirmed.

Also what I said last time about it probably being best to focus on the OG games doesn't really apply here since this is the only PS assist we're including, so......Go nuts. Do whatever the hell you want.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 85:
Matoi (Phantasy Star Online)

When Summoned, she could attack with her staff and she Dashes at enemies like Lyn.
Also, she could be KO'ed and Harmed.

I nominate her, because she could represent Phantasy Star Online sub-series. Although, it must be focused on Classic PS games, but I would want Represent the Assist Character with Modern Series, because BATTLE OF AGES is Celebration of Whole SEGA History.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Job #85: Alis’ Party


This is the original crew from the first Phantasy Star game. This team of adventurers consists of four members. There’s Alis, the game’s headstrong heroine who embarks on her journey to avenge her brother. Myau, a talking cat-like creature and healer of the team. Odin, a legendary soldier who joins Alis after she helps free him from being turned to stone. And there’s Lutz (called Noah in the English localization, not to be confused with the Phantasy Star II stage we just added), a powerful wizard who appears in subsequent games.

When this assist is summoned, Alis and her team will appear in front of the screen and face towards the stage, mirroring the battle menu from the original Phantasy Star games. Each member will attack each opponent with a unique move. First, Alis will cast a fire spell at her target. Then, Myau will run up and scratch an opponent with his claws. Odin will come up and slash an enemy with his axe, and the assist ends with Lutz summoning a bolt of lightning and striking one of the foes. If there’s more than one opponent, the player that each party member targets will be decided at random.


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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Job #85: Rappy


Rappy is a kind of large, avian creature present in Phantasy Star games and acts as a mascot for the series ever since their first proper introduction at The End of the Millenium. They are characterized by their cuteness and to a smaller extend, their infamous cowardice.

When summoned, Rappy will play dead and lie motionless. If any physical attack connects to it, it will jump in panic and quickly run away, knocking enemies away with surprising force. The summoner can activate this counterattack themselves with some careful timing.

Rappies have different variants and some of them can appear randomly. Distinctly, the holiday variants of them will be summoned if the system clock corresponds to certain holidays, such as Christmas Rappy:



Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
It's been a while since we shared our ideas for artwork submissions the last time, right? This is my first attempt on doing that kind of submission, anyway.

  • Name: Magical Cruise in the Splashing Breeze (had to find a way to reference all three songs)
  • Series: OutRun
  • Source: OutRun (SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis) - Cover Artwork

  • Name: Opa-Opas Having Fun (a blessing for Speed Weed Speed Weed ; though I can't come up with a more fitting name)
  • Series: Fantasy Zone
  • Source: Fantasy Zone (SEGA Master System) - Additional Artwork (found from here)

  • Name: Flight at Twin Seeds
  • Series: NiGHTS
  • Source: NiGHTS into Dreams - Promotional Artwork
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Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
And with that, the votes are in: Alis' Party will be our Phantasy Star assist! Do keep in mind that this means Alis, Myau, Odin and Lutz are all disqualified for a playable spot now.

Anyway, that's that for our intitial wave of PS content. Looking at the things we still have yet to cover......I think it's time we start talking minigames.

For the record, yes, we will indeed have a few minigames - in a similar vein to the likes of Home-Run Contest and Break the Targets and whatnot - in this project. I thought for a bit on how to handle them and I thought that ultimately the more fun route and the one that gave us more creative material to work with was to base them off of different SEGA properties. SEGA Superstars Tennis had something like this, where you had side missions that were based on stuff like Space Harrier, Puyo Puyo and Virtua Cop, but we're doing something closer to Smash's Stadium modes, though, again, still basing themselves off of SEGA stuff.

So yeah, that'll be our next job!

Job #86: Submit a minigame based on a SEGA property - round 1

So here we go! I've just said most of what I had to say, though as you can probably tell by the "round 1" in there, we'll be doing more of these jobs as time goes on, this won't be a one-and-done thing.

So yeah, as stated, just submit an idea for a minigame that's based on a SEGA thing! I'm excited to see what you people can pull out this time
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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Job #86: After Burner


Honestly, this one’s just kind of a no-brainer. After Burner is one of Sega’s most iconic arcade games and I think its fast-paced nature would lend itself incredibly well to a fun and exciting minigame.

This is an on-rails shooter minigame. Before starting the game, you’re able to equip your character with any weapon item, whether it be something projectile-based like the Periscope or a melee item like Seaman or the Lead Pipe. After that, your character is placed inside of a jet with the item of their choice. The main objective of this minigame is to hit as many oncoming enemies as possible before time runs out. You’re also gonna want to avoid getting hit by the enemies as well, because if you get hit too many times, your plane will crash and it’s game over.

EDIT: Something I literally just thought of, but I think it’d be really cool if every character got their own custom fighter jet for this mode. Tails could have one modeled after the Tornado, Joker could have a Morgana jet, Vyse could have something similar to his pirate ship, etc.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Job #86: Super Monkey Ball


The latest entry in the high-speed marble rolling series garnered quite some interest due to many reasons, with one being the guest characters from various series, including Kiryu, Beat, Morgana, Tails, and Sonic. This came to a point where a lot of fans were vocally asking for more SEGA characters to expand the crossover, which unfortunately seems unlikely to come to fruition... or is it?

Presenting Super Monkey Ball mode, a minigame where all fighters roll inside hamster balls to collect whatever fits their home series' themes. Axel collects fried chicken while Alex runs after rice balls and Bayonetta aims to get as many halos as possible. There are a number of set stages where all characters can race on for a high score, while every fighter also has a "home stage" which usually references them in one way or another: for example, Vyse's stage is Pirates Ocean.

Each fighter has their own stats which are mostly derived from their in-game stats. Dr. Eggman has a large ball size compared to Opa-Opa, who has a high jump. NİGHTS has low weight compared to quick-turning Sarah.
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