Another great way to SHDL that I noticed is to use the analog stick. With some practice, you should be able to get it about 8/10 times! Another good tech is to use this technique after doing a WD in the opposite direction than the one you are currently facing, after the WD, do the SHDL and what will happen (at least for me) is fox will pivot and do the SHDL. This is because when you hold the analog stick lets say to the left to do your WD, when you lift the stick up, your hand will try to keep the stick on the left side, so, you'll do a pivot.
The second tech I want to share is also relatively easy, but it's also hard because it involves the lasering, which unfortunately is pretty hard. Anyway, what you do is while you are performing your SHDL, hold either Z,R, or L and it will buffer a shield when you land. You can use this (with L or R) to shield grab if they aggress. Or, if you use Z, their attack will move you so you can go back to the neutral and probably throw out another laser or whatever you want.