Omnicron's Baklava Enterprises
Smash Hero
It is impossible to continuously smoke anything and not end up with some sort of lung or other problems. Smoking marijuana is not going to increase your intelligence level.Yes I know our conversation was a little off topic, but I posted it because I hoped it would spark some conversation, or at least controversy.
Omnicron: I'm really glad that you asked about my experiences with psychedelics. Every time I take mushrooms, after my peak towards the end of my trip, I get out a pen and paper. I begin to heavily reflect upon myself and my thoughts, and I begin to write down whatever spontaneously feels important enough to write, or sometimes my mind is perplexing over a certain topic, and basically I express my mind on to the paper. While on mushrooms, my mind becomes very analytical. I also seem to gain a lot of depth as far as perspective goes. Anyway, I write down my thoughts in case I cannot remember them later, and so far this has benefited me. It has helped me discover myself in a whole new way, and above all it has taught me great philosophical wisdom. I still have the original paper that I used the first time I tripped on shrooms, and some of the more outstanding things on it are :
"Gain perspective" - This was important for me as I finally realized how narrow minded I used to be (and probably still am). I wake up everyday and look at that phrase and I always keep it in mind. It has become an essential part of my thought process now.
"Comfort In Repetition" - I had no idea that I behaved this way. But after taking mushrooms, it became very clear that I am a creature of habit. I still am hehe but I am working on breaking down this mental wall I developed.
I just wanted to share those two things in particular, as a lot of the other things I wrote down are very personal to me.
These things aside, after I had taken mushrooms, I had felt "mentally cleansed". I can't describe this to you very well, and I'm not sure what I have been cleansed of exactly. But I definitely felt that I was a better person after having taken mushrooms, and to this day that feeling persists.
When I said mushrooms have affected me in positive ways, I didn't mean the hallucinations. The hallucinations were amazing and I enjoyed my experiences thoroughly, but there is greater good in all of it.
By the way I only take mushrooms a few times per year at most, one eighth each time. The "spirit world" is a place (or perhaps state of mind) that should be reserved for a few select occasions, as I feel moderation is key for getting the most out of your trip.
Yeah some people don't handle certain substances very well. I know people who freak out and get overly paranoid to the point of an anxiety attack while on THC. I on the other hand, I love my THC and treat it like vitamins haha.
I'm also willing to bet there's people out there who wouldn't do well with shrooms. If they have a weak stomach for example, they are most likely going to vomit and end their trip early. I even bet there's a group of people who would suffer bad allergic reactions if they were to ingest mushrooms. People can be allergic to **** near anything.
Moving on...I never actually said that drug user only affects himself, and if I did somewhere I apologize because that isn't always true. But my point about this issue is this : if you know a drug user and his/her drug use is somehow affecting your life in a negative way, feel free to disassociate with that individual, as that is a choice you are perfectly capable of making, JUST like the user chooses to use. If this person is close to you and you feel you want to help them, that is also your choice. Also, please note that I believe if any drug user abuses his/her substance(s) of choice to the point where other people's lives are danger, then that should be a crime. Not just a crime, but a crime with a severe penalty. Certain people's dumb actions shouldn't ruin it for the rest of the population, and by making strict laws it will be easy to punish those deserving it.
By doing drugs, I am not limiting my options at all. I happen to personally know very successful people and also people with extreme potential for success, some of the smartest people you'll ever meet who smoke weed and partake in other illegal activities. Some of them, like my dad fore example, I happen to look up to and have massive amounts of respect for.
And for the record, smoking CIGARETTES causes lung problems, but as far as marijuana is concerned, there has never been any serious studies that concluded it causes cancer.
In fact, new studies are revealing that marijuana is actually anti-cancerous, and can even reduce tumor size.
Oh, and I hope you don't believe smoking weed kills brain cells because it most certainly doesn't.
Get this, marijuana has actually been found to promote new brain cell growth!
You can find many, many more sources to confirm what I am saying here if you'd like.
And lastly, yes some people have "addictive personalities". This is not the result of drug use, but in fact vise-versa: their drug use is the result of their personality or perhaps other mental/psychological problems. People who possess this type of personality are going to vent and express their personality one way or another, be it drugs or something else. The solution is not to hide drugs from them (believe me, they will find what they want one way or another, and it would be better to just avoid the black market), but to seek mental guidance or some kind of therapy perhaps. I am not a psychologist, so I can't help much in that area, but there are probably people who can.
Way, way, way off topic, but not completely ; why am I being told my avatar can't have drug references in it?
We can converse about drugs, but we can't see pictures of them? Smash players post videos with music that some people would consider "obscene". They obtain curses, sexual references in the lyrics, etc. So what's the problem with me?
Also, about the whole 'driving while smoking marijuana' subject, yes it would be a little less dangerous than alcohol, but it would still be endangering to others. If you are influenced by drugs, and in the 'high' state, you will not be in full control of your actions and thus dangerous while driving.
If you keep smoking marijuana and taking these drugs, you may not advance in life; make the choice now by starting a job or something. Do you have one anyway?