So it turns out an annoying cough this morning led to me only working half my shift, going home at noon, then I take a nap at 3, and wake up at 6 with joint pains, weakness, and a 101 degree fever. I've taken everything I'm supposed to take (and more, probably). I'm gonna wake up at 11 tomorrow, and if I'm not fit to drive, I can't make it to BRM, someone else can win for once. If I do make it tho, consider this your best chance of beating me, with the asterisk that I was sick as a dog the day before (and of). I don't even have energy to be salty right now, so I may not even rub it in if I win. I wonder how many of you are crossing your fingers that I won't make it, and how many are crossing fingers that they have a chance to beat me... hmmmmmmmm
tl;dr: No such thing as "enough" setups, I'm so sick I feel like dying, now's your chance to win a tourney and/or beat me in tourney.
And posting this literally made me tired, geezus. Like out of breath tired... GOODNIGHT