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Le Lazy Lurking Link's Listen/Laugh Lounge ♪~ (^ 。^=)


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2013
Rives Junction, MI
I think that Link was seriously misrepresented in this 'Grudge Match' vs Sora:
Yeah that was kind of disappointing. ScrewAttack!'s death battle between Link and Cloud was really good, though. Even had a fun fight scene at the end. Many legit points made in that one!

Where do you even live that you're able to get such majestic shots all the time? Or do you have to drive to the nowheres and continue on foot?


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Yeah that was kind of disappointing. ScrewAttack!'s death battle between Link and Cloud was really good, though. Even had a fun fight scene at the end. Many legit points made in that one!

Where do you even live that you're able to get such majestic shots all the time? Or do you have to drive to the nowheres and continue on foot?
EZ link for death battle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o2SV6ynJYQ
Yeah they did a better job. I got the impression that the Sora vs Link Grudge match was made by a Kingdom Hearts fanboy who never beat a Zelda game. To be fair I never beat a KH game but he really didn't know what he was talking about with Link. My main objection was Sora got his abilities from every KH game but Link didn't even get all his abilities from one Zelda game. I could pick out a lot of stuff but it's not important.

Colorado's a beautiful state. There's open space and national parks like Rocky Mountain National Park, Roosevelt National Forest and many more. I frequently hike around and also like to go on scenic drives with people.


Heero Yuy

Jan 27, 2013
In your closet
Sorry Naroghin and Rizen but as much awesome as Link is (not even Chuck Norris can come close to him), he's not beating Cloud. Haven't played FFVII yet (it's lying in my Steam and is waiting for me to play it) but I've seen Advent Children and he's just too agile for Link to handle. Plus his magic is just so much stronger thanks to the materia and stuff.

Oh yeah, thanks for the new desktop picture! Really liking these photos you take.
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Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2013
Rives Junction, MI
Roc's feather, dash boots, Hylian shield, power bracelet/gauntlets, generations upon generations of varied battle experience and strategy... It's certainly a close fight but Link still comes out on top. No amount of agility or strength, especially when applied to blind rage, overcomes experience and intelligence when coupled with indestructible artifacts. Pretty much every single boss battle in the LoZ series shows us this.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
...You also have to keep in mind that Advent Children was a movie with the entire premise being Square Enix saying "hey, look what we can do with CG :awesome:". In the game Cloud fought in a party of 3.

I made this:

TBH, I like the pencil sketch better. I tried to make the colors fit MH3U but it looks too pastely.
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Heero Yuy

Jan 27, 2013
In your closet
Roc's feather, dash boots, Hylian shield, power bracelet/gauntlets, generations upon generations of varied battle experience and strategy... It's certainly a close fight but Link still comes out on top. No amount of agility or strength, especially when applied to blind rage, overcomes experience and intelligence when coupled with indestructible artifacts. Pretty much every single boss battle in the LoZ series shows us this.
I'll give you that...if we were combining every single Link possible into one person which is what the video did. Cloud could probably defeat every Link if he faced them one-by-one, though.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I'll give you that...if we were combining every single Link possible into one person which is what the video did. Cloud could probably defeat every Link if he faced them one-by-one, though.
The death battle Link didn't have anything Link didn't have in ALttP or the iirc.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2013
Rives Junction, MI
The death battle Link didn't have anything Link didn't have in ALttP or the iirc.
I think he was specifically addressing my comment regarding "multigenerational battle experience," which I think would still stand for each individual Link if one adheres to the theory that each Link is just a host for the divine will of "The Hero." If not, then yeah Cloud would probably win against individual Links, certain ones over others, just based on the mechanics of each individual game.

Either way, though, it would always be close mainly because the properties of the Hylian shield are just waayyy OP. I mean kid Link, wearing it on his back, takes absolutely no damage whatsoever from falling volcano debris (OoT), no crushing damage from the weight of the projectiles, no heat damage from the fact that they were JUST in a volcano, and no shrapnel/splash effect damage. It's almost as if every aspect of an attack is completely negated as long as the shield is touched in some way shape or form.

That's just my thinking, though. I am probably very biased as I've found Cloud to be an absolutely abysmal character to play. I understand that dissonance is essential for catharsis but come oooon.

EDIT: Also, no offense to FF7 fans. But cooome ooooooon.
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
FFVII was my favorite FF game but I still think Link would win. Link is an extremely smart and resourceful fighter. Cloud almost always depended on 2 other teammates to help him fight.

^@ youtube, TBH I think the Advent Children movie was a mistake (Spoilers btw) . It really didn't go by the game at all and was poorly written to show off the CG fights. In the FFVII game, Cloud had a deep story and worked through it but then in the movie he's back to being a whiny little emo *****. The plot was really forced too; there wasn't a good reason Sephiroth could return. Then at the end Cloud fights him solo, like an idiot, as a way for Square-Enix to say "look at this bad*** fight we can pre-render!" IMO the movie was all flash and glitter and didn't represent the game at all.

If you look at the Advent Children movie, which is very unfair to compare to a game with all the big budget graphics, then Cloud looks like Superman. If you look at the games then Cloud is much more on Link's level. Cloud can't win just by being in something with showy graphics; it's like saying characters from N64 games are wimpier than characters from PS4 gen games. I've beaten the NES Loz 2nd quest and that was the most bad*** Link. Look at the legions of enemies he has to outsmart. He doesn't just hack through them:

PS my sunburn is peeling O.o
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Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
The sad irony is that most comedians are truly depressed inside. By making others laugh, they hide the pain and the scars they hold deep down inside. It is also by the same token that it isn't common to find comedians with a true dark side - per se very dark humor which would leave you speechless.

That is all I have to say about that.

Heero Yuy

Jan 27, 2013
In your closet
Even MK is broken in P:M...

We're counting on you Sakurai, the whole competitive community is. Don't make the same mistake twice of making him OP. Thanks. :)


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I wish Nintendo would make more Mario games in a big world, and not small separated stages, like SM Sunshine. I find it funny the Japanese version has English voices and some English writing but the grammar is incorrect. It says "Shine Get!" when you collect a shine but why not type that in Japanese?


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2013
Rives Junction, MI
Interesting... I wonder if it may be a cultural slang type thing? When I was visiting Germany it was weird seeing lots of weird slang and figures of speech based on English words (though not at all how we would use them). My favorite was the use of "handy" for cell phone. Sounds innocent enough until you read a sign that says, "Please, no handies in the cathedral."


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
New job starts tomorrow. Hype and nervous at the same time. So pretty much the next chapter in my life begins tomorrow. Mind = blown


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Thanks! And talk about mind getting blown to pieces.... My curiosity got the bed of me. I watched the Endless Eight. I could feel my mind unraveling.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Management at pizzahut. Shift manager stuff. So lower level management. Great opportunity though.
Way to go Bomber! Good stuff; you'll do great. :b:

I do some landscaping/gardening, online stuff and help my grandma and mom out a lot, which is like a part time job. Doctor's visits, groceries, cleaning, trash, and so on. At least I have a semi-flexible scheduled because insomnia and depression really suck. I wish art would sell but that's almost never the case for anyone.

In gaming news, I tried to beat the Blitz Ball Luca Tournament in FFX. It's a total cluster fudge, except for the fudge part if you know what I mean ;). I tried using strats from online:
but the problem is the game works with a 'offense vs defense stats: which overpowers the other?' system, a 9 offense play like shoot or pass should lose to a 10 or more defensive stat like block. But there is a "slight random element" to the numbers and what that really means is the opponent team can have 9 block and stop a 11 shoot or pass of my team's. :facepalm:
This probably won't make sense unless you've played FFX; then it will feel all too familiar :(.
On the FFX topic, I really like Auron's theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWtJOIFRDao


Aimin' to Misbehave
Mar 15, 2010
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Dude, Blitzball is where it's at. Yeah, the stats are random, I think it's usually a 50% variance or something like that. But it makes sense that there's some randomness; I mean, Patrick Peterson is probably the best cornerback in football today, but people complete passes on him. The way to win the tournament is to use Tidus' Jecht Shot in the second half. In the first half you can score but it's really tough, you basically need to be point blank with no defenders on you. Wakka's Venom Shot can score too.

The secret to Blitzball is wait until you can recruit Wakka (on the Airship I think) to start playing because Wakka and Tidus together as your forwards are ridiculous :awesome: Letty is solid as midfield; both of the defenders suck so I suggest getting others. Keepa isn't too bad as goalie until later levels (but then he magically gets like 99 shot which is just silly :awesome:).
It's a total cluster fudge, except for the fudge part if you know what I mean ;)
No, I don't Rizen. Sounds like a personal problem :p


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
^The Luca tournament is really hard though. I meant the randomness never once worked in my favor and I retried 4 times. The first 2 times the Luca Goers got the ball and scored in the first 20 seconds ad there was literally nothing I could do about it. I wish FFX would let me skip the cutscenes like later FF games.

@pic of the day:

"We interrupt this SSB4 daily updated to bring you Tekken!"
I know it's like Fusion's ending pic:

IMO they made ZSS over sexual in SSB4 and I wish they wouldn't have. I don't mind suggestive/sexual themes but IMO it doesn't fit Samus' character.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2013
Rives Junction, MI
Ehhh I dunno. I don't really mind it, considering the over-sexualization found in other fighting games (you know the jibbledy-jubbledy nonsense I'm talking about). Yeah she has heals, but at least they have logical function (unlike the heals in whatever the last metroid was [i dunno i don't play Samus games, leave me alone lol]). And now she has shorts and some kind of sports-bra thing? Makes as much sense as yoga clothes for fighting I guess.

I mean she already had the zero-suit, which is pretty much her exact body contour but blue with some lines. I just find it funny that making some of the same model skin-colored raises alarms. I'm talking in generalities though, such as how Tweety Bird was originally flesh-colored, but they changed it to yellow because some people thought it suggestive that a cartoon comedy bird might be naked or whatever (hilarious considering what else was going on in those cartoons). Or how the church officials wanted to paint cloths over all the Sistine Chapel wieners while the same exact painting depicts a man holding his own skin-bag (indicating he was flayed alive in martyrdom) and some gruesome hell-images.

I will say that I dislike the fact that it's obviously another cheap gimmick to try and pull in other gamer-demographics (such as with all of the "pro" controllers, which are all obviously just controllers from other platforms), but they gotta sell games and cover their bases so I guess it makes sense.

That's just my 2 cents. I get why people dislike it but as long as they don't miss out on balancing-time to recalibrate the boob physics I'm fine with it.
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Lol, there actually were nude ZSS texture hacks in Brawl.

My issue with ZSS is it feels like a character betrayal. I'm fine with having Nina (Tekken series) fight like that:

But it doesn't feel right for Samus. She looks like a Nina clone now, seriously^.

I've played a lot of Metroid games, starting with Metroid2 for the Game Boy. A big part of what made Samus a total bad*** was she was a woman who outdid space marines at their own game. She didn't have to be a skin tight leather wearing acrobat to be a tough woman. Sort of like Ms Pac-man, she stood as an independent woman icon that wasn't dominated by having to look hot for men and that made her all the more sexy when she finally removed her armor after completing a mission.

PS I'm all for equal rights but I'm not a feminist. I think feminism is stupid.
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Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2013
Rives Junction, MI
Yeah I agree to that point. It's kind of why Brienne of Tarth is my favorite GoT character. No nonsense, just legitimately functional gear and raw skill (her stature lends well to the type of fighting too, I guess). Also, I played a lot of Soul Calibur as well and mained Ivy. Always preferred the pirate getup because I thought it had more personality and actually hinted at her backstory.

PS It's just as bad as masculinism (not even a real word btw; funny how that works). Let's go for equality rather than over-compensated concession for past inequality.


Aimin' to Misbehave
Mar 15, 2010
Spartanburg, South Carolina
I played a lot of Soul Calibur as well and mained Ivy. Always preferred the pirate getup because I thought it had more personality and actually hinted at her backstory.
You mean the George Washington outfit?

There is only one correct main. Nightmare. Because he is a bad*** with a gigantic eyeball sword and a claw. Also, THOSE MINDGAMES


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I use Kilik. I'm good with the long range fighters but suck with quick close range and heavy brute fighters like Rock.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Talim was the other character I used. The super fast light girl and the super heavy slow guy.
Lol I was bad with Talim. I hopped around mashing buttons and hoped for the best.
I consider Nightmare/Sigfried more of a range character than a big brute fighter. I meant characters like Asteroth or Rock.
I haven't played Soul Calibur since SC3. I think the 5th game stirred things up by taking place a few decades later.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2013
Rives Junction, MI
Oh, I haven't played since 2.

And yes, the George Washington outfit, the comparison of which just makes it more awesome.

Since I played on the GC I also mained Link, obviously.

Speaking of games that aren't Smash, has anyone played Fallout 3 on a Windows 7 machine lately? I can't seem to get the dang thing to stop freezing. It's usually fine but sometimes it will freeze every 3-10 minutes or so. I tried limiting the game to only using 2 cores but that actually caused it to freeze instantly instead. Bah.
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