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Smashboards Creates: Battle of AGES, a SEGA platform fighter

What's the roster number gonna be?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Voting is closed!

Let's look at the results:

Magician: 9 points
Wizeman: 18 points
Lucifer: 8 points
Arahabaki: 5 points
O-Papa: 7 points
Neff: 12 points

And with that.....the newest boss to be added to this game will be Wizeman!!

And now...we move on to our next character-related job. Before that, here's The Big List of Represented IP again:

Series mainly repped by characters: Sonic, Virtua Fighter, Alex Kidd, Yakuza, Sakura Wars, Space Channel 5, Fantasy Zone, Streets of Rage, Skies of Arcadia, Persona

Series mainly repped by stages: OutRun

Series mainly repped by assists: Mushiking, Virtua Cop

Series mainly repped by bosses so far: NiGHTS

Series mainly repped by items so far: early SEGA arcade machines in general (through the Periscope item), Golden Axe, Seaman, Bayonetta, Puyo Puyo

Series mainly repped by VMU RPG mooks so far: 7th Dragon, Billy Hatcher, ChuChu Rocket, Ecco the Dolphin, House of the Dead, Phantasy Star, Shinobi, Space Harrier, Valkyria Chronicles, Doki Doki Penguin Land, Pengo, Shin Megami Tensei

Series mainly repped by music so far: Pit Pot, Teddy Boy Blues, Scud Race/SEGA Super GT, Hang-On, Power Drift, Virtua Racing

Series mainly repped by Capsule Toys so far: Rhythm Thief, Arabian Fight, SEGA Rally, Cyber Troopers Virtual-ON, After Burner, Galaxy Force, Girl's Garden, 16t, Dynamite Düx, Zaxxon, Congo Bongo, SEGA Channel, Napple Tale, The Ocean Hunter, Quartet, Love and Berry

It's fun to keep track of stuff like this.

Anyway, for our next character job....

Job #60: Submit a second character for any series that isn't Sonic or Virtua Fighter - round 1

So I think it's about time we did this!

So again, while Sonic and VF are getting their own specialized prompts, we're also adding 3 additional reps for other series on this roster, which will be decided by the usual method of character additions. These 3 jobs are going to be spaced out so that each time we have more material to work with. And we've just now reached the 10-franchise milestone for our playable roster, so I think it's time we do the first round of this.

So with Sonic and VF out, these are the series that are on the table for this job:

-Alex Kidd
-Sakura Wars
-Space Channel 5
-Fantasy Zone
-Streets of Rage
-Skies of Arcadia

However, there are a few characters that we've added as assists, and as such, they're ineligible. Some of these were definitely more major contenders than others, but I think it's worth listing them all just in case - these are the characters that have been disconfirmed and are thus off the table for this:

Alex Kidd: Janken the Great
Yakuza: Majima
Sakura Wars: Ciseaux
Space Channel 5: Pudding
Fantasy Zone: U.S.B.M.G.S. Tot (i guess?????)
Streets of Rage: Adam, Skate, Cherry
Skies of Arcadia: Fina
Persona: Rise

These characters are all out of the running.

Couple more things to keep in mind:

-Whatever character wins will be it for their series' playable representation. Once the next of these jobs comes around, that series will be off the table too

-Clones and semi-clones are allowed, but make sure to clarify that that's the case if you submit one

Alright, I think that should be everything, so let's flesh out some other series!


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
Job #60:
Bonanza Bros. (Bonanza Bros)

They could work like Ice Climbers in Smash. Their attacks could be based on their actions in their Game of the same name. Also their All-Star Move can be Getaway Blimp from the game.
Umm... I don't think they made an appearance in any of those series, so they wouldn't be counted until other fighter prompts in future, unfortunately.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
I will resubmit Yu Narukami
Job #49: Yu Narukami

Yu is the main protagonist of Persona 4, released on my birthday in 2008 not the same year though He would be good representation for not only the Persona series, but also the PS2 era as well as series not directly made by Sega. It’s not hard to imagine how he would fight given he’s already in fighting games and has a katana, I imagine he could even have a persona mechanic pretty much identical to Smash Ultimate’s joker persona mechanic only with Izanagi.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Job #60: Aigis (Persona 3)

Aigis is a major character and party member in Persona 3. She is one of the last remaining anti-shadow weapons, a series of androids designed by the Kirijo Group for the sole purpose of destroying shadows. Being a robot, Aigis starts off devoid of emotion or motivation outside of serving SEES, but over time she begins to form bonds with her comrades and finds greater meaning in her life. She’s also the main star of Persona 3 FES’ epilogue, The Answer, and continues to appear in Persona spin-offs where the P3 cast play a major role.

Since we already have our wild card representation in the form of Joker, I think we’re safe to go for some of the more unconventional grabs this time around. And I can’t think of any better non-protagonist from the series to add than Aigis. Not only would she represent a completely different game in the franchise and offer an insane amount of moveset potential, she’s also one of the rare instances of another party member being on-par with, and at times eclipsing, the protagonist in terms of prominence. She’s practically the de-facto mascot of Persona 3. Just to give you an idea of her importance, here’s some of the major roles she’s played in the franchise:
  • She’s very prominently featured in Persona 3’s main story, with a lot of major events in the climax surrounding her story arc.
  • She’s the main protagonist of The Answer, the canon epilogue to Persona 3 FES’ story.
  • She got her own Japan-exclusive mobile game titled Aigis: The First Mission, which details her origin story.
  • Alongside Mitsuru, Akihiko, and Elizabeth, she was one of the first Persona 3 characters to make a return in Persona 4 Arena. She’s especially important here due to her relation to that game’s original character, Labrys.
  • In Persona 3 Portable’s female protagonist route, Aigis and Elizabeth are the only two female characters that show romantic feelings towards the protagonist.
  • In Persona Q2, one of the dungeons is themed around Aigis and features an Aigis stand-in named Ribbon.
  • She’s in the Persona 3 Dancing logo, making her quite literally the face of that spin-off
In almost every piece of extended Persona 3 canon, Aigis has either been the main focus or one of the main focuses of the story. It’s to the point where she almost supersedes the protagonist in terms of prominence. Much like how Teddie and Morgana are the mascots of their debut game, Aigis could be considered the de-facto mascot of Persona 3. However unlike those two where I feel like the protagonists do a better job representing their home games, I think Aigis would do just as good of a job representing Persona 3 and its continuations because of how prominent she is. In a way, I’d consider her Persona’s equivalent to Nei from Phantasy Star. Not necessarily the main protagonist, but is incredibly pivotal to the story, frequently shows up in marketing, and is a clear fan-favorite. I might also be a bit biased because Aigis is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time from my favorite game of all time, but regardless she’d be a fantastic pick.

For movesets, Aigis would of course be able to summon her Persona, Athena, for attacks. She also has the important distinction of being an android, meaning her body is already equipped with an entire arsenal of weapons. She has gatling guns, cannons, finger bullets, you name it! She also has the Orgia Mode gimmick, whick could make for a fun high risk high reward mechanic. If you need any more help seeing how Aigis would function, she was in Persona 4 Arena and I figure a lot of her moveset could be pulled from that, along with a few skills from Persona 3 proper.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Gemini Sunrise

Gemini is the protagonist of Sakura Wars V and a fan favorite character.

Gemini is a Cheerful Cowboy with a dual personality and she is an Expert with a Katana and a Gun

Gemini would be a good choice for a second Sakura Wars rep as her Gun and Katana abilities combined with her mech would be unique and fun.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Job #60: Ichiban Kasuga (Yakuza)

Ichiban Kasuga
is the latest protagonist of the Yakuza series, making his debut as protagonist in Yakuza 7, released over here as Yakuza: Like A Dragon. He's notable for being a huge JRPG fan, particularly Dragon Quest, and his game is a turn-based RPG as a result, with a heavy focus on party members, buffs, debuffs, and more, while still maintaining the hard-hitting joy of a Yakuza game.

I'll be honest, I absolutely love this man. He's very quickly become one of my favorite gaming protagonists, and that's just through the development he receives in his one game. He's fun-loving, optimistic, hard-headed, and brash, with an unbreakable spirit and a never-ending desire to do good - or become a Hero "just like in Dragon Quest".

I actually run a Smash Bros. support thread for him, and forgive me for reposting my moveset I made for him in this post. If you like what you see, check out the thread, though be warned it does have spoilers (that I have tagged and sorted appropriately).

As mentioned, the idea is that he has an MP meter that is deplenished with his specials while his bat normals recharge his MP. The fun part of Ichiban's main weapon being the barbed-wire bat is that we get to have a bit of Majima in him as well while very clearly differentiating him from anything Kiryu does.

For the record, I'm so happy that Gemini Sunrise and Aigis are already pitched. Both are super deserving - this is going to be an extremely hard round.
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Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
Job #61: Non-Sonic/VF Veteran Series Newcomer - Aika (Skies of Arcadia)


Skies of Arcadia, as we all know, is one of Dreamcast's most known cult classics and a RPG game released in 2000, which focuses on Vyse and his friends as the gang of sky pirates called the Blue Rogues, who attempt to stop the Valuan Empire from reviving ancient weapons with the potential to destroy the world.

In fact, we're talking about Vyse's cheerful and spunky close friend, Aika, who is the game's deuteragonist and was orphaned at an early age when her parents were killed, having been saved and taken care for as a foster daughter by Vyse's father, Dyne. While Aika has a bit of a fiery temper, an obsession for obtaining treasure, the inability to swim and a fear of ghosts, she has a strong and energetic personality, and is deeply loyal to those around her, absolutely trusting in Vyse and thinks highly of him after he had rescued her twice during childhood.

Considering that Vyse and Fina appear in Battle of AGES as a playable character and an assist respectively, I don't see why we wouldn't include a third member of the protagonist trio. All three also appeared together in the Valkyria Chronicles series via the first installment (Vyse and Aika's debut), 2011's Japan-only exclusive Valkyria Chronicles 3 (for Fina) and the anime series.

For her playstyle and moveset possibilities, Aika is quite nimble, able to move quickly despite her light weight and mainly wields the over-sized boomerang as her main weapon by swinging and throwing them at enemies (a reminder that she was created a decade and years before Sticks the Badger), which kind of weapon moveset archetype was not done before in Smash-like games (those special moves like Link's were only secondary weapons). She can also use various elemental magic such as Pyri (fiery explosion), Electrum (lightning bolt), Electrulen (a sphere of electricity that allows her to launch herself like a bullet in any chosen direction), etc. and abilities like:
  • Alpha Storm - Aika spins her boomerang in-front of herself, summoning a vortex of flames forward that deals multi-hitting damage before launching an enemy.
  • Delta Shield - Aika channels her energy, forming an anti-magic shield around herself and her allies for a short period of time. The shield can block and direct all magical attacks back at enemies.
  • Lambda Burst - After charging, Aika tosses four small yellow energy-infused boomerangs forward that deal more damage than the normal boomerang. When they hit the ground, a geyser of flames will emerge from the ground and deal big damage, launching enemies upwards.
  • Epsilon Mirror - Aika creates a mirror-like aura that temporarily renders herself invulnerable for a short period of time. The aura can reflect projectiles that hits her body towards enemies, though in the original game, she's unable to act while using this ability.
  • Omega Psyclone - Aika's most powerful Super Move, which involves her using the powers of the Red Moon to make her boomerang glow in yellow energy, before tossing it upwards as it becomes sort of a star and then jumps, rolling in the air after grabbing it. She then tosses 6 copies of her boomerang to make a hexagon on the ground after rolling, making the ground break and summon lava from it as boomerangs return to Aika, before she finishes by throwing a star at enemies, blowing up the lava platform they're standing in.
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Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Job #60:
Bonanza Bros. (Bonanza Bros)

They could work like Ice Climbers in Smash. Their attacks could be based on their actions in their Game of the same name. Also their All-Star Move can be Getaway Blimp from the game.
Tony already mentioned this, but uh, yeah, the Bonanza Bros. aren't eligible for this job.

This job is for us to add a second character for one of the series we currently have in our roster, with the exception of Sonic and VF
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Then job #61:
Kasumi Yoshizawa "Violet" (Persona)

Since the Addition of Persona 5 Royal would be represented in Battle of Ages, why can't we make semi-echo fighter of Joker with similar moveset (like instead of gun, she will have Rifle). She definitely can be in Sega Smash Clone as first Clone of Fighter (Joker).
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Job #61: Sakura Amamiya (Sakura Wars)


Sakura Amamiya is the center heroine and of Sakura Wars (2019). She is a new member of the Imperial Combat Revue's Flower Division and follows the footsteps of her predessecor Sakura Shinguji whom she idolizes after being saved by her as a kid. Through the course of the game, she learns to set her own path, being much more into acting as a profession from the start.

As her moveset, she can be a semi-clone of the other Sakura, sharing most of her moves and stats but having some variations to reflect the gameplay differences between their origins. Some of those changes can be;
  • Her forward smash is a standing slash that sends an air blade projectile forward at full charge.
  • Her neutral special is faster but weaker.
  • Her side special is faster but lacks the armor and fire effect.
  • Her up special lacks a second hit and has a lower base knockback.
  • Completely different All-Star Move where she equips Mugen-Class Spiricle Striker mecha and performs Divine Sword: Cherry Blossom Blizzard to send a full-screen horizontal shockwave projectile.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
As much as I want to nominate more Alex Kidd characters, be it Alex's female player 2 in Stella, Alex's brother Egle(who even starred in his own game Pit Pot) or the multiarmed lion looking son of Janken the Great, ruler of Planet Paper-Rock and Servant of King Thunder, Alex's father?, Ashra, I feel like this character takes precedence for me:

Job #61:

Alongside Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding has been playable in every iteration of Streets of Rage, and is arguably as much of a face of the series as he himself is.

Combat wise Blaze is a skilled Judo practioner having some of the most damaging throws and suplex in her home games and being able to lift and throw men much larger and heavier than herself.
She also utilises her speed for devastating aerial kicks and acrobatics and is capable of tapping into her spiritual energy to launch some energy based attacks.

We also have four games worth of special moves to pull from with her so there's not a lack of options.

Adding Blaze will pretty much finish off the Streets of Rage character representation as between Axel, herself and Adam as an assist(with his summons of Skate and Cherry being the...err...cherry on top) that covers a decent chunk of the most famous faces in the series.

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
So, character-related jobs usually last longer, but we already have a good amount of submissions, the Big Contenders have already been submitted and most of the thread regulars have already posted, so I'm pretty comfortable with starting voting up this early. Which, yeah, now that I mention it - voting has begun!

Here are our candidates:

Yu Narukami ( Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule )
Aigis ( OrpheusTelos OrpheusTelos )
Gemini Sunrise ( cashregister9 cashregister9 )
Ichiban Kasuga ( Flyboy Flyboy )
Aika ( tonygameman tonygameman )
Kasumi Yoshizawa/Violet ( Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds )
Sakura Amamiya ( osby osby )
Blaze Fielding ( YoshiandToad YoshiandToad )

Vote for your top 3 picks - your own submission can only be put in third place.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
1. Yu Narukami
2. Aigis
3. Ichiban Kasuga


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
1. Ichiban (More Yakuza is always a good thing, plus Ichiban seems really fun)
2. Gemini Sunrise (yee haw)
3. Aigis (Shameless self-vote)


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
1. Aigis (To me there's literally no better second Persona rep)
2. Gemini Sunrise (Ditto but for Sakura Wars)
3. Ichiban (Of course)
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Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Alright: voting has finally come to a close. Let's look at the results:

Yu: 12 points
Aigis: 8 points
Gemini: 7 points
Ichiban: 18 points
Aika: 6 points
Kasumi: 3 points
Sakura: 0 points
Blaze: 12 points

And as you can tell...the winner of this vote and the next character to join Battle of AGES is the man himself, Ichiban Kasuga!!!!

And with that, the Yakuza franchise manages to snag a second character! Do keep in mind that this means Yakuza will be off the table as well once the next of these jobs comes out. Also, Joker beat Kiryu as the newest character in our roster, but now Ichiban himself has usurped that title, and frankly I just think that's great.

Alright, enough blabbing, here's our next job:

Job #61: Submit a moveset for Ichiban

Of course, since we just added a new character, it's now time to cover their moveset. Make sure to remember the Usual Things To Cover:

-a general playstyle overview
-notable regular attacks
-their specials and All-Star Move
-misc. info, like taunts and palette swaps and such

So that should be everything!


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Job #61: Ichiban moveset

Well, whaddya know, I just so happen to have a moveset right here...

Playstyle overview & gimmicks: When putting together Ichi's concept I wanted to focus on two things that make him him, which are his friends and party members, and his hot-headed nature. Appropriately his moveset should have him teaming up with his friends as well as focus heavily on strong pressure and throwing your all into potentially very risky attacks.

Ichiban has an MP meter that is depleted when he uses his specials but is increased when he uses his normals. His normals are all strong moves using his bat, which is his primary method of offense. On top of that, his other big gimmick is his down-special, which allows him to burn a large chunk of MP to cast a buff on himself, a buff that changes all of his specials so they involve his main party members. I'll repost the handy infographic I made!

The idea behind Ichiban's moveset is the utilization of pressure and strategy that is key to every Yakuza game, but it also incorporates extremely unique things for Ichi himself as he is from a party-based RPG. With the help of his friends and smart MP balance, Ichi can trap the opponent and unleash devastating blows.

Normals: As mentioned, his normals are all bat moves, but his throws are all based upon his moves as seen in his Freelancer class. He knows wrestling moves, so expect to see him bust out a suplex and toss a guy to the ground in between bat pummels. All of his normals are chargeable, leading to some potentially devastating bat attacks that have a high MP reward but slow startup, so they can be risky.

Alts: So alongside his usual outfit, I think it'd be cool to base the rest on looks he gets when performing various Jobs in the games as well as a few from various story-related points. In order, these outfits are:

Main: Hero - His in-battle outfit when fighting as a Hero class.
P2: Freelancer/Year 2000 - Ichiban's look at the start of the game.
P3: Bodyguard class
P4: Host class
P5: Breaker class
P6: Janitor, a story-related costume
P7: Chef class
P8: Devil Rocker, an outfit he wears during a karaoke song that was later turned into a class of its own. This one I included because it's funny.

The majority of the outfits I included because they're classes I used in-game or because they're fun to be honest and the order outside of the first two isn't set in stone.


Taunts: There are a few that he can tap into, ranging from a simple point with the bat to something sillier such as a crowd of students throwing him in the air. However, there's one we absolutely need - the Can Quest Fistpump.

All Star Move: As detailed above, it has to be the Essence of Mayhem, a tag team move! I would have it with his main party members - Adachi, Nanba, and Saeko, as shown in this video.

Anyway, that's my boy! I hope you like this moveset.
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Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Alright, I think enough time has gone on now: Flyboy's moveset wins by default!

Now onto our next job:

Job #62: Submit a mode for the solo/Games and More section

Yeahhhhh our next few jobs that don't directly relate to whichever new character we add are gonna be pretty big ones. Starting with the addition of a brand new mode!!!!

So it can be a bit complicated to explain what exactly I'm aiming for here, so I'm going with the "show, don't tell" approach and pointing you to the modes we have in this category so far:
Solo/Games and More
-Arcade Mode (the "route" showcased in the linked post is only an example)
-All-Star Mode
-Training Mode
-Boss Battles
So I think this could give you a better feel for what exactly we're going for here. If you still need an additional frame of reference, then I'd recommend looking at the modes Smash has included on its own "solo/Games and More" sections through the years.

Ultimately, it has to be a mode that's solo-focused. There can be multiplayer as an option, but it has to at least have a focus on the single-player experience.

Oh and also please don't just submit a story mode, we're not really doing that - at least for now
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Job #62: Mission Mode

Similar to Event Matches/Spirit Battles in Smash games and taking inspiration from the score attack mode from many SEGA games, this mode puts players into certain scenarios with special conditions and objectives where they need to complete their goal in a way that earns them the highest score rating. Some of these missions can be completed through any character while most of them require you to achieve your way to S ranking with specific characters. There are also co-op missions, a mission editor selection where players can decide the objectives and rules themselves. The option to share your rankings and missions through your online connection also exists.

Some of these missions may include the following:
  1. Eggmanland Grand Opening: As Dr. Eggman, try to protect Opa-Opa from two Jokers until he spends a certain amount of money with his Item Shop special. The fight takes place in Amusement Park with Casino Night Pinball as BGM.
  2. A Study in Pink: As Sakura, try to beat Sonic, Axel, Sarah, and Vyse, while using your All-Star Move at least once. The fight takes place in the Tabas stage of the Fantasy Zone with Battle of the Bands as BGM.
  3. Doppelganger Showdown: Co-op mission. As Ulala and Axel, beat another Ulala and Axel in their Evila and Break alts. Each fighter has to KO their counterpart under a time limit. The fight takes place in the Millennium Tower with Blooming Villain as BGM.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job #62:
Story Mode (The Journey of AGES)

It's like similar to World of Light, Subspace Emmisary and Melee's Adventure Mode, where you fight enemies on platforming level while traversing through it or Fight with others to free them like in WoL.
It has also inspirations from Smash Run, where you see enemies from Sega Games like Motobug or Ida. There are bosses like Wizeman, Duran and Perfect Chaos.
The Final Boss, which is a Villain. It is Sega Man (He is similar to Tabuu, Hands and Polygon Man), who corrupted innocent fighters in his world, where you start your Journey as Sonic.

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Job #62:
Story Mode (The Journey of AGES)

It's like similar to World of Light, Subspace Emmisary and Melee's Adventure Mode, where you fight enemies on platforming level while traversing through it or Fight with others to free them like in WoL.
It has also inspirations from Smash Run, where you see enemies from Sega Games like Motobug or Ida. There are bosses like Wizeman, Duran and Perfect Chaos.
The Final Boss, which is a Villain. It is Sega Man (He is similar to Tabuu, Hands and Polygon Man), who corrupted innocent fighters in his world, where you start your Journey as Sonic.
I specifically told people not to submit a story mode
Oh and also please don't just submit a story mode, we're not really doing that - at least for now


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I unfortunately haven't got anything for this, but I'm throwing in another Capsule Toy:
  • Taupy Toplan
    • Series: Sands of Destruction
    • First Appearance: Sands of Destruction ( 25th September 2008 )
    • System Debut: Nintendo DS
Taupy(sometimes referred to as Toppy or Toppi) is a 'Feral', the dominant noble class in Sands of Destruction, where humans are treated as second class citizens or slaves.
Whilst Taupy harbours no ill-will towards humans, it is rare for Ferals to share this viewpoint. Taupy himself desires to become a hero in his own mind, even willing to join up with a group known as the 'World Destruction Committee' in order to achieve this goal.

Fun fact: Taupy's popularity in Japan had him appear as a Mag in Phantasy Star Zero
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
My commission for Capsule Toy:
- Animal Heads (Monkey, Panda, Bunny, Dog, Wolf and Lion) (Baku Baku Animal)
- Series: Baku Baku Animal
- First Appearance: Baku Baku Animal (1995)
- System Debut: Arcade
Those Animals appear when you line up their Favorite Foodsies in Horizontal line, they jump from Background of Pillar and they Chomp their food. The species of animals are: Monkey, Panda, Bunny, Dog, Wolf and Lion. Monkey eats Monkey Foodsies, Panda eats Panda and Bamboo foodsies, Bunny eats Bunny Foodsies and etc. While they eat, random blocks will fall from top of column. Their game was ported to PC and Game Gear.

Fun Fact: The Capsule Toy represents Sega PC games itself.
(I suck at making Orange Links directing to Websites and I suck at making Capsule Toys)
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Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Alright, so this job didn't work out quite as well as I'd hoped - Mission Mode wins by default and will be our next mode!

Thinking about it, missions could be another thing for us to work on once the base roster is done and over with.

Now let's take another break for a sec:

Discussion Period #3: What genre would you say has the most material for its own character job?

Yeah so I did say discussion periods didn't just have to be for influencing the project but...this one is.

For the record, genre-themed character jobs are something I'm Planning On Doing Eventually (TM), but I also want to make sure character-themed jobs have a wide enough pool of characters to pull from. So how do I figure that out! Well of course, I turn to the people.

So yeah, this is just to talk about what we could potentially do, or what would be the best course of action! Not much else, really.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
My Character job would have Action Genre rep for Battle of AGES.
Imagine having Action game Rep in SEGA Smash, it would be OP for Fight Game. The moveset with Action Games elements would be very unique.

Example would be Bonanza Bros, who would be like Ice Climbers of this Game. Having moveset from their Actions of the Game.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I may be biased but I think there is a lot of potential in RPG characters, given how character-focused the genre is and how many of them SEGA published over the years.

We already have Ichiban, Joker, and Vyse but I wouldn't be opposed if we branch out to some of SEGA's better-known RPG series like Shining Force/Phantasy Star and maybe add a few more unconventional picks like Resonance of Fate, Beyond Oasis, Panzer Dragoon Saga or 7th Dragon.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I'm personally all about the Platformer.

I know, I know. Basic, right? Whilst running and jumping are incredibly basic aspects, especially since...well everyone sort of has to be able to do that in a platform fighter to function, I'd find it difficult to agree that even Alex Kidd and Sonic the Hedgehog are identical titles outside the basic run and jump action.

The simple platformer to me is quite interesting, because it's surprisingly versatile.
Much like RPGs, there's a whole heap of sub-genres for platformers. You have your 'Metroidvania' affairs such as Tails Adventure, 'Run & Guns' like Gunstar Heroes tend to be classified as a subgenre, 'puzzle-platformer hybrids' such as Doki Doki Penguin Land and some even mix in RPG elements like the majority of the Wonder Boy series.
Whilst not quite the most obvious thing that comes to mind, since a platformer genre is described as navigating platforms to get to an end goal, a case can also be made for Super Monkey Ball being a Platformer.
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