Here's a little conversation between me and Susa. Read it if you like.
"Oh, just throwing this out there. All drugs should be legal period. Nobody should be able to tell me what I can and cannot do to my body. As long as I don't harm others, I should be allowed to pursue my individual happiness."
Except many of those drugs influence your brain in a way that you may not even know you are hurting others.
I'm against Hallucinogens, and I know drugs like Cocaine tend to raise your level of violence. Haven't actually looked much into the effects of cocaine.
Hallucinogens like shrooms and cid are great, and have changed my life in positive ways.
But man, people are going to get their **** whether it's legal or not. I would love to converse about this more openly on the discussion topic if you don't mind; however if you don't feel comfortable I will continue here I suppose.
I can't post in that topic, I'm a debater. :x
They may have influence your life in positive ways. I know people who have been killed because of them. I wouldn't consider that positive.
Also people react differently, and maybe people can have serious side-effects from taking drugs. (IIRC, Cocaine has a much larger risk of cardiac arrest)
Yes, people are going to get it whether or not it is legal. But should that mean that we make it legal? No. Hell no. Think of it like this:
"Child predators are going to molest children whether or not it is legal. So we should just legalize it."
While not 100% true, neither is people getting their drugs whether legal or not. (Although that holds true for a large portion of people)
I don't get it. You're a debater and you can't debate in the topics?
You don't know anybody who has been killed by mushrooms or acid, I guarantee you...unless there was poisons of some kind secretly added in, which can happen in the "black market". But think about this, if drugs were legalized, everything would be government regulated and people wouldn't have to deal with the "black market" altogether. Everything would be 100% legitimate, and the government would be held accountable to the contrary.
Quite true, people react differently to substances. I have allergic reactions to a lot of anti-biotics, for example. I don't use the ones that my body reacts negatively to, it's common sense. I'm not sure what point your getting at there. About your cocaine having bad side effects statement: I can overdose and kill myself on an over the counter medicine that I can obtain legally from a pharmacist with a degree, some of which are extremely addictive. I'd say dying is a pretty bad side effect, no? I know, lets make sleeping pills illegal, and Aspirin while we're at it.
Comparing child molesters to drug users is laughable, to be honest. Child molester's attack a victim, drug user's do not attack anybody (you can argue they attack themselves health-wise if you like, but so does a fat *** at McDonalds) Child molesters inflict negativity and harm upon their victim, the drug user once again has no victim, only his/herself. The constitution claims a right for individuals to pursue happiness, so if they can justify self-inflicted "harm" with happiness, they shouldn't be in the wrong at all.
I can't debate in the proving grounds.... only a select few can.
I guarantee you, I have. They did not die due to what the drug did to their body, but because of what it did to their mind. They weren't all there due to the effects of the drug.
My point is you never know until you do it. Some people have "bad highs". My cousin had one such that he had to have myself, and 3 of his friends hold him down because he wanted to kill himself. Also not to mention the crashes when coming off the drug (such as heroine, I happen to know an ex-addict. My best friends aunt, who is currently living with him and his family so they can keep watch over her for a while).
Drugs are far more addictive then over the counter medicines. They also have a far larger amount of people affected negatively then legal drugs. Also again, tell me what cocaine or PCP treats? I know sleeping pills help with insomnia which is a real, and terrible condition. (I should know, I am an insomniac. But I also don't take pills for it, because I don't take pills for anything unless I'd day if I didn't)
Also you can die from everything. You can die in your sleep, you can die from a heart attack, you can die because someone ran a red light, you can die because you were at the wrong place, at the wrong time. You can die because you slipped and fell and hit your head the wrong way. The government can't honestly make everything that can kill you illegal. You'd literally have to not exist. Staying inside your house can kill you, and leaving only increases those chances.
Ok, different comparison this time. I would personally love to not go to school, I see little purpose in it. (I can learn anything I can learn in school, online) however if I don't show up. I'm breaking the law. Is it better for my happiness? Yes. Is it better for society as a whole? Arguably not. Although it is beneficial in some ways.
Also drug users do affect those around them, thinking that they do not means you live in a perfect world. Again, drugs such as cocaine increase aggressive behaviors.
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But if you truly understood why it says such, it is because the government could not promise property. It was a slightly changed point of view from John Locke's own "Life, liberty, and property". Considering we cannot promise land to everyone, we can promise them the pursuit of such land.
It depends how you infer the statement "pursuit of happiness", as there are several arguable and "correct" ways to view it.
You're friends dying of drug aren't being specific and I understand if you don't feel comfortable telling me, but I can't help but suspect you saying that to strengthen your argument, not because it's true. Unless you can specifically explain to me what happened, I'm going to assume lack of knowledge on your part.
The incident with your cousin, same thing, you are being very vague.
Drugs are more addictive than otc medicines? That's an extremely vague, general, and only partially true statement at best. Marijuana, for example, isn't physically addictive what-so-ever, which is something I can't say about Codeine, for example. People end up in rehab for things like that, there are very addictive otc's.
Here's a story for you, I was diagnosed with ADD when I was younger, and I received Adderall, which is more or less SPEED (something I'd be ****ed for possessing on the street). I had a legitimate connection to speed, so to speak, and I began abusing. If you don't know, speed can be quite addictive. I stayed up for 4 days straight, and on the fourth day I crashed my car and totaled it. And this is something my DOCTOR was giving me LEGALLY.
The "you can die from everything" thing... I think if you were to apply that to what we are talking about, it would actually help my cause more than yours, although it relates very little to our argument. Did you know more people die from toaster ovens every year than weed? You can't stop stupid people from making stupid decisions.
The going to school comparison is just wack because you CAN learn from home, legally, even if it were a valid comparison to begin with.
"Also drug users do affect those around them, thinking that they do not means you live in a perfect world. Again, drugs such as cocaine increase aggressive behaviors."
The people of whom the user is affecting can always choose to dissociate with the user if they want. That's their choice, just like it's the user's choice to use.
And your "life liberty" rant is completely void of anything resembling an argument. You didn't really say anything at all here.
Then assume lack of knowledge, I dislike speaking about it. However cases of such incidents are not hard to research.
I'm not against Marijuana, I'm actually for the legalization of it.
That is only supporting my view of "don't legalize it". Also I'm against medicines for ADD because I honestly don't see it as a life ruining disorder. You don't see (AFAIK) anyone taking pills for OCD. If you did such a thing on a legal drug. What makes you think an illegal drug wouldn't do the same? And what would have happened if you crashed the car and killed someone in the process?
(That being said, I don't know why alcohol is legal as a drink...)
People don't die from weed, they die from the decisions they make while under the influence. (Try to overdose on weed and you'll lose the ability to even light up before you did). If you can argue strongly that drugs do not influence decisions, then yes my argument helped you.
You can, but not while enrolled, and currently (from what I researched) you are far more limited in further choices in life by doing so.
And if you care for said user? Self-inflicting harm may be bad for you, but it also affects those who care for you. I don't feel enough people realize this.
The rant was showing that "pursuit of happiness" may not be taken as quite literally as you think it is.
That's fine, I won't push you to talk about something you don't want to (even though you kinda already did).
"What makes you think an illegal drug wouldn't do the same? And what would have happened if you crashed the car and killed someone in the process?"
That is just it though, I am trying to show you legal drugs are just as bad as illegal drugs, only safer to obtain. Judging whether a substance is good or bad based on it's legality is dumb, that was the point I was trying to get across.
Lol, about your weed statement. I have smoke a ****load of herb in my lifetime, and I can get some of the best strains in existence. It's physically impossible to overdose on weed, as you would have to smoke your body weight's worth in an absurdly short amount of time. People have never died from weed, or the decisions they made while on it. People die from the decisions they make while mixing weed with other substances, but never weed alone.
If you were to legalize all drugs, then you just treat it like alcohol. Possessing the drugs shouldn't be illegal, but making bad decisions while under the influence should be, just like how alcohol works. IE: drinking and driving, drinking in public, are both against the law. People who are able to enjoy something in the comfort of his/her own home in a setting satisfactory to keeping the user and others out of harm, should be able to. And the people who cannot do things responsibly should be viewed upon as criminals, just like with alcohol.
Yes, but even then the risks are generally on a smaller proportion of society. Generally those who get addicted to something simply have an addictive personality. It's not specifically anything in the drug (such as Nicotine in cigarettes) that causes the addiction.
I hope you realized that is exactly what I said.... It is physically impossible to overdose on weed. Also that last statement is extremely difficult to argue for either side.
I'm actually against alcohol being legal.
I am going to post this conversation on the topic thread, and by the way I am against alcohol being legal more-so than almost any other drug in existence, so I'm with you on that one dude. It's a double standard in my opinion.