The venue sucked, but it was a good tournament.
Now for shououts:
Shikami: Props goes to yas, you did a good job running the tournament amongst the chaos that was Lan Matrix. I would love to attend one of your tournaments in the future, even another LAN Matrix, but I would much rather you find a different, better venue, cause you cannot filter the Mookie.
Kyo & Iori: You guys are good. You guys continually improve. It's pretty crazy how far you and your crew have come in such short time. You have surpassed my expectations. I can't wait to face you guys again. I can't wait to see, how we, the south, will stand when Smash 3 comes around. My only wish, is for you guys to cut back on the somewhat role playing posts on the boards. :-P.
Ichigo: You put me out, lol. Your ganon is quite nice. Next time I won't try to use "Make you feel stupid Marth" on yas though. I should have learned my lesson after trying that on Kyo in our friendlies. I would love to money match you at the next tournament we cross paths. $5 best 2/3. You up for it?
Nite: Your Falco is good, and you were definitely a defining factor for our loss in the first crew battle. Whoever thought to throw you in on JC was a genious, cause his only weakness as Falco is basically dittos. Good ****z, but other than that I can't say much cause I didn't get to play you at all :-P.
Smashter Link/Marth/Co_Brad: I didn't get to play you guys at all. I wish I did. I actually wanted to get my money matches in after the crew battles, but due to the gayness of LAN Matrix that couldn't happen. Next time lets get those friendlies and money matches out of the way prior to the tournament.
Lance87: You have improved yo. Good ****z. I wish I could think of more to say though *shrug*. Keep it up.
Zero: Nice playing you again. I can't get enough of that Yo-Yo glitch stuff; however, you seem to get a bit too happy with the yo-yo, and that can be a great downfall. Use it wisely in the future.
McCloud: You got better at teching yo. I couldn't do that claw stuff to yas as much this time around :-P. Just continue working on your tech skill.
I can't think of much else, asside from my own crew, but I talk to them all the time so it's no biggie :-P.